Season 36, Week 2
(Lunar: Silver Star Story)
It took thirty six seasons to get in? Ouch. Tempest knows when he's not wanted. Of course that doesn't matter, as there's no graver insult than that of utter apathy to one's warriorhood. Cormag's just the chance to prove to the DL at large and everyone in it the mistake they made by snubbing this plainsman. Weak to arrows, eh Cormag? Too bad. Tempest's mighty assault is based entirely on the power of his razor sharp arrows. Punching a few dozen arrows into the Wyvern Lord will be both theraputic to Tempest's bruised ego and conductive to a quick win. No one will ignore the steely visage of Tempest they Mighty Hunter after that. Oh yes. Bwahahaha!



His first appearance in the DL was unlucky, since he ran into one very lucky Chiki Star on a roll. And one who could hit his weakness to boot! But Cormag is back against the far weaker Tempest, who has been snubbed for 36 long, long seasons, so the gods of the DL cut the guy a little slack at least. Cormag has learned well from his brother about wielding a spear effectively, and now he will carry on the legacy of Glen, lofted atop his dragon, against the out-of-practice archer. There’s not a lot of complexity in his newest challenge. Dodge some bow shots from the puny Tempest, crush him with lance attacks, and move on to the next goal -- winning a Middle title.

To say that Cormag was nervous about facing off agianst Tempest, the greatest archer in his world, would be an understatement. Archers were the worst kind of opponent for the Wyvern Lord to face, of course. Their arrows are supremely effective against flying monsters, as well as having the range to get around his fearsome counters. To put it quite simply, Cormag was pretty sure that he was just plain screwed here.

But in spite of that, he still came to the match. It wasn't in Cormag to just roll over and give up. And a good thing too, as if he had, he couldn't have won the match.

What's that you say? How did he win against someone who so expertly targets his weaknesses? Well, it was a little unorthodox, and partially by accident, but that's not exactly an odd occurrence around here.

You see, when the match started, Cormag took to the sky as always, and Tempest wasted no time in putting a few arrows in the wyvern, prompting great screams of pain from the giant lizard. Deciding to take a chance at a full on attack, Cormag came down in a high speed dive towards the archer, just as Tempest's second volley stole the life away from his mount.

That turned out to be a bad move on Tempest's part. Seeing as the wyvern was already plummeting towards him, he just turned it from a live creature, to dead weight. Cormag, seeing where this was going, bailed off his mount and hit the ground hard, breaking a leg in the process. But that was nothing compared to what happened to Tempest.

Having a dead Wyvern bounce off your head isn't very pleasant, after all.

Tempest: 31
Cormag: 34