Season 57, Week 2
(Wild Arms Series)
Can a doggy beat a Valkyrie Profile mage? Yes? Good doggy! Yep, everyone’s favorite puppy Guardian is back to ravage the fields of Light. Sure, Mystina might be better than your average mage, but she’s still hamstrung by the crippling limitations of her spellcasting style, saddled with those awful recovery times. This leaves Lucied free to pick and choose how he takes her down, be it by Lust Jaw or Full Moon Fang, and he’s got the durability to take her magic head on as well. Of course, even with this, it comes down to who wants it more. But Lucied is the Guardian of Desire, and who is he to deny himself a win?



The great and beautiful Mystina needs no justification to do what she does. A powerful Flenceburg sorceress, she was killed because she was too dangerous to be left alive. A soul like hers couldn't be left to rot, and thus her ascension to godhood. A sad little puppy like Lucied is no match for such a woman. It isn't like this sad creature can handle Mystina's Mystic Cross, or any of her dreaded Great Magics. Mystina's magic and brains helped revive Lenneth Valkyrie and actually threatened the mighty Lezard Valeth. Nothing in Light would dare be able to raise a hand and fight someone as almighty as that.

You know Lucied? The dog that is ALWAYS tagging along with someone much powerful, like, say, Boomerang? That Lucied?

Yeah. Mystina knows that Lucied, too.

If only she'd done the research and known Lucied'd appear alone, then perhaps the sorceress hadn't thrown the match.

Lucied: 35
Mystina: 13