Season 28, Week 1
Ramus Farmain
(Lunar: Silver Star Story)
Few would call Ramus of Burg a terrific fighter. Fortunately for Ramus, marketing can do wonders to improve one's reputation. Propaganda, that's the ticket! Hey, there's no denying audience opinion can have an profound influence on events in the arena, and Ramus has the cash to make sure the good word on his fighting talent gets out. Some paid advertising time with Shin-Ra, maybe some rumors spread with the help of Sumaru TV and the NWO, and he'll be well on the way to rehabilitation in the DL. Sure, he may be a bit on the hefty side--but so are sumo wrestlers. You wouldn't want to get in the way of an angry sumo, would you? And that's NOT a tin garbage can lid he uses to defend himself, it's...the Legendary Stannic Protector of Garbij! Watch out, Luceid, money talks, and Ramus' says: Lucied is a grade-A loser.



Lucied's resume in and out of the DL is nothing short of impressive. He almost entered the halls of Middle, faced down Godlikes and Demons, pushing them to their utmost limits in the process. He had beaten down an assassin, a legendary creature, a Nina, and a future champion. With accomplishments like these, the Guardian of Desire is clearly one of the strongest Lights there is... so why does that fat tub of lard who can't even carry a real sword think he stands an iota of chance? Lucied can come in in her normal form and end the battle with a Large Moon, or use any of his other forms to easily destroy this two-bit fighter. The only thing left to say is this: whichever form he chooses at the beginning, it'll all end with Luceid enjoying a dish of Fat Boy Steak after the match, no matter how much spin Ramus puts on it.

Starphoenix das Helpoemer
Ramus felt confident in his abilities and resources that he would be able to come out on top in this conflict with the infamous Luceid. After all, he was dealing with a puny little wolf, and he had access to some of the best weapons in the world. Surely he would come out on top.

Not one to be overconfident, Ramus invested heavily into armor to make up for his lack of endurance. If he could make a point out of this match and showcase his own goods longer, he would be able to garner some free advertising and thus turn a profit from the match. And so Ramus invested heavily in defense against both the physical and magical in nature, making sure he covered his ass from elemental damage in all walks of life.

Imagine his surprise when coming loaded for bear, Luceid cast one simple spell that ended his eager little merchant life sooner than Paris Hilton's virginity.

Lesson of the Day: Dark Luceid against Elemental Protection is very very bad for you, especially if you have resistance against all of them.

Ramus Farmain: 11
Lucied: 76