Season 40, Week 2
(Suikoden 5)
Cloaked in darkness and mystery, Zerase is a foe that few should take lightly. Her sharp tongue is almost as fearsome as her magic prowess, and while her Star Rune may not be a true rune, it’s amazing power still makes it one of the most powerful runes to hail from her home. Only the most magically durable or lightning-quick could home to stand against such might, and neither of those describe Rudy Roughknight. He may be a decent fighter, but without the raw damage to kill Zerase in one hit or the speed to keep up with her, he’ll quickly be stunned and destroyed by an assault of Meteors and Comets. After this match, the only place Rudy will be going is back to the junkyard. Zerase shall advance forward!



A walking, talking (er, well, maybe not talking...) weapon of mass destruction against a mysterious sorceress with a rune that controls the very stars? Sounds like something out of a, well, a video game. Go figure, eh? Anyway, this is a battle of pure power between technology and magic, as Rudy and Zerase each bring their respective mechanical and mystical power to bear and hope to be the last one standing. The problem for Zerase is that Rudy doesn't fall down easily. But her, on the other hand...well, 'takes hits like a suikomage' isn't considered an insult for no reason. A single Lock-On backed Arch Smash should be all this blue haired ballistics expert needs to mop up his frail opponent here.


Silent, deadly, a threat to all that opposed him.

His ARM, a frightening, forbidden weapon, would simply obliterate all that opposed him.

There was really only one problem.


"Well, that was easy." Zerase noted, as Rudy wandered out of the arena.

Zerase, possibly powerful than Rudy himself, her rare rune sparkling into the arena, had one advantage that Rudy could never have fought.

She knew how to make silent mains do whatever the hell she wanted.

Zerase: 39
Rudy Roughknight: 16