Season 26, Week 1
(Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones)
No mercy! Though General Moonstone won't be spilling any blood today, oil looks similar enough to sate his thirst for battle just the same. Valter, defiant general and vile human being, has been hungering for a glorious battle ever since his ranking, and now he shall have it! With a Killer Lance held high, Valter's well-equipped to handle even the Laconian Armor that Wren wears. Mounted on his terrifying wyvern, Valter can swoop and manuever around the android, preventing even Wren's sophisticated targeting systems from locking on to him. And then, when Wren leaves a weak point open, Valter can swoop in and strike. A well-aimed, piercing lance to the head should completely scramble the mechanical warrior's circuits, sending the giant piece of scrap to the junkyard, a testament to Valter's blood-thirst and terror-inducing power.



Phantasy Star IV has made its mark on the DL - seven division champions, seven upgrades, and seven swaths of destruction carved through the league. But the most notable exception to the trend is PS4’s tankiest robot, Wren. returning for another chance at dominance after a crushing loss to the Runologist Nel Zelpher, the android’s next fight is against…a madman. Valter is a classic villain, insane and deadly. His mastery of spear-swinging might be enough for many brave warriors to handle, but not for Wren! The android is tough to damage with physical blows, and physical blows are all Valter has. Wren's defense and massive amounts of healing will give the wyvern rider fits, and his plasma rifle will send him packing. Valter might be able to crush some of Heavy’s punier characters, but this unholy tank has him outmatched.

For a war of Unstoppable Force and Immovable Object, Valter and Wren's match had really worked up the crowd. Perhaps it was Wren's seemingly risky attacks, or the sheer speed and fury of Valter's lance-work, or Valter's almost unending taunts, trying to get under the android's skin. Unsuccessfully of course.
Finally, Valter decided to make one last, decisive pass at his adversary. This time, the taunt struck a little closer to home. "Perhaps after my victory I'll look up this Demi. A child with energy will be just the ticket after this boring contest."
The results were somewhat unexpected, to put it mildly. As all of Wren's cavities and other compartments began to open up, the rest of the Phantasy Star IV cast quietly exited the arena and fled for dear life.
Very soon it was encased in a glowing green dome of pure energy. Then it exploded. The ultimate android technique; Positron Ultima.
When it all faded, Wren calmly acknowledged his victory and walked off to recharge, oblivious to the general wreckage aroud him.
As for Valter? Well, a crack team of mysterious cloaked medics are working on reconstituting his disintirated particles now. Of course, it'll be months until they get it right, but its the thought that counts.

Valter: 27
Wren: 46