Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones (FE8)

Division: Middle
Ranking: 2.94
Wins: 3
Losses: 1

Though he might be manlier than his Fire Emblem 7 counterpart Lucius, Artur isn't exactly a tough guy. He's constantly pushed around by his girlfriend Lute, which makes it all too clear who is wearing the pants in THAT relationship. While the spirited Sage might push Artur around, he nearly equals her in fighting ability. With his Light magic, he can demolish monsters of all types, and can lay a beating down on human opponents as well. He's also a Sage, a master of Anima magic, but he can use Light or Anima magic effectively. He's an agile character with great magical prowess. In fact, his only real weakness is his frailness, but he's not bad enough off to worry too much about. Watch out for our lovely red-haired boy, because he just followed in Lucius' footsteps and claim a second upgrade for the sacred order of Monks.

Season 23 Week 2 Light Defeated Ard, 40 to 14
Season 23 Week 3 Light Defeated Laguna Loire, 36 to 15
Season 23 Week 4 Light Defeated Jean, 40 to 18
Season 23 Week 5 Light Defeated by Jaffar, 45 to 13
Upgraded to Middle