Season 42, Week 4
Zhuzhen Liu
(Shadow Hearts)
After many seasons of mockery, the wise arcane master Zhuzhen is finally getting the respect he deserves! Already two have fallen before him (okay, so they were ALFRED and SHADY THOUSAND, but you take what you get), and yet two more still dare to stand in his way! Dinn may be able to resist Zhuzhen’s two best elements, but, with the power of Wind, Water and Darkness - all of them hitting a slight weakness on Dinn - the oracle cannot be stopped. And while Zhuzhen isn't much of a quickdraw on average, Dinn's outright sluggishness and unimpressive slugfesting powers will give Zhuzhen both the first strike and plenty of time to work his healing if need be. The old man Liu can even try to paralyze and damage his enemy if need be for extra assurance! With such a potent arsenal under his whim, Zhuzhen can not lose to someone so pathetically straightforward!



Dinn has done a fine job this season of proving just why he's regarded as one of Sable's finest. Besting fellow warrior Jayle was a great honour, and another feather in this fine young man's cap, but the stakes rise this week, as he faces the ancient yin/yang master magician Zhuzhen. Not to worry, however: Zhuzhen can simultaneously resist Zhuzhen's FOUR best spells, with a simple trip to Prince Freyjadour's armoury. This will leave the already weak mage struggling for options against the magically resistant Dinn. To make matters worse, Zhuzhen's frail old frame is unlikely to be able to withstand two blows from Dinn, leaving him constantly healing. Both of these facts add up to one simple truth: Zhuzhen simply will not have time to do enough damage, with his sanity slowly ticking away... leaving his loss inevitable, as Dinn advances to claim true glory for Sable.

Dinn was a bit worried going into this fight. He knew that old mystic types tended to be canny fighters, and more physically adept then they seem, along with having powerful magic at thier beck and call. And what did Dinn have to combat this dangerous combination of intelligence, magic and years of experience? Just a strong sword, a heavy suit of armor and a warrior's resolve.

Oh yeah, and a Titan Rune.

Turns out that "more physcially adept then he seems" still isn't enough to let Zhuzhen get up from that wallop. Dinn was actually feeling a little bad for taking the fight so seriously that he may have really injured the old man. But it's all okay in the end, the DL has healers for just that sort of thing.

Zhuzhen Liu: 14
Dinn: 32