Season 11, Week 5
(Shining Force 2)
Zalbard's made short work of his first three foes, and Kasumi isn't much different. The evasive Ninja offers up reasonable offense at high speed.. not that it'll matter. Zalbard's bolt magic laughs at Kasumi's evasion game, and the Greater Devil's ability to act twice in a round more than makes up for Kasumi's blazing speed. Although she may put up a valiant effort, nothing of Kasumi's can truly strike down one of Zeon's strongest followers.



Kasumi sets her sights on defeating a devil this week - and grabbing a Middle title for her troubles. Kasumi is one of the few capable of keeping up with the double-turning Zalbard. Once again, Kasumi will be counting on her ninja speed and evasion to keep her out of trouble against Zalbard's deadly staff attacks, and her powerful Shrike Rune coupled with her foe's middling durability will see her to a win if the Greater Devil attempts to use magic. The fastest-paced finals Middle has ever seen - so for the ninja to win, all she must do is what ninjas do best.

What did Kasumi have to worry about? Geshp, widely regarded as nearly equal to Odd Eye himself in power, had fallen to Serge, Godlike's favourite punching bag. And she was facing by far the weakest of the Greater Devils this week...really, what could go wrong?

Sadly, her thoughts of a happy and joyous victory were cut short as Zalbard ripped her lungs out and played them like a set of bagpipes. Zalbard may be the weakest of the Greater Devils, but what Kasumi didn't remember was that Serge, with his unfathomable youthful spirit and godly 7 HP regen, is far more suited to taking down a demonic presence than a ninja will ever be.

Zalbard: 22
Kasumi: 14