Season 42, Week 3
(Legaia: Duel Saga)
The Dueling League's Heavy division will be graced with an unusual fight this week, as two duelers who will be loathe to finish each other off go at it. The scantily clad pirate captain Sharon has seen (and cooked) her share of oddities in the past, but this battle will surely be unique. Her foe actually somewhat mimics her fighting style, relying on obliterating his foes with a Mystic Art(e) at low HP. Sharon is similarly inclined to overkill things after taking a bit of a beating, but she can boast of two important advantages in this fight: outrageous speed and the ability to halve fire damage. The big bad lion man will find himself hard-pressed to take down a woman capable of running circles around him and halving his own offense. It will just be a matter of wounding the deadbeat dad until Sharon can finish him off with a well-charged attack or her own Mystic Art. It may be a little bizarre, but Sharon can claim the advantage in this rather uncanny skirmish.



Largo highly respects the fighting spirit of his opponents, but a resilient fighting spirit can only go so far. Sharon is a quick, deadly, obnoxious fighter... but she's also incredibly lacking in defenses, and that's where Largo holds the decisive advantage. Trusting his notable HP and defense to counter the (rather large) speed imbalance, Largo will simply crush Sharon with his overbearing strength. And, as each attack of Sharon's cuts into that HP reserve, Largo gets access to more and more deadly techniques, which will quickly obliterate Sharon. With this strategy in mind, Largo can quite easily avoid a Mystic Art and seize victory before Sharon can access her more deadly arts. Magic most likely will not play a role in this fight: thus, the God General has little to fear. There's much honor to be had in fighting some of the best, but, after all is said and done, Largo will win unerringly and definitely, ascending to the next level of fighting.

Many times, reputations are unfairly earned.

Largo had a reputation.

Peerless fighter.

Fair, yet dedicated to his goals. Stoic, self-assured.

Today, he earned more of a reputation.


" was a flu-" Largo stammered.

"You bastard!" Sharon shrieked, as she backhanded Largo across the face.

Then, realizing the action had caused her to drop the top she was holding on, blushed and fled the arena.

"...but...I mean...but...but..." Largo stammered still, the handprint reddening his face.

Certainly, Largo's slash had been intended to split Sharon's head, not her bikini.

But no one will ever believe that, now will they?

Maybe not even Largo...after all, that is a pretty big miss, isn't it?

Sharon: 14
Largo: 28