Shining Force 2 (SF2)

Division: Unranked
Ranking: 4.09
Wins: 1
Losses: 1

The King of Galam is a classic example of an essentially good guy corrupted by the darkness. He wanted to save his country from the evils of the world, and ended up playing with fire and getting burned. He became a soulless servant of Lord Zeon, and was sent to fight the epic Shining Force in a battle at Granseal Tower. He is an aggressive and evil man while possessed, but comes to his senses just as he is dying. A sad tale, but a common one among RPGs. His story might be a tragedy, but his duelling ability certainly isn’t. With his deadly physicals he can bring down the must solid duellers, and with durability he can survive a long and ugly match against high-offensive characters. With a little luck and respect, Galam could be a high caliber dueller.

Season 21 Week 1 Heavy Defeated Culgan, 29 to 24
Season 21 Week 3 Heavy Defeated by Jack van Burace, 37 to 15
Fighter is currently not ranked