Ah, you are just in time signors! This is the FINALE week for Season 32, and all the excitement and Passion and GUSTO that you can possibly stand are contained within the Monsterous Pit this week! Everyone is raring to go, and I, your humble host, am right along with them! But first, here are the Results for your viewing pleasure.

**Importantion information for newcomers! Please click This Link to go to a post made by our moderators that should hopefully answer several of your questions! If you have any more, simply feel free to go to the forums and ask!**

Godlike is a clash of evil against evil this week, as Myria, the well-reknowned and much feared Godlike Little Girl Of Doom, faces off against Chaos, the multi-limbed and tanky powerhouse. Myria's been here before, but has she ever faced an opponent quite like Chaos? Whatever may happen, you can be sure that it will be a match to remember, ay?

Heavy has a rather peculiar match. Malik does not often have anything to fear from physical fighters. Emily would seem to be an easy win, but things are not as they seem. She attacks in a chain, and if she gets so much as a single hit things may well turn south for Malik. But can she manage to do this before he Eliminate Scanners her into paste?

As for Middle, the Monstrous Pit brings forth a puzzling match. Marisa has speed, evasion, and will run rings around her opponent. She is, however, frail, and that vulnerability goes quite well with Beserk's absoulutely brutal damage. The Swordmaster may slay another opponent, or the Quarter Knight may crush another victim, but it is up to you to decide, signors!

To cap off all the previous matches, we have a very interesting Light Match for Finals. Shante and Virginia have both proven themselves this season, but only one can walk out of the arena the victor. Shante's Divide will constantly keep her healthy and doing damage in this fight, but all it takes is one Gatling from the Drifter to end this fight. I don't know who will win, but I'm sure that you signors have a pretty good idea, ay?

Well, those are the matches this week. Hurry to the Monstrous Pit and give your opinion on them!

Once you're done with that, the Not Ranked Monstrous Pit could always use some more GUSTO!

Finals week is important, so if you're not quite sure or want to share your ideas, go to the Season 32, Week 5 topic and partake in the ongoing discussion!

**Everyone, listen! Have you ever wanted to take part in our Bonus Matches? Have you ever had a great idea you thought would make an awesome match? Well here's your chance! Just go to the Bonus Match Ideas Post and read all about it!

That's it for today, signors. Make sure and vote, and maybe make a nomination pool if there's some fighters you want to see in next season. Have a nice week, and I'll see you for the exciting conlusion, ay? Now, with all the assorted insanity, sarcasm, and deep political intrigue that you can stand, we have Behind the Scenes!
Man the torpedoes!
Your subs are no match for my aircraft carriers! Pearl Harbour shall be avenged! Roll the dice!
You sunk my battleship! Now I’m left with nothing but this patrol boat!
This is pathetic. Why aren’t you ushering us in for our interviews?
It’s because we don’t care about any of you. You’re all boring, none of you are new, and frankly, the only reason you’re here is because Chisato didn’t know what to do with you. That and she thinks Malik’s cute in some weird, twisted way.
The mind of Chisato is a truly terrifying thing to be in the presence of.
So, why are we here? If we’re not even torturing these peons, then what’s Chisato got in mind?
Who said anything about not torturing them? Odin! Hit the big green button!
Aye aye! Uh…what colour is green, again?
Must I do everything?
What does the green button do?
I think it teleports anyone within range of activation into the office building where the Xenosaga Episode Three writers live.
Man, that’s harsh even by her standards. At least I come from a game with a well-written storyline and characters…
That no one has played.
Three, two, one! Goodbye!
I refuse to be teleporteeeeedddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!
Ah, I so do love late Christmas presents I just happened to order as a ‘business expense’. So worth it.
Ok, that was kind of neat, but chief, what about the show?
Relax. We’ll be interviewing the newly ranked competitors of the RPGDL this week. We needed a change: ratings are down, and I’m not doing a damn clip show.
Ah, clip shows. The things writers do near the end of a season when they’re out of ideas.
But are you sure this is a good idea? It’s not like we’ll get any normal people. I mean…look at those we ranked.
Mmm…lamp oil, some bishie from space, a girl whose into tigers, some headless suit of armour, a generic scientist, and some crazy freakish metallic demon in need of some good drugs.
Huh. An improvement from the usual fare.
It is. So let’s begin.
How dare you show your face here and defy me!
I’m here to gloat in your face! I’m ranked and you’re not! Hahahahahaha!
You dare defy me again!?
I defy you now! I fart in your general direction!
No wonder he got mauled by the gods. Still surprised it was Odin that did it to him.
If I were ranked, you’d be able to see my true power! Then…then…I’ll be in the bathroom! Come Shannon!
His new mop. Anyway, King Barbarossa, it’s taken quite a while, but you’re finally in. Anything to say to your many fans?
Hail to the king, baby!
…damnit, Duke Nukem Forever is not coming! Stop giving us false hope!
Why do you care? You can’t even play it.
A skull can dream…just like me…when I’m ranked…
Rrrrright. Let’s get the lard-butt in here.
Queen Brahne isn’t due for an interview for several weeks.
I think she means the whale.
Hey, Chisato, the whale’s dead.
What’s so odd about that?
Looks like he’s got a harpoon in him.
’Aye, it’s my harpoon. Dirty rotten whale stole me wallet.
Godlike will tremble. I will not let any stand in my way.
Strong words. Think you can actually take on some of Godlike’s best?
The whale’s a Godlike. Look at him.
So true. Anything to say to your fellow cast-member here tonight?
Awww…come on! We’re ranked! It’s been my life-long dream to see sexy Cless fight in this arena! And soon we’ll see that sex machine go for it! There’s got to be something you need to say!
Did you have to come with that Super Famicom translated personality installed?
It’s kyute! <3
I’d say we launch her, but the broom kind of prevents her from landing nice and hard. A shame.
Well, we could always go get a tiger and…
Launchings away!
Overdone joooooookkkkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
My, my, my…I think if I did a bit of retooling on those launching mechanisms, you could get a good three-hundred feet more out of it.
Really? Think you could get it to land them harder?
With a bit of scientific know-how, anything is possible!
Well, only one more left. Mother?
Death is the one true equalizer.
Well, once Xorn’s ranked, I’m sure he’d find a wonderful mate here.
How disturbing…and yet so right for this show. Well, that’s all the time we have for tonight, so from all of us here at Behind the Scenes, have a wonderful week, and tune in next week for more exciting mayhem, disaster and punishment at the hands of our cast and crew!