Season 10, Week 2
(Wild Arms Series)
The Guardian of Desire has served under many masters in his day, but none of them will be by his side in this battle. This match will not come down to who can do the most damage reliably (Lucied), or who is more durable (Lucied) or even who is stronger overall (Lucied again). If the Guardian of Desire wants this win more than Malak, there's nothing Galthana will be able to do to stop him. If Lucied doesn't...



Ah Malak. One of Barinten's two deadly-wondertwin assassins and the token black guy of FFT. While outclassed in some stats, Malak has a deadly trick up his sleeve in this battle: Earth Clothes. Yes, Earth Clothes. "But Lucied isn't Earth" you say? No, but Malak can cast Sky Demon Back on himself for strong absorption-healing, very strong given the low-faith target, and he might even hit Lucied at the same time! Malak can easily outlast Lucied.

Come on's freaking Malak. He who is owned by a sniping engineer. He whose sister is far hotter than him. He who comes from the worst game in existance. have to be on some good crack if you think Malak can beat anything.

And if you do happen to think Malak wins a match...mind directing me to said crack?

Lucied: 25
Malak Galthana: 13

Starphoenix das Helpoemer
Oh wait... which Luceid are we talking about? Lackey Luceid or Guardian God Luceid?

Um... okay... to justify my vote for Malak... I will say... errr...

Exploding Frog Spell! Yeah! Watch out, Luceid! That frog's coming YOUR way! Yeah! Heh heh... heh... *Hangs head* Um... yeah... >_>