Season 25, Week 3
Todd Dukakis
(Wild Arms 3)
The Afro of Divine Justice brought Todd to victory over the dark, brooding Elmdor! Now, the Dukakis magic heads onward in Heavy, facing a bran new challenge this week in the platforming master Mario. And Todd won't let a fat little plumber take away his glory! With a deadly arsenal of Fast Draws, Todd can disable and cut up his foe in quick fashion. Utilizing such high-powered attacks as Psycho Crack, Divide Shot and Black Fenrir, there's no way Todd can lose. With his superior constitution (which makes sense - fat plumber eats too much), Todd can outrun and outdraw the Italian stereotype, sending him back to 8-bit where he belongs.



And it seems the boss of this world for Mario is... a guy with a giant afro!? Well, Mario's come a long way, and maybe his enemies have too. Certainly, Mario's not going to let some random sword-wielding butler thwart his road to the top of Heavy. In a normal slugfest, Mario might have some trouble; his opponent is decently durable and not a total slouch. But Mario has the power of fire on his side! The fire that can set Todd's Afro aflame, causing his life to be sucked away into a cloud of death. Even ignoring this edge, Mario is certainly evenly matched with a random mid-boss, with his powerful jumps and massive turtle shells to the face. Mario won't even need an axe and a pit of lava for this boss.

Looking comfortable in her Fighting Artist outfit, sweating slightly, Maya Schroedinger stoped to glare at her sparring partner.
"What are you doing, Todd, you have a duel tomorrow!"
"Forgive me, my Lady, I'm too distracted. But... my opponent. He hurls fireballs."
Knowing full well the true source of Todd's powers, Maya paused to consider. "Wait, who are you fighting again."
Todd grimaced. "The mighty plumber, Mario Mario."
Disappearing into the next room, Maya soon reappeared in a distinctive peach outfit, and tossed a book to Todd.
" 'The Princess Diaries: Mushroom Kingdom'? How devious."
"I was wondering why Virginia gave this to me last week. She's so thoughtful." Maya smiled. "Anyway, down to business."

Things went all too smoothly at first. Shady and Alfred managed to deter the real Princess, and Maya slipped in to escort Mario to the ring seamlessly.
The trouble arose just before Maya readied the cast iron frying pan she'd brought to keep Mario from arriving at the match. The plucky plumber had raised his cheek expectantly, Maya hesitated, a bit afraid of what lie beneath the famed mustachio. Ever observant, Mario quickly realized that the pink-clad woman beside him wasn't his beloved Princess.
A race ensued to the arena, where Todd was already waiting. Ever swift, Mario managed to keep ahead of the drifter, and a start to the match was called.
Not realizing all this in the chase, Maya carried out her original brain-bashing plan mid-Arena. Seeing Virginia's dismayed face in the crowd, Maya realized her error immediately and signaled a swift retreat to her butler.

The repercussions in the Duelling League were hardly so swift. Aided by an elated Bowser, rumor quickly spread of discord for the long-running couple, the first royal scandle ever seen in the Mushroom Kingdom. While the Princess insisted she was no where near the arena that day, Mario's silence on the matter seemed an unspoken confirmation of the rumor. How no one recalled that Mario was silent on all matters has yet to come up.
As for the Schroedingers, they've gotten off more or less scott free. Between the effectiveness of the disguise and the blow to the head, Mario never did figure out exactly who intervened in Todd's favor. Of course, this is of little comfort to Maya, her band continuing to rival such organizations as the Turks in terms of Duelling records.
But there's always the next treasure to look forward to, so Maya won't be able to stay down for long.

Todd Dukakis: 24
Mario: 47