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Godlike Heavy Middle Light
Sephiroth vs Odd Eye Todd Dukakis vs Mario Max vs Maria Traydor Taya vs Chisato Madison
Rolf Landale vs Celes Chere Wakka vs Asellus Jessica De'Alkirk vs Midboss Palom vs Louise
Indalecio vs Choko T260G vs Lundgren Shion Uzuki vs Gafgarion, Gaff Forde vs Edward Damcyan
Deamoned vs Yuna Garai vs Artea Mog vs Strago Magus Seth vs Zhuzhen Liu
Week 3 - Quarterfinals

Sephiroth (FF7) Sephiroth vs Odd Eye Odd Eye (SF2)

You know the one about Odd Eye and the half blind woman in a bar?

So did Sephiroth. He was so annoyed by the joke that he Shadow Flared the entire bar into ashes, and randomly slaughtered a good half of the combined Shining Force cast, including the recently downgraded and oft mocked Zeon.

Odd Eye personally led the counter attack, united villians and heroes to smash Sephiroth for his wrongdoing. Bowie and Geshp stood in arms together, ready and willing to bring down the arrogant One Winged Angel.

Sephiroth promptly called in a favor with a certain pair of meglomanic Godlikes, promising them a week each in his exclusive villa if they helped him crush the 'foul Shining Force rebellion.'.

Rashidi and Loki's 'great scrub purge' became a thing of legends.

Sephiroth: 54
Odd Eye: 23

sephiroth is God ^^

Die Sephiroth die!

Rolf Landale (PS2) Rolf Landale vs Celes Chere Celes Chere (FF6)

It was a short match. Rolf showed up ready to fight, attacks at the ready.

Celes showed up dressed as a Numan, all the way down to the tiny, tiny outift.

It was no wonder that Rolf was too distracted to do much but drool while Celes worked her magic on him. It was a quick encounter, but Celes is damn talented at that. Rolf got a good hit in before Celes made him go down, which almost matters as much as winning. Almost.

Rolf Landale: 26
Celes Chere: 47

And Rolf went on to win against Celes, and the agent from Mota dispatched of Celes with a few slashes of the neisword and caste Migid for the finishing blow, her ragnarok just can't seem to do enough damage against the nei-chest and nei-helm.

Indalecio (SO2) Indalecio vs Choko Choko (AtLC)

A sweet, satanic little girl.

A bio-engineered construction bent on the destruction of all existance.

Clearly, only one thing could come of this.

Namely, Choko leaving a note saying that she'd call the match, and that she'd get in touch with Indalecio in a few hundred years, when she grew up a bit more.

It seems Choko has a crush on someone.

Indalecio's tripled the guards on his room.

Indalecio: 47
Choko: 11

Deamoned (BoF5) Deamoned vs Yuna Yuna (FFX)

Deamoned had trained and honed his skills for this moment.

This would be the pinnacle of his career.

And everything went exactly as he planned it.

Battered, bruised, he still managed to rise up and strike at his foe, Bahamut, the mightiest dragon of all time. Bahamut, unable to stand up to the force of Deamoned, collapsed and shattered into a cloud of pyreflies.

And then, slowly, Deamoned limped out of the arena.

"...Doesn't he know that he has to beat me to win?" Yuna said, puzzled.

"Hmmm. Somehow, I don't think that was his goal to begin with..." Elyon said, watching from the crowd, as Deamoned marched out of the arena, leaving Yuna the victor.

Deamoned: 17
Yuna: 52

Todd Dukakis (WA3) Todd Dukakis vs Mario Mario (SMRPG)

Looking comfortable in her Fighting Artist outfit, sweating slightly, Maya Schroedinger stoped to glare at her sparring partner.
"What are you doing, Todd, you have a duel tomorrow!"
"Forgive me, my Lady, I'm too distracted. But... my opponent. He hurls fireballs."
Knowing full well the true source of Todd's powers, Maya paused to consider. "Wait, who are you fighting again."
Todd grimaced. "The mighty plumber, Mario Mario."
Disappearing into the next room, Maya soon reappeared in a distinctive peach outfit, and tossed a book to Todd.
" 'The Princess Diaries: Mushroom Kingdom'? How devious."
"I was wondering why Virginia gave this to me last week. She's so thoughtful." Maya smiled. "Anyway, down to business."

Things went all too smoothly at first. Shady and Alfred managed to deter the real Princess, and Maya slipped in to escort Mario to the ring seamlessly.
The trouble arose just before Maya readied the cast iron frying pan she'd brought to keep Mario from arriving at the match. The plucky plumber had raised his cheek expectantly, Maya hesitated, a bit afraid of what lie beneath the famed mustachio. Ever observant, Mario quickly realized that the pink-clad woman beside him wasn't his beloved Princess.
A race ensued to the arena, where Todd was already waiting. Ever swift, Mario managed to keep ahead of the drifter, and a start to the match was called.
Not realizing all this in the chase, Maya carried out her original brain-bashing plan mid-Arena. Seeing Virginia's dismayed face in the crowd, Maya realized her error immediately and signaled a swift retreat to her butler.

The repercussions in the Duelling League were hardly so swift. Aided by an elated Bowser, rumor quickly spread of discord for the long-running couple, the first royal scandle ever seen in the Mushroom Kingdom. While the Princess insisted she was no where near the arena that day, Mario's silence on the matter seemed an unspoken confirmation of the rumor. How no one recalled that Mario was silent on all matters has yet to come up.
As for the Schroedingers, they've gotten off more or less scott free. Between the effectiveness of the disguise and the blow to the head, Mario never did figure out exactly who intervened in Todd's favor. Of course, this is of little comfort to Maya, her band continuing to rival such organizations as the Turks in terms of Duelling records.
But there's always the next treasure to look forward to, so Maya won't be able to stay down for long.

Todd Dukakis: 24
Mario: 47

Wakka (FFX) Wakka vs Asellus Asellus (Saga)

Asellus' plan for winning this match was simple. Get in, use Fascination on the enemy, beat him to the ground, win.

Alas, she forgot a little flaw in her plan. Namely, her opponent's wife. A pair of Flares reminded her of this immediately though. Needless to say, Lulu was a little displeased when the half-human Mystic Lord charmed her husband.

Fortunately for Wakka, he was caught in the blast radius of the spell, so he wasn't disqualified. Even more fortunately, he had somehow stayed up longer than Asellus in the magical assault, so he was declared the winner shortly before he passed out. Guess being drugged up in Mystic Magic delays your reaction to pain and death a bit.

As for Asellus? Well, she had apparently forgotten yet another flaw in her plan. Namely, her own wife. Princess White Rose was none too displeased with the tactics she's been using this season. The tell-tale sounds of a full-fledged domestic fight (complete with Asellus pleading that "It wasn't what it looked like!") was heard in the castle of Fascinaturu for quite some time.

Wakka: 44
Asellus: 35

Unfortunatly, Wakka decided to take Lezard up on his offer of drinks before the match.

Wakka woke up four days later with a massive headache and no memory.

However, Pretty Princess Wacala evidently stood in on the match, and not only soundly trounced Asellus in battle, but also won her heart. To her very, very great disturbment.

T260G (Saga) T260G vs Lundgren Lundgren (FE7)

"Well, little Lyn," Lundgren smiled as he addressed the Noble Lady of Caelin, "what brings you to my abode? Are you here to cheer me on?"

Lyn looked out at the arena field, eyeing up the trash can that had defeated her seasons ago. She then looked back at Lundgren, his dark eyes and wrinkled face grinning with conceitedness and contempt.

"Yeah," Lyn said, "that's it. Have fun, and good luck"

"What was that?!" A cry came out from the shadows above Lyn. A swoosh of air, and a raven flew down to Lyn's feet. Seconds later, the raven materialized into a man, black wings at his back, and sexy leather pants and shirt adorning his body. Naesala, the Crow King, stared back at the Lord standing in front of him. "You were supposed to tell him the 'bot's weakness! I paid good money for that!"

"Yeah, but...he deserves what's coming to him. It would be wrong for him to win when he didn't truly deserve it"

Naesala shook his head. "Well, let's just hope you can do some damage next season, or Fire Emblem will be stuck with the stigma of being relegated to Light and Middle victories...at least until I make my way into the annals of the DL" Naesala added with a cocky smile. "Until then, I'll be taking me leave. And you owe me, little girl!"

With that, Naesala returned to his raven form, and flew off. Lyn stared into the sky as he flew off. Yes, it would be nice to see more wins for Fire Emblem, she thought. But, to see those wins attached to a name that oozed of vile ambitions? It wasn't right.

Whatever the case, she'd just have to work extra hard next season.

T260G: 44
Lundgren: 19

Garai (CC) Garai vs Artea Artea (Lufia2)

Artea's damn good at destroying the undead. Between Zap and the skills he shows in the Shrine of Vengence, he's got all the tools needed to put down even the most restless of spirits.

In this case, neither Zap or the ability to deal with angry spirits is what's needed. A Zirco Rod to the face with a lot of healing mixed in was plenty to down Garai, even if it took a painfully long time to win.

Garai: 29
Artea: 41

Max (SF1) Max vs Maria Traydor Maria Traydor (SO3)

Maria and Max - it was to be the stuff of legends. The ancient hero Max, wielder of the Chaos Breaker and juggernaut of light, against Maria, the beautiful goddess of gunnery. It was to be the greatest show the worlds had ever seen.

But it never happened. Max, upon hearing about Sephiroth's slaughtering of a bar full of Shining Force warriors, and his subsequent alliance with Loki and Rashidi in the "Great Scrub Purge", was furious. He never arrived to the match, which irritated Maria: the nerve of him to stand her up!

However, after Maria found and confronted Max about the issue, the two of them decided to join forces to get revenge on the cocky Godlikes...


As Loki and Rashidi sat by Sephiroth's pool, drinking margaritas served by scantily-clad cabana boys (Wise Men sure have their oddities), a dark shadow overwhelmed the formerly bright and blue sky.

"What's this, momma's boy?" Loki snidely remarked to Sephiroth. "You promised us a perfect day in the sun!"

"It wasn't supposed to rain until next week..." the One-Winged Angel trailed off.

From high above the villa, the large shadow began to glow a bright green colour. About ten seconds later, a huge burst of energy erupted from the shadow, aimed right at the villa.

"My brittle old man hips..." Rashidi moaned, right before the beam struck the ground.

Max and Maria's great "Godlike Smack-Down" became the newest thing of legends.

Max: 29
Maria Traydor: 37

Jessica De'Alkirk (Lunar1) Jessica De'Alkirk vs Midboss Midboss (Disgaea)

Actually, Mid-Boss won this match quite handily.

However, since Mid-Boss winning gives you an ending, Jessica beat the game in a technical sense and hence got the win.

Poor Mid-Boss.

Jessica De'Alkirk: 42
Midboss: 35

Go Mid-Boss!

Shion Uzuki (XS) Shion Uzuki vs Gafgarion, Gaff Gafgarion, Gaff (FFT)

"And I'm saying this for the last time - Erde Kaiser is a perfectly fine thing, and not illegal in the slightest!"

"You're not capable of using it! You're just bringing this up in court because you can't win without it!"

{Would you both please stop yelling? You're giving me a headache.}

A court. Not any normal court, though - the Supreme RPGDL Court, run by the honourable judge Mewtwo. None of this People's Court junk - this required only the finest lawyers and legal aides in the land...

"Ladies, you're both absolutely adorable, but let's not overstep our bounds! Now, if you'll both put on your swimsuits..."

"For the last time!" Gaff yelled, a vein bulging on his forehead. "I. AM. NOT. A. GIRL"

"Really?" Zelos asked. "But...the pictures...oh dear god...the pictures! What have I been looking at!?"

{Would somone please take him out of this court room? He's getting on my nerves. Now, the primary issue people are arguing about with you is not whether you can learn to summon this stupid robot, but whether or not you actually can summon him. Am I correct?}

"Yes sir"

{Now, I've been hearing these arguments for the past hour, and they're getting repetitive. My ruling is that you are not allowed to utilize this robot summoning within the arena itself.}

Shion stared down at the ground, her face contorted, tears running down her eyes. Gaff, on the other hand, started dancing around the court room, screaming, "Gonna' cut loose! Footloose!"

{Note, however, that I said only within the confines of the arena.} Mewtwo added, a slight hint of sadistic tendency to his thoughts.

Shion stared at him, then looked over to Gaff. About five seconds later, a gigantic robotic foot came crashing through the court room, splattering pieces of Gaff all over the building.

Due to not being all together when the match came up, Gaff was forced to forfeit, awarding Shion the win.

After he was put back together, Gaff went to New York City, and proceeded to slaughter every broadway performer he could find, before another giant foot crushed him into several hundred pieces.

Godzilla was then awarded the key to the city. To celebrate, he ate Rick Santorum. And that's the story of how the world is now a better place.

Shion Uzuki: 51
Gafgarion, Gaff: 37

Mog (FF6) Mog vs Strago Magus Strago Magus (FF6)

metroid composite
If there's one thing you don't want to step on while dancing, it's a rake. Mog wins by dancing. Strago has Aqua Rake. I think the winner here is clear....

Mog: 35
Strago Magus: 69

Taya (SF2) Taya vs Chisato Madison Chisato Madison (SO2)

Joou Ranbu
Chisato was in a bit of a pickle in this match. Apparently, her match had to be held up a day later than the scheduled - and she just had her nails done. Cracking her hapless opponent's skull open would ruin her hands. (Nevermind she'd just crack her nails while abusing Odin, but it's the principle of the thing)

So, in order to maintain her nail polish intact (and possibly the Genova treaty), Chisato bribed a few judges to let her have a different sort of match. A... interview.

You see, normally, Chisato isn't allowed to interview her opponents in the arena. After the fifth time sending Sephiroth crying into the forest, calling out for his mommy, they decided it was too dangerous of a "plot power" to let the journalist have. However, this was a matter of life and death. Mostly to the judges, anyway. So, under threats of heavy blackmail and property damage in ways they'd rather not find out, the bank of judges gave the green light to Madison.

What happened afterwards, however, had to be kept secret. Nobody really knows exactly the things Chisato spilled out from Taya, but rumours of the sorceress running away to Mexico and adopting the identity of restaurant dishwasher "Frederico Vellasquez" are the newest rage among the DL gossip central. Another rumour has Taya admitting her lesbian affair with Tao, which would explain a sudden outburst of Taya X Tao yuri in the internet. A third rumour even speculates the existence of a Tiny Bikini in Shining Force 2, which could only be worn by Taya, revealing the fact that she would not be a woman, but a crossdresser from Malaysia. Nevertheless, Chisato had another politically incorrect win under her belt, about 100,000 extra Fol in her account and a story for the DL Times.

Oh, yes: Chisato Madison broke her nails about twenty minutes after the interview thanks to Odin and Morte leering at her hands and cracking Penelope Pit-stop jokes. She didn't seem particularly mortified by that, either.

Taya: 28
Chisato Madison: 34

Palom (FF4) Palom vs Louise Louise (FE7)

Ahhh, Louise.

She loves children. Dotes on them, in fact.

When she learned her opponent was a child, she determined that she had to talk the sweet little boy out of fighting. Armed with this determination, she marched into the arena.

Palom promptly gave her a six-swear-word commentary on her bust size and hit her with Flare before she could open her mouth. She was knocked cold.

Naturally, that was the end of the match.

However, it wasn't the end of Louise's determination.

Namely, to make Palom behave like a sweet little boy. Like he should.

Several days later, with Porom's help, she's got him chained up and gagged, but she's still hoping to withhold the cattle prod.

It's probably a vain hope. But hey, he's swearing less through the gag now.

Pent is just ignoring the whole situation, showing that the title of Sage is truly earned, for him.

Palom: 53
Louise: 31

Palom is a prodigy. Just ask him, he'll be happy to tell you. He's so smart that he has never needed to study for a single test in his life. So smart, that he already knows every tactic he needs to beat his opponents, there's no need to plan(no matter how much Porom tells him to). After all, he's a prodigy.

Well, his plan, or lack thereof, kind of backfired on him when his initial Firaga missed. Attack spells...don't...miss...!!! Why!? Why did this happen!? How could it!? It seems that the self-proclaimed prodigy had forgotten that Fire Emblem characters are allowed to dodge magic.

Standing there dumbfounded, Palom let out a streak of explitives that would make a sailor blush, and a child shouldn't even know.

Hearing this, the Lady Louise just couldn't let that stand, and gave Palom a sound spanking right there in the middle of the arena, much to the amusement of the crowd.

After the match, which the judges awarded to Louise, the young mage was subjected to an even greater indignity: his sister's endless chourus of "I told you so".

Forde (FE8) Forde vs Edward Damcyan Edward Damcyan (FF4)

Edward, you see, had a brilliant plan.

A simple one, too, inspired by an old saying. Music soothes the savage beast.

So, he charmed Forde's horse. After all, a mounted fighter can't do a thing without a horse.

Unfortunately, this has led to Forde's horse now following Edward around at a high speed, which naturally lends it's self well to combat with lance and sword.

Edward, desperately, tried to put the horse to sleep.

Edward evidently doesn't recall basic physics; Charging horse+sleep=still moving horse.

So, Edward ended up under about a ton of horse and heavily armored rider.

He's in a bodycast.

It's okay, the horse is coming to see him every day.

Poor horse. Magic can lead to such lack of taste, can't it?

Forde: 58
Edward Damcyan: 23

Forde >>>> Phailure with 10HKO damage.

Seth (FE8) Seth vs Zhuzhen Liu Zhuzhen Liu (SH1)

Take note mages of the DL: When a mage such as Zhuzhen only barely scrapes by a Fire Emblem warrior who has horrid magic resistance and pitiful accuracy, then goes up against a Fire Emblem paladin who has passable resistance and solid accuracy, there can only be one outcome.

Seth didn't have to make a single one of his skillful lance blows, as Zhuzhen Liu was never even there.

Seth: 42
Zhuzhen Liu: 23

Seth avenges his fellow Renais (former) General. Garcia shouldn't have lost in the first place...

The Super Equity Friends: Horticulture Gone Haywire
Super Equity Friends vs. Malibu Frahma

"Mwahahahh! Loser Equity Fools, you don't stand a chance against me in this form!" Malibu Frahma said, with an evil laughter and everything.

"There is one major flaw to your tactics though, Frahma!" Mystere exclaimed!

"That's right! You're powers are based on the rays of the Sun!" Alkaiser stated

"And yes! With that power, NOTHING CAN STOP ME!"

"Say, its getting hot in here, someone mind openning a window?" Gordon said randomly thinking out loud

"I would, but there are no Windows to open! It isn't even linked directly outside, so my Heroic Muscles can't even break down the walls!" Grand Pappillion responded

"And if there are no windows, there's no sun inside!" Princess Punisher concluded

"Which means you are through, Malibu Frahma!" Alkaiser stated, while charging up a Re-Al Phoenix, with the other Super Heros charging up their own trademark attacks

"Im...Impossible! How could I have overlooked that miscalculation!"

"Probably cause you're a failure at life" Princess Punisher responded

Moments later, and several explosions as well, where the "mighty" Malibu Frahma was standing was nothing more than a weak wingly begging for his life.

And so, the world was once again saved by...


Super Equity Friends: 43
Malibu Frahma: 19

;*( Orchestra

Draco Ignifer
If The Producers has taught us anything, it is that, in the world of drama, two wrongs make a very big right. Play glorifying Adolf Hitler? Jaw-dropping atrocity. Horrible actors? People storm in droves from the theatre. But put the two together, and you have a tale of epic proportions. With this under consideration, Seifer should have wonderful success, right?

Unfortunately, the math happened to be a little bit off. Y'see, Hitler + moron portraying him equals two mistakes. However, ;*( of the Opera only had one mistake - Seifer as sole actor. Yes, some might argue that you could split it in two - ruining Phantom of the Opera by only having one actor, and ruining Phantom of the Opera by casting Seifer in it. But on their own, these two may lead to a salvagable performance - a brillant actor, such as the legendary Shakespearean, Valgaav, could deliver a stunning monologue captivating audiences for hours. Similarly, wrapping Seifer in duct tape and calling him a column would only infringe upon a play's aesthetic sense a tiny bit. But two salvagable mistakes, not quite wrongs, add together to make a very big disaster.

And hence, it is with the utmost pity... well, maybe not... that the Shady Thousand's thugs explain to Seifer that, while they are truly moved... well, maybe not... by the fact that not a soul showed for his performance, but this does not forgive him from his upfront fee, and that they now must fracture his kneecaps... well, maybe not JUST his kneecaps.

Shady takes personal interest: 24
Kneecaps. Hammers.: 24
Success!: 20

When in doubt, pick the option most likely to collapse the universe. Gooo Seifer. >_>
