Season 52, Week 2
(Chrono Cross)
The youthful spirit rides once again! And if there is anyone that should be scared of a little youthful spirit, it’s Jeremy, who is constantly getting cut down to size by teenagers. Serge is hoping to repeat the feat that the WA 4 cast pulled off so admirably and so frequently; and after all, Serge has certainly taken down far more fearsome foes than a lone nutcase with a rocket launcher in his time. Omnidimensional gods of destruction, for instance...not to brag. Anyway, the taciturn warrior's powerful Mastermune and holy techs should quickly cut Jeremy down to size, and given how brittle Jeremy is, that won't take long. Our silent hero will probably only need but a single turn to send Jeremy back to the junkyard that he came from.



Youthful spirit? Hah, what nonsense. To Jeremy Non, there are only two reasons why those cursed teenagers have been albe to beat him again and again; proximity and numbers. Oh, and Raquel. He may not be as gifted with long range this time, but he's only taking on one fighter with 'youthful spirit.' There's no need to be any more sporting or fair here. With his mix of naturally high reaction times--the norm for Brionac officers--his Inertial Canceller, and his trusty Vulcan Missile, the kid will be a fine red mist before he can even blink. It's only further incentive for him that he could easily settle his score with Kresnik down the road, and for Jeremy, that is more than reason enough to blast this youth into a smoking crater.

Youthful spirit.

The power of creation come to earth.

For, indeed, what is the embodiment of creation more than that creation just after it's birth?

The power of all the universe in one's heart.

This great power, the power that, if one keeps faith in it, that can level mountains, destroy oceans and rend minds.

Yet, it is also a power of unbelievable creation as well.

A power that can turn people from worthless shells to forces of pure good and honesty.

A power that can recreate the very soul.


"" Lucian mumbled, as he watched.

"Yes?" "I mean this in the nicest way possible, but..." Lucian stumbled over his words, trying to think of a polite way to phrase his question.

"Since when do I have a sense of humor?" Lenneth supplied. "That's about what I was going for." Lucian agreed.

"You should know as well as anyone by now that I truly despise those that moan and whine about reality as it is, and those that take pointless anger out on those souls that do not deserve it." Lenneth noted.

"Yeah, but...I mean...seriously." Lucian gestured vaguely at the arena, where a stunned young girl in schoolgirl clothes was still looking down at herself, while Serge scratched his head in confusion.

"It was obvious that Serge's youthful spirit has won him another match. I clearly had nothing to do with it. Nothing that anyone will care to prove." Lenneth shrugged.

"...I still don't get it." Lucian mumbled, as he watched the girl run shrieking out of the arena.

"Besides, I had to get a sense of humor after all that Lezard put me through." Lenneth finished calmly, as she walked out of the arena.

"Right." Lucian nodded, his mystification gone.

Serge: 23
Jeremy Non: 22