Season 61, Week 5
(Final Fantasy VII)
Ah, the DL. Such an excellent source for new specimens. Dragons, sentient robots, immortals, nature spirits, monsters... what's this? An utterly mundane young boy? A pure-blooded human of no particular distinction or heritage? What a waste. Well, Hojo will simply have to dispatch the flatscan with the greatest haste and move on to the next round, won't he? It should be exceedingly simple; the Brenton child has no defense against Hojo's myriad of status effects; and while Silence renders the boy harmless in a fight, Sleep will additionally speed up the battle by preventing even his feeble attacks from slowing Hojo down. No, this will be a commanding triumph for the power of science. If only the rewards were more... interesting.



It's time for Levin to take to the Arena and bring on the pain! A valiant young spirit trained in both might and magic, there surely is little that can stand in the way of this dapper fellow's dedication to his princess. And what better way is there to impress a princess than to seize the Heavy championships in one fell go, on his very first try no less? Levin's the name and stealing time's his game. Even Hojo, his opponent for the week, has no resistances to Levin's ability to cause rifts in the time-space continuum. The result? Levin will rob the scientist of whatever precious opportunities he has to act, and at the same time whittle down the man's health. Victory is for those who seize the day - or in Levin's case, seize the other's day.

Hojo: 2
Levin Brenton: 18