What a wonderful week it's been so far! Welcome back my friends! It's week four is season 25 here at the Duelling League! I bid you all view the Results of last week to find out what happened!

**Importantion information for newcomers! Please click This Link to go to a post made by our moderators that should hopefully answer several of your questions! If you have any more, simply feel free to go to the forums and ask!**

Godlike Wiseman Indalecio has completely destroyed any opponent who had stood in his way. Yuna has been able to do exactly the same, but her reasons have been quite a bit different. However, in the end, both of these titans will have battle! Indalecio's fearsome magic and powerful Divine Wave will be pitted against Yuna's summoning ability and her own White Magic. This will determine who gets to the semi finals!

Mario has been stomping heads and throwing fireballs into his opponents for quite some time. Wakka is the type of opponent that Mario tends to fear: a projectile-throwing one! However, Mario has more up his sleeve than just fireballs and jumping tricks! Wakka won't let him get by with those, a Triple Foul here and there and Mario will be out like a light!

Shion's weapon that Miyuki invented has gotten her quite far. Her healing has done the same. Now, she faces an opponent who has tricks much like the last few, but this one is an old fogey! Strago certain resents being referred to as "old" and will not lay down and take defeat! He will spew Bad Breath all over Shion, and that will most likely be the end of that!

Lastly, we have Chisato Madison. She has made quite some surprises with her matches! Everyone thought she was simply a lovely reporter who could talk to the stars. (...) Palom doesn't care one way or another what kind of credentials she might have. He's going to put her away with a few quick status spells, or simple blow her up with Flare! Hah!

The other matches not mentioned here can be seen in The Arena right now!

People are always welcome at The Forums so please head on over! Newcomes are always welcome!

Don't forget, this week's forum post is up! The Season 25 Week 4 Topic is here, so get busy, my friends!

**Everyone, listen! Have you ever wanted to take part in our Bonus Matches? Have you ever had a great idea you thought would make an awesome match? Well here's your chance! Just go to the Bonus Match Ideas Post and read all about it!

It was my pleasure to see you all this week. I hope you all enjoy this week's Behind the Scenes, we will all be here to see you next week. Au revior.
You know, I'm kind of torn. On one hand, Chisato doing well is good for publicity and her self-esteem, and it means we get hurt less on set.
Yeah, and on the other, it just means more pain for the rest of the week.
I can't believe we were stupid enough to sign any contract with a "training dummy" clause.
Really? I thought it was a "training for dummies" clause.
Not much of difference in your case.
In any case, welcome back to another edition of Behind the Scenes, taking the best fighters the DL has and humiliating them for your amusement! I'm Gilgamesh, along with the usual gang of idiots.
Well, somebody has to play the abusive host, and as the only responsible person on staff right now, I nominate myself.
Sure, but I'm far more abusive than you could ever be!
And I have seniority!
I really don't care. I just want this to be over with. So turn out the Lights.
Good day.
Oh look, it's boring Fire Emblem scrub #23.
I beg your pardon!
Hey, he's not boring.
He's a teacher. He has to be boring.
He's a paladin. They aren't boring.
Come on, you're using the fact that he's a paladin as a defense?
And what's wrong with being a teacher? And a paladin?
Lawful Good is such a restrictive and annoying alignment. No fun at all.
There you are, majority wins.
But what of the other?
Nobody bothers asking my opinion anyway. I think you're dull, though.
Yup, see ya later, berk. Oh, and bring in the ladies while you're at it.
"Ladies"? What, you're not going to insult us?
Trust me, that won't last.
So, Shion, as a failed inventor, you...
Failed?! How dare you!
Come on, ditzy. That Kevin guy designed Hooker-Bot, it's Miyuki's inventions that are saving you all the time... you don't even really seem to do much other than take credit for other people's work.
That's a lie and you know it! I'm an accredited genius, and I have the certificate to prove it! My work on the KOS-MOS project is beyond reproach! I am smart...
The lady doth protest too much...
Don't ask me. My head hurts just thinking of what the hell goes on in her world.
Well, maybe we were a bit harsh.
True. Odin, come give Shion a nice white lab coat.
The one with the straps and long arms?
That's the one.
I almost feel sorry for her.
Almost being the operative word there?
Of course.
See, I like you. Snarky, sassy, and marginally less likely than Chisato to beat me to a fine powder.
Your taunts are fine, but your flirting needs a little work.
So, think you can beat the computer geek?
I'll do my best, so of course I will.
That's the spirit. Let's take Heavy now.
So, she loves you?
Ya, ya, ya. Lu's the best.
Well, hello, Artea the Androgynous.
Hello, Four-Arms.
Yet another case of elves against encroaching technology. It's almost cliché at this point.
Well, it wouldn't be if there weren't interesting precedents.
So you foresee an interesting match?
I suppose so. Though I'm sure Lexis is far more interested in the results. He's wanted a chance to have a look at that mech for a while, and an overhaul through spell destruction would certainly qualify.
What is it now, Wakka?
Wait, let me guess...
I hate machina, ya.
Hey! I don't sound like that, do I?
You mean like a broken record? No, I can't imagine at all why you'd think that, ya.
I know, it's just... I really miss being the spokesperson for the league, ya? It was nice to do all the announcements. But now I'm doing well in the arena itself, so I suppose it all balances out.
And you're not at all concerned that you're facing a living legend whose possible girlfriend you've already beaten this season?
Mario? Nah, he's a good guy. He'll understand, ya? YA?
Oh, you poor trusting fool.
And speaking of fools, our Godlike guests are those wacky insane military types, Celes Chere and Sephiroth.
I'm not insane!
If you were, how would you be able to tell?
Are you saying you believe yourself to be insane?
Of course not. I do, however, accept the fact that I may very well be.
Obsessive over a certain bandanna, I believe. Perfectly within societal norms, unlike Mr. SOLDIER's Oedipal delusions of godhood.
I do have the power to back it up.
As I believe I mentioned last week, KotR.
An ability that I am very glad my dear opponent does not possess.
Actually, you'd be surprised what a little pouty lip will get you from Locke.
Could you take the summoning outside, please? I really don't want to have to reconstruct the studio... again.
I'll go set up the cameras.
I don't...
I wonder if Celes' KotR will be stronger than Chisato's Kicks of the Redhead.
Don't I get a say in this?
No. Well, Chisato, if you're watching, we're wishing you the best. Kick the little twerp's butt, since the show's more fun for us when you're not around forcing us to actually bother asking interesting questions. Funny thing, huh. Well, so long!

Would you like to change your skin to Silver?