Season 42, Week 1
(Tales of the Abyss)
Let's be honest; a tried and true method of dealing with zombies is the liberal application of fire. This plays right into Largo's hand this week as he fights the Arc Knight Zalbag. Sure, Largo isn't your stereotypical hero, but anyone can be a hero when faced with a zombie! So this is how it's gonna go down: Zalbag's going to try and stab up Largo like any good zombie. Largo's going to take the suffering and get beat up while applying the first doses of fire via Savage Flame and Infernal Blast. Then Zalbag's gonna go all rough on him, trying to finish him off to get his brains. That's when the big finish happens. Two words: Brimstone Tempest. That leaves Zalbag nothing but undead ash and Largo, the triumphant hero, alive, just like the end of any good horror movie.



The Beoulve family is not one to be underestimated, dead or alive. After having nearly obtained a championship many seasons ago, Zalbag is out to get the finals again. However, this time, defeat will not be an option. As a powerful Arc Knight, Zalbag has proved that he's truly a force to be reckoned with, no matter what... condition... he finds himself in. With his all powerful Ruin skillset at his side to utterly rip apart Largo's stats, along with his ghastly powers obtained from zombification to better shut down the living, Largo should be no real threat. His fire powers might seem a bit hazardous for our zombified knight, and granted, zombies don't like fire. However, the Beouvle knight will prevail with his powerful skills and great strength... dead or alive.

Two honorable family men.

Both forced into less than honorable positions by their own misguided beliefs.

Both formidable fighters, both capable of leveling entire battlefields by themselves.

There was only one solution to this match.


"Brother, next really shouldn't take up the offer of a drinking game. Not when it's made by someone three times your size." Alma noted softly, as the massively hung-over Zalbag staggered out of the infirmary.

"I didn't...didn't think I'd...get...alcohol poisoning...though...and you don't have to scream..." Zalbag said, weaving unsteadily.

Largo: 33
Zalbag Beoulve: 22