
Author Topic: What Games are you playing 2015?  (Read 208788 times)

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3850 on: November 26, 2015, 08:03:26 AM »
Bravely Default - Reached the Eisenberg continent. I am dirt poor from all my Rusalka preparation and experience, but I do manage to buy another Aeolian Bow as I lean more on Rangers and start to get Bow Lore. I also discover that the Eisenberg magic shop sells Level 4 white magic... but not black. Fuck. I have to wait longer than I expected to get an important tool in my arsenal, one I'd already been planning the next boss around...

On the bad news note, I get Swordmaster. It's not a terrible job, but everything else would have been much more potent, I think: Salve-Maker would have given me great healing, Performer and Pirate's buffs/debuffs are amazing, and Ninja has Utsusemi and great synergy with my physical jobs. Oh well. This is a class I was wanting to use on my replay, I suppose... I won't be getting it for a while, though.

The randoms on the map take some getting used to but aren't ultimately too bad. The worst are definitely the Deathstalker which can summon more of its kind and throw off brave-blitzes badly. Also randoms seem to be getting more sleep-resistant. Nuts. Fortunately Slayer skills and my deeper MP pool are making it easier to blitz randoms.

Grapp Keep is all undead, all the time. I do some calculations and realize that busting out Phoenix Downs is, in fact worth it. With a 70% chance to ID any undead, I have to decide if using one will save me 7 Potions (approximately the same cost once adjusting for miss rate). I usually conclude it does. Against undead I usually have one PC brave-blitz and Phoenix Down each of them once, then hope at most one survives and blitz it next turn. If two or more survive, repeat. Works well! Fortunately Eisenberg comes with a significant spike in random rewards, both JP (now ~30 a fight) and Pg (typically 300-500, so I can easily afford these Phoenix Downs).

Automaton x3 (3 resets) - A bastard fight. When I first try it, it's possible for my entire team to be two-rounded through Default, MT 5-6HKO or so (and similar ST due to evasion, but they seem to prefer the MT). Yuck! Just surviving until turn 5 is kinda tricky. Turn 5 is a breather as they use it to buff themselves. Thereafter, they have close to double the offence, so if three are still alive I die instantly and two isn't much better. The problem is if I die in the early rounds it's almost impossible to blitz them, and really only a PC with Hermes Sandals always outpaces them.

After several attempts which seem to be going nowhere, I realise I have a lot of Pg from the dungeon (the second time through it, since I did retreat out once) and a lot of stuff to sell, so I backtrack out, sell the useless weapons, and have about 10k Pg to work with, which I use to buy two Large Shields (finally I can get rid of my Bucklers), up-to-date hats, and up-to-date light armour (except for one PC still rocking the Mirage Vest). A big improvement to my Def, so now I can actually survive somewhat more reliably. Their post-buff damage is still way too much to deal with, but fortunately I'm now able to keep everyone alive long enough (Hermes Sandals on the Spell Fencer healer) to do some nice Thundara Spellblade Targeting blitzing, and I'm able to kill two of them before they take their sixth turn. That just leaves the one post-buffed, and of course I'm well into negative BP, but I purposefully leave one of my tankier PCs at 0 to default through and survive. The buff wears off, I Phoenix Down a bunch of people, and am able to recover and win, since one of them fundamentally isn't too bad. I'm Level 33.

I use 4 X-Potions here, half my supply. Rough, but hopefully nobody else is this bad until I can actually buy them. I don't think anyone will, but it's possible Chaugmar will keep up the tradition of crystal bosses being evil monsters. We'll see!

After this comes the Mithril Mines. This is a breather area by comparison. There's a bunch of fixed fights with solo swordbearer soldiers which are generally easy, Thunder Spellblade then blitz! Sleep can be mixed in. One catch is that the pikemen counter physicals, which kille me pretty fast given my brave-blitzing strategy. Sleep Spellblade, hope it works (usually seems to), then Thunder Spellblade Invigorate x2 and crush away, hopefully 2HKOing.

The randoms are certainly better, though I don't fight many (I suspect getting in a fixed fight resets the time to another random? Dunno). The real dangers are the Succubi which can inflict charm and ruin all my plans, gumming up brave-related strategies. Not much to do about it. Sleep blitzes to take out them and their allies work. The Mythril Shell (turtle) is noteworthy for a lot of defence and solid power, but still, sleep works here, as does ice Aquatic Slayer off my highest-Atk PCs. Carbuncles use MT protect which mostly makes the turtles even bulkier, and are another rare enemy that attacks with magic! Not too bad otherwise.

And with that done, the game finally gives me access to Starkfort and that means... Drain Spellblade! Score. The dungeon however is a step up, as I now have to fight three of those Black Blade soldiers from the previous dungeon at once! And it turns out they actually hit pretty hard, can OHKO on a crit when I'm not defaulting (which happens several times). And the ones who counter are now just jerks who ruin all my blitzing plans. The swordsmen, meanwhile will use confuse-inflicting physicals, so just default-spamming at the start doesn't work well. I vary my strategies with a mix of thunder, sleep, and drain spellblade to get the job done. No boss here at least.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3851 on: November 26, 2015, 01:48:08 PM »
Subterfuge:  I think I am winning?  Granted I don't have a mine yet which is the actual win condition, but I'm about to build one of those and take over another person's.

Earlygame I promoted a Hypnotist into a King, which makes you lose shields on all your outposts in return for your drillers kicking more ass.  This let me grab a large amount of territory.  Problem is eventually you don't have enough energy to support all those factories you have... but I hired a tinkerer which jacks up your energy output.  When I promote him and the smuggler I will have massive energy supply and factory output.

Granted I will have a giant target on my back, but I'm allied with the guys to my north and south.  That affords me a large amount of protection.  As long as they don't backstab me very early I should be in good shape.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3852 on: November 28, 2015, 01:59:50 AM »
Bravely Default -

So the next dungeon is the Underflow. This place is hard! Probably the most difficult dungeon for the challenge since the Temple of Wind. The first floor isn't too bad, just introduces some of the enemies, but after that, whoof. Might as well break it down by enemy.

-Red Flans are relatively benign, and each one can be brave-blitzed by my stronger offensive PCs. Their fire magic is pretty good, or they can poison. They alone cause me to pull out the two Flame Charms I have (adding the third when I pick it up in this dungeon), though I keep the Hermes Sandals.
-Flare Lanterns are jerks. Seriously, they ruin everything and cause several resets. Their money move is a MT fire magic which inflicts silence (which prevents sword magic). This completely fucks up brave-blitzes. Also, if four of them ambush me I may just die to the damage. Fights against four of them, or two of them plus two Red Flans, are bad news. If only one appears, it can be killed by a brave-blitz with my Hermes Sandals PC. Oh yeah, and they immune sleep.
-Zombie Minotaurs also immune sleep. They'll use Berserk turn 1 then start doing crazy amounts of damage, and have lots of HP and no elemental weakness. I can spend lots of MP on Beast Slayer to deal with them, and hope they don't stop me, since it takes 2-3 PCs to brave-blitz one and sometimes I fight two at once, or them + other enemies. Or I can toss Phoenix Downs. Guess which I do.

The third floor is the hardest because it features nasty formations involving the above guys. There's more:

-Magicians are actually pretty wussy! They're demons, so weak to the Birch Bow. They have MT Curse which can screw up blitzes somewhat, and MT blind which makes me put Blind Immunity (the Monk passive) to good use. They're usually fought in small formations, though, and have no more HP than Red Flans.
-Demons have a bit more HP, and hit hard with ST physicals, but that's about it. Also demons (obviously), sometimes waste time with Corpse (MT 5-count death sentence, I should always finish the fight before then). Only formations involving 3+ demons/magicians are hard, and I think those are only in the temple of fire itself at the very end. Sleep is an option for both demon-types, but they do seem to resist it some.
-Inferno Golems are total jerks, at least at first. Why? 100% counter to ST physicals, that's why, OH GUESS WHAT I HAVE. Of course, they immune sleep, so my usual strategy for counters is out. Only good news is that their counter is fire, which is good because if I don't resist it, it does a strong 2HKO and outperforms my draining. Speaking of which, drain spellblade brave-blitzes using fire-halving PCs are the way to go here. When I get the Iceflame Shield (nulls fire and ice), I get an even safer option for them.

Oh yeah the final screen of the Underflow itself has a formation with six Red Flans, which is noooope. When I finally get through the dungeon after at least half a dozen resets, fortunately a path opens up for a quick backtrack which is good because by this point I've used up my 99 Potions, and almost all of my Phoenix Downs and Hi-Potions. That brings us to the boss!

Chaugmar (2 resets) - The easiest crystal guardian so far, but still rough. Let's break down his pattern. He starts the battle with perfect defences. For three turns, he'll use one of his regular attacks. On turn 4, he'll transform, dropping his defences, and on turn 5 he'll use Energy Burst, which is a brutal MT physical. On turn 6, he'll make one more of his regular attacks, then on turn 7 he'll transform to restore his defences. Repeat until one side dead.

The first reset is because Energy Burst kills two people despite them being at full HP, so I monkey with my setup. Big thing is to go down to one Ranger, since they're the most fragile (Monks have HP, Spell Fencers have shield/armour proficiencies). I end up going with two Monks, because they have more speed, and I only have one heavy armour anyway. Sword Magic on everyone, Monk skillset on my Spell Fencer.

At this point, let's talk about his skillset. His worst move (for me) is Heart Suck, which drains 2 BP from someone to him. This means he'll brave the next two non-Transform, non-Energy Burst turns he gets, and THAT is bad. He also has a regular physical which tends to do 4HKOish (depends on evade) damage to a defaulting PC, and Soul Suck, which drains MP (obviously not too bad).

When he braves, though, he'll use Blood Suck twice. This hurts. It does magical damage, and when not defaulting it does borderline OHKO damage to most of my team, and thus can 2HKO through default sometimes (not the spell fencer, who activates Anti-Magic and will tank the second). It also heals him for a bunch. FUN FACT: My second reset is because I go for a brave-blitz but forget about all the health he has drained. Whoops.

Anyway, some big realisations I make which help are that (a) because Blood Suck hurts so much, it's often easier just to leave people at low HP. I can always heal the turn before Energy Burst, (b) if people do die before Energy Burst, leaving them dead is okay! Everything else besides Energy Burst isn't THAT bad, and leaving people at lower HP means less health for him to drain.

Besides that I have a choice between using Thundara or Drain spellblades as necessary. A particularly good time to attack is the turn he uses Transform, with Hidden Dragon, either using Drain to heal up or Thundara if that's not needed. Sadly my ranger doesn't have this strategy, so he'll use any spare BP pre-Energy Burst to toss potions. Default through Energy Burst, hope everyone lives, use any remaining BP for more attacks. Repeat. Brave-blitz when I feel I can go over 54k damage done (accounting for draining!) total.

Chaugmar is fast enough to outspeed everyone but the Hermes Sandals wearer (one of my Monks, who needs the Def the least) on occasion, so that has to be accounted for with healing or blitzing (either on turn 7 before transform or for a kill) strategies. I learn this the hard way, but once I do, not too bad.

Overall a tough fight but manageable! I was Level 39.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3853 on: November 28, 2015, 03:48:42 AM »
Bloodborne: All my characters are either in NG+, or they're a pathetic attempt at an SL1 playthrough, so I restarted from the beginning, for the DLC. My character is an UOW named Benedicte.

Christ Bloodborne is good, I had forgotten how much. I am beyond rusty and almost lost to that wounded first dog, even after getting a weapon. Still, I beat the first two bosses.

Cid told me to STR build so I did, and picked the Kirkhammer up ASAP. I remembered it as an extremely crappy but cool weapon, and it is a lot better and way more fun than I remember. It mostly pales compared to the OP axe, and Dark Souls 2's completely ridiculous giant clubs to which it directly compares to.

Anyway. With the Kirkhammer you get perhaps the best weapon design in the entire Souls series, which is saying something.
You also get standard fast lightning sword stabs. You get a sword thrust stab, your best friend when all else fails, which is often because the Kirhammer's standard damage is resisted by everything. You get really slow but satisfying overhead hammer swipes, basically throwing a cube of concrete on the head of your enemies. You get the most satisfying pancake charge-R2 you can imagine. You get Spin2Win L2, followed by a fun combo that nobody in their right mind would ever fucking use.

I like it.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3854 on: November 28, 2015, 04:23:41 AM »
I am playing through NG with Simon's Bowblade (had to kill an NPC to get it early, but I don't care because bow hype) at the moment. I got to the first boss of the DLC and got seriously curbstomped, but I was level 49. I figure I'll max out the weapon through the maingame and give it another try. As it turns out, this weapon completely breaks the maingame bosses, LOL. Bows > Guns for real up in here. The only drawback is that while it's easy to get ranged 'backstabs,' getting a followup visceral attack is tricky. The dagger half of the Bowblade is pretty sick too.

I enjoyed what I played of the DLC, but could have done with fewer bloodlickers. The less those show up at any point the better.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3855 on: November 28, 2015, 06:26:36 AM »
Bravely Default - With Chaugmar defeated, the Swordmaster asterisk has unlocked. This is good! (I hope...)

Anyway Starkfort randoms are mostly pretty easy now. There's some new fire dragon random that wasn't there on the lower floors and if he comes with multiple other soldiers I can't actually brave-blitz things, and I remember to put the pikemen to sleep. But overall it's still significantly easier than the Underflow. I don't have much to say.

Kamiizumi sucks.

His strategy isn't bad, and can certainly kill you, until you know what it is. Basically, he'll whore counterstances until one of them activates. Said counterstances are brutal overkill, even my highest-Def setup isn't close to surviving one. If your entire team attacks into one, game over man! Hell, even if 2-3 of them do, you're in big trouble, because after you trigger one of his counters, the next turn he'll use Attack x3. His attacks can 2HKO my defaulting PCs if they don't have shields, sometimes, though are a fair bit worse otherwise. (Evade makes them hard to predict.) It's easy to see how this could kill you.

Unfortunately, once you know the trick, you only have one person attack a round. Thus only one person will die. Then, if you're defaulting, the triple physical isn't going to be a worry (I have one person not default to use a Phoenix Down), and then you get two freebie turns to recover and pound him. With Drain Spellblade for my pounding, I don't even need to worry about healing!

Then, when Kamiizumi's HP is below half, he dispenses with the counters, and he adopts a strategy... which is EVEN WORSE. Just 3x Attack, every time, always sending him into negative BP. Even if this pulled three KOs, somehow (it won't), I could respond with Phoenix Down x3 and still come out ahead in terms of BP / turn economy. So his only hope is to run you out of Phoenix Downs I guess. As is, lol.

Congratulations, Kamiizumi, for being the first boss I defeat without using a single potion of any sort. (And he's still completely broken in the DL, go figure.)

Swordmaster get! We'll see how this goes.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3856 on: November 28, 2015, 01:16:22 PM »
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition: Dante has a Sparda outfit as expected, so of course I use it.  It is kind of surreal seeing scenes I'm so familiar with starring a character who looks notably different (Nero looks the same in his Sparda outfit, it's just a different color for the most part; Dante, meanwhile, has a whole new hair-style, and the monocle), though a perk I liked about it is DT stands out more when in Sparda, so you tend to not be accidentally in it! ...yeah, that's not really a perk because it's not like DT is subtle <_<

Anyway, finished the game; I had one death the entire run and that was to the 2nd Blitz.  This fight DID teach me that I've been fighting Blitzes all wrong as Dante and should be uses the Shotgun on them more often.  Also got the special ending in one go, whoo!

Beating Devil Hunter gives you access to what I guess is a Vergil!Nero outfit and, hilariously, an outfit based off DmC Dante, even giving the outfit the same pose New!Dante has on the box art.  Gonna have to go back and play as Dante at some point just to see that.

THEN I went and started Lady/Trish mode!  So a few things that stand-out:
-Lady/Trish share everything you got in Nero/Dante.  Well crap, game's just going to be a cake walk isn't it?  I'm disappointed they took that route because Vergil didn't share with Dante in DMC3, was hoping the same way here.
-Dante and Nero maintain whatever outfit they were wearing when you last used them, so Dante's still swagging as Sparda
-Lady's melee sucks...but that was kind of expected.  I'm sort of shocked she has melee at all but I guess there are some enemies or mechanics that just don't work with guns, like switches
-Lady can fire Kalina Anne in mid-air...yes, she can fire the DMC Explosive weapon aireborne, I'm pretty sure that's illegal in the series!
-Her Handguns are disappointing slow, so looks like their use is not quite the same as in other games
-Her Shotgun, meanwhile, is the DMC SHotgun; I think it has more spread.  It is neat that her charge version is, unlike her other weapons, a status like Dante's that is fire for x amount of time in a powered up state, though the increase in damage seems way bigger than Dante's (closer to what it was in DMC3)
-She lacks a DT, being a normal human and all, so instead she fires a bajillion pipebombs.  With about 7 orbs, this took off 45% of Berial Health.  I'm not exaggerating...
-Charged Kalina Anne hits like a truck and has ridiculous AoE
-Her Grappling is amusing, since it doesn't just pull the enemy in, it also throws them aireborne, which is the perfect position for a DMC Gunner!
-They brought back all of Kalina Anne's skills from DMC3 and amped them up significantly.  Kind of a must I suppose since she lacks Dante's Melee, and it's her primary damage weapon.

...yeah, she's a very different character than like anything before it.  A character built entirely around ranged only concern is DMC4 was not balanced around that and this could make her feel either completely OP or defenseless at points, but we'll see.  So far, OP stands out but partially because I have an Endgame character fighting off early mobs.  Still, she's fun and nice to play DMC4 in a completely different method.  Curious what Trish is like as well, and Vergil...well, already know how he plays, just a question of what they changed!
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3857 on: November 29, 2015, 07:37:09 AM »
Hugely belated thoughts:

Fenrir: Nope, no Dark World for my friend.

Trails SC: Just beat the C2 boss.  Still enjoying it so far.  General comments...
* There are some games where reusing the same assets as the previous game in the series would be lazy or a retread.  In Trails, it isn't.  They're obviously going to throw in some new dungeons for you to look at, but the roads & trails are the same & the towns are mostly identical, which makes sense since it's just ~3 months later or so.  What's different?  The people.  This is still one of the best living, breathing worlds out there that 'makes sense', and that means there's always interesting things happening.  You deposed & disgraced the mayor of a town?  Well now there's an election happening for a replacement.  The army guy who helped you out before?  Well he's clearly proven his loyalty, and is a favorite of Cassius anyway, so he gets a promotion.  So yeah, good job as usual here.
* In the same way, script is still good, no surprises here.  XSeed wasn't kidding about the size of the script; all the NPCs dialogue everywhere you can access updates after everything, so you can run around playing NPC Stalker 3000 as they all go about their activities, often times switching up their locations.  There's a whole living, breathing world going on outside your adventure, so you can listen in on an effort to refit an airship's engines and the progress thereof, plans to lure a young noble to the spot where she's got an arranged marriage, the misadventures of a rich guy's family and his son who likes to hang out with the thugs, etc.  What makes it even bigger is that unlike the vast majority of FC, you have party choice in SC, so the dialogue has to vary a lot...  but these aren't just bland dialogue changes where the optional party members say something generic.  No, if you bring Olivier to go solve the mystery of the peeping tom at the hot springs, you'll get a notably Olivier spin on things.  I can only imagine how much this blows up the amount of dialogue they had to write for the game.
* Tita's blind actually saved the day in one set-piece miniboss battle!  She's still bad and died anyway shortly afterward (2/3 of the max HP of anyone else will do that) but hey.

And now the bad...

* This remains to be seen, but I'm not a fan of the villainy so far, although I guess it's not a huge shock.  So, Trails FC has its main villains be not very loud in their villainy - at least when they're acting blatantly aggressive (they'll show up unmasked & smirk all the time in normal contexts, ofc).  This is something I rather like; villains in real life rarely have name tags hovering above their head, but are more like "that guy over there."  Let the patsies like the Sky Bandits be obvious.  I always thought the black-clad soldiers were suitably ominous - they strike at night, they're obviously not your friends, but just who are they and who do they really want?  There's an obvious guess, and it's even mostly correct, but they don't confirm this for you or crow about their plans too soon.  Additionally, the *real* villains are even more coy.  So you have really secretive assassins acting through 2 sets of proxies, and then 1 of those proxies gets their *own* proxies to work for them at times.  Cloak & dagger, good times.  Makes the melodramatic showdowns in the final chapter more fulfilling in their own way, and explains why you can't simply try and get the main bad guy proxies arrested earlier.  And while sometimes the black-clad soldiers are explicitly not trying to kill you, other times they kind of are (the Tita / Agate @ Carnelia Tower deal), so...  this is real.  They're not fighting in the street with lots of witnesses, they're just going to have some people go missing and it'll be a damn shame.

Additionally, I know Elf didn't like him, but FC Lorence basically worked well enough for me - he's the one character you know early is obviously up to something and his power level is over 9000, but what's he up to?  To the extent he's a big antagonist whose objectives aren't clear (and succeed anyway!), he's fine.  He makes clear that the matter of the Septillion/Sept-Terrion is a Big Deal and that you don't really know much about 'em.  And while he talks some shit to the party, he's not exactly an anime rival; it's just business.

Trails SC, you get to meet some more operatives of Ourborous, and...  (**mild SC spoilers**) they're definitely closer to the Wild Arms 4 school of "wacky anime crazy dudes with powerz!1!" so far, the kind who do dumb crap like explicitly call attention to themselves so they can have an awesome fight with Our Heroes, have some kind of grudge / fixation with a particular party member, then no-sell any attacks done to them, then run off because....  ??? idk, maybe they're one of those types who enjoys GLORIOUS BATTLES merely for the sake of it.  Then despite the fact that you've totally failed to stop them let's declare victory despite there being nothing preventing them from resuming mischief since you didn't defeat them.  Boo hiss.  Telling me their names, their plans, then failing to kill me (or die trying) is like the reverse of what I'd expect a super-secret society to do.  Which is not to say I think the game should continue to troll me about how much information I'm getting after how long they kept Ourborous under wraps, I'd just rather it come from PC action like intercepting messages or the like rather than a villain monologue, and if you want the villain to live, I'd either want some better assurance of actually having won a victory (breaking their hypertech toy they're using to cause havoc, say), or else have the party grousing about how they haven't solved anything, but let's lie & announce to the public that everything is fine to prevent a panic.  And the villains refusing to kill me despite seemingly being able messes with the tension.  (This might yet be fixed if there's a non-shenanigans reason to leave the PCs alive for the bad guys, but I doubt it.)

Anyway, like I said, we'll see.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2015, 03:30:10 PM by SnowFire »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3858 on: November 29, 2015, 02:01:24 PM »
I am playing through NG with Simon's Bowblade (had to kill an NPC to get it early, but I don't care because bow hype) at the moment. I got to the first boss of the DLC and got seriously curbstomped, but I was level 49. I figure I'll max out the weapon through the maingame and give it another try. As it turns out, this weapon completely breaks the maingame bosses, LOL. Bows > Guns for real up in here. The only drawback is that while it's easy to get ranged 'backstabs,' getting a followup visceral attack is tricky. The dagger half of the Bowblade is pretty sick too.

I enjoyed what I played of the DLC, but could have done with fewer bloodlickers. The less those show up at any point the better.

At least they're much less aggressive than the ones in Cainhurst? It's really easy to abuse their five-second memory to hit and run. And yeah, bow definitely looks stronger on paper than any non-cannon gun, possibly because you can stack gems on it (instead of guns which can only ever take one gem at most). That said, I haven't had much chance to road-test the thing since if you get it legit it shows up extremely late. I may wind up redoing some chalice stuff just for an excuse to use all this cool stuff I got at basically the last minute. (Hi there Rakuyo.)

It took me hearing it out of game to realize the Living Failures theme is basically just Mars, Bringer of War. I have no objection to this.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3859 on: November 29, 2015, 05:46:12 PM »
Yoshi's Woolly World - Finished~ Final boss fight was surprisingly fun, and the last world was quite enjoyable. Good game.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3860 on: November 29, 2015, 06:22:09 PM »
Bravely Default: Elf Edition

So I decided to play this through on the Elf Challenge because misery sounds fun, with one slight tweak: I'm allowing Special Moves and the Norende Item shop, simply because 1) I'm not as good at games as Elf, and 2) I feel like Hard Mode, at least, is certainly balanced around having access to the basic stuff.

I've made it through and am in Vestment Cave now.

Prologue: Leading up to the first boss fight is uninteresting, as always. Goblins take more than 1 hit on Hard, oh no~ The boss fight itself was actually quite tough, though. Had to tweak my setup quite a bit to try and get the right amount of both defense and offense, since Holly would often heal about 8-10 attacks worth of damage if she fell below 100, and l o l at braveblitzing her if she gets lucky and goes before either of my 2 PCs. Monk dude is still uninteresting, of course. I mean, he hurts like a truck if I'm not being prepared for that, but that's what potions are for. I used Examine on Holly just so I could know when to braveblitz because fuck her. For the first set of jobs, I got pretty lucky and rolled White Mage, which will be immensely useful once I have more jobs to back it up, which means yay~ I can actually start accumulating my JP already!

However spells are expensive, so I'm still pretty underwhelmed for items and gear, and White Mages are squishy as hell and have no offense until Aero, which makes the randoms leading up to Ominas Crowe a huge pain in my ass oh my god I would make it about 2 fights into the dungeon then have to leave because someone got unlucky and the enemies either OHKO or focus down and 1-round KO and I don't really have revival yet. So I have to slug-fest my way through and hope my MP pools keep up and that I don't get too unlucky. Ominas Crowe himself was actually pretty easy. He's slow-ish so he almost always goes behind Ringabel, and his damage is slightly worse than my healing, so I just try to predict whether it's AoE or ST fire damage and then laugh. Edea, still having actual ranks with her Ise-No-Kami, eventually wittles him down and I take the victory. easiest fight since the goblins, hands down.

Heinkel, on the other hand... his randoms weren't too awful once I got adequate defense to survive one round, and I only had a couple resets on his group of 4 knights (because OW). Heinkel himself, however, I am convinced is literally impossible for a White Mage SCC. If he doesn't up his defense then I can maybe do 30 damage to him, or 120 if I go into massive debt. if he doesn't boost defenses. Oh, and then there's his buddies who will spam 2-3HKO damage, and Heinkel will do somewhere between 2-5HKO damage himself. Oh, hope nobody criticals!~ Yeah, no, fuck this fight. I did some rough math with the Elf, and figured out that it is theoretically possible to win if Heinkel is alone and predictable and never gets a crit. So I cheated a little and called in some 'Friends' AKA random people and just mashed my way past Heinkel.

Chapter 1: Now for the real test of pain! Hey, maybe I'll get something relatively easy and early to grab, like Merchant or Thief or-- Nope, Spell Fencer. It's good! But oh god 2 full chapters of White Mage SCC.

Randoms for the most part are a massive pain in my ass, and I basically just run around doing everything but boss fights grabbing all the loot and munniez I can so I can gear myself properly and afford spells. Nothing in Ancheim is a huge pain above anything else, so far (besides Golems. Holy fucking shit Golems. 2HKO MT damage and they almost never come alone. Oh, and I can't possibly blitz them down even with Aero spells because they actually have M.Def and massive HP. Who thought this was ever good game design? oh yeah and they spawn with friends, like, 90% of the time. Thanks game.) Now I am in Yulyana Woods and the Vestment Cave, and the 4 significant enemies of note here go as follows:

Zombie Wolf: Default until it goes into debt cannibalizing itself, then heal it off and smack its face. Easy-mode.

Dark Lantern: High defense means I'm pretty guaranteed to have to use spells to kill it, so it's an MP-drain, but otherwise not exactly nasty itself. I'm just glad they've been kinda rare so far.

Moths: Fuck them in their Confusion-causing face. Oh well. Not the end of the world. Annoying, but manageable. Their offense isn't exactly the highest either, so I can generally survive as long as there's no Z. Wolf with them. (Note: They almost always spawn together)

Blood Bats: Literally the worst, so far. I have a very limited supply of MP that needs to survive long enough to get me through to the boss. I typically use about 15-20/fight, more if necessary. Blood Bats casually suck out 17MP per turn. So fighting one of these, if I'm unlucky, is like fighting 3 battles in 1. I'm usually wasting as much MP as I can just to Aero these fuckers in their smug little faces before they can do any more harm, except for one tiny problem: about 80% of the fights so far have been Moth/Blood Bat/Zombie Wolf. So I can't just unleash on them or the Moth because unlucky turns see someone dying (sometimes even through default if crits happen) but I can't just wait around because Confusion and MP-draining. So my very limited resource usually ends up getting drained really, really quickly.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3861 on: November 29, 2015, 10:37:38 PM »
Bloodborne: Christ Bloodborne is difficult. I had forgotten how much? I am constently out of vials and bullets.
One of the blood sack guys straight up OHKOed me with a kick in the face and I then got completely destroyed in the unseen village. (having forgotten where the lamp is) Amelia is terrifying. UUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAH

I think that, because I ended playing Bloodborne with a few hours of chalice dungeons, I remembered the maingame as not really that difficult and slightly inferior to other Souls games but with still a few good ideas. Nope it is totally as awesome as regular Souls. I'm glad I picked it up again from the beginning.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3862 on: November 30, 2015, 12:53:47 AM »
Amelia is terrifying. UUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAH

The sound FX team did amazing work on this game, yes. It was actually a long time before I felt able to make a serious attempt at soloing that fight and I'm not sure difficulty was entirely to blame. And yeah, I also felt totally incompetent restarting this after not playing it for half a year.

I've definitely found myself more enamored of the game on replay than I did when it was new, though. There's still stuff that bugs me, but either I'm used to it enough now or I got over the initial nitpicking I always do because things are different or I just don't care because Bloodborne probably has the best combat in the series?

So I was doing some random co-op in the DLC zones this afternoon, right? I'm standing outside Maria's room, and I get summoned for...the previous zone. I'm stuck on the wrong side of a door, I can see a boss health bar and hear the fight in progress on the other side, but I can't get into the arena because hey, that door doesn't open until after the boss fight. The boss enemies can still detect me and try to hit me though, so at least I can contribute a little by hitting enemies through clipping abuse? You uh, might want to fix this From. It actually happened twice today. Plus side 80,000 largely effort free echoes I guess.

The last DLC boss is still godawful. I can't beat it solo on NG+ and I can't find help either because no one wants to be in the same room as this thing. Well 4/5 new boss success rate is decent enough I guess.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2015, 01:06:03 AM by El Cideon »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3863 on: November 30, 2015, 06:15:13 AM »
Due to sale, I bought Bloodborne.

I don't have a PS4.

This plan was terrible.

Banished: My first Village starved in Spring. I do not understand life well. Second village is doing much, much better. There was a major touch and go point where my average health dropped to 2 and no one had tools, but we all pulled together. Things are going pretty decently right now.

Shantae and the Pirate's Curse: I thought this was a platformer, not a Metroid game. That was surprising. That said, it's been... nothing that I expected, honestly. Fun though. I kinda feel I'm missing a lot not having played the first game, though?

Mysterium: Board game. Cooperative Dixit. It's really quite fun. I'm impressed. Aesthetics are great. And, honestly, I've always liked Dixit anyway.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3864 on: November 30, 2015, 07:38:12 AM »
I think we started Xenoblade at like the same time, Idun. You'll likely finish it before I do.
...into the nightfall.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3865 on: November 30, 2015, 07:43:49 AM »
Hey, I play games besides RK! Well, mostly just Smash, Pokemon, and FFRK at the moment. But I got the urge to try out the Shantae series (apparently at the same time as everyone else here?).

So I emulated legally procured Shantae's first game from the GBC. And holy crap those are some nice-looking GBC graphics! The pixel-ness of it all just put me in a good mood. And the whole game has a fun atmosphere.

The game's story runs into the limitations of the GBC hard, I think. It's very brief but it feels like it wanted to say so much more. Every character with a name felt like they had a story to tell but there was basically no time to tell it. That's nice design right there, and I hope to see them fleshed out in the modern sequels.

The gameplay is a bit too oldschool in places. Wandering around a level waiting for a RNG event to progress the story is not fun. But luckily those moments are few and far between, and the game is overall short so it's a breezy affair that fits nicely into my busy schedule. Highly recommended for anyone who likes platformers/metroidvania style games. Though the story is so basic that you could probably skip this entry and go right into the sequel Risky's Revenge without losing anything. The very end -does- hit a cute character note for Shantae herself at least if you feel you must play a whole series from the beginning (like me), so it's not a complete waste either.

tl;dr: Good game, but dated. Can jump right into its better sequel without missing much but it's not bad by any means and worth trying if you think you'll want to play the whole series.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3866 on: December 01, 2015, 01:22:54 AM »
Subterfuge:  won my first game.  Used King earlygame to take over lands, Tycoon+Minister of Energy for massive production, took over a mine from some idiot who built an unprotected one right next to me, and then built two of my own.  Mines produce more for each land you hold whether it's a factory or generator, so my large holdings made the game end quicker than anyone could respond.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3867 on: December 01, 2015, 06:41:02 AM »
Bravely Default - Monk/Spellfencer/Ranger/Swordmaster versus the end of chapter 3

There's an annoying amount of trekking around the world map involving Egil plot, nobody cares, game.

Grandship dungeon I don't have too much to say about. Zombie Sharks eat Phoenix Down, most other enemies can be blitzed down pretty easily at this point. In the middle of the dungeon I pick up a lightning-katana, so I actually switch to using that with my Swordmaster... it's still an offence hit overall, but only barely with the crit rate and weakness hits factored in, and I can use it with a shield which is cool.

Behemoth (4 resets) - Is a jerk.

He's aquatic, weak to lightning, and has a massive 108000 HP, double what Chaugmar had. The fight is guaranteed to be long, so I'd better have a good strategy. And any good strategy has to deal with his Roar attack, which is devastating, dealing anywhere from ~50% (swordmaster/spellfencer with a shield) to ~110% (ranger without a shield), MT. Defaulting halves that, of course, but yeesh. Oh yeah and it inflicts silence, as if the move wasn't bad enough. And he's fast enough to go before all but my fastest, Hermes Sandals-boosted PC at least some of the time, which can mess up many strategies.

The rest of his skillset is ST. Toothy Rend hits really damn hard, pretty much always a OHKO if someone isn't defending (2HKO if they are), Venomous Bite and Bite do similar damage to Roar (one of them poisons). All his skillset is named, so no evasion, and all of it is physical.

The physical part is key. Swordmaster's Level 1 skill is Nothing Ventured, which halves physicals for a round and counters them. It does, in fact, work against multitarget, which I wasn't sure about. Initial experiments with my Swordmaster spamming that plus Drain Spellblade ended in her being consistently the best-performing PC, so I adopted that strategy on two people: the Spell Fencer and Swordmaster (nobody else can use that skill combination).

I settle on using White Capes (silence immunity) on the two counter-focused PCs, since they don't need speed too badly, while the ranger and monk get Hermes Sandals to go before the boss most/all of the time. My general strategy with the counter-users is to default up to 3 BP when at full HP, and use Nothing Ventured when damaged even a bit. The spare BP can be used on turns to brave Nothing Ventured with something else, during which I still half physicals to the round, and can either recast Drain Spellblade (I try to do this before ten turns are up), use a Phoenix Down on someone else, etc.

Meanwhile the two attackers also try to store BP, but healing them is more tricky. Either potions or heal silence if necessary -> drain spellblade -> attack. If they're able to build up spare BP, then they can hit quite hard, especially the Ranger with Aqauatic Slayer.

Since both attackers can die at random moments, a lot can go wrong. I learn not to try too hard to revive them, better to let someone stay dead than risk more deaths and everyone falling apart. Also, I try not to let the attackers' BP fall below 0 (i.e. 1 at the end of the round) in case the attackers die, which they can do very easily on turns they attack (no shield + not defaulting). Shields go on everyone when not attacking or countering.

But overall defensive play and leaning on Nothing Ventured drain counters, braving on turns to do other actions, works extremely well. I brave-blitz with thunder spellblade at the end, though even then I keep the counterers on standby just in case.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3868 on: December 01, 2015, 08:13:42 PM »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3869 on: December 01, 2015, 08:59:02 PM »
Realpost: I got through the three shadows + all optional areas up to there except Cainhurst.
If you just follow the main path in the forest you can just go pretty much straight to the boss. Pretty neat! I kept getting lost there before. This still doesn't help me get to Iosefka's clinic. I've searched everywhere!

I found some NPC summons, were those added? I definitely don't remember them. I could summon help for Amelia, Phaal (the help died immediately), BSB, Shadows. 
Kirkhammer is still cool.

Also congrats Captain K


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3870 on: December 01, 2015, 09:50:15 PM »
Because I just consume data for everything I see even when I don't like it (I don't like Bloodborne.  I also didn't get past like either first two bosses you can run into).

Additional summons are new as you would hope for The Old Hunters, it introduced more hunters.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3871 on: December 01, 2015, 09:58:52 PM »
You know too much. Do you know what that thing I linked is all about?

I also encountered in the forest a new dude named like Vlatr? He was maybe the most generic and boring guy in the entire Souls series. But he had a new covenant. I joined it, I still don't know what it does.

I had forgotten this but Bloodborne is a game that gets easier as it goes on. The beginning is the hardest part. Demon's Souls was similar, Dark Souls 1/2 weren't.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3872 on: December 01, 2015, 10:13:24 PM »
Well Demons's Souls's is also a heap of shit of a game as well so aye.

No love for Valtr's bucket hat?  I don't know specifics, but it is apparently a coop oriented covenant.

At work, so can't listen to the ambient thing, but would assume it is collective unconscious of all the victims of the nightmare screaming out in harmony (or you know, it is the Choir since it is a nightmare around Yarnham and the Church and well... you know what happened to the choir).
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3873 on: December 01, 2015, 11:00:00 PM »
Demons's Souls's's is indeed the shit. You are right. Total best game ever until Dark Souls came along.

Valdrt's like a parody of a Souls game character. He's all
"Hunting! *evil smirk* Killing things! Am I right? *psychopath laugh*"


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3874 on: December 01, 2015, 11:29:15 PM »
I like how that video seems to have a rhythm to it with the splashing sound but oh god what is that sound

Yeah, they added a ton of NPC summons with the patch just before DLC dropped. It's not even DLC-reliant stuff. They even tossed a lot of them into the chalice dungeons. Ditto Valtr, he turned up the week before Old Hunters was released. His covenant rune gives you 2% more health as a summon. WOO. (Actually this is more useful than 2 out of 3 other covenant runes, right?) I actually liked how obviously unhinged Valtr is. Did you fight the hunter outside Valtr's room? I'm not sure what the trigger is for this guy showing up, game's been pretty flaky about it. I've read you have to talk to Valtr first, but when I get here on NG+ sometimes the dude's already spawned. One time he spawned offscreen and instantly died somehow while I was talking to Valtr. 30,000 echoes + snakecharmer whistle for no effort at all, score.

(Fenrir please tell me you've tried the whistle.)

BSB always had a summon, but the sign for it is way more obvious now. My brother hates the chime that rings out around summon signs now because he says it gives him Latria flashbacks, though personally I don't think it's that close a sound.