Season 34, Week 3
(Suikoden Series)
While the pretty little bishounen may have not succeeded in his goal to destroy the world with the power of angst and hatred, he at least did one thing right; slaying the inferior evildoer Menardi. And now, he will crush the puny former Middle! Delita Hyral, for all of his conniving, cannot stand against the power of a True Rune user. While being clever may have gotten the ‘Holy’ Knight as far as it has, his luck ends with a well-timed shot of Funeral Wind. No amount of physical power can stand against one of Suikoden’s most elite mages, and his adapt sorcery will lead Luc into the semi-finals.



Coming off a five-match winning streak, Delita faces yet another Suikoden character. Instead of a Thunder Rune user, he has to go up against the True Wind Rune...oh, and Luc. While Luc might be a powerful mage with very potent magic, all of his fancy abilities are useless against a Holy Explosion to the face. Eloquent techniques and magic studying can be useful, but when you are as frail and girly as the world-destruction bent Luc, you should really watch out for vengeful Holy Knights. And after all, Delita couldn’t rule a world if some angsty mage burned it down, could he?

Rapturous in his newfound philosophy, Luc had little trouble deciding upon a winning strategy for his battle with Delita. It would be an exhausting display, but it would be well worth it.

Thus, the match started, and rather than facing a short and frail wind mage, he instead saw Teta, jerkily moving towards him as though a puppet on a string. The perpetually non-dead young girl circled her brother as though in a dance, bobbing a little as though nearly fainting.

Luc had made a slight miscalculation. He had assumed that, while the fine control needed to move a.... well, ALMOST a corpse, using air would be difficult, it wouldn't drain his magical resources significantly, allowing him to blast Delita out of the ring at the climax of Teta's dance. Instead, however, he was nearly passing out midway through.

Needless to say, Delita, enraged beyond mere words, quickly made Luc pay for his miscalculation, smashing Luc with his blade quickly even by the standards of Luc facing down physical attacks.

Waking up a few hours later, Luc pondered. "It seems Teta jokes are overdone. Oh well. Best to build up favor for next time. Sarah!" he called, knowing that the pale woman wouldn't be far. "It seems we must visit Alma Kinan afterall. Oh, don't make that face, it's just for a few months of... training."

Luc: 36
Delita Hyral: 54

metroid composite
It's almost inconcievable to imagine Luc losing. I mean, the man is -dead sexy-, what could ever top that? Unfortunately for him, Delita is also dead sexy....