Season 2, Week 1
Liete makes a good match for her opponent, easily matching him in matters of coolness and tastefully great appearance. However, her tactics differ more than slightly. Liete will want to rely on her high defensive stats to keep her from any damage she may take when using her spells. And by spells, what is really meant is Enclose. By shutting Todd down for a few turns, it gives Liete free reign to use some of her more powerful spells upon him. The true strength of this spell will be that if Liete can't manage to kill Todd in that barrage, she'll be able to shut him down again, and won't need to worry about his healing himself during the Enclose. A little of the knowledge of Angelou goes a long way against Afro Man.



Here comes...AFROMAN!!! Decked out in all the hippest pimp gear of the decade, the legendary mack daddy himself is here to spread his groove to the RPGDL! Now that THAT's out of the way...Todd Dukakis is a fine afro-wearing swordsman. He's quick, strong, and has a good Confusion attack to use. He's got good longevity, afro! He's got a weakness to fire ( since it sets his badass afro on fire ), but he's afro! Yes, ph33r the afro! With his fast-draw, speed, and afro, Nabes...Todd is poised to win!

After the match was over, Todd was mourning his beloved afro. First it had been crushed into a cube with Enclose, and then set on fire with DragonZap. "I sure hope that THIS coloured her tablet red," he sniffed.

Liete: 5
Todd Dukakis: 3
Just like to mention that Todd also boasts Divide Shot (50% damage to target's current HP) along with Psycho Crack.