Suikoden Series (Suikos)

Division: Middle
Ranking: 3.32
Wins: 2
Losses: 3

The ever alluring Jeane, one of the few recurring characters in the Suikoden series and one of the many mysteries in her world. Does she possess an undetectable True Rune? Is she another time traveller like Viki? Is there a village filled with well-endowed, silver haired mages who reproduce through mitosis? Many a detective, sword girl, and dog have tried to crack open the enigma behind the ageless rune mistress, but all have walked away empty-handed, usually with embarassingly hillarious results.

While her true nature remains unexplained, there is nothing secret about the power she commands. Despite wielding an ordinary Lightning Rune, her spells pack a level of overkill matched only by the Soul Eater, and those poor Middles who allow her to get a turn will find themselves receiving the shock of their lives.

Season 22 Week 2 Middle Defeated by Adray Lasbard, 22 to 20
Season 47 Week 2 Middle Defeated Scythe Riebauer, 40 to 12
Season 47 Week 3 Middle Defeated by Beowulf Kadmus, 33 to 19
Season 58 Week 2 Middle Defeated Mitsuru Kirijo, 22 to 15
Season 58 Week 4 Middle Defeated by Isabel, 23 to 17