Author Topic: What games are you playing 2014?  (Read 186569 times)


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1025 on: April 14, 2014, 08:30:38 PM »
Man I've never even seen Rhoy. Didn't know he existed until this moment! But yeah, Nameless Usurper has always invaded me in both locations, and is totally Traitor. (This still doesn't necessarily mean I know what the hell Traitor was actually up to, mind.)


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1026 on: April 14, 2014, 09:04:58 PM »
Wait one year until somebody figures all the lore.

Traitor is Lautrec's goddess and the second to last Monumental from Demon's Souls, who time traveled to kill Shalquoir prior to the events of the game and was waiting for the right moment to strike.
It was all pretty obvious, looking back.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1027 on: April 14, 2014, 09:06:46 PM »
I think you might need to unlock Rhoy's armor from the Armorer?  That's the only difference between my previous playthroughs and now.  Otherwise it's some weird-ass boss thing.  Usurper invaded me twice too and I barely did Traitor talk.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1028 on: April 14, 2014, 11:03:55 PM »
Just who the hell is this Rhoy guy??

SL1: Up to Veldstadt. Demon of Song was trivial.

2 No Death attempts:
- "Let's try to get that Fragment Dust Bone near the Chariot. I need all the + I can get for my estus.

- " Hey let's try to go to the Gutter first for once to get one of those ultra cool weapons"
*RRV fight*
Oh god I regret everything.
*wins barely*
I guess I HAVE TO continue now.
*gets to the gutter*
"I regret everything EVEN MORE"


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1029 on: April 15, 2014, 07:22:46 AM »
Rhoy the Explorer is an NPC invader in Grave of the Saints.  The third bonfire in Shrine of Amana is Rhoy's Resting Place.  I was somehow mistaken/correct with the armor thing.  Rhoy wears the Aurous set and I got him confused with Alva the Wayfarer's set.  Which means the neat self-contained sidestory of Alva's now ruined but eh.

Dark Souls 2: Beaten in only three days.  Everything but Ancient Dragon dead and there's no way I'm killing him.  He's the perfect culmination of all the worst things about the game(ludicrous HP, insta-death damage, giant tracking attacks and the long run of hell.)  Now to recount the actual run up to victory!

Down in Undead Cyrpt.  Die once in the falldown pit with a bazillion ghost dudes because the only thing ghost dudes don't phase through is you.  Giant club was really great for smashing the summon dealies though.  Royal Aegis is unsurprisingly a joke when I'm properly equipped.  Also I think his damage got nerfed because I only took like, 300-400 damage from his attacks.  King Ring.  Off to Alida Mansion to finish up with Lucatiel.  Much sadness.  Take care of her brother in her gear for style points.  Then I die twice in the mansion.  Also I finally meet Navlaan.  Max out Dragonrider Bow before Guardian Dragon and get some Lightning Arrows too.  OHBOY 7 more damage over fire!  Whatever, it dies I get Aerie up.  FEATHER!

Manage to get all the lizards and all the one-way treasures in the Aerie.  Then at the Shrine I promptly die a good seven or so times to the two-hand hammer fuckwit with his tracking attack and dealing 900 damage with his bloody handle.  In some obnoxious contrivance the actual ascent to the Ancient Dragon is piss-easy because I could one-shot the Drakekeepers and play zoning against the Disciple guys.  Also got Kalameet's tail ace guyssssssssssss.

Back to the Forest.  Memories kill me far bloody more than they should but I eventually pry out everything outside the Giant Lord.  NEW WEAPON GET.  GIANT WARRIOR CLUB.  Sure, it requires 60 STR to one-hand, but look at that slightly better damage!  I go and finish talking to Cale too since I never sent him back to Majula.  Not confident in Benhart's survival against the Giant Lord, I go kill the Throne Duo instead.  They really hate Benhart and just latch unto him the whole time allowing me to just rail on them and win.  Alright time for my quest reward and.... nothing.  OHBOY.  Whatever, Giant Lord time.  Die to him because the smokescreen blocks my vision and I run into firebombs.  Second attack I win with Benhart still up woooo.  Pointless gear get.  Also I don't think Benhart is undead?  He doesn't seem to have any memory problems unlike just about everyone else.  Anyway, grab the helm from Drummond and another trophy get.

Then it's over to Doors of Pharros for RRA ARGH.  Two Ratbro summons.  Lose the first, win the second.  Four deaths to RRA including one because I used a resin instead of estus.  Throw a life away at Ancient Dragon only to see my 3,000 damage barely dent his health bar so fuck it.  Surely Vendrick can't be hard with only 4 souls?  Well even with 0 he wouldn't be hard but holy ballz is it tedious.  I actually sadly die once to him because I got trapper against his gear and him but I come through on the second.

That just leaves the Dark Chasm.  Since I now know there's different locations I go to those first because HAVEL.  I mean I'm Havel now.  Shaded Ruins go easy, Black Gulch takes a life because of aggoreing three guys at once.  Then at the Castle I out-havel Havel.  Then I promptly die to Darklurker because I didn't realize I'd drop into the fight I thought I had to come back.  ATTEMPT TWO!  Goes piss easy and I stagger him every other strong attack and win nearly before he splits.  The clone takes one hit then one more and he's dead.  I only got hit once the entire fight.  Trophy time!

Over to the FINAL BOSS!  With two NPC helpers lulz.  I don't even get hit even if I get cursed down to half HP.  FINAL BOSS DEAD weakest ending yet get.  Wooooo.

I go do Navlaan's stuff.

Anyway, more thoughts about comparing things later because I'm bloody tired.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1030 on: April 16, 2014, 01:30:56 AM »
DS2 No deaths: Another attempt, this time with dual caestus because I as getting desperate.
THIS WENT REALLY WELL! I died in the Iron Keep, tortoise smashed the platform I was standing on it and it crumbled. I had beaten bosses like Chariot, Rotten.

Fist weapons are now viable and have one wicked one-two punch.

- Ultra fast damage. This means you don't have to commit to your attacks that much
- High stun rate
- Low stamina consumption

- Requires a massive stat investment to do any damage at all, and even then the damage's terrible. This is especially bad in a No Death run where you need to jack that Vitality stat up to 50 ASAP.
- Lowest range in the game
- Hard to aim when not locked on an enemy
- The most pathetic backstab
- Dual wielding means twice the titanite required

Fist weapons are overall pretty good against regular enemies and very bad against bosses. I struggled against both Dragon Rider AND freaking Covetous Demon, to give you an idea.

Honestly I get most of my souls from bosses, so... For the next playthroughs I might only try to get to the strategic items (Titanite items, estus shards, sublime bones, and the good rings. I'm starting to know where they are. (... I need to figure out where the early torches are too)) My end level for that last playthrough was already pretty high (I had 42 Str, 50 Vit, and some Vig/adp)

Next playthroughs I'll try to get the Great Club ASAP. Grab torch, grab estus and estus shard, then go straight down the pit. We'll see if that works >_> Can any class even survive the first fall?

Havel's armor (with some VIG) makes a world of difference, I'll try to get that early next playthroughs. This is actually much more important than more VIT, and doesn't require beating a boss.

I really love how open ended the beginning and middle of the game are. There are 6 possible first bosses!
Post-Shrine of Winter is impressive and atmospheric the first time through, but it gets tedious on replays, in comparison.
Interesting to see how the Souls series has moved away from the need to get a shield. Shields practically seemed like a requirement before, now most people don't even use them. Even though the roll got nerfed into oblivion.
I consider Dark Souls 2 better than 1 right now, as it has improved fighting mechanics, enemy encounters, and balance. It is a similar experience in quality first time through, and a better one for replays / PVP. I also can't help but love a legit Ironman mode.

The model could be improved some more by making middle/lategame weapons more adequate (They could drop weapon forging alltogether and add some other system, or at least make the gap between +0 and +10 weapons significantly smaller), and making the whole game's progression be like pre-Shrine of Winter, but otherwise I have no complaints.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2014, 01:34:21 AM by Fenrir »


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1031 on: April 16, 2014, 02:23:16 AM »
DS2: Cleric NG+ done insofar as I'm capable of caring about it right now. Damn man that was just two sittings. Game burns first when you have functionally limitless lightning bolts.

So yeah guys my spell selection by the end?

-Sunlight Spear
-Great Lightning Spear
-Great Lightning Spear
-Great Lightning Spear
-Great Lightning Spear
-Great Lightning Spear
-Great Lightning Spear

There's no practical reason for me to use anything else. It is brutally effective and terribly boring.

Throne room battle down in three or four tries? And I have absolutely no use for the reward on this file!

I really love how open ended the beginning and middle of the game are. There are 6 possible first bosses!
Post-Shrine of Winter is impressive and atmospheric the first time through, but it gets tedious on replays, in comparison.
Interesting to see how the Souls series has moved away from the need to get a shield. Shields practically seemed like a requirement before, now most people don't even use them. Even though the roll got nerfed into oblivion.
I consider Dark Souls 2 better than 1 right now, as it has improved fighting mechanics, enemy encounters, and balance. It is a similar experience in quality first time through, and a better one for replays / PVP. I also can't help but love a legit Ironman mode.

DS2 is a weird, probably deliberate inversion of DS1's game progression. In DS1, you fight your way through the gloomy castle to meet the princess and then get tasked with defeating the four old ones (and be rewarded with boobs for surviving a two-on-one boss fight, easily the toughest battle in the game); DS2 you defeat the four old ones to get into the gloomy castle to meet the queen and then fight a dual-boss battle (which is far from the toughest boss fight, and there are no boobs). Even visually Drangleic is sort of a bizarro callback to Anor Londo.

So that's neat and all, but the one unfortunate note the games both precisely hit is that the second half is just less fun--though I think this is more of a problem with DS2, which is basically wholly linear once the old ones are dead and by the time we hit giant memory stuff I just can't give a shit anymore on replays.

Shields are almost completely unnecessary in DS2. Running shieldless in DS1 was a terrifying ordeal! DS2 it's just whatevs, most (non-great)shields are terrible anyway. There's relatively few things in DS2 that are better blocked than dodged (I had a lot of trouble dodging Mytha when going shieldless the first time, for one example). And this despite dodging being beaten to paste with the nerfbat in DS2, yeah.

Not sure I agree about PVP being improved (the actual mechanics of it; I'm totally okay with red phantoms not having such impunity to murder the fuck out of noobs from word go). The functional absence of poise really fucks things up. This was painfully apparent running dual falchions because of the relatively short range of the weapon. Having to get right up in someone's face to do anything made it brutally obvious that whoever gets the first hit in an encounter is basically guaranteed to get one or two more free while the other player is staggered and madly mashing the dodge button to get away. This makes the priority for melee PVP reach more than anything else (switching to whips against other players was shockingly effective).

EDIT: I'll grant you the one distinct advantage that PVP doesn't constantly boil down to lolbackstab now, though.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2014, 02:27:45 AM by El Cideon »

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1032 on: April 16, 2014, 03:00:09 AM »
Xenogears: Flashbacks and stuff.

Hour 47: Citan speaks of the terror unleashed by Merkava, as it absorbed the mutated humans while attacking the rest. The game, however, spends very little time dwelling on the horror, instead focusing on more of Fei's story. Fei is found comatase in the ruins where Merkava took off from, and Shevat decides that there's a high chance he's going to turn back into Id despite Taura's efforts so they freeze him in carbonite, getting the 90's Square RPG reference to Star Wars checked off.

Citan asks Zephyr about just why Shevat fears Fei so much, and she reveals that it isn't just because Grahf caused destruction, but that Grahf's mere existence was in fact Shevat's fault. Shevat had feared that, even should they win the war, that the people would all follow Nisan instead of them, so they struck a deal with Solaris, essentially trapping Sophia and her followers in a Solarian ambush. (In exchange, Shevat took custody of a Solarian woman who held far too much power and had been manipulating the Gazel Ministry to their chagrin. Citan immediately speculates that this was Miang, because if a woman is causing lots of trouble in the XG world...) The ambush failed because Sophia sacrificed herself to allow her guardians (Lacan, Roni Fatima, Krelian, and Zephyr herself) to escape, but Lacan was driven mad by seeing his loved one killed due to the greed of some old men, and ended up becoming Grahf.

She also mentioned that Krelian suffered much the same fate, though rather than become a crazy destroyer he decided that since God didn't exist, he would "create God with his own hands". And he dedicated himself to searching to some things of legend which are now all too real: Mahanon (the Eldridge), the tree of wisdom (its computer), and the Zohar Modifier (Deus' power supply, which Miang had earlier revealed was also the power suppply of all gears and ether power in the world). Zephyr also reveals that Lacan may have found the Zohar, and it was through tapping its power that he became Grahf.

From here the game cuts to inside Fei's head. Id appears and reveals that the reason Fei has been unconscious is that because, due to the stress of recent events, he has created a -fourth- personality so that he can escape. Id is pleased, because now all he has to do is manipulate this fourth personality and he can finally break free again.

Fei, meanwhile, dreams of episodes from his past life as Lacan. We see some scenes developing his relationship with Sophia, and the love they had for each other. We see Krelian, obviously infatuated with the woman, learning that he was once a violent individual until Sophia taught him to be better... but she never loved him the way Krelian wanted, and he became obviously jealous of Lacan. We see more of Sophia and her ideology, that she believed that everyone has the ability to overcome hardship, and she is trying to be an example to prove that to everyone, despite (as she sees it) all her own weaknesses.

Finally, we see the events Zephyr had described, and it's hard not to feel for the anguished Lacan as Sophia sends her ship on a suicide run into the Gazel flagship to buy her friends an escape route, begging Lacan to "live!" even as she dies. Krelian eats all the paint chips and announces his plans to create his own God, while Lacan turns inwards, finishing Sophia's portrait in anguished silence.

Later, we see him exploring the Shevat prison, though how he gets there isn't clear. There, he sees a woman he mistakes for Elly, but the game makes it quite clear he is looking at Miang. Miang tempts him with power - the power he could have used to save Elly, the power with which he could wreak vengeance on his enemies. I am amused at the symmetry at how Lacan, or Grahf, would later offer power to others. But in this case, it seems that Lacan, despite doubts in his head crying out at him not to, sought out the Zohar at Miang's urging, obtaining the power to have his vengeance, and to bring about the crisis which all but destroyed the world 500 years ago.

And now, the game cuts back to the present. Id has taken control, and just as ws feared, is planning to find the Zohar himself. Dan (apprently still alive!) and Midori have come to see Fei, but Fei has just enough sense of himself to warn them to run, before Id takes over and breaks out of the carbonite encasement.

Hour 48: Inside Fei's head, Fei tries to reason with Id, but Id will have none of it, angrilly talking about his hatred for the father who created the "Fei" personality. Id also reveals that the hate didn't start there, that he blames his father for some trauma he experienced as achild, though he clams up before talking about it, gleefully noting that Fei's "friends" have arrived so he'll finally get to kill them now. Kill everyone now, in fact! Id is going to make contact with the Zohar and use its energy to destroy the world. Great.

The party fights Id in his fancy new Zohar-powered mech, although this is really just an excuse for gameplay as it is irrelevant; Id can not be so easily stopped. Wiseman makes just his second appearance on disc 2, though, trying to stop Id as well. Id taunts Wiseman for wearing a mask, calling him a weakling who can't bear to face the son he failed. Yes, Wiseman is Fei's father, the mysteriously missing Khan Wong! Id rants at his father and begins attacking him. Khan tries to reason with him, and finally reaches out to Fei inside Id and tells him to "accept his memories". Don't think too hard about the mechanics of this. Citan, meanwhile, calls at Fei to remember his desire to save Elly.

Meanwhile, Fei is innundated with Id's memories (whether this is due to Id or Khan isn't clear). He comments that feeling this, he understands Id's pain, and comments that it even feels kinda pleasant, and even starts to think about going along with Id's plans before Citan's words jolt him back to reality. He instead continues to wander inside himself, eventually finding a young version of himself watching a video of himself playing with his mother, a scene which Fei has stumbled upon before.

Id explains that this Fei is the "coward", or original Fei, scarcely able to keep the loathing out of his voice. He shortly decides to explain to Fei the story of the coward, apparently feeling charitable since he's about to destroy everything and will never get another chance to rant.

We learn that Fei was born to a happy, normal family, spending most of his time with his mother as his father was always away on (Shevat agent) business. One day, however, his mother Karen changed dramatically, becoming cold. She took Fei to a Solarian lab and had many horrible experiments done on him. Not only were the experiments painful, but they were deeply traumatic and horrifying, as some involved attempts to psychically link him to other humans ("men, women, the old, the young, even demi-humans") which invariably led to said others dying horribly, apparently due to Fei's own power. Id describes it as hell, and it's hard to disagree with his assessment. Young Fei tried to explain things to his father the rare times he showed up, but his claims were laughed off as childish fantasies. By the time his father did believe, it was too late. Fei had not been able to handle the trauma, so he had created Id, a persona onto which he offloaded every one of his many extremely painful memories, but keeping all the good memories for himself. Hence, Id's description of his previous personality as the coward, and his utter hatred for him, the mother who abused him, the father who ignored him, and the world which allowed this to happen.

Karen being an absolutely horrible person had already been corroborated by Ramsus, and Fei wonders how she could change and be so horrible. Id reveals that Karen had become Miang. Just in case you needed another villain's entire existence to lay at her feet. Miang was able to confirm through her experiments that Fei was a Contact, which was of interest to her for Deus' reactivation. It was also of interest to Grahf, who came to abduct Fei for his own purposes (as we know, he succeeded). Khan fought Grahf to keep him from getting to Fei, while Karen watched on silently, caring little as to the fight's outcome. Khan was defeated, and almost killed, and Fei, overcome with anguish at seeing his father about to die, transformed into Id and lashed out with his powers, killing his mother. Which despite the fact that his mother was pretty much satan, only traumatised him further.

In the outside world, Khan apologises to Id, regretting that he didn't notice his wife's transformation and begging for forgiveness, but Id has none to give. Fei desperately searches inside himself for anything that can help, time running short. He finds himself in the coward's memories. He tries to get the coward to see reality, to see that his life is more than these few happy memories he replays for himself. He tries to convince the coward to show Id the happy memories, too. The coward refuses, saying that he refuses to share them with the one who killed mother. Id and the coward being to argue, so Fei steps in, angrily declaring that "we" killed mother, that it is wrong to blame each other when they are all the same person. He makes an impassioned demand to the coward to show Id the happier memories.

And this time the coward agrees, showing what actually happened at Karen's death. Id's powers had gone out of control, and in fact had been aimed at himself, but Karen had jumped in their way, saving her son's life. As Miang, she could not possibly have killed herself, but somehow Karen found a way, a powerful act that showed how much she loved her son. At this, Id is overwhlmed, first trying to call it a trick. As he realises is isn't, he breaks down in tears. He regrets wanting to kill everyone, but most of all he regrets wanting to kill Elly, the woman who, through his memory of past lives, he knows he has loved for 10 millenia. Id is redeemed through the love of his mother and Elly. I have a lot ot trouble doing this scene justice in text. It works, in context, extremely well.

Id, now, shares all his memories of past selves, the memories he recalled under Miang's painful experiments, with Fei. We, the player, get little scraps of Fei's past lives, but the main thing the sequence draws attention to is Elly, who has repeatedly died trying to protect Fei, but always beseeching him to go on living. We see Lacan's transformation into Grahf, where he took this advice literally and decided to live forever... until he could see the world which robbed him of happiness destroyed.

Now, the scene shifts, and we realise that Fei/Id has finally made contact with the Zohar. There, he talks to a strange creature, calling itself a Wave Existence: a being from another dimension trapped in the Zohar. The Zohar engine, it turns out, is a source of infinite power because it is tapping upon this being it has trapped, drawing it out of said dimension. The creature desires to return home, but it is trapped. The original Fei (Abel) had made contact with the Zohar and it had created Elly in response to the orphan Fei's desire for his mother. (There are some fairly squick ramifications for Elly the essentially the dream woman of the Contact, and based on his mother, but I digress). Regardless, a part of the Wave Existence exists in Fei, the Contact who inadvertently trapped It, and in Elly, the creature it created. The Eixtence has now reunited with Fei, but also needs to be reunited with Elly to escape back to its own world. It also needs to have the Zohar trapping it destroyed, which is now the core of the Deus system. So basically, Deus needs to die, not just because it wants to destroy the world and has essentially fused with Elly, but also because it's the only way this creature can get home.

This sequence is a bit odd, certainly, and I'm never sure what I think about it. Certainly, it is primarily an explanation for the special purpose of the Contact in the story: Fei can channel limitless energy due to his contact with the Zohar (although only Id and Grahf ever seem to have figured out how to do it... Fei mostly does it in the form of a badass gear that the Wave Existence transforms Weltall into). It is also an explanation for the limitless energy and power Deus posesses. The character itself is somewhat unnecessary, though I suppose it is barely a character. (It never appears onscreen again.) The creature is essentially "God" within the Xenogears cosmology, so it's nice that this God is a benevolent creature rather than the monster Deus is, I suppose. Plus you get to save God, don't you feel like a badass.

Meanwhile, the newly united Fei reaches out to his father, asking if he's all right. Khan reveals that he is, and that... IT IS TIME FOR US TO BECOME ONE!

Grahf reveals that he is, in fact, Khan. Grahf has been jumping bodies for centuries to stay alive (this has been previously mentioned) and that when Khan fought him to save Id from him three years ago, Grahf had jumped into him. However, Khan was apparently more badass than most people Grahf tried to possess (there isn't any explanation for this, and Khan doesn't seem like much of a "badass" to me but it's probably some martial arts master stereotype) and couldn't be fully possessed, sometimes able to manifest as himself, and chose to appear as Wiseman during those times, probably because he didn't want Fei to have to deal with his father being Grahf (kind of a sketchy thing to do... I mentioned that I don't think Khan is much of a badass, right?). Grahf taunts Fei, threatening to kill his friends if Fei doesn't fight him, hoping to weaken Fei until he can bodyjump into the body of a Contact, access the Zohar again, and use Deus to destroy the world.

Fei tries to reason with Grahf, indicating his desire to save Elly, and wondering how Grahf can't see the importance of that given their shared memories. Grahf responds that Elly and Miang are part of the Deus system, and can not be saved: that the Miang personality has conquered Elly, and indeed will continue to be reborn as long as humans exist, taking over other women. This is pretty flimsy reason to destroy the world, Grahf! Fei doesn't think much of it either, choosing to believe he can save Elly from Deus/Miang. Might as well trying to destroy Deus and seeing if Miang goes down with it, certainly a better plan than Grahf's stupid one. Miang gets some points here: this stupid Grahf plan is her doing, as he was convinced to want Deus reborn so he could use it for destruction, rather than using his abilities to just destroy Deus. Grahf comes across looking like a moron, though!

Unfortunately for this moron, though, his time in the story is done. The Deus system, having now activated further, is now seeking to reunite with the final part, that which was separated from it first: the Contact. Here, in the presence of where the Zohar fell to earth, it has caught him. Grahf decides to place his faith in Fei after all, offering himself, the fake Contact, up as a sacrifice, but warning Fei this misdirection will not fool Deus for long. He begs Fei to save Elly ("and all the other women with her", barf) from Miang and Deus, as he is consumed.

Reuniuted with the party, and reunited with himself and his memories, Fei reveals a bit more to the party before they leave the crash landing site of the Zohar. He reveals to them the remants of the Deus system's computer, Kadomony, which had created the original human woman (besides Abel, who somehow survived the crash himself) upon landing on earth, who in turn went on to birth all the original humans, including Cain and the Gazel Ministry, as well as two aspects of herself... the nurturer Elly and the destroyer Miang.

Hour 49: After all that plot stuff, there's another surprisingly long and rather boring plot section detailing how the party attacked Merkava, going through all sorts of shenanigans to get through its barriers, around its defences, and destroy its main cannon so it could stop wrecking humanity. There was probably going to be gameplay attached to this? Bart features prominently in the plans, as do ships which transform into mechs. I'd forgotten this sequence even occurs! Boring anime nonsense. Anyway they succeed, and may even destroy Merkava! The party is all "oh no, what about Elly!" while my reaction is certainly along the lines of "fuck Elly, I'm sure she's a sweet young woman and all but hell if we need to kill her to take down world-destroying calamities I will take that trade!" Fortunately for our dumb part, Deus is okay. It may have lost its ship, but it has a new, better plan: terraform the ENTIRE DAMN PLANET into a mobile weapon. Which also means killing all humans. The party gathers at the ruins of Shevat to plan its final assault into the Deus system to stop it.

There are a few scenes in Shevat, with the survivors of humanity. The world is rapidly descending into greater cold as Deus terraforms it, attempting to wipe everyone out. The Thames captain has survived, because that's what men of the sea do. There's a cute scene where he tricks the stepson of his first mate, Hans, into finally calling Hans his father. Queen Zephyr has also survived, guiltilly reflecting on the errors Shevat made which led to this situation but neverthless resolved to lead the survivors. She asks Fei if he has the courage to fight the woman he loves; he reaffirms his dedication to destroying Deus and freeing Elly. And finally, it is revealed that Ramsus has survived. There's a nice scene where Ramsus is referring to himself as trash. Citan slaps him and points out by doing that, he is disrespecting those who believe in him, those he saved from ending up as test subjects as he built Gebler to allow third-class citizens... such as the Elements. Citan notes that by calling himself trash, he is calling those who believe in him trash as well. A veil is lifted from Ramsus' eyes, and Dominia in particular is overjoyed to see him finally get over his demons, leaving the fandom with a little fuel for Ramsus/Dominia shipping.

Beyond that, there are some sidequests to mop up...

Hour 50: The more interesting sidequest is a return to Zeboim, where we learn a bit about society. We learn that Miang may have engineered its downfall, to get humans on a better track for being parts of Deus, creating a calamity where most humans were unable to breed. Emeralda was created by Kim, a past Fei, and Elly, in order to save human fertility somehow (the details are sketchy, but hey nanomachines can do everything I guess) but she died and Emeralda was taken from them for military purposes, and the society crumbled. Emeralda, meanwhile, randomly turns into an adult because she feels she'll be able to better help her "parents" this way. Hey it's a free boost to Atk and Ether, I'll take it.

The other optional dungeon is the Duneman Isle, which is pretty uneventful except that the Thames captain told us about it so doing it is a must. It's also the source of the only lategame foot combat, and a random which can OHKO everyone except Citan who remains completely ridiculous.

Next up: the end!

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1033 on: April 16, 2014, 04:19:37 AM »
MK2- Finished Raze's path. Reicher was a bastard of a final boss. Lots of offense and durability, but not much in the way of tricks. Straight slugfest but pretty fun.

Starting on Ulrika's path next since I don't have a lot else to do right now.

Brief review:

The good: Characters. Lily, Whim, and Raze are a fantastic core. Raze is a perfectly understated dick (Instead of the narcoleptic pushover harem main type), Lily is insane but is geniunely sympathetic re her heartache over Raze, and Whim is just delightful in general as comic relief and someone to deflate Lily. I even liked Yun to an extent, his CQ was entertaining. Puniyo was fun enough for comic relief and the brothers were so hilariously over the top that they worked. I also really dug Puniyo's CQ's. CQs in general were excellent, they showed off the characters well and ranged from funny to touching. Gameplay was MK and it picked up late. Final boss was good, some of the late randoms were tough. Polish was improved over MK2 at several points in the synthing process.

The bad: Ulrika path PC's besides Chloe. They ranged from unfunny to FUCK OFF AND DIE (Pepperoni). Et. Just....  Et. Die Et. Gameplay was pretty bad for most of the game. It combined boring with unpleasant due to text size issues. The synth system had improved polish, but it was still pretty lacking at points. I missed a couple of key skills (Including Yun's best, augh like he needed to be worse) because I didn't synth the right weapon or missed some recipes. Annoying. The game was an incredibly slow starter across the board. Raze's path was also really light on story for the most part, which was a mixed bag.

The ugly: Text size. This actively hampers the game. I ranted enough about this in chat and earlier, but it's terrible. The Grow Book is really bad about it- I missed out on Puniyo's 2x common skills move because I couldn't see it in the book.

???: Reicher. I have no idea what to make of him. What the fuck to letting him just walk away after he nearly tortured Raze's grandfather to death and the whole evil ring thing. He did have his moments though.

Not sure what the rating will be.  The good was very good, but the bad was real bad.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1034 on: April 16, 2014, 06:48:58 AM »
Dark Souls 2: Platinum get.  I don't know what inpired me to get all trophies just for this game.

The hard part was getting the NG++ spells.  I didn't even know there was a great chaos fireball.  I think the only other way of getting it is 100+ kills in the Brotherhood of Blood. No thanks.

What's interesting is the other method of entering the Shrine of Winter.  Enough Soul Memory and the door just opens.  This means if you save every single consumable soul item,  you can go straight for Drangleic Castle.  The limiting factor is getting the first branch of yore to enter the Shaded Woods.

The fastest one is in the gutter, which you can enter right away on NG+.  The path before the Gutter sucks on NG+ but the new patch made it easier.  Wish I went though it sooner.

A lot of bosses become optional now.  Oddly you have to fight the Last Giant.  You need the soldier key to enter the path to the King's door to fight Giant Lord. 

I used this video to beat all the bosses in the game:


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1035 on: April 16, 2014, 06:58:20 AM »
Fun XG reminiscences.  For what it's worth, the thing that I always remain impressed by XG about is the sheer amount of plot that basically coheres somewhat.  Multiple past lives!  Multiple sets of bullshit powers intersecting!  Vast amounts of history that is actually related to current events!  More villains than you can shake a stick at, many of whom hate each other!  Somehow it all involves giant robots!  It's an impressive feat.

That said, I agree with the earlier comment that for all his plot centrality, Fei is one of the weaker characters-as-a-character.  The reluctant hero archetype is fine, but the vast amount of Stuff related to Fei - being the Contact, having multiple personalities, etc. - doesn't really change his main motivation, which is bland do-gooder + in love with Elly.  I suppose when cosmic threats are afoot and you have a Slayer of God robot it's good that he's willing to step up, but still, eh.

The original Fei (Abel) had made contact with the Zohar and it had created Elly in response to the orphan Fei's desire for his mother.  (There are some fairly squick ramifications for Elly the essentially the dream woman of the Contact, and based on his mother, but I digress). Regardless, a part of the Wave Existence exists in Fei, the Contact who inadvertently trapped It

This always struck me as a bit weird.  Was the Zohar controlled by a psychic computer programmer to do whatever a human thought at it?  Wasn't the Wave Existence already "trapped" in the Zohar?  Why was Abel using the Zohar's power special and made him the Contact, but everything else using the Zohar (Deus, Anima Relics?) not?  It isn't a big deal - it's totally fair to think that after the crash, Kadamony rebooted into "obey new master" mode or something due to the damage to Deus, or that young Abel screwed around with the Zohar in some unusually intense way like walking into the reactor, or whatever is needed to justify Fei's powers.

Also do they ever lay out why exactly this means Fei/Contact keeps resurrecting?  Elly, sure, that's explainable, but Fei...  again, not too big a deal to say "Abel touching the Wave Existence also gave him reincarnation powers", but.

There's also why the Wave Existence didn't ask for release immediately.  Maybe it did but Abel refused it?  Oh well.  Better for humanity that way at least.

Id's powers had gone out of control, and in fact had been aimed at himself, but Karen had jumped in their way
That was Id's power?!  I never had any idea what the heck the doom attack was and just assumed it was random Solaris / Shevat cannons or whatever.  If it was Id, I guess Id didn't sport the red hair look at the time?

The Deus system, having now activated further, is now seeking to reunite with the final part, that which was separated from it first: the Contact. Here, in the presence of where the Zohar fell to earth, it has caught him. Grahf decides to place his faith in Fei after all, offering himself, the fake Contact, up as a sacrifice, but warning Fei this misdirection will not fool Deus for long. He begs Fei to save Elly ("and all the other women with her", barf) from Miang and Deus, as he is consumed.

Well, be fair.  The cosmology of XG really is one where all women are in some sense "cursed" to potentially be stolen by Miang.  That's pretty creepy, and Miang is supposed to be creepy, so it works, and Fei reasonably wants to break said curse, which is also fine by me.  I'm willing to give XG a pass on this as not being particularly misogynistic if it correctly grapples with the consequences of its plot.  (Elsewhere, not so much perhaps, but here is fine.)


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1036 on: April 16, 2014, 09:02:03 AM »
You forgot the Caestus Cons of knocking enemies out of your attack range and some enemies having such large gaps in their leg stance you can't actually attack them from behind.

I used this video to beat all the bosses in the game:

That video taught me the solution to everything is magic and other dudes.  Too legit.

Dark Souls 2: Apparently I secretly meant I was gonna waste most of the day fighting the Ancient Dragon and prepping for the Platinum.  Gyrm Greatshield strat for the dragon.  Nothing else interesting.  Still too tired for effort post.

EDIT: OH RIGHT!  I found the Black Knight Sword!  THe Black Knight weapons drop from the dog-things in the Alida foreground.  I have four Ultra Greatswords now.  The normal Sword is now taking after the Greatsword of Artorias.

King's Ultra Greatsword is hilariously dumb too.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2014, 09:10:25 AM by Fudozukushi »


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1037 on: April 16, 2014, 01:24:33 PM »
The creature is essentially "God" within the Xenogears cosmology, so it's nice that this God is a benevolent creature rather than the monster Deus is, I suppose. Plus you get to save God, don't you feel like a badass.

I always liked this plot thread. It's a nice change from the constant "Kill God" plot threads in most RPGs (though to be perfectly honest, I kind of like that one too, it is a bit overused). XG cosmology is awesome in that we have both Deus and the Wave Existence, so we can save our god and eat it too. Or something. I liked the dichotomy of this enough that I really wanted XS, which shares a lot of the cosmology (or at least shades of it, depending on who you ask), to not suck as much as it did. In particular regards to what it did with its own cosmology and the Wave Existence.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1038 on: April 16, 2014, 04:45:45 PM »
That was Id's power?!  I never had any idea what the heck the doom attack was and just assumed it was random Solaris / Shevat cannons or whatever.  If it was Id, I guess Id didn't sport the red hair look at the time?

Id's amazing hair dye and pasty skin is never explained, but that explosion of energy which kills Karen is pretty explicitly him. Or rather, explicitly Fei in some form - Id blames the coward and the coward blames Id. (Current!Fei later decisively says "-We- killed mother.")

Fun XG reminiscences.  For what it's worth, the thing that I always remain impressed by XG about is the sheer amount of plot that basically coheres somewhat.  Multiple past lives!  Multiple sets of bullshit powers intersecting!  Vast amounts of history that is actually related to current events!  More villains than you can shake a stick at, many of whom hate each other!  Somehow it all involves giant robots!  It's an impressive feat.

That said, I agree with the earlier comment that for all his plot centrality, Fei is one of the weaker characters-as-a-character.  The reluctant hero archetype is fine, but the vast amount of Stuff related to Fei - being the Contact, having multiple personalities, etc. - doesn't really change his main motivation, which is bland do-gooder + in love with Elly.  I suppose when cosmic threats are afoot and you have a Slayer of God robot it's good that he's willing to step up, but still, eh.

Yeah I basically agree with all of this (and I don't even like giant robots!). Re Fei, I'm fairly cool with Fei personally although I like him less now than I used to; I think he's easier to relate to as a younger adult. I think his backstory is really interesting but the current Fei is indeed a bit bland. To some extent this was deliberate: he is a personality that was "created" three years ago and reflects sleepy Lahan village fairly well... and he definitely has his moments. But overall he could certainly have been better (his motivations aren't too interesting, though they're reasonable ones to have), for all that I'll still take Fei over a large majority of RPG mains.

Agreed that how Abel ended up as the Contact is extremely nebulous and a bit unconvincing for such a key point to the cosmology. As for asking for release, the Deus system was still drawing on the power of the Zohar/Wave Existence, so it doesn't seem like it could be released until Deus was destroyed.

I have no problem with the Miang-possessing-women plot point as a general thing; it is indeed suitably creepy. I still don't like the way that scene is phrased, though. This may be partially a reaction to just how stupid Grahf's stated motivation is (Miang destroys the life of one woman every generation, therefore DESTROY THE WORLD). It's a good thing there is that scene between him and Miang in the Shevat prison because "Miang manipulated Grahf into being a moron" is the only reason I can swallow it.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1039 on: April 16, 2014, 05:33:44 PM »
Tales of Graces F: Completed Future arc!

Ok, time for a run down of my thoughts.

From a writing stand point, the game is pretty much a step down from TotA (let alone ToV) in everyway.  I compare it to TotA because both games are pretty much straight faced and serious the entire way through sans the comic relief character, hence why it feels easiest to compare.  The key things that stand out is that Luke and Tear are just way better as lead characters than Asbel and Sophie.  Asbel is kind of just a generic hero guy with a good heart and a strong will; we've seen this archetype before, and Asbel doesn't really do anything new with it other than we see that as a 12 year old boy, he was an idiot...which is nothing special because lots of 12 year old boys are idiots (I deal with them regularly, so trust me, I know!)  Sophie's amnesiac angle kind of is the entire thrust of her character, which is not a good thing.  Amnesia works at first, but really needs to be resolved sooner rather than later, especially when the revelation isn't even something big and something you could probably conclude when you first meet the character (if not then, then by the first Amarcian Ruins.)  I realize they wanted "Emotionless Vessel becoming human" angle but the game sort of doesn't do her enough justice there.  They needed to reveal her past earlier, allowing Sophie to then focus on the next aspect of her development for a much more complete character.

It doesn't help that the plot isn't particularly stand out either.  Prologue is kids doing stuff; it's all set up for later in the game, and I fully acknowledge it has a purpose, but it's still BORING, as it's basically just "kids doing stuff."   I don't know how to fix it though, and it is necessary, but it's still boring.

After Act 1, which isn't too bad, it's a lot of wild goose chasing then you fight the bad guy.  Emeraude's sudden heel turn could have worked if the character was introduced much earlier, and we had a stronger connection to her.  As it stands, she became an expendable PC.

That reminds me of another problem this game has: No strong, consistent NPC characters.  See, TotA at least had Ion, who was a great foil to Luke and actually helped a fair amount.  ToGf has nothing of that sort.

That wouldn't be so bad if the PC roster was good but it's kind of not.  Malik is cool, I won't deny that, but he's not particularly amazing either, more just stands out compared to others.  Hubert I should hate but I found myself agreeing with him, so he gets a pass.
Pascal...sorry, but I can't be amused by you.  Tales games do an awful job when they try to shuffle 90% of the comic relief on one character's shoulders, and honestly, Pascal just isn't funny by herself.  She will be all "LOOK AT ME! I AM HYPER SCIENTIST WHO IS AN AIRHEAD!" but then the characters just sort of shrug it off.  That's not how you make this character work.

Skits were also some of the worst in the franchise, Discovery ones are the worst.  Here, let me demonstrate!

*Discovery Orange Tree*
Cheria: Hey, this is a delicacy of the area, right?
Malik: Yes, they are known to grow well in this area, so many cooks make stuff about them.
Asbel: Man, I hope Richard is not hurting anyone.  Let's get to that location next.
Malik: Yes, it is important that we do that because we have our reasons told to us by the president.
Asbel: I just hope we don't have to fight him again!

There are so many Skits like that.  They talk about the discovery for like 2 lines then one character makes a non-sequitor about the plot or our next destination and they just go off onto that. 

The worst character, though, easily goes to Cheria.  There's really no defending this character, she's a major step back in feminism.  Ok, at first, the way she acts is understandable.  Asbel up and left town 7 years ago, and never once wrote back or visited or anything, leaving her alone, especially since Hubert is gone too.  Her being angry at him is sensible, so that's fair.  Problem is, after they make up and come to an understanding, Cheria's character is basically reduced to "the nice girl who loves the main."  That's her entire character.  Either she's just saying a token "sweet nice girl" line, or she's lusting over Asbel, and her style is probably one of the worst I've seen.

Asbel oblivious to her?  She gets angry that he doesn't pay attention!
The other characters quick to call her out on her obvious infatuation with Asbel? She gets defensive and tries to deny the truth!

This is not a character, it is a trope, and an awful one.  Every scene that seems like they're going to give her development ends up being pointless.  Case in point, before the final dungeon, she starts talking to Sophie about Asbel...ok, fine, that's fair...then Asbel comes out, and Cheria leaves, and the discussion...has little to do with what Sophie and Cheria were talking about, and is far more meaningful for Sophie and Asbel.  Asbel's portion of the scene felt meaningful because it demonstrated development for Sophie and himself, Cheria's portion came off as "we need to pretend Cheria is actually important."

To be fair, victory sequences were a moment of humor and entertainment, so they didn't hold back there.

Then...Future ARc kicks in, and wow, did the writing quality improve.

Suddenly, the game isn't afraid to not be so serious anymore.  We have skits that are entertaining, and just kind of fluffy with punchlines and humor.  We have characters showing off more in the way of interpersonal relationships.  Heck, HubertxPascal was basically the Cheria thing I mentioned above done right, because it's played for laughs.  Richard coming back as a regular helps too, he is the exact kind of character the team needed since he and Malik compliment each other greatly, in the "Troll others" thing. 

Speaking of trolling, I was told the team trolls Asbel throughout the game and there's very much a case of "Asbel, your best friend has a bad case of Final Boss" "NO HE DOESN'T!"  Yeah, no, that doesn't happen at all.  At first, Asbel is stubborn, but then Richard at Lhant happens and Asbel doesn't turn a blind eye (though he doesn't stop believing in Richard, he is resigned to the fact that he's going to have to fight him), and the team never trolls Asbel about it.  Heck, Asbel's the one going after a point leading the charge, fully resolved. 

...F-Arc of course has lots of Asbel trolling because he's oblivious, and yeah, he asks for it.  It cannot be stressed enough just how much better F-Arc is at writing.  Furthermore, with the characters acting the way they are, Pascal actually WORKS now; her antics are now complimented by the other characters, not sort of existing in a vacuum, since we can see actual character responses and how they bounce off her, rather than her just doing something crazy and the team going "huh, that helps."

It's not just the silliness that's better, but also serious writing, the main thing being Sophie.  No longer being stuck with the "ignorant to everything and has amnesia" angle, they can actually develop the side of her I ranted she needed before: Her strive towards being human.  The whole immortality complex, her inability to express herself, inability to relate to others...this is the actually interesting side of characters like that.  The MYSTERY aspect works only for so long, and as I said, the sooner revealed, the sooner you can move to the next stage of development, and honestly, Sophie is just a lot more interesting now that we're developing her character, less so "putting pieces of a puzzle together."

Unfortunately, Cheria is still not improved by F-Arc; she's still just "I love Asbel" and her character doesn't evolve at all.  To be fair, I can't say she's the worst Tales female ever, because characters like Anise exist <_<

Sadly, F-Arc is only a fraction of the main game and can only save it so much, but it cannot be emphasized just how much better written F-Arc is.  It really comes off as them realizing they have this cast they really didn't do a whole lot with, and thus tried to salvage it in a 10-15 hour timeframe as bonus content.


Well, I'm not in-love with the CC system the way some people are, because honestly, I found my strategy pretty much the same every fight:  Hold down defend until Red Aura, go in and use whatever Artes were best appropriate for the time.  It doesn't really change from other Tales games just because there's no TP, because TP stops being a notable resource in later games given how fast you get it back.  Having actual combos as your basic attacks (A-artes) was something I totally approve of as it does make every character playable to some degree.  It's not that it's a bad system so much as I think people overstate the impact it has on battles compared to TP. 
To be fair, basic physicals being actual combo chains now instead of repeated attacks IS something I am totally cool with, and makes combat more dynamic.  Flipside, I didn't find half the cast as fun to play as as in other Tales games (too many mages; ToG tries to make them more playable, but they still felt way less fun than fighters.  Didn't help that one of your healers was one of your meleers), which hurts the game some.

Probably a 6/10.  It's not a bad game, but it misses the mark a lot on writing, pre-F-Arc, and that made the experience less enjoyable, as I found myself not really caring where the game went.  As for why it took a while to finish F-Arc?

Not really the game's fault there, more timing for IRL things + Jeff hogging the TV that the PS3 is hooked on.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1040 on: April 16, 2014, 09:36:30 PM »

Fudo: Well yes. That goes with the low range!

Cid: The major improvements are the two reasons you listed (The fact that fights don't entirely revolve around backstabs anymore is the big one) + getting into fights taking way less time + magic/bows being viable + respec existing.

Everybody complained about poise in Dark Souls after Demon's, which didn't have it. I really have no opinion so far, I need to test this more extensively (I'm more interested in PvE honestly)
I'm not really sure we can judge the balance right now but DS1 wasn't balanced anyway. At all.

Anyway I can now get from the beginning of the game to the Great Club in the Gutter (and any other cool weapon that might be lying in the Gutter/ Black Gulch) in 20 minutes. Yay!

This isn't even hard. The worst part is by far is the 'splosion men.

Get the estus flask and shard in Majula, run straight to the Last Giant (Easy even with no upgrades), eat his soul, buy the ring from Asshole Cat, go down the pit (Ignoring the grave alltogether. Note that you don't have to make any leap of faith), then enter the Gutter and light a torch...

The Gutter is not very threatening if you know it well and just run through it. You can get past all the giant dogs, you don't have to make any kind of jump, and the regular zombies are not dangerous. (Except the one at the very end with dark weapons, holy shit these 2HKO. They're the new torch zombies from DS1)
I fear jumps so much in Ironman mode. I'd rather fight Smelter Demon than make a single risky jump now. Mc Duff is never getting his flame again, I'm afraid.

Anyway, what can I say.

Great Club Is Great.

Highly lethal blunt damage. (Re: Grefter)

If you do the overhead smash on some enemies they get immediately flattened for a few seconds. It is almost slapstick. They slowly get up, then at this point you do another overhead smash again and they die.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2014, 10:23:10 PM by Fenrir »


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1041 on: April 16, 2014, 10:41:04 PM »
Holy shit, Ruin Sentinels dying from only one R2-R2 combo
I need to upgrade this to +10 right now


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1042 on: April 16, 2014, 10:49:31 PM »
Stop trying seduce me with your giant wood Fenrir. :(

Bravely Default - Chapter 2.  Lots of Asterix fights!  I had been hoping to get a fix on when Salve Maker unlocks, seems my ability to predict who is going to be a "side" boss and who is going to be the main story one is well off in this.  Tempted to do a no optional bosses run.  You still get a ton of highly usable jobs.

Chapter 2 seems to mostly be natural beauty vs fashion or natural depth vs surface shallowness some such theme.  I can't quite refine it down to something as simple as Time and Money like chapter 1.  Doing Red Mage sidequest and suddenly it got far more rapey.

Also RE: XG stuff.  "God" is a largely benevolent but powerless being trapped underneath a more aggressive feral thing that is in control that seeks to destroy the world.  The ultimate goal is to set the rational thinking part of the system free from the baser part of it's system.  Yep!  One part Freud, one part Gnosticism.  As DJ showed his last play through of XS, that makes for some pure Xeno right there.

Fei doesn't free himself from Id, but accepts him.  Wave Existence (Super Ego) does free itself from Deus (Id) and Zohar (Ego), which is in line with the concept that our conscience is the "best" part of us and the Id and Ego are just related to our primal desires and managing or satisfying them.  God is beyond that, but Fei is still a human being .  He is close to God because he is under control of them, but he is not "free" of them.  Presumably Krellian is, probably with no explanation for it because He Is Just That Awesome + Micromachines Are Awesome!!!
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1043 on: April 16, 2014, 10:59:20 PM »
Pokemon Y: Hey, I managed to get this shit working! Yay~

I have so many new and exciting things to say about this game, but they've been said before, so let's concentrate on what's really important: Pokemon Nicknames.

Fennekin: "Browser" - It is a fire fox. It is also psychic. Bonus points for starting with "Bro" and rhyming with "Bowser".
Caterpie: "Flutterpie" - Because Fluttershy was too obvious?
Pansage: "Grape Ape" - Monkey that grows fruit on its head... in hindsight, perhaps "Chiquita" would have been better?
Pikachu: "Cheeks" - All the good names were taken.
Riolu: "Pound Puppy" - Riolu's had it rough, man. He came from the streets and did his time in the big house. He's stronger for it though, and he'll teach you the meaning of 'pound'.

I haven't fought the first gym leader yet, but getting a Pikachu (that I'm not intending to actually use... >.>;; ) took so long that Fennekin is one level from evolving. Damn rat.

This is going to be an all-canine playthrough, so only Fennekin and Riolu from this group are going to see any significant battle time. I may pick up a bird for Fly slave purposes later on. I may continue catching other random mons just to give them dumb names. I may need suggestions...


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1044 on: April 16, 2014, 11:04:43 PM »
I forget if you have room, but I would have gone with Le Femme Chiquita if you have room and a female Pansage for the double joke.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1045 on: April 17, 2014, 06:54:59 AM »

@Club chat: Wait until you get the Giant Warrior Club!  It actually sends dudes flying.  If they live.

@Poise Chat: It doesn't exist.  If you stack it to absurd levels you might take one hit from a very low, fast weapon but everything else will break you in full Havel in one hit.  PVE enemies are usually less dangerous to Poise so Havel's might let you survive THREE hits from a weak enemy.  Anything big will still plow through you.  Ruin Sentinels also broke me.

Dark Souls 2: Did some finishing touches before moving to NG+.  Upgraded my armors to +10 because dammit they'll be the most upgraded Prisoner's Tatters ever!  Also fully upgraded my Stamina Shield because why not... only to see that the other Stamina shield I had was literally better in every way.  Bah.  Also go and fully upgrade Havel's Shield because seeing 93 Stability is bonkers.  I wanna do a shield-only run now!  Doing comparable damage to the high-end clubs is just a bonus.  Don't feel like going on an NPC murder-spree so NG+ goooooo.  Died to Pursuer's ambush because of the usual blahblah button press don't dodge.  ODS, Dragonrider(no hit yay) Skeleton Lords, Covetus, Mytha, Flexile, Ruin Sentinels, Bellfry Gargoyles, Scorpioness down.  Gargs are the only one to get a life. 

Not-so-Finalish Thoughts: Gonna just do this in a pros/cons list because I don't have a random rant in me and I need to get something out.

-Lots of small quality of life improvements, (using multiple soul items at once, always bonfire travel,
-Roll weight changes are much better than DS1's restricting nature.
-Sheer wealth of equipment and item options.  In DS1 only the head slots had any sort of additive effects but now my pants make me cast spells fast!
-Duel-wielding rocks!
-The world is massive and expansive.
-Covenants, and online, are much more stable. 
-More NPC phantoms for boss fights is a welcome relief for the annoying things.

-The addition of Lifegems brings back Demon's terrible problems of making enemies do crazy damage to compensate for the player being at full health for every encounter.  But Demon's was tuned towards Phantom mode being the base state, while DS2 seems tuned towards human.  Coupled with the psychotic counter-hit damage enemies do you can be one-shot or stunlocked stupidly easily.  Dar Souls 1's attrition-base around Estus Flask is much preferable.
-Armor/Weight is back to Demon's crippling garbage making any high-end armors useless again.  Poise being useless doesn't help things.
-The majority of bosses are either boring or uninspiring, and to many rely on high damage over actual challenge.  ODS and Gargs are holdovers from DS1 and are probably the best bosses in the game which is sad in a game with 30+ bosses.
-For all the world is gigantic, it's really disconnected.  Every single location links to another through caves and elevators.
-In addition to the above, the entire reason you need the Four Old Souls to get through the Shrine of Winter is because the road is blocked by a bit of rubble.  There's a lot of small ledges or tiny drops that just completely artificially hamper progress and it's weird.  I can't recall anything like that in DS1 offhand but I'm sure it's there, just.... I don't like most of the quest being dependent on my character being too lazy to climb some fucking rocks.
-No godlike NPCs like Solaire.
-Deeper lore and meaning just... doesn't seem to exist?  There's a story here but I don't have any idea why Vendrick ran and nothing but guesses for a lot of things.  Nothing really had me headslapping in brilliance like the meaning of Darkroot.  Though I guess the Fenito and Milfanito were kinda neat.

Clear Tranquil

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1046 on: April 17, 2014, 01:06:25 PM »
Tales of Symphonia 2 Dawn of the New World- Beaten. True ending get. Short game is short (41.13 final save/final save point before final boss) Final levels were L56 Marta/Emil, L50 ToS cast, L47 Vual Igniter, L32 Black Wolf (aka my Fenrir that was in it's third evolution cycle >_>) Played the game on Hard which was easy for the most part but provided some interesting fights late game (Decus, Lookins, Alice and Decus and the final boss come to mind (actual final boss w/th party not the plot fights) Didn't discover Radiant Roar until the final dungeon. Just in time too since characters were taken away soon after the start and I only had a L22 Igniter and a L19 Black Wolf at the time (and it only happened by chance I'd recruited the Igniter while doing the roots section. Good time to discover the OP that is Radiant Roar, final dungeon fights/bosses consisted of mostly spamming that. Not quite as OP as Cheria's Garden of Innocence since it doesn't field revive/status cure/hit significant weaknesses in addition to being an field damage/healing combo move, the fights consisted of mostly spamming that in between frantically reviving/healing AIs with items, would have helped a lot if it was revive as well, but still good (it did over 25'000 to Decus with magic tweaked equipment + Enhance Cast~ Heh, Marta didn't get Speed Cast 2 Skill until after the final boss <_<

Monster thingy I mostly didn't bother with, it was mostly just there here are the monsters you get from the plot, didn't really bother with elements in battle, just did whatever, monster wants to join, monster joins/monster ran away/monster left item! Ended up with Almadel L4 (imp from the beginning), Geo (wolf), Mistral/Axe Beak L1, L12 Doris/Archelon (turtle/armadillo thing you get for Triet plot), Hail/Remora L12, Samudra/Sea Hog L1,  Praline/Ooze L19 and Vual/Igniter. I was/am disappointed baby winged dragon didn't join. I loved my wolf though. Fenrir, ice wolf when fully evolved. Quite useful with paralyse, icy slow down attacks, and ice damage. Used quite a lot with Marta/Emil when other characters weren't around. Went through two evolution cycles of wolf > black wolf > Fenrir and was on the way back to Fenrir again with better stats/more skills. I also taught my Fenrir First Aid, Heal and Resist over the course of the game~

I was thinking of playing through the game again quickly to get the "Normal" ending but apparently that's not how it works since the "Normal" ending trophy also popped along with the "True" ending trophy so I guess it's an extended ending type deal~
« Last Edit: April 17, 2014, 04:11:51 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1047 on: April 17, 2014, 08:32:25 PM »
-Lots of small quality of life improvements, (using multiple soul items at once, always bonfire travel,

Other little thing I kept wanting to mention: contextual inputs are now properly prioritized! If you're near a switch or a bonfire or something else genuinely important alongside bloodstains and messages, the game properly defaults to the important thing first. And you don't have to drop your shield to get rid of annoying GOT ITEM messages or trigger things like you did in DS1.

The knocking enemies out of your attack range thing is definitely annoying. Not!Licia ran with blacksmith's hammer for melee backup and it whiffed a lot just because I pushed dudes back too far with the first strike.

Gargs are definitely the best boss in the game. They don't cruise on just doing nutty amounts of damage, you just have to dodge a lot and be very careful about when you choose to attack. Easily the most fun to run co-op for, too (if you can get in the zone, drop a sign, and leave before getting invaded; turns out this is much less of an issue on NG+).
« Last Edit: April 17, 2014, 08:38:23 PM by El Cideon »


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1048 on: April 18, 2014, 04:44:14 AM »
Pokemon X All Starters: Meganium is a thing that I have because level 33 Evolution.  It is now my best Pokemon at the moment because fully evolved stats + Petal Dance.

Prinplup and Frogadier both got Surf, Charmeleon got Fire Fang and Flame Burst, Pignite gets Heat Crash and Grovyle has Leaf Blade, so yes, everyone has a decent STAB!  Also have enough TMs to cover most people for moves on variety and such.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1049 on: April 18, 2014, 09:25:38 AM »
Dark Souls 2: Holy hell how do you actually make the run to the Chariot worse?  And to top it off Mace+10 attacks just narrowly miss one-shotting skellies and two-shotting the mages so I die way too many times here.  But eventually I run myself out of Estus and win and get the Cloarthy Ring+2.

Kills Reel In some random order:
Smelter: No deaths, I manage to survive his explosion!
Old Iron King: Two deathe.  Usual OIK bullshit involving fire breath spam until you're locked in a corner.
Duke's Dear Freyja: No deaths.  The laser did less damage than the normal spiders.
Lost Sinner: No deaths.  the SURPRISE was a surprise but I could one-shot'em so eh.
Dragonrider2: I feel great sham for nearly dying to the rejects.
Looking Glass Knight: The 2-hand heavy for my club kept ramming into his shield.  Still, won with no deaths.
Ambush En Route to the Gutter: Ana whyyyyyyyy.
The Rotten: Joke as usual.  So forgettable I can't even remember if he hit me.
SURPRISE IN THE THRONE ROOM!: Hahahahahahahaha.  My super-secret super-pro strategy to win this was to get hit with that incredibly telegraphed stab which despawned one of them.
Pursuer, Smelter Style: Hey, back to no-hitting you!
Last Giant: Hey you can still summon Pate even after completing his quest.
Pursuer, Normal Style: Really, that barrel in the room's the most dangerous part about it....

I always bloody forget the Shrine of Amana exists between the castle and crypt.  It's just so random!  Heide chestpiece is cool beans though.

Then I spent the rest of the day trying to grind out Sunlight Medals.  After literally a hundred kills on the enemies that drop them I earned three.  Yay.  My PS3 connection was so trash I was then fighting it for hours trying to get summons.  And yet despite that it's still more reliable than the enemy drops.

Anyway, with Ring of Steel Protection+2 I checked out tank build.  1400-1600-1500 roughly.  That's over twice my attack with the Giant Warrior Club!  Yowza!  And yet it's still effectively useless.

Future Run Ideas:
Belmont Run
Someone spelltastic.  Probably Hexes.
Shield-only run.
The sheer self-indulgence of dual-wielding twinblades.
Heide Knight gimmick run.
Looking Glass Knight gimmick run.  Grind summon souls for both of these to open Shrine of Winder until I can complete the sets I guess..