Season 23, Week 2
Rudy Roughknight
(Wild Arms)
Many seasons ago, Precis Neuman defeated one of Rudy's companions in Heavy. Now that said comrade is in a different division and unlikely to meet the little brat, Rudy will just have to settle the score for her. His defenses and HP being an object of envy for both humans and demons, the holmcross can easily tank through whatever Precis throws at him and fight back with the impressive firepower of his ARMs. And if the match drags on, the hidden potential of his Guardian Blade-infused arm will obliterate the bringer of noise pollution in a single shot.



BANG BANG ATTACK! BLOODY MARY! BARRIER! Anyone who has crossed paths with the inventive adventurer Precis, be it silent hero or magess of Cuan Abbess, will find it difficult to forget her spirited battle cries. Of course, the peppy young girl doesn't just outtalk her mute opponent this week; she outspeeds him and outslugs him as well! With her Neumann Boots for blistering speed and her powerful Killer Moves (not to mention shrill loud voice) for damage, she'll be able to outrace the Phaser and Rudy's other Fury Shot aided arms for a knockout and the win!

The battle was fast, furious, and as good as was advertised. Explosions rocked the arena as ARMs and robotic weapons were fired with wild abandon. The entire arena was already potch-marked with craters and as Heavy's two most destructive duelers brought out their full arsenal.

Rudy panted while ghe gripped his wound. He hadn't been fast enough to avoid the Bloody Mary, and his shoulder paid the price. His arm already felt numb and it was a testament to his will power that he could still move it.

"Hee! I haven't had this much fun in ages!" Precis shrieked cheerily (much to the chagrin of the Holmcross and everyone else within hearing range) despite her own battle wounds. "So many booms! And pows! And fzzts and kapows! It's too bad I have to finish this match now."

And with an all too frightening grin, the young inventor pulled out Bobot and chucked it at the Holmcross. "Barrier!" She screamed, causing the people who had bought front row seats to fall into a seizure.

Rudy's eyes widened as he watched the little robot sail through the air. and he crossed his arms in front of his face, knowing full well that he was too winded to escape.

The explosion exhoed throughout the arena and Precis flashed the audience a victory sign. "Lucky"

Then she heard the tell tale sound of an ARM powering up, and she faced the barely standing Rudy with a frown. "Hey! You're supposed to stay down!" She shrieked, while she grabbed another Bobot...

Too late, the Arch Smash shell was fired and zoomed straight for Precis with unerring accuracy. She tried zooming left and right, her Neuman Boots flaring at maximum output, but the locked on ARM was quite determined to explode on its target.

There was a silent thunderclap as a blinding flash forced everyone to turn away from the action for a few seconds, then when it finally subsided, Precis was gone. Completely disintegrated from the looks of things.

The audience blinked in shock at the power of the ARM...

....followed y the mass cheering and yaying and general bedlam of watching a favorite win and getting rid of a general nuisance to everyone's ears. Who'd have thought an ARM could be that powerful...

...definitely not Rudy as he stared down his weapon in wonder and no small amount of terror. He wasn't able to do anything that extreme before...


Near one of the arena exits, underneath a cloak of Invisibility and a few anti-magic detection seals, the magician chuckled as a pair of sigils dissipated into thin air. It had taken her quite a few seasons of researching the properties of the Blinking Rune and studying under the tutelage of Kirin, and a few more seasons to look for just the right dimension, but it had all been worth it for this one moment.

Sure, she could have just let Rudy finish of the brat and generally smiled as she gets battered and bruised, but where's the fun in that? Revenge is best served personally after all, and with a side dish of trauma.

Her only regret was that she won't be there to see Precis' face when she wakes up.

At this point, the sorceress would have let out a bitch laugh that would make Naga the White Serpent and Kodachi cry tears of envy, but since it wouldn't do to be detected, she had to settle for a mild giggle as she walked away.


Groggily, Precis stood up, her ears ringing and her vision bleary. Strange, this didn't look like the arena or the Healing Center. "Ow... what happened..." She muttered.

Or rather, tried to say, as her mouth formed the words but no voice came out.

Then, everything went black, except for a long, blurry strip in the middle of her line of vision which was white. Things stayed this way for a few seconds before the old background returned.

That was enough of a surprise to snap her brain back in focus, and as her eyes and ears cleared, she almost wished she hadn't woken up.

Her eyes darted back and forth from object to person to building.

Grey! Everything was grey! And black! And white! And the people... they were... were...

"Mimes!? What the heck is going on here!?" she didn't say as the sound died before they came out of her mouth.

Instead, her world became black again, and she saw the words she tried to say superimposed in the middle of the dark horizon in big, white letters.

Precis just gawked, as her ears began to notice the general lack of sound, outside of a jaunty piece of piano music that constantly played from somewhere.

Then she noticed a folded piece of paper in front of her with the words "READ ME" written in bold letters. Picking it up, she read its contents.

'Hello Precis, you're probably wondeing where you are, and since it's impolite to leave hanging threads, I'll tell you. This is a pocket dimension called Silent Movie, a wonderful place with absolutely no sound and color. When I found this dimension, I immediately knew that it was made for you. So, after tweaking around with my Teleport spell a bit so that it can target other people and bring them across dimensions, I decided to bring you here directly.

Don't worry though, there's a delay effect so you'd be brought back to the Dueling League after Three Seasons. I may be petty about the silliness of Season 2, but I'm not evil.

Lovingly yours,
Cecilia Lynne Adlehyde'

Twitch twitch her eye went as she read the words over and over again until she tore the paper to little pieces, threw them on the ground and stomped on them repeatedly. Wordlessly, she screamed to the sky, until the words 'CECILIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!' appeared.

Then a mime smashed a custard pie on her face.

Rudy Roughknight: 38
Precis Neuman: 23