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Godlike Heavy Middle Light
Ramirez vs Melfice Luca Blight vs Gau Sheena Lepant vs Yuffie Kisaragi Quistis Trepe vs Evil Gaia
Rose vs Millenia Domingo vs Rosa Harvey Nina Wyndia vs Cleo Palom vs Ramus Farmain
Menardi vs Yunalesca Emily vs Miang Wiegraf Folles vs Cristo Locke Cole vs Melville
Lenneth Valkyrie vs Odd Eye Cloud Strife vs Lawfer Lilka Eleniak vs Rena Lanford Nara vs Algus Sadalfas
Week 2 - Eliminations

Ramirez (SoA) Ramirez vs Melfice Melfice (G2)

Melfice and Rameriz were very evenly matched foes. For several turns, the bosses traded Tundra and Wailing Soul Slash attacks, with it Melfice easily gaining the upper hand. Rameriz had to act fast, if he wanted to win.

"Hmpf. You're a decent fighter, Melfice, but the Nightmare consumes all.. Silver Nightmare!"

Melfice was encroached in what seemed like unending darkness. The darkness was telling him to kill...kill.... And with a slight effort, Melfice shrugged off Rameriz's best attack.

"Fool. For one who has raised arms against his brother, and had his love die on his blade.. your pathetic nightmare is merely a day's work for me!"

Melfice's final Wailing Soul Slash was accompanied by the sound of jagged chuckling.

Ramirez: 3
Melfice: 6

Rose (LoD) Rose vs Millenia Millenia (G2)

n speed, Rose > Millenia
In physical damage, Rose > Millenia
In physical defense, Rose > Millenia
In weapon strength, Rose > Millenia

Thus, Rose >>>> Millenia.
Thus, Rose wins.
Thus, Rose advances.
Thus, Rose doesn't stick around to hear Millenia complain immensely.

Rose: 11
Millenia: 2

Menardi (GS) Menardi vs Yunalesca Yunalesca (FFX)

Menardi was still shocked about actually winning last season, that this season, she decided to stay out of the fighting. She went a spa retreat, got a facial and a Swedish massage, and felt a whole lot better.

Yunalesca, on the other hand, basically got a bye while the last champion pampered herself.

Menardi: 2
Yunalesca: 7

metroid composite
According to the Summer Contest 2003 board Magus is GODLY and unbeatable because he has a scythe. Menardi also has a Scythe so she must be godly as well.
According to the majority of RPGDL goers, the SC2003 board is automatically wrong. Match to Yunalesca.

Lenneth Valkyrie (VPs) Lenneth Valkyrie vs Odd Eye Odd Eye (SF2)

If both the top general of the Greater Devils and Valkyrie-turned-supreme-being were both able-bodied, there's really little doubt that Lenneth would have the edge in a match of swordplay.

However, after Odd Eye drew first blood, Lenneth no longer had the advantage, since she was no longer able-bodied by virtue of being asleep. Which caused the edge to swing decidedly in the direction of her opponent.

Lenneth Valkyrie: 2
Odd Eye: 11

Luca Blight (S2) Luca Blight vs Gau Gau (FF6)

"DIE! I'LL KILL YOU ALL, PIGS!" Luca's voice ran through the arena, furious that he a young boy was his opponent.

"Pigs? Gau have Rage like that! And Gau launched into a Rage, confident that he was being witty. Of course, he wasn't Raging 'PIGS', but 'PUGS' was close enough to be equivalent, right? Besides, it even had that lovely 8x physical attack as a special...

Gau then accessed the Rage. Or he thought he did. Unfortunately, the Pugs Rage caused him to access null data. As Luca watched in as much shock as he ever allowed himself, Gau suddenly started flashing different colours, had a Condemned of count -128 appear above his head, was suddenly buried under 255 AtmaWeapons, and then finally, morphed into General Leo.

"AMAZING!" said Locke from the stands, jumping up. "It took us nine years of sorting through false rumours, but someone finally found a way to resurrect Leo!"

"DIE, PIG!" came the cry, followed by a flurry of swordslashes.

"... Bah," said Locke as he sat down again. "Looks like we'll have to wait another nine years."

Luca Blight: 10
Gau: 7

Ok, Luca Blight has 2 forms of Attacks: Fire Attacks and Physicals
Luca Blight also has Great defense. So what does Gau need to win? Obviously, Fire Protection, High Defense (and Magic Defense), and a GOod Defense Ignoring attack. Well, lets see what Gau has then...

High Defense: Only games 2nd highest (3rd if you count General Leo), gotta love that SNow Muffler

Fire Protection: 50% fire reduction thanks to, again, the Snow Muffler, and that's BEFORE raging. Some of his Rages will let him absorb/null fire :P

Defense Ignoring Attacks: Hmm...Luridan Rage uses Earth Slide, that nifty attack that makes Flare look not so good any more. Well, ok, he has a 50% chance of using that or a crappy fight command, but its better than Nothing.

Heck, we could just let this fight last forever, Gau being the Eventual Winner, by giving him Magic Pot Rage, forcing Luca Blight to use his Physicals, giving Gau random Cure3 castings.

Yeah, let this be a lesson that High Defense + Fire Protection + Healing or Defense Ignoring attacks tend to beat Luca Blight...maybe.

So...yeah, Gau has so many tricks up his sleeve, and being a Tank at the same time doesn't hurt...unless you happen to be his opponent that is :P

Domingo (SF1) Domingo vs Rosa Harvey Rosa Harvey (FF4)

Rosa, of course, was nervous going into battle against Domingo. After all, she had hear he had tentacles, which she had come to fear after that last inter-Final Fantasy-series wife-swapping party the week before. So, before entering the arena, she decked herself out in a hazmat suit.

Strangely enough, this worked out to her advantage, for Domingo, having been a test-tube baby himself, took one look at the white suit she wore, and high-tailed it out of the arena.

Domingo: 2
Rosa Harvey: 10

Emily (S3) Emily vs Miang Miang (XG)

What's there to say? Well, just three words. EMILY SMASH MIANG!!!!!!!!!!

Sadly, that's what happens to most anyone who has the poor luck to draw Emily.

Emily: 12
Miang: 3

Cloud Strife (FF7) Cloud Strife vs Lawfer Lawfer (VP1)

The two fighters traded blows, as Lawfer charged his PWS and Cloud readied his Limit. Finally, the two drew apart, ready to strike.

Cloud gave a sardonic smile as he felt the energy of his anger about to pour over into a limit. "Omnislash," he said. "You've heard of it. Fifteen consecutive attacks. Nothing survives that."

Lawfer responded by attacking Cloud. The sequence of Smash Axe, Prisoner Fang, and Triple Thrust hit Cloud five times, then the spearman launched into Justice Stream, adding ten more blows to the ex-SOLDIER. When he was finished, a badly slashed up Cloud slumped to the ground.

"I wasn't quite sure myself," said Lawfer, cautiously. "But yes, it seems that fifteen consecutive attacks are indeed fatal."

Cloud Strife: 7
Lawfer: 10

Sheena Lepant (Suikos) Sheena Lepant vs Yuffie Kisaragi Yuffie Kisaragi (FF7)

Sheena just can't hit a girl.

This time, it's absolutely true, though, since Conformer knocks him off his feet.

Sheena Lepant: 7
Yuffie Kisaragi: 8

Nina Wyndia (BoF1) Nina Wyndia vs Cleo Cleo (S1)

This one is close, but the fact that Nina can just keep boosting her stats and can use Hold and Idle to slow down Cleo, I think she MAY just pull this off. And Fire Rune isn't doing much when Nina opens with inniative Wall...This is close though

Nina Wyndia: 10
Cleo: 5

Wiegraf Folles (FFT) Wiegraf Folles vs Cristo Cristo (DW4)

Set to "going under", by Evansence

now i will tell you what i've done for you

My princess, I won't fail.

50 thousand tears i've cried

Healall! Upper! I will not fall so quickly, Weigraf!

screaming deceiving and bleeding for you

*Slash* *Counter* All for you...

and you still won't hear me

You can't, you shouldn't... your father won't let us...

don't want your hand this time i'll save myself

Stay out of this, Princess. I will stand on my own. *Slash*

maybe i'll wake up for once

Defeat! ......Damn.

not tormented daily defeated by you

*Cough* I....I...

just when i thought i'd reached the bottom


i'm dying again

Not... DIE. *Slash*

i'm going under

*Slash* *Counter* Urgh..

drowning in you

Not...another... Lighting...Stab...

i've got to break through

*Slash* *Thud*

i'm going under..

Wiegraf Folles: 5
Cristo: 6

Lilka Eleniak (WA2) Lilka Eleniak vs Rena Lanford Rena Lanford (SO2)

Like You Even Need To Guess
As the match between Lilka and Rena begins, the crowd notices something... different... about Lilka. She's glowing red, with a murderous look in her eyes as she stares at Rena. With animalistic rage, she charges in, beginning to beat the living bejeezus out of the poor SO2 cast member with her umbrella. The refs quickly call the match so the corpse of Rena can at least be identified by her dental records.


Later on, Luca Blight is seen heading towards a dark ally to meet with a shadowy cloaked figure. Luca looks at him expectantly. The cloaked figure smiles and tosses him a slip of paper. "There, a pass to Fun City. Kill as many of them as you'd like. And I must thank you for doing me this favor, since you had a match this week too, and all."

Luca smiles maniacally and takes it, running off. The shadowed figure just smiles, walking back home whistling a happy tune...

Lilka Eleniak: 11
Rena Lanford: 4

Quistis Trepe (FF8) Quistis Trepe vs Evil Gaia Evil Gaia (G1)

Evil Gaia decided to try and use Poizn until he caught Quistis on it. Unfortunately, he failed every single time, and Quistis smacked him to death with Save the Queen. The last thing it heard was Quistis cackling and demanding that it call her queen.

Quistis Trepe: 13
Evil Gaia: 1

Palom (FF4) Palom vs Ramus Farmain Ramus Farmain (Lunar1)

Pipe Dreamer
Palom smirked. "Flare!"

Nuclear energy converged upon his target, enveloping it with deafening explosions. As the hapless victim was heated to fantastic tempratures, everything in its immediate vincinity was incinerated beyond recognition.

Smirk still on his face, Palom took a swig of Elixir. The RPGDL Arena shall be the site of a miniature nuclear holacaust the next day, and his opponent - poor, fat, four-eyed Ramus - was to be the center of it. Had Palom's voice been deep enough, he would have let out a Laugh of Pure Evil.

Palom's inner gloating was interrupted by a knock at the door. The person at the other side happened to be none other than the future receipent of his Flare spell. Scowling in displeasure, Palom nonetheless invited Ramus in.

"I just came by to wish you good luck on the match tomorrow," Ramus said somewhat breathlessly, his face a picture of innocence. "And I wanted to give you this" - he reached into his pocket and took out a ring - "it's a good luck charm. Don't wear it until you're in the arena, or you won't get by the illegal equipment check."

Palom examined the ring suspiciously after the boy from Burg left. It seemed ordinary enough, but Palom wasn't nearly as naive as to believe that his opponent would actually give him a piece of equipment "just for good luck." Shaking his head, he stuffed the ring into his pocket and decided that he'd show Ramus - there's no reason he won't be able to win, ring or no ring!


Ramus's face was still a picture of innocence when he stood at his end of the arena awaiting his opponent to arrive, but deep inside his evil grin could rival Palom's. A few minutes more - and he'd show that arrogant little boy what a few business contacts in other RPG universes could do. The crowds it would draw to his store - the silver he'd pull in just selling those worthless trinkets - it was all Ramus could do to not break out in evil laughter.

It wasn't Palom who appeared at the other end of the Arena, though. It was yellowish brown, it wore nothing but a metallic helmet, and his side of the HP counter read 1.

It was Jogurt.

Ramus smiled now. That little brat really did fall for it and put on that Jogurt Ring. The poor thing didn't even know that he was without magic, without stats, without equipment. Ramus stepped forward, prepared to end the apprentice-cum-cute-mascot's life with one stab of his knife...

Except the crowd didn't think so. Having seen Jogurt's win in the Ultimate Pwnage match, having seen Jogurt single-handedly dispatch Ryu5 in the Contest of Champions - those good-hearted folk couldn't bear to see Ramus go up against such a god. Ramus was suddenly the target of half a dozen warp spells.

When Ramus found his way back to the RPGDL arena, that season's Light champion had already been crowned.

Palom: 16
Ramus Farmain: 2

Palom has Damage Output, Ramus does not
Palom has stat progression in all areas, kind of. Ramus has stat progression in HP
Palom has Nuke, Ramus has a sling shot and darts
Palom has a skill set, Ramus has...money and a shop
Too bad neither will get you very far in a fight.
Palom will win, Ramus will die

Locke Cole (FF6) Locke Cole vs Melville Melville (S3)

Locke can equip Wing Edge, get even faster, and get a 25% chance to kill Melville each hit. If Meville can't kill Locke in 4 turns, he's basically lost...heck, what am I saying? Valiant Knife would win there too, since ecah turn, providing Locke's hit (and if he's not, well, that's a free turn for Locke, but his M. Block isn't that great), his damage goes up too. Its like first 2200, then 3200, then 4000...which is almost as much cumulatitve damage as, say, Ultima. Don't think Meville is surviving that.

Locke Cole: 13
Melville: 8

Nara (DW4) Nara vs Algus Sadalfas Algus Sadalfas (FFT)

Algus, being the sneaky bastard that he is, knew that he would beat Nara without firing a single shot.

"You can run now, peasant girl, and I'll deign to show you mercy." Algus's cruel smile caused Nara to grimace, and began casting the Infermost spell.

"Not taking me up on my offer, animal?" Algus's smile had slipped, rendering his face into a cold mask of hate. "Fine. Have it your way."

"Annnnnnnnnnd, up for sale in the next auction in Kuja's auction house is the fabled Nara/Mara Yuri Doijin! Bids start at 10000 gil!"

Nara turned a deathly shade of white, and ran towards the auction house, screaming and firing off attack spells at anything that moved. Several minutes later, when it was obvious she wouldn't return, Algus recived the win by default.

Algus winced as he saw what happened to the person who he had paid to make the claim about the Doijin. Shrugging, Algus wrote off the cost of a Phoenix Down as a small price to pay for an easy victory..

Nara: 5
Algus Sadalfas: 6

Orlandu vs Truecalc SCC

~metroid composite

metroid composite
RPGDL's Truecalc Update 5A


Everyone uses Thief Hat, Wizard Robe, Angel Ring, except for the Aquarius who uses Thief Hat, Black Costume, Magic Gauntlet. Octagon Rods on all.

Right, PBF:


R=Ramza (Pisces)
T=Female Taurus

The point is that the Aquarius can survive HE so I can make a formation designed to bait Orlandu forward and not worry about him KOing everyone with HE and LS before I can move. Anyway, Orlandu moves to the panel two in front of the Aquarius (to the left on the PBF picture) using Hellcry Punch on the Taurus behind. Dead. He then gets his double turn and has to come deep forward in order to kill another Taurus/Pisces. He opts for the Taurus (dead) at which point everyone gets their turn thanks to Angel Rings and things look like this:


U=Unarmed Taurus.

Allowing me to hit him with everyone like so:

_U__ Ramza goes through the shield for 180. Taurus goes through the shield, through the front evade for a nice 216 damage. Unarmed Taurus attacks *denied*. Well it's not like I needed the 18 damage anyway (on a side note *hugs high brave starting generic*). At this point I poke him from the back with the Aquarius (108) and end the battle.


Orlandu: 6
Calculators: 9