Season 45, Week 1
Ramus Farmain
(Lunar: Silver Star Story)
He's been called many things. A hero of the world of financial matters, the merchant from Burg that started with nothing, and quickly gained everything, a veritable genius of the economy, capable of tackling any monetary problems that may come his way. However, one thing the poor Ramus hasn't been called is a decent fighter. Indeed, though Ramus might not be of the greatest caliber of warriors in the Dueling League, he certainly won't back down. With his enormous girth, Ramus will be able to take a fair bit of punishment. Although he has already lost against the former champion, Ramus knows better than to stray from his path. The aspiring merchant's been through a lot, and facing one more foe certainly won't be a problem for the young lad as he strives to increase his fame and riches!



The Guardian of Desire, the mad wolf of legend, Lucied. His titles and spawning appearances throughout the many Filgaias in the universe sadly couldn't get the lupine entity to blow past the thresholds of DL Light. However, Lucied is ready to bare fangs and prove through force his worth in the arena. Certainly, Ramus, who may be quite a cunning merchant, but is about as inept at fighting as a plush toy, won't be the opponent to defeat in order to prove such an ordeal, but he will make for a fine warm-up snack. Against Lucied's hallowed durability and parasitic healing tricks, Ramus will only whimper and die, longing for his money as his life is sapped away. As pathetic as this fight may be, Lucied does have to start somewhere, and this greedy lad is but the first step for his domination of Light!

Hunter Sopko
RamusCo prided itself on it's wide selection of dog food. Ramus never imagined that he would end up BEING dog food, though. But he's never without a plan! It took a bit of negotiating to get out of the match without being mauled, but in exchange for Ramus escaping the match unharmed, Lucied became the new spokesdog for RamusCo Puppy Chow.

Why would Lucied do this you may ask? He IS the Guardian of Desire, afterall. And Lucied desired a four-story, jewel encrusted doghouse with a walk-in fridge.

Ramus Farmain: 8
Lucied: 53