Shadow Hearts: From the New World (SH3)

Division: Light
Ranking: 2.27
Wins: 1
Losses: 2

Natan rarely talks. He hunts rare monsters down. He protects the Princess, as he refers to Shania. And he shoots stuff up with his Gun-fu.

And he does this pretty well; his Soul Valet technique deals a fairly solid amount of damage, and if the enemy immunes wind he can also use his Evil Eye spell to deal additional damage. Hardly a stellar strategy, or innovative, but he's not here to show off; he's just trying to keep track of Shania.

Season 40 Week 2 Light Defeated Palmer, 32 to 11
Season 40 Week 3 Light Defeated by Ricardo Gomez, 39 to 5
Season 59 Week 1 Light Defeated by Amy Sage, 13 to 10