Season 52, Week 4
(Chrono Cross)
The power of mystic blood is no matter for Serge's deadly attacks. Every day Asellus feels every crime, and she just stares up in the sky and wonders why. Afraid of her powers and feelings, deranged and sad. Hold on to the promise of humanity, use it for a crutch; the almighty Serge will crush it into dust. Leave now before your pitiful sword turns to rust. You're not getting older and you wonder why, you waste time while a Flying Arrow knocks you down and makes you cry. Double cursed blood means weakness strikes twice, your death will be in vain and son of Lynx will fly sky high.



The half-mystic Asellus has finally hit her stride after many attempts at a Heavy championship, and a boy from Hicksville certainly cannot down the Lady of Facinaturu. And Serge's title as the arbiter of time is just that: a title. It's not the battle prowess required to take on someone with the unbridled potential of human strength meshed with the unimaginable base power and arcane knowledge of the Mystics. As such, Asellus is sure to show the young Serge a deadly good time: once she Mystic Changes, a Lifesprinkler and a good night kiss are all she'll need to grace him with.

Serge was beginning to see a pattern.

While other healers and buffers created Force Fields and magically-hardened armor, Asellus took to stopping his physical blows with a simple wall of glass.

Glass! It wasn't even particularly thick glass! And it only took a tiny whack with his swallow to have the whole thing come crashing down around him, leaving the girl unprotected...

But he didn't count on broken shards of glass hurting so much. And as quickly as he slammed through one wall of glass, Asellus raised another to take its place. It felt like some kind of endless, self-inflicted torture. He idly wondered what Kid would say if he went back with his arms full of jagged cuts...

Oh no, they'd probably send him to therapy again... Damnit. He hated therapy. Just because you tell them that you think your father possessed your body and forced your soul into his mutated-into-the-thing-you-fear-most demihuman shell in an attempt to revive an ancient evil world-destroying alien from beyond the edge of time IS NO REASON TO PUT SOMEONE IN THERAPY WITH ALBEDO! Serge tried not to whimper at this thought, which stung more than a thousand glass shards cutting into his wrists...

Eventually, the match was called when Serge became too emo to continue fighting.

Serge: 12
Asellus: 30