Author Topic: What games are you playing 2024? Battle strength determined by frilly outfits  (Read 2631 times)

Dark Holy Elf

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Unicorn Overlord

Beaten. Around 75 hours, Level 40-43 or so.

Had a lot of fun with this one. I think from a purely tactical perspective the game could definitely be better, but I get it; this is an incredibly difficult sub-genre to do well-balanced combat for and all things considered they still manage okay. But really, there's just such a joy in tuning squads in so many ways to respond to threats the game presents. I can't say enough good things about how the game is very public with how everything works and wants you to interact with it. Definitely just an unexpected joy of a gameplay game. I averaged over 2 hours per day until I beat it which is pretty unusual for me.

Lovely art/sprites. I do wish the story were better; that is certainly gonna keep the game out of the 10/10 range. But very fun. In a weird way, despite the obvious genre difference, it reminds me of a Warriors game... not quite as mechanically tight as some of its competition, but extremely playable. (The mix of different sizes of maps also calls the mind this comparison.) Will definitely play again at some point, and it's a good sign when I'm saying that so quickly about a 70+ hour game.

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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth- Fin

Okay so.  There's some parts of this game that smack of lacking confidence in itself and in the player to be willing to roll with what flows naturally in the game.  This is most pronounced in the beginning and parts of the endgame, where it feels like the game is afraid to just not have a driving force moving the plot along beyond "hey Sephiroth is out there, we should figure out what to do about that" and insert action sequences that just don't really jive with the overall mood meant to be set in this portion of the story.  Like yeah, Shinra is a problem and they do rule the planet, but there's a big gap between their city and the rest of the world in how they exert control.  And there are some changes to the big plot modules that don't always work, like I'd say Cosmo Canyon is just overall weaker as a sequence, despite Nanaki's arc being drawn a lot more sharply. 

On the flip side the game's propensity for bombast sells the hell out of other sequences in a way that's amazing.  FFVIIR-2 basically pauses every hour or so to rip your heart out, and at least one time does it so much harder than the original game I was floored by it.  Just a fantastically well-composed scene.

As a game unto itself it feels a lot more able to stand alone than Remake.  Like, when Remake was being a remake it was good, and when it inserted gameplay to fluff out Midgar to a complete game it was kinda the weakest parts of the game.  Now, the stuff with Avalanche being real characters, that was good, but making Hojo's lab an entire Resident Evil Mansion of new dungeon is... a lot.  Making the Shiny Golden Wire of Hope a whole dungeon?  A lot.  Remake has its share of "this did not need to take 2 hours" dungeons but it a lot better about adding gameplay to sequences that were really short in the original, and as you might expect when it has 'permission' to make a dungeon of doom it does it with gusto.  I think I spent more time in chapter 13, which is "Literally just Temple of the Ancients", than any other chapter but it always felt properly paced and appropriate.

So yeah no like.  Go ahead and play this game (once you can, since I'm 100% several of you are just waiting for a PC version).  Even if you felt like Remake kinda fell apart at the end, Rebirth is a lot more thoughtful about its new stuff and is a lot more satisfying about going off the rails for being more reserved with it.
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Logiart Grimoire (Steam)

Regarding the additional puzzles which were added in the post-early-access release, while it's still a bit annoying that they're not integrated into the main game structure, it turns out that they are still at least somewhat thematically linked.

Each of the puzzles is tagged with two or three keywords, often a subject along with an action and/or location, so this is similar to how the majority of the puzzles in the main game need to be unlocked by combining two or three of the other puzzles. For example one might have 'Cat' and 'To Cook' and the puzzle resolves to a cat in a chef hat using a cutting board.

And this actually leads to a lot of these puzzles ending up much more novel than I'm used to seeing in a while, so it was ultimately a good experience despite my previous complaint.

Anuchard (Steam)

Shortish action-rpg where you go into various dungeons to restore various people/entities and parts of the world.

It's trying for some amount of depth re cycles of history etc but ultimately I think it's a bit too short to really reach what it's aiming at. (And it's implied that all the characters in the game are literally the only people in that location, given a few of the events, which makes some of the later events not really make sense.) I did like some of what it was doing.

Never got especially good at the combat but happily it never got especially difficult. (The combat itself isn't particularly deep, either, so that could be a turnoff for some people.)

Dráscula: The Vampire Strikes Back (Steam)

Fairly bad old spanish-developed point & click game.

Crashed on me numerous times, had some issues with the english voice work. Some unfortunate 'jokes'. The interface is also fairly clunky.

The most annoying problem is that often exits which weren't otherwise interactable weren't indicated by anything - you would only know there was an exit if you clicked to walk somewhere and you changed location as a result. The prime examples being a tree, and a non-visible secret passage happening to be in a cupboard which is in the same room as a second, visible secret passage and where when you initially opened the cupboard you got an item out of it. (It also doesn't appear to really work with the geometry of the location, given the cupboard is against a wall with a visible corridor on the other side.)

If On A Winter's Night, Four Travelers (Steam)

Started playing this much more recent point & click only taking into account that it was well-thought-of and short, unhappily completely missed that it was a horror game which I am really not in the right state of mind for currently. Ended up being a much more discomforting experience than I was hoping for as a result.

That said, it's very polished and has some good sequences. There is one sequence in the third chapter that overstays its welcome a fair amount though.


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Unicorn Overlord (complete)

8/10 game, I'm honestly extremely satisfied with this one and am willing to play it again at some point, but overall have some issues with the pacing in places.  I can accept a ho-hum writing job in a gameplay game, which this very much is, but there's just enough little problems I have that add up to some gripes overall.  I like the hell out of this game, I just think it could be better.

Probably the biggest is that it tries to have its cake and eat it too regarding the order in which you can deal with neighboring countries; giving you the illusion of freedom on that front while it's very much implying that you are supposed to go in a specified order.  This frankly could have been done better if they had gone further in either direction.  Either go for a fixed scenario order where you can have more in-depth storytelling or embrace the more open world approach they were teasing at.  Either could have worked, frankly.

I'm going to also take this time to vent a bit about how some of the localized chapters' stories played out.  Drakenhold's was probably the best fleshed out one.  The others didn't have enough time to cook - Bastorias could have gone from good to great if everything regarding Elgor and the Rat Bestrals wasn't constrained to a couple of encyclopedia entries and a last-chapter reveal.  Albion could have been decent had it expounded upon the small bit of local plot it got.  Elheim...good god Elheim was honestly the lowest part of the game, I don't know what the hell that needed.  I think ironically, Elheim and Albion suffered more from tying too much into the rather bare "collect the macguffins to do the big plot" aspect and not having enough of their own internal plot.  It also feels like the game needed one more chapter, so to speak where you could deal with the enemy using combined arms setups, but that may just be me.

Also Agrias Oaks syndrome is in full force here, don't act surprised.  Outside of a core few (mostly Scarlett, Lex, and Yahna), characters will disappear from the plot after the chapter they were introduced in is over, no surprises here.

I feel obligated to take a bit here to expound on just how much of a miracle it is that this game made it out in this level of quality.  Unicorn Overlord had a ten-year dev cycle, having originated as a PSVita title and going through not one but two large-scale refactors.  It basically limped across the finish line only because Kamitani funded the end of it himself.  I suppose to that end I can't blame its faults too much because there was barely enough money to make the game with by the end, so it had to be shipped out soon.

You know what games usually come out of those cycles?  Duke Nukem Forever.  Anthem.  Suicide Squad:Kill The Justice League.  Games that are just fucking terrible and out of touch with everything.  Shambling monstrosities that should have been put down years ago.  It's amazing that Unicorn Overlord basically beat the odds here and came out in the state that it did.

It's flawed, but I love it all the same.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.

Dark Holy Elf

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Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

Replayed this. Eirika HM. Decided to actually do early promotions. Core team was Eirika (promoted at 20), Ephraim (20), Seth, Tana (11, Wyvern Knight), Colm (16, Rogue), Vanessa (17, Wyvern Knight), Gerik (10, Hero), Duessel, Saleh, Lute (10, Mage Knight), Kyle (11, Paladin), and Tethys. Colm got pretty RNG blessed early, almost immediately turning into an excellent fighter. And then Tana possibly got even more RNG-blessed, even despite promoting early she was 23 str / 29 spd by the end, crazy.


Amy wanted to see this. This is the first time I've played it since 2001, when I played it once before. It's... clunky. The DNA of later Metroid games is visible but it's just not very fun to play. Starting at 30 HP every time you die (which is as little as like ~5% later) is awful, the way the game emphasizes very slow grinding to heal is bad, lack of map is a bad combination with how same-y the areas are.

Kid Icarus

See above, another NES game which I consider much worse than at least one later game in the series. Made by some of the same people right after Metroid 1, so it's neat to play it as a pseudo-sequel. This one I haven't played since ~1996! Anyway while also obviously aged, I do think it's notably more fun than Metroid 1; enemies NOT dropping health is actually a huge addition by subtraction so I'm never tempted to grind, and you start off at reasonable HP anyway (100% early, as little as 40% later). Game's an odd hodgepodge of stages, the three castles have a bit of a Metroid feel but the rest of the game is either sidescrolling or upscrolling, with the latter being particularly dangerous because you can't go back, so if you fall you die, have fun.

Theatrhythm: Final Bar Line

Currently playing this. There's very little to say about it, it sure is more Theatrhythm. Which, naturally, means I'm having a good time.

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Princess Peach Showtime!- Finished this.  It's not a very substantial game, and the A+ costume design is sadly the only truly excellent part of it, but it's... Fine, y'know?  Good enough game.  Probably wouldn't recommend dropping $60 on it for most people?  I don't think it really lends itself to replays or challenges in particular; as far as I can tell, there's 30 stages plus 5 bosses and you have to do all of them to finish.  There might be some extras but it's not many.  So it's not really like a proper Mario game in that way.

Now aesthetically it does pretty well at staying engaging across the entire run.  There's 3 stages for each costume, the stage play aesthetic is strong, it helps bind the whole thing together.  But I'm going to forget everything about this game by next week, and honestly only three or so of the stage types are actually engaging in their own right.  At the same time though, as you might expect from having 10 distinct stage types determined by your current job class in a platformer, none of the gameplay really has the depth to sustain many more stages than that.  The game just really never rises above the issues generated by its premise even if it's pleasant enough within that.

So yeah, not a bad game, but not one I can strongly recommend given the many other games out there and nintendo's pricing tendencies.
CK: She is the female you
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Mega Man 11 (Steam)

Decently enjoyable. Played through on the default difficulty, which may have been a mistake - was harder than preferable, but fortunately I was able to be carried by E Tanks. I can't say I did a good job of using the gearing system or alternate weapons outside of boss fights so I guess I wasn't really meeting the game halfway here though.

The game feels weirdly uneven, location-wise - the robot master levels all feel like they're around 50% longer than they need to be, then the fortress is comparatively short. (And there's just the one.)

Didn't bother with any of the challenges.

Xenosaga Episode III: Also Sprach Zarathustra (PS2)

Mostly enjoyable. Probably the best of the three systems-wise, although not at all perfect. For one thing the game brought up the concept of managing character resistance to Gnosis early but then you barely ever fight any Gnosis on foot until late in the game. (Which is also a bit of a problem for chaos, who wants to kill Gnosis with one of his moves to boost another of them, although I have no idea how effective that mechanic actually is.) Mech combat is also more interesting early on when your energy is more limited and devolves somewhat later into primarily just continually repeating the same sequences of moves, bosses with shifting elemental defences aside.

Also saddening that Shion only gets one type of throw, which only works on humans, and even then doesn't work on some humans (or on humans facing the wrong way). Still v. amusing to spend most of a few boss fights having her continually send them to the ground.

The Miltia sequence in general is the highlight of the game as far as I'm concerned. The lowlight possibly Merkabah, which almost feels like a joke. Abel's Ark isn't great either but at least it doesn't have you retracing your steps so much. (Although it then does of course ask you to do that after you've left in order to get some goodies. But then Merkabah did that as well.)

I played through the first set of levels in HaKoX when I first ran across it and came to the conclusion that it was terrible. When the story decided that I needed to go look at a HaKoX machine to continue I played through half the second set and reconfirmed that it was terrible. Didn't touch it again.

Also didn't beat Ω Id or Erde Kaiser Sigma. I looked into the Id fight (after giving it a try and being slaughtered - this was directly after getting the key, not at endgame, although it sounds like that doesn't really matter) and it sounds fairly terrible, so not bothering with it - and my understanding is you essentially need to beat it to get what you need for the Sigma fight (which I also tried and didn't do very well at).


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Trails of Cold Steel III- beat this. 

It's weird because like.  80% of the game is a very strong 8/10, just very good RPGing to be found here and while there's some pandering they mostly do a good job of keeping it on the right side of the line.  It does however have a kinda rough start with a lot of choices in the story that were at odds, and more weirdly an ending which I just don't see how they thought it was a good idea.  The Curse of Erebonia is a bad idea to start with, but you could make something like that sorta palatable by suggesting that there's a miasma which makes people more aggressive that resulted from some ancient collective sin.  Like, the seeds of that idea are there, but they assign so much agency to it and take it so far beyond people making bad decisions in the heat of a moment that instead it's just this case of mass demonic possession which arises from... nothing, just some ancient conflict in the past whose present manifestation has no real thematic link to how it arose in the first place.  It also kinda completely dumpsters every major antagonist of this arc along the way, and the whole thing arises from them desperately wanting to somehow make Osborne redeemable later rather than just letting this dude be beyond the pale from his own traumas and letting Rean have conflicted feelings about him or even hate him in the end.  Just a very dumb writing decision arising from Falcom not being willing to let go of their darlings.

Despite all that basically everything from late chapter 1 to the final dungeon is really good, and the final dungeon's issues are mostly related to "you all signed up for child sacrifices and at least half of you should have fucked off and stayed home after that" outside the actual ending being bad.  It's just so weird that this series which made a point of integrating massive leaps of technology and artifacts of god into the political elements of the story falling back to "devils made them do it" in order to get its world war.
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.

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Hades II: Beat the two routes to the extent that they're currently available in early access.

I think where this game falls flat compared to the first one is the characters. Melinoe is very Mary Sue compared to charming rebel Zagreus. The hub area characters are just bland in general. There are some good characters scattered in the dungeons, particularly Arachne and Circe.

Gameplay is fine though.

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NEO The World Ends with You- Finished this.  Might tool around a bit with Another Day but we'll see, seems a lot more combat-focused than TWEWY's version.

So in several ways this is really a better game than TWEWY.  Like, the way it handles fashion is smoother and easier to work with, the game feels more forthcoming with how food works, and the larger stable main cast is nice.  It has a bit of a VP vibe in terms of controls and combat flow, although that can make the handful of fights that really demand you employ the movement afforded by this being an action RPG kinda awkward.  So like, if you had any affection at all for the original, I do definitely recommend it.

But it should also be said that yeah, this game extremely assumes you played TWEWY, and honestly some late-game aspects seem to be entirely pulled from the Final Remix version that was released on Switch, although you can get the gist with just the original.  And more than that while it improves on the original in several key ways, it just doesn't have quite the same focus, uniqueness, and spark of the original.  And like, let's be real, you never could, but... think about the relationship between Undertale and Deltarune.  It's a bit like that.

Sometime I should probably like.  Actually talk about this game, but these post are really more about summaries and reminders for myself and I think the overall meat of the plot will stick with me a while longer.  Mostly you will be unsurprised to learn I love Shoka.
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.