Season 11, Week 1
(Chrono Cross)
We have the Fungi for Funguy movement to thank for Funguy's first appearance in the RPGDL, though their contributions to fungi rights everywhere are every bit as noteworthy. Funguy may only be a light, but they have a great contender to support. He's big and beefy with good defenses, and he can also summon an army of fungi with Myconoids to attack his enemy. Aliens usually have a weakness to native plant life, so this match could very well be in Funguy's favor.



Being a tiny alien who struggles to break three feet in height, it may seem that Starky should fall easily to an axe-wielding giant mushroom man. Of course, Starky could also become a gigantic spacesuited terror who shoots beams the size of tree-trunks! Indeed, Starky is every bit the sort of giant terror early science fiction thrived upon, fully capable of striking fear into the hearts of many, and more than capable of smiting his foe with his potent Raydiation technique. It's the star kid's match to lose, and he's not likely to suffer that sort of embarrassment lightly.

Hmm... the frontrunner of a far-flung foreign force or a personage with a penchant for masticating mysterious mycoloids.

Throw in one giant robot for emphasis, and YOU make the call.

Funguy: 14
Starky: 27