Season 48, Week 3
(Chrono Cross)
Starky's out there, sure. He's a little space alien planning on taking over the Chrono Cross universe with the power of his raygun. But at least he doesn't have a freaking sock puppet on his hand. The little invader that could is going to bring some martian common sense and a little personal touch to this fight - blasting Mel to bits with Starstorm while she argues with her puppet. Superior fighting abilities and weapons will carry Starky through. After all, it's not like Branky can compete with 22nd century firepower!



You know the saying, "two heads are better than one?" You also know how in every single movie about aliens, the humans ALWAYS win? Mel is about to prove both here and now! With Branky as her other head, and being a human fighting against a petite alien in a fishbowl, there's no doubt she holds the advantage. I mean, she has a puppet that breathes fire! Its not like Starky is one of those aliens using plasma guns to do big damage and...oh, wait, he is, isn't he? Uh...well...she still has Branky!

Starky was nowhere to be seen, the day of the match.

Mel was on the scene, although she was apparently missing her doll, Branky.

Upon cursory examination, Starky was found weeping over the remains of his starship, which had cost him long hours of suffering and hardship to rebuild. Evidence showed that it had been...rended, by sharp teeth.

A simple, crudly scrawled note-apparently in blood, source unknown-warned Starky that he would be next if he made it to the match.

Mel found Branky on the dresser a few days later. She figured she'd just missed him a few times.


Everyone just thinks the doll's cute, even when it's clearly a living weapon.

How wrong they are.

Starky: 21
Mel: 25