Season 15, Week 2
Single-handedly taking on Gears - while on foot, no less! - is Grahf's most impressive credential, but Super Guided Shot is what makes him the Godlike that he is. This powerful attack kills even the strongest of foes, in gear or on foot, in two uses. Backed up by his excellent speed, it's usually more than enough for a quick victory. A quick victory will be exactly what he needs in this match; while Grahf does hold the speed advantage, he cannot withstand the terrifying power of Scorch for long.



Heavy burns. Those two words describe Rubicant's ascension to the League's top division, and he shows no signs of slowing down now that he's reached that elite circle. His Heavy championship is now a memory, as he attempts to build on that legacy against the Seeker of Power. The strategy in question is simple: Scorch Grahf into a charred pile of ash and advance onward. Not even the man whom can battle Gears can hope to survive the burning flames of the Fiend of Fire.

Sage Acrin
Rubicant, feeling that Grahf couldn't beat him in a normal battle, decided to be chivalrous and challenge Grahf to a game of chess.

Grahf was up a couple of pawns and a bishop, too, before he happened to get annoyed at a buzzing fly, blast it with a Super Guided Shot, and split the chess board (and table) in two in the process, getting Rubicant declared the winner.

Grahf was later seen enrolling in an anger management course.

Grahf: 14
Rubicant: 34