Season 60, Week 3
Ah, a boss fighter, one of the original woman's greatest banes. She must admit, having her perfect ID trump card rendered ineffective does sting a bit, especially considering this Wiseman's claim to fame is his skill with a blade. Thankfully, while ID is her main claim to fame, it isn't the only trick up Miang's sleeve. She's still capable of causing searing pain with Black Purge after all, and since it's multi-targetting magic, Marsilio's much-touted evasion will do him no favors here. Combined with her vast experience as the oldest being in her world, she may just snatch a win from this uphill fight.



Marsilio may not have the wits to match against the incredibly crafty Miang, but he's a fan of letting the blade do his talking. Luckily, few are able to match it, and Miang's certainly not part of such elite. Cruelly Rush adeptly swaths through the most durable foes quite quickly, and that brutality won't even be necessary. After all, for someone who's been around a few dozen lifetimes, Miang is a highly unimpressive dueller. Besides her egregiously bad speed, Miang's slugging power and durability are both hilariously poor! Her one trick, perfect ID, will have no effect against Marsilio's manly frame! Maybe next lifetime, Miang.

Miang: 3
Marsilio: 20

DragonKnight Zero
Meet Miang. So scheming and cunning. Willing to use underhanded tactics and go to great lengths to win.

So futile.

Acquiring Adamant Armor isn't easy but Miang saw how it can turn the most powerful of physical blows into scratches and decided she must have it. First up was the task of acquiring the pink tail. That took a while and Rashidi's and Galcian's services don't come cheap.

Then there's the matter of persuading the judges to permit her to use the armor. They'd only be replaced with being too powerful to subdue if she killed them so she needed to persuade with other means. Borgan and Sten were among the judges so "persuading" them ended up quite humiliating.

Decked out in Adamant Armor, Miang entered the arena confidently. A fighter with more smarts might have given up against her. Marsillo, however, is too stubborn to stand down. Hit until opponent falls over works well for him and he didn't bother deviating from that. What happened is that he hit her with tremendous force. It didn't do much damage at all but the vibrations from the impact rattled Miang so much that she fainted.