Season 1, Week 3
(Final Fantasy IV)
As the strongest of the Four Fiends, Rubicant has always believed in fair play. But when it comes down to the heat of battle, it's anything goes! All of Rubicant's best attacks come only when he opens up his defenses, but his power is such that there won't be much time to exploit them. Though limited to a single element, Rubicant is one of the best masters of fire in the worlds.



Against Rubicant, Citan has many, many advantages to utilize. First and foremost is his speed, already the best in the game, which will be doubled by his Senkei spell. He backs that up with the highest HP and attack power (though not the strongest Deathblow) in his game. His Crystal Water deathblow will put a major hurt on the oppositely aligned Fiend of Fire. However, most importantly Citan has Sukeii. This handy elemental shield nearly negates all fire damage. Citan's healing should be able to cure what little damage he receives, and by applying another the same elemental shield to Rubicant, Citan can make him even weaker to Crystal Water. This is one of the few battles where the PC > boss.

Rubicant has no chance. Sukeii is of huge benefit to Citan in this match and the Crystal Water deathblow is just the thing Rubicant dreads.

Rubicant: 4
Citan Uzuki (Hyuga Ricdeau): 18
Ah.... The match-description put it perfectly. Citan's already game-highest HP and healing techniques, coupled with his Fire-shield will -DESTROY- Rubicant's offense. He can chip away at the mighty boss, and eventually, he'll fall.
Rubicant, true to his gentlemanly nature, offered full healing to Citan before the match began. Citan didn't need the healing, having spent a leisurely day mentally preparing for the match, but it was the appearance and form that mattered. Citan, once the battle began, then went with his spy nature, and promptly raised his Fire defence then weakened Rubicant's Water defence. And then finished him off with his Water elemental deathblow, knowing that form doesn't matter if it isn't backed up with purpose.