
Author Topic: What games are you playing 2014?  (Read 194152 times)

The Duck

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2375 on: October 27, 2014, 12:50:10 AM »
Gods Will Be Watching yarr

I have not played the game, but this conversation sparked a binge-watching of a let's play of it. I'd recommend doing at least that much of it since the plot itself is kinda cute if hamfisted as my anus on Sunday. A couple of the puzzles actually looked pretty neat to figure out (chapters 2, 3, 4, and maaaaaaybe the second to last one) but yeah definitely look like they took too fucking long. Definitely a neat concept that I am disappointed to hear (and kinda see secondhand) is pretty dang lame in execution.
One of the best parts of the game is the initial feeling out period where you just try and experiment with things in a new level because you don't really have any real idea how your actions will play out and thus you don't have a real strategy in how to approach things. It was gratifying when you gained the understanding of the levels as complex systems that interacted with each other and that could have provided a really satisfying experience, but again, it's held back by the fact that failure is incredibly costly (you fail at the end of a stage, you've basically lost an hour or so) and some aspects of the randomness are just kinda dumb. A Let's Play is a good way of taking in the concept though.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2376 on: October 27, 2014, 02:49:16 AM »
Gods Will Be Watching yarr

I have not played the game, but this conversation sparked a binge-watching of a let's play of it. I'd recommend doing at least that much of it since the plot itself is kinda cute if hamfisted as my anus on Sunday. A couple of the puzzles actually looked pretty neat to figure out (chapters 2, 3, 4, and maaaaaaybe the second to last one) but yeah definitely look like they took too fucking long. Definitely a neat concept that I am disappointed to hear (and kinda see secondhand) is pretty dang lame in execution.
One of the best parts of the game is the initial feeling out period where you just try and experiment with things in a new level because you don't really have any real idea how your actions will play out and thus you don't have a real strategy in how to approach things. It was gratifying when you gained the understanding of the levels as complex systems that interacted with each other and that could have provided a really satisfying experience, but again, it's held back by the fact that failure is incredibly costly (you fail at the end of a stage, you've basically lost an hour or so) and some aspects of the randomness are just kinda dumb. A Let's Play is a good way of taking in the concept though.

Yeah, I agree. The first chapter explains every possible action you take, then afterwards only the basics get explained. I still don't know what provoking during Chapter 2 does, for exemple.

I restarted on Easy and got through Chapter 4. Lost on chapters 2, 4 and 5 (twice).

Losing progress in this game feels incredibly frustrating, as the game is very slow paced and you're not going to change your strategies that much. I'm saying this as the guy who tried going through Dark Souls 2 without dying 50 times.

There are a lot of little inconsistencies.
I'm a bit surprised that Jack didn't scream like mad before horribly dying in Chapter 2

In Chapter 3, every character could act in the same "turn". Then they stripped that away in Chapter 4 and just gave you 5 actions per day? (which could be the same character hunting 5 times while nobody else does anything)

Two other really strange things (one obvious: Every character being resurrected, one a bit less so : Burden not needing to eat any meat) are at least acknowledged by the plot. I hope this will lead somewhere.

SMT:SJ - Just beat Maya in Grus, so nearly done.  This zone being all about illusion and hammering home the usual Chaos/Law split of SMT is mixing two pretty great things.  The illusion thing is a fairly whatever excuse to use palette swaps of old zones, right up until you fight Maya and her background is this which is a pretty fantastic image and is going to be my new lock screen for a while.

I started rolling Law because apparently I forgot just how much Law always ends up grating on me in SMT and how great Chaos is at being a bunch of Bros when they aren't killing you in the face.  Also Loisa Ferre is way better than Loius Cypher, but I think I am going to be gunning for Neutral.  Partly because Chaos is going to end poorly and mostly because I want to see more of Zombie Gore becoming Neo in the Matrix.

Be warned that Chaos is the only path that doesn't have a crazy hard final boss.

Yeah, fast elf rifle(wo)man was exactly what I ran through Dead Man's Switch and it was crazy good. Melee's decent (I went ork melee brute for Dragonfall), especially if you main the slashing weapons that negate enemy turns, but it really can't compete.

I always left hacking for the hires. It's usually a means to complete secondary objectives or get extra goodies rather than mandatory, and Dragonfall gives you a perfectly decent NPC decker pretty early.

After seeing how unexciting hacking is, yeah I'm going to restart.  I'm also going to stay with shotguns no matter how crappy they are. Maybe just play as a dumb samurai this one time, there's enough costumization everywhere else in the game to have to worry about my skills too.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2377 on: October 27, 2014, 04:16:29 AM »
Oh look! Bayonetta 2 is out!  You know what that means!?

Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze: I just defeated a Polar Bear wielding a giant hammer by dropping him into grape juice repeatedly.  This game still hates you and everything you stand for.  At least I'm finally at the final world!

...this could end in my cutting myself...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2378 on: October 27, 2014, 05:37:52 AM »
Losing progress in this game feels incredibly frustrating, as the game is very slow paced and you're not going to change your strategies that much. I'm saying this as the guy who tried going through Dark Souls 2 without dying 50 times.

Speaking of? I'm making a note here, huge success.

I thought I was out. I thought was done. But one more crazy character build idea got hold of me: Ignus wishes to burn. From nerfed the other casting classes pretty badly, but I thought pyromancy was mostly spared, right? I figured I'd find out how good it was on its own, so here is plan: run as sorcerer through No-Man's Wharf (for the pyro hand) and Harvest Valley (for the Fragrant Branch of Yore; this honestly seemed more accessible to me than jumping down the pit); as soon as both the pyro hand is acquired and Rosabeth is free to provide the first stock of spells, nothing but pyromancy may be used for the rest of the game; hitting dudes with the pyro hand is fine in order to conserve spells (this actually matters earlyish when you have few pyromancies and can save a spell by just punching someone who barely survived a fireball or whatever); initially I intended to go full hollow, toss on Ring of Binding to mitigate HP reduction, and rock the dark pyromancy flame. That last component fell by the wayside since by the time I reached the thing I still hadn't died. I wasn't about to ruin a good streak by jumping off a cliff just to use a gimmick item! So I stuck with the regular flame the whole time, would have liked to go full Jester Thomas and dual wield them but unfortunately the dark flame has strikingly negative scaling when you're human. (And you can't get a second regular flame, I realized with some chagrin after wasting the time and effort of running No-Man's Wharf ascetic'd.)

Pyromancy is actually pretty crazy good! You're just so limited in spells early on that you have to chunk through a few early zones to get going, which is pretty lame. Stats matter a lot more for pyro damage than I thought. I think before I made the mistake of testing the wrong enemies--those dudes who run around in the river by the first forest bonfire? Probably I didn't realize at the time that being soaked vastly increases fire resist in DS2. Actually, with optimal stats you're probably getting a couple hundred extra damage out per spell. Stat spread was as follows: 60 ATT (I want all those spells! I even ascetic'd Shaded Woods to kill NG+ Najka for her ring), 30 VIG/END (HP is nice, and Combustion spells eat a lot of stamina), 30 INT/FTH (practically speaking, pyro damage caps out at INT + FTH = 60). Everything else stayed at the sorcerer base (it had the highest starting concentration of mental stats), which meant I could never use any weapon but the dagger (which is fine, because the plan ultimately was no weapons). Knew I wouldn't be able to use a bow, ever, figured what the hell, I've done the game without range before, at least I can chuck 'nades this time. That's gotta be easier, right? No adaptability, all my agility had to come from attunement. And vitality is just pointless! Specialization is always key in these games, I've found (at least until From patches your character into obsolescence, hi there clerics/hexers).

A bunch of optional stuff I skipped because dude I'm halfway through the game and I still haven't died, no unnecessary risks. Chariot stands out as a gigantic fucking unnecessary risk even though he's guarding a stack of pyromancies; I waited to come back and kill him in the most humiliating way possible after completing the game (we'll come back to this). Ditto Royal Rat Authority, the spell you get from him is just worthless. Did kill Royal Rat Vanguard as early as it seemed safe to do so (Flame Swathe 2HKO'd him) because oh my god you guys I need Toxic Mist.

Worst parts: Iron Keep, predictably, because everything has massive fire resist and I still can't fucking dodge Alonne knights worth a damn. The bosses are poison bait but Old Iron King has trucks full of HP and outlasts all my poison spells. This is terrifying because he takes like 20% damage from fire and the risk of falling into the lava dwarfs the potential to die from direct damage in that fight (he hits hard, but there's so much wind-up on his attacks, you always have a chance to heal). Probably even worse? Shrine of Amana, because I have no fucking bow in the Shrine of Amana. Also everything has enhanced fire resist from the water and the lizard dudes genuinely can't be hit with fireballs when they're fully submerged. Since I still hadn't died and in effect this had morphed from a themed run into a no-death run, I decided to break conditions and at least shoot poison arrows even though I wouldn't be able to do any real direct damage with them. It turns out that without meeting the stat requirements of your bow you can't benefit from the poison arrow effect least until you've fired like twenty of them into the same target, as I learn in the room immediately preceding Demon of Song (the absolute worst room in the game to do without a bow, probably responsible for a full 50% of deaths in Pugilism Souls run, and the only place where I was desperate enough here to actually try killing an enemy with 18 damage arrows at a time). Excepting those areas, it was a remarkably effective build! And no, I'm not too proud to summon both NPC phantoms for the throne duo fight. Fuck those guys.

So yeah, completing Dark Souls 2 without dying, a thing I did this week.

Anyway, having finished all mandatory content and acquired my totally useless invisible hand ring as a reward, there were three things that still needed to be done:

1) Kill chariot in the most humiliating way possible.

I'm sure as hell not fighting him legit ever again, but shooting arrows takes too long in a normal game and would take years in this one. Tools at hand! I always wondered, what would happen if you reduced his healthbar to zero while the chariot was still running? Poison doesn't deal enough damage to whittle him down all the way, it'll always run out before he crashes. So instead: wear him down halfway through Firestorm, then fill the corridor with Lingering Flames. Lingering Flame is amazing (amaaazing) and I'd never used it before. Floats in the air until an enemy approaches, then explodes for 600-800 damage each (and a ghastly degree of console slowdown if you use multiples at once). I can toss four of them down in between chariot passes (very long casting time). There's no way he's living through all that! ...Except he does because he's apparently programmed to go HP->1 on a killing blow, so I still had to run all the way down and poke him in the face like usual. Dammit!

2) Troll other players with invisible pyro hand.

This is honestly unfair. I brought the starting dagger back out of storage to sit in the right hand for misdirection. Poke ineffectually at people, act like I'm going for backstabs. And then 3x Forbidden Sun to the face when there's no cause to expect I'm actually a caster. Forbidden Sun got nerfed but that's still reliably 2,000+ damage in like five seconds and practically speaking you just don't get more than 2,000 HP in DS2. So yeah, 100% invasion success rate (excepting the dude who exited the zone before I could find him, which apparently is a thing you can do in this game).

3) DLC.

...And here we go back to being staggeringly incompetent because now From's all no guys you can't be a caster, don't you understand that's not our idiom?! At best 60% damage vs regular goons (who all have bloated HP counts), maybe 30% in Crown of the Old Iron King because Brume Tower is the fetid womb that spawned Smelty. Great Combustion's fantastic in the regular game, ranges anywhere from 600-1,000 damage depending on the enemy; in DLC zones you're lucky if you get 300 out of it. I just don't understand why they thought it was necessary to make the most fun areas in the game torture for specific builds. Fume Knight (Crown of the Old Iron King's boss) is by far the worst ordeal, he probably has 90% fire resist. Had to be a solid fifteen minutes I spend dodging, chucking fireballs, and chewing amber herbs to replenish spell charges in the one attempt it took to beat him. At least most of the other bosses I could take with just the stock of spells I walked through the door with! So yeah, fighting Raime with just fire damage, not a challenge recommend for those valuing their sanity.

I did die a couple times in the DLC (precisely twice, one an incredibly stupid falling death and once because Burnt Ivory King is a jerkass who mocks fire damage and makes you fight through a horde of goons that mock fire damage just to reach him). And I skipped the optional zones in the latter two DLC campaigns altogether because they're frankly just anti-fun even with a competent melee fighter. But the game doesn't care about that because it happened after I beat the final boss, so I don't care either.

Anyway, show's over here. Even if another ridiculous character idea seized me, I can't see any point in playing this again.


Also speaking of restarting PCRPGs--

Wasteland 2: I wasn't in a fantasy mood this evening, perhaps for obvious reasons, so I gave this a couple hours' test drive after dinner. I feel like I must be doing lots of things wrong. I'm mucking around in the basement of Vault 22 Ag Center in the first substantial quest/dungeon I've encountered so far, and I have no immediate idea how much of the place is left but I already look likely to run out of bullets and healing supplies before finishing. My team fails at hitting people, I'm about out of ammo and every box and door I open explodes on me and no one in the party can detect the traps. I just don't know. I guess I should've specialized more, then maybe hitrates would be composed marginally less of ass? I tried to give everybody skills in a couple different weapon types figuring the extra options would offset limited availability of ammunition, but maybe that just bit me in the ass through people wasting bullets instead. Doesn't help that I went low strength on everyone but the melee specialist and I belatedly notice that strength determines HP in this game.

This is the PC gang I built:

-Mizuki Maki: the party Face. Supposed to take the charm/outwit options in conversation while the rest of the party carries combat, but this has hardly mattered so far. Point or two in handguns because it seemed the simplest option for the least combat-focused PC. Also dumped points in leadership because the bonuses sounded nice (this is probably the most useful thing she has, actually, full-party accuracy boost and all).
-Gordon's Alive?!: hits people with clubs and talks to animals. Basically Sulik without the bone through his nose. Charming animals is neat since it basically removes an enemy from the fight altogether, except you don't get XP for this and that's a problem since full heal on leveling up is a godsend and something that actually looks vital if the game is going to have a lot of lengthy dungeons like this.
-Abigail Micah: doctor, took both first aid and surgery. SMGs were supposed to be backup but actually they were totally boss...until she ran out of ammo. Now she's doing piddly damage burning through the few energy cells I have on a crappy starting phaser.
-Ghost: team sniper, fucking scary, woo. That part works. Backup skills in assault rifles (less impressive), weaponsmithing and security of minimal import thus far. Lockpicking got me some extra loot, yay? But the doors and boxes always explode on me anyways so whatever healing supplies I find in the process are basically null gain.

The game looks neat and all, but I feel like I'm going to be in a resource exhaustion scenario within an hour if I keep playing.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2379 on: October 27, 2014, 01:38:25 PM »
Gods Will Be Watching yarr

I have not played the game, but this conversation sparked a binge-watching of a let's play of it. I'd recommend doing at least that much of it since the plot itself is kinda cute if hamfisted as my anus on Sunday. A couple of the puzzles actually looked pretty neat to figure out (chapters 2, 3, 4, and maaaaaaybe the second to last one) but yeah definitely look like they took too fucking long. Definitely a neat concept that I am disappointed to hear (and kinda see secondhand) is pretty dang lame in execution.
One of the best parts of the game is the initial feeling out period where you just try and experiment with things in a new level because you don't really have any real idea how your actions will play out and thus you don't have a real strategy in how to approach things. It was gratifying when you gained the understanding of the levels as complex systems that interacted with each other and that could have provided a really satisfying experience, but again, it's held back by the fact that failure is incredibly costly (you fail at the end of a stage, you've basically lost an hour or so) and some aspects of the randomness are just kinda dumb. A Let's Play is a good way of taking in the concept though.

Yeah, I agree. The first chapter explains every possible action you take, then afterwards only the basics get explained. I still don't know what provoking during Chapter 2 does, for exemple.

I restarted on Easy and got through Chapter 4. Lost on chapters 2, 4 and 5 (twice).

Losing progress in this game feels incredibly frustrating, as the game is very slow paced and you're not going to change your strategies that much. I'm saying this as the guy who tried going through Dark Souls 2 without dying 50 times.

There are a lot of little inconsistencies.
I'm a bit surprised that Jack didn't scream like mad before horribly dying in Chapter 2

In Chapter 3, every character could act in the same "turn". Then they stripped that away in Chapter 4 and just gave you 5 actions per day? (which could be the same character hunting 5 times while nobody else does anything)

At least as far as this is concerned, I believe the concept for the game was developed during one of those 24 hour game jams, and the result was chapter 4. So chapter 3 came later in the development cycle probably when they realized the c4 methodology wouldn't work for that. Also note how C4 is easily one of the least complex chapters of the game.

Provoke in C2 has only one of the characters take damage during that turn so you can balance damage between the two until you lose Jack.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2380 on: October 27, 2014, 06:53:46 PM »
Gods Will Be Watching yarr

I have not played the game, but this conversation sparked a binge-watching of a let's play of it. I'd recommend doing at least that much of it since the plot itself is kinda cute if hamfisted as my anus on Sunday. A couple of the puzzles actually looked pretty neat to figure out (chapters 2, 3, 4, and maaaaaaybe the second to last one) but yeah definitely look like they took too fucking long. Definitely a neat concept that I am disappointed to hear (and kinda see secondhand) is pretty dang lame in execution.
One of the best parts of the game is the initial feeling out period where you just try and experiment with things in a new level because you don't really have any real idea how your actions will play out and thus you don't have a real strategy in how to approach things. It was gratifying when you gained the understanding of the levels as complex systems that interacted with each other and that could have provided a really satisfying experience, but again, it's held back by the fact that failure is incredibly costly (you fail at the end of a stage, you've basically lost an hour or so) and some aspects of the randomness are just kinda dumb. A Let's Play is a good way of taking in the concept though.

Yeah, I agree. The first chapter explains every possible action you take, then afterwards only the basics get explained. I still don't know what provoking during Chapter 2 does, for exemple.

I restarted on Easy and got through Chapter 4. Lost on chapters 2, 4 and 5 (twice).

Losing progress in this game feels incredibly frustrating, as the game is very slow paced and you're not going to change your strategies that much. I'm saying this as the guy who tried going through Dark Souls 2 without dying 50 times.

There are a lot of little inconsistencies.
I'm a bit surprised that Jack didn't scream like mad before horribly dying in Chapter 2

In Chapter 3, every character could act in the same "turn". Then they stripped that away in Chapter 4 and just gave you 5 actions per day? (which could be the same character hunting 5 times while nobody else does anything)

At least as far as this is concerned, I believe the concept for the game was developed during one of those 24 hour game jams, and the result was chapter 4. So chapter 3 came later in the development cycle probably when they realized the c4 methodology wouldn't work for that. Also note how C4 is easily one of the least complex chapters of the game.

Provoke in C2 has only one of the characters take damage during that turn so you can balance damage between the two until you lose Jack.

Man that is amateur. I didn't expect this from a game with such good pixel art. The problem is that some characters become total dead weight (mostly the scientists) when realistically they could contribute.

Near the end we had completely repaired the radio so I decided to make a speech about it to raise morale. Inexplicably, the speech could be summed up "We really need to repair the radio!!", everybody went "Oh shit he's totally lost it" and morale was actually lowered.

I think both characters got hit when I used Provoke so maybe this sometimes fails? Hmm. Maybe I didn't pay enough attention.

Grats Cid, I'm jealous.

Megami Tensei 2: Usually in MegaTen, the maximum number of demons you can have raises as you get levels, or progress through the story.
This is clearly not hardcore enough.

What could go wrong?
Oh yeah, aside from that one time an NPC talked about a cruel trap that should be right about here

"LOSARM" status effect. Great. It means you cannot do anything in battle and lose HP every step.
If you haven't forgotten about the cyber labs in Ginza...
(I did forget, so I panicked the hell out and checked a faq here)

Jesus man, I lost my arm, please be slightly less enthusiastic about this +16 megabytes of ram thing ok


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2381 on: October 27, 2014, 08:56:47 PM »
Why be jealous? You did it first!


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2382 on: October 27, 2014, 09:49:05 PM »
SMT: SJ - So the guide for this game on Gamefaqs has passwords for super strong demons specially picked to fight bosses.  When I got to Ouroborous I had no way of breaking its regen without spending a significant amount of time rejiggering my party wading through SMT fusion system fairly blind.  So I summoned 2 out of the three listed ones for that boss and they have suited my purpose for pretty much the rest of the game.  I intend to get ones suggested for the rest of the game as well because I want to do all the side quests and meh end game SMT can get curb stomped.

In my endeavours to do this I have had to level grind a little bit.  To do so I am soloing wandering around the opening area of Horologium before you are forced to pick a path.  The strategy is pretty much



Surprisingly cathartic way to spend a morning while getting ready for work.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2383 on: October 27, 2014, 09:49:51 PM »
Yeah but you almost didn't even try!


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2384 on: October 27, 2014, 09:57:16 PM »
Is it better to be born to greatness or to have worked for it?
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2385 on: October 28, 2014, 03:30:12 AM »
Cid was born to greatness then worked to greatestness. The jerk.

Other highlights in Megaten 2:

- These guys

- This guy. I want him to teach me all about the wonders of the body.

- "We need new demons. Let's go do some "demon conversation" *wink* *wink*"

- Gingers. Is there no end to their evil?



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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2386 on: October 28, 2014, 04:10:56 AM »
Smash 3DS: I just spent about half an hour online playing For Glory, alternating between Link and Duck Hunt and just mindlessly spamming projectiles as much as possible in FFAs. I also somehow managed to win 3/7 matches.

I'm not sure whether this is hilarious or terrible. Or both.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2387 on: October 28, 2014, 04:38:17 AM »
Fantasy Life:  Got some Gamestop giftcards for my birthday so I picked this up.  Haven't played much but I made an Angler named Adray.  Seems very sandbox-y so far.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2388 on: October 28, 2014, 07:13:05 AM »
After seeing how unexciting hacking is, yeah I'm going to restart.  I'm also going to stay with shotguns no matter how crappy they are. Maybe just play as a dumb samurai this one time, there's enough costumization everywhere else in the game to have to worry about my skills too.

I ran shotguns in my game.  You straight fuck shit up with them, especially once you get the ones that have burst fire mode.  But yeah, no real point in playing a decker, since the game gives you one early on and then, to make sure you can finish the most difficult decking challenge, you can get a second one for that mission who is absurdly good. 

My party was me, the decker, the mage and the melee specialist most times.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2389 on: October 28, 2014, 10:58:19 PM »
Smash 4 - Still just messing around. Currently aiming to clear Classic Mode at Intensity 9.0, but not sure who my best character is yet. Probably Little Mac, but we'll see, I suppose.

FE10 - NEB inspired me to start my own No-Restart playthrough of this, so I did. Currently on P1C7. Had a hard reset on the map where you recruit Aran because I accidentally left Laura in range of an enemy I forgot about entirely, so she got sniped through the tree. Other than that, people are generally turning out quite nicely! Other big mistake I've made since then is that in Chapter 6.5, I had Tauroneo in range to one-shot the boss, and had a guarantee of at least one person on my team dying that round. However, because I thought that the win condition was Route, and only thought that during that one turn, I didn't have Tauroneo finish him, and thus I lost both Laura and Leonardo that turn. Leo I REALLY don't care about, because he was even worse than usual, but Laura was actually turning out pretty decently.

As for how the living are coming along... Micaiah is kinda great; she capped magic already because she literally had 1 level where she didn't gain it, though she is pretty frail with not gaining any HP for about 5-6 levels in a row, and now gaining it slowly, and also being kinda mediocre on Defense, which is fine. She has great skill, great speed, and great Res, so she'll do just fine. Surprisingly, Edward is actually turning out quite nicely, and is entirely usable for once! I mean, he's still kind of under-leveled because he isn't tanking a million things like Nolan and Aran (go go Dawn Rangers~) but he's definitely not getting benched. Other than that, everyone is coming along about how you'd expect, maybe slightly better (have had quite a few VERY nice levels on people).

Now that I can finally bench people, Fiona/Ilyana are first on that list, and I don't even remember who the third person is, but I suspect Tauroneo because I don't even get a choice in the matter but whatever. Aside from a couple blunders, things have been going quite well. I held out hope for Leo to not be GOD AWFUL but his first  level was HP/Luck/Res only, then Luck/Res, then HP/Luck/Res. For multiple turns I have come within the possibility of someone dying, and so thrown Leo out into the front lines to get chewed on as a Marthian sacrifice because he was that bad go fuck yourself Leonardo oh my god


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2390 on: October 29, 2014, 04:10:31 AM »
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze:

The only accurate way to portray the final world of DKCTF.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2391 on: October 29, 2014, 08:01:37 PM »
Devil May Cry - Nelo Angelo 3 is very difficult! Ended up burning through a Devil Star and Vital Star just to beat him, and I regret nothing. Probably had around 12 resets on him? I hate the floating green blade moves, fuck him when he does that. Then I fought Nightmare 2, who I only had one reset on, albeit with a Vital Star use. I'm sure I will never have to fight Nightmare again. In the next level, I fought some cuddly demon things (Nobodies) and ended up kind of cheaping them out after four resets by luring them one at a time onto a roof. Now I'm in hell.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2392 on: October 30, 2014, 12:43:42 AM »
Megami Tensei 2: I'm near the end, the game is throwing evil shit at me.
- Pitfalls, that aren't indicated on the map even after being thrown in one, including one that throws you all the way back at the beginning of the dungeon
- De-levelling enemies en masse. Hurray we're at a lower level after finishing that dungeon than before
- One dungeon where you can't use the map (but can still use the girl's automap) and which also has a revolving floor and teleportation tiles.
- One dungeon where the girl is taken away (She's so incredibly important)
- TWO instances where various earlygame demons only available through fusions are required. Fucking hell. There's no demon compendium by the way.

Also since I'm now in the demon world, the environments are way less interesting (I prefer big buildings in the post-cyberapocalypse to this generic hellish place)
Despite that, this game still feels better than SMT1 and 2. I think that's because of the overworld map. You don't have to navigate a giant maze to find shops. And IIRC you couldn't teleport everywhere in SMT1/2 like in this one.
Megaten 2 is a lot less unbalanced, too.


Other locations include: Gloomy Village, Angry Village, Scary Village, and the Mountain of Horror
« Last Edit: October 30, 2014, 04:01:02 AM by Fenrir »


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2393 on: October 30, 2014, 01:31:40 AM »
Demon negociation is a lot less involved, and way way easier in this one too.

In Persona 2 there are enemy types that react differently, but always in the same way, and I just dread doing demon negociation.
In classic MegaTen (SMT1/2/Nocturne/SJ) the same demon types react differently, so you just pick any options and who knows what the hell is going to happen. There are a few specific enemy answers though (Lilim just keep asking for more and more money in Nocturne)

In MegaTen 2 you can:
- Ask the demon to join the team (he'll ask for money, and then either join, or leave (By saying something like "Thanks, sucker")
- Do a few nice actions (smiling, trying to persuade the demon, etc) The success rate of asking a demon to join the team depends on whether they liked the nice actions you did.
- Intimidate the demon by pressing a knife against its throat.

Super effective strategy: Do one or a few nice actions, if it works ask the demon to join the team, if it doesn't scare him. This very basic strategy gives you something like a 50% chance for a demon to join the team, which is super ultra high for Megaten.
Most of the time I have to resort to intimidation, but honestly intimidation just works. This means that most of the demons in the team are just terrified of the main characters.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2014, 04:00:24 AM by Fenrir »


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2395 on: October 30, 2014, 05:31:02 PM »
Devil May Cry - Plot twist Nightmare is back. This time, he was actually quite difficult, taking about 12 tries. Damn those boomerang and stabby attacks!
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2396 on: October 30, 2014, 08:33:15 PM »
Devil May Cry - Plot twist Nightmare is back. This time, he was actually quite difficult, taking about 12 tries. Damn those boomerang and stabby attacks!

That sounds pretty normal for Nightmare 3 in a first playthrough!

Bayonetta 2: ...stuff...that is all.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2397 on: October 30, 2014, 08:54:45 PM »
Xenosaga 1- Endgame! Basically ready to delve into stat topicing, but I seem to have come up with a bit of discrepency. Based on the time when KOSMOS rejoins, Shion seems to have about 1500 more skill points then everybody else. Before L25, I was switching characters in and out. I'm wondering if she just has that large an advantage from being in the party the most or if she just got really lucky on when battles I put her in. Does anyone who remember XS 1 remember if she had a relatively large lead naturally?
...into the nightfall.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2398 on: October 31, 2014, 12:02:15 AM »
Not... really. You may have just massively lucked out on Skill Point roulette bonuses early. Though I tended to pump her full of SP items myself because you want her passing her skillset around to everybody ever anyway.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2014, 12:07:09 AM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2399 on: October 31, 2014, 02:32:52 AM »
I don't know why but I instantly recognized Machiavel. Huh.

So I finished MegaTen 2. God is dead. (kind of)
Spoiler alert: Satan was the head of Suzuki Motor Corp!

I had enough fun playing this. It is the kind of game you should play while doing something else though.

Anyway, considering how many MegaTens have I played and finished (17. lol) , it was nice to go see the beginning of the series.

So to recap:

- MegaTen 1 is simple. There's Lucifer, he's bad, here's a giant dungeon, go beat him.

- MegaTen 2 takes place after 1. Between the two games the apocalypse happened, as shown in a pretty cool intro sequence in the remake:

199X !!
You start in a shelter, then there's a zombie breakout, then whatever you go outside.
Law/Chaos isn't a thing yet, you just kind of go beat everybody up in the world just because, and join God in the end. If you do a few certain choices, you can get based Lucifer on the team and eventually betray God, but Law is definitely the regular path.

- ShinMegaTen 1 adds law/neutral/chaos alignment. It's a whole new story, and the apocalypse happens during the game.
Law = God, Satan, Pazuzu, Angels, etc
Chaos = Lucifer, Beelz, Astaroth, etc
Neutral = Kill everything
The demons you choose + the choices you make affect the demons you can use + which path you can take.

- ShinMegaTen2 takes place after SMT1, and is SMT1 except harder better faster stronger. There's really not that much to it.

- Nocturne removed alignment alltogether, and added three paths, each as horrible as law/chaos in the other games. The game still has the law/chaos thing going on, but it's much more subtle than in the other games.

The apocalypse happens again! Right at the beginning of the game! Geez! It is Inception with heavy abuse of Inverted Colors.

Also the game says that all other MegaTen games are in parallel universes. Convenient!

- Strange Journey is back to having alignment again. IIRC you can get demons from any alignment, but you can't do super combo attacks with them if you don't have the same alignment. So neutral doesn't have an unfair advantage with access to every demon like in SMT1/2.

- I haven't played SMT4.

Other relatively cool things in MegaTen 2:

- This guy. I love the way he stands.

- In the ending sequence, you meet your dead bro's mother. Wow, game. Dark.

- Have I already mentioned the Baphomet orgy rave party yet? Because they remind you of it in the credits.

- They also remind you of Yattaf just standing there acting cool here on a pentagram  in an hospital.
Yattaf is badass.

- I'm not sure you can actually ever get Lucifer in the team again in one of the MegaTens?
He's the best demon, and still waaaay inferior to the two protagonists.

« Last Edit: October 31, 2014, 02:47:33 AM by Fenrir »