Season 43, Week 2
(Disgaea: Hour of Darkness)
Well, well, weeell~! Beautiful Princess Etna has been requested to fight in this season's Middle tournament, eh? She should not, but she shall deign to entertain you peasants for a while. All this fighting should burn some pesky calories, after all. Adept with a spear, excelling in long range strikes and putting the odd eye out, Etna has a nice style going. However, the range game is unfortunately trumped by her opponent, proud ARMs wielder Brad Evans, who, by the way, never heeded his mother's warnings about shooting his eye out. His hard-hitting strikes will endanger Etna, but some prompt evade and countering should put an end to that threat. Etna can't send a Prinny to do her bidding this time, so she'll at least give it some degree of effort! At least until she chips a nail.



After many unfortunate outings, this is where Brad's losing streak finally ends. No more debonair vampires with cheap one-shot weapons, no more pixies with status magic (yes a pixie, that's what Brad lost to last time). Finally, Brad gets to make his strengths shine, facing a straightforward physical attacker like himself. Etna has no real tricks and nothing to rely on but raw damage, which makes this fight a straight-up slugfest. This is just Brad's preferred style, and it's tough to beat him at his own game. Etna simply lacks the damage or speed to stop Brad before he can build FP (her best attack, Chaos Impact, drains her SP in just two shots), and when that happens, a well-placed Boost Rail Gun will introduce Etna to a world of pain not even her dreaded master Laharl could dream of.

There are many advantages to be weighed in this match.

Brad is a man with myriad skills(guns).

Etna has a spear. Or maybe an axe. While RPG swords win, axes and spears are up in the air.

Brad is a man with incredible stamina.

Etna has...incredible stamina while counting money or backstabbing people, but it's hard to translate to this.

Brad is a man with a frigging rail gun.

Etna has...Prinnies. While they explode, they're no rail gun.

But this is Etna. She'll work within these disadvantages!


A prinny solemnly faced Brad.

Brad, staring at the prinny for several minutes, finally informed him that the prinny's destination must be northwest of here.

The prinny nodded, and departed, leaving Brad the victor.


Pina coladas, sun, umbrellas, yes, this duellist was living the good life.

Didn't even have to fight!

Well, the prinny would be living the good life until Etna found him, anyways.

Brad gives good directions.

Etna: 14
Brad Evans: 41