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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #900 on: April 04, 2014, 11:56:50 PM »
You'll also have cray estus drinking speed.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #901 on: April 05, 2014, 05:09:44 AM »
Kirby Return to Dreamland:  Beat a world and a half.  So far, all I can say is "This is a Kirby game!" which is a lot more than I can say about Kirby's Epic Yarn.  AT least this one I don't feel embarrassed to play in public because while Kirby is on the screen, he isn't being overly cutesy with pre-school art style and enemies actually look like enemies ( that weird Kirby stylized way...)  Not to mention "Kirby can breathe fire, wield a sword, turn into a tornado, and slice things into lots of pieces with bladed boomerangs" is a lot cooler than "Kirby can turn into a car and a train!" (though, being able to turn into a tank was pretty awesome in Epic Yarn, but under utilized.)

Yes, I spent this entire post mostly saying "Screw you Epic Yarn!"
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #902 on: April 05, 2014, 06:53:20 AM »
(Withering Ripple, the best ever.)

It is, but it tapers off later in the game when you have better debuffs than 85% and better damage than giving someone a water/whatever weakness.  Still the full multitarget is great!

Staff level 1, now, that is beast.  Okay I can fullheal/revive/give MP/give 2 BP to my whole team?  Yes please.

And I seem to be the only one that had no trouble with first Rusalka.  Weakest of the crystal defenders imho.  Refights are another story!

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #903 on: April 05, 2014, 07:12:06 AM »
So, I got RS3. Which quest should I do first???? Snoooow!
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #904 on: April 05, 2014, 07:25:50 AM »
Rusalka's easily the best crystal defender I thought! Thaaat said if you were doing crazy amounts of Norende stuff that's probably when the advantages would be most pronounced, which I suspect is the difference.

On refights, Rusalka gets both more and less dangerous. More dangerous because the clones get a considerable HP boost, but less because Dark Flow becomes far easier to deal with (Rampart, elemental defence, whatever). On balance I think she gets easier, but not dramatically or anything... still a fun fight! By contrast, I thought Gigas Lich was quite easy the first time - beat him first try without dispel! - but he scales up well and I've found him one of the tougher ones in Chapters 5 and 6, while Chaugmar goes from "legimiate threat" to "complete joke" in refights... he's worthless outside his called shot Energy Burst, and Rampart says "lol" among other tactics.

BD - Chapter 7. Welp, spoilers. Broke a crystal, Airy is now a supervillain. I adore this face-heel turn. Also since I don't think I've hyped this outside of chat, the changed title screen is great.
There's a question here I'm hoping someone can answer, dunno if anyone tried: What happens if you *don't* stop praying to a crystal in chapters 1-4?[size]

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #905 on: April 05, 2014, 07:27:48 AM »
Xenogears: In which there are far fewer dungeons.

Hour 42: The second disc opens with a scene of first Fei, then Elly, having a flashback, reliving past lives, but particularly the one where they were Lacan and Sophia. We get to see a bit of their relationship, and for the first time really have their repeated love stories laid out for us. It's kind of weird, but I actually like this scene anyway: it's presented almost like poetry, with Fei and Elly saying many of the same things, sometimes slightly different, as reflections of each other.

Following this, they wake up and we learn that they've been healed from near-death by Taura Melchior, one of the Sages and the master of molecular engineering technology previously mentioned. Apart from saving their lives, he has also modified Fei so no more Id. And modified Weltall so it can use Id's powers at will, along with the help of Balthazar, who makes his first appearance in about 40 hours.

Shevat learns that Fei is safe now and tries to recruit him back into the war effort with Solaris. Apparently pretty much the entire Solaris military survived the fall, which makes sense given how much of it was stationed on battleships and on the surface, and of course the rest probably were able to evacuate. They've already levelled Aveh and are heading for Nisan. Taura doesn't think Fei should give a shit about Shevat, which was trying to string him up not too long ago; he clearly has some contempt for his own home country. While I kinda get this, it's still kind of dumb to leave non-Solarian civilisation hanging. Elly certainly agrees, and encourages Fei to go assist them, with his new powers.

Elly doesn't join him because Taura has another task he wants done: he has, over the years, come up with a nanomachine which, once released, should multiply and remove the Limiters present in all humans, which would be quite a coup for the good guys. But he needs to get them into the upper atmosphere so they can spread across the world. Fortunately he knows of a location with an ancient "mass driver" which should be able to launch a payload into the atmosphere; he just needs someone to go do it. Elly volunteers for this task. Emeralda and Citan also show up, and Emeralda volunteers to help.

Before leaving for her mission, Elly talks with Citan. She thinks she loves Fei, but isn't sure how much of it is anguish over losing her parents and then those strange dreams, and how much of it is real, so she wants to do something separately from Fei to give her some time to sort out her feelings. After everyone leaves, there's a scene where Grahf shows up, and we learn that it was he who saved Fei and Elly and brought them to Taura, showing once again his strange sympathy for his "other self" and reincarnated love interest.

There's totally this dungeon where Elly and Emeralda go and save the day, with Citan joining them in the middle of the mission (why he didn't accompany them is left ambiguous, probably to give Emeralda some time to connect with her "mother" and develop as a character). This could have been kind of cool; certainly sounds more interesting than the Anima Relic dungeons we did get. It isn't actually in the game though.

Fei, meanwhile, gets to beat up Ramsus with his newfound power, and then goes to help stave off Solarian invasion (though again, we don't actually play this) while Bart turns the Kislev palace into a really big gear and beats up another really big gear from Solaris. This gets a "sure, whatever Xenogears"/10. Some things stood out to me as incredibly goofy when I played this game as a teenager and this is definitely one. I guess it's an homage to some mecha anime or something else I don't care about. Regardless, Nisan is saved!

Unfortunately, bad shit starts to happen. Humans everywhere begin transforming into Wels. We learn shortly that it's because Krelian had designed nanomachines which would cause this change and they were released upon Solaris' destruction. It's pretty awful, as huge segments of the population mutate into monsters. The Gazel Ministry are confused as to why it is happening but aren't going to complain since it turns out that these Wels are "the true form of humans" and part of their plan... to be pieces of the god they are trying to resurrect. Meanwhile, there's a scene with Krelian and Miang, highlighting some of the tension between Krelian and the Gazel, as while both seem to be in the business of resurrecting god, both want to be "in control" of the resulting creature at the end. Miang frankly declares to Krelian that she doesn't really care which of the two "wins" as that both are working towards her goals she will support the winner. Nevertheless, she certainly seems to allign more closely with Krelian based on recent scenes, suggesting that the scientist has the inside track on the crazy dead dudes residing in a computer.

The scene shifts to Soylent System. It was previously mentioned that while some of the facilities had been moved to Solaris, the bulk were on the surface. We learn that Solaris had been "recruiting" all the transformed humans to come to Soylent where they would receive treatment, but it was, of course, a terrible trap. The humans there have turned against each other, the infected attacking the uninfencted, the more infected attacking the less infected. All humanity seems lost. Elly is moved by their suffering, however. She sheds some of her own blood to placate a few of them, but for the rest she makes a heartfelt appeal for them to recover their humanity. It's not a bad speech, although it still stretches credibility that she'd actually be able to get through to all these borderline zombies. Nevertheless, she does.

It doesn't help that the party, with Taura's help, does in fact have a cure. Taura's nanomachines can ease the suffering and in some case even reverse the transformations of the people. Combined with Elly's appeal to the hearts and an actual cure, the party is available to free the Wels from the grips of Soylent, going from facility to facility to break Solarian influence over its new god-parts. Elly, meanwhile, starts to appear more and more like her previous incarnation, Sophia, who had become a similar symbol of hope for the people.

The Gazel are furious. Their plans have been thwarted! Fortunately, they have a plan. They will activate the "Gaetia Key", which will greatly increase the rate of Wels transformation. Before they can, though, they EAT ELECTRICITY. Emperor Cain makes his appearance, overruling the Gazel, refusing to let them use the key. They try to appeal to him... they need this to become God, they need this so they can rule as is their purpose, don't you see?!?

Cain savagely mocks them. "Your purpose...? You were fated to it from your birth. Why haven't you realized that it does not arise from your own free will?" Their god, he claims, is playing them like a fiddle. Humanity deserves a chance to go on living, not be consumed by the Ministry's petty greed. Fuck yeah, Cain rules. Good lord is he refreshing compared to all the other centuries-old douchebags in this game.

Hour 43: With things taken care of regarding the future of humanity, at least for now, the party decides to hunt down the remaining Anima Relics. Shevat holds one, Bart reclaimed one, and Citan himself has another, presumably given to him by Cain (although this isn't made explicit). It's time to hunt down some more since keeping such powerful toys out of the hands of Solaris is a good thing.

There's a dungeon where the party goes to reclaim one. No real story here until the end. The anima relic is found and upgrades Billy's gear to an omnigear! (Gameplaywise there's rather little difference.) As they leave, though, the party runs into the Elements. Elly will appear here even if not in the party, as Dominia is essentially her rival, and recent events have only further highlighted the difference between them, Elly the protector and Dominia, who believes that it is right that the weak perish. She has rationalised Solaris' actions, even destroying her own homeland, as natural, and her survival and rise to the top of Solarian ranks proves her own strength. Mild-mannered Kelvena also agrees with Dominia, positing that the sheltering of weak humans will ultimately be the race's downfall, and that only the strong will survive while the weak are weeded out. Two boss battles later shows the Elements who has the real "strength". Yet another RPG where we show those "might makes right" types by... having more might?

The elements are defeated, but Elly specifically spares them. She still has faith in her old friends. As they leave, Kelvena comments admiringly about Elly's way of doing things, showing that her words have had some effect. Dominia isn't so convinced.

Hour 44: The scene cuts back to the Gazel Ministry, now hatching a plot with Miang. They need Cain dead. As long as he lives they are powerless to use the Gaetia Key, and without that their plans are doomed. Miang, fortunately for them, has plans. She has manipulated Ramsus and he will serve their purpose.

Dominia, standing outside the room, overhears this, though! Horrified at what she perceives to be Miang's treachery, she goes to tell Ramsus. However, the Ramsus she runs into is filled with his usual manic fury. Miang has told him where Fei is! He will hunt Fei down! ONLY RAMSUS, WHO TRANSCENDS ALL HUMANS, CAN DEFEAT FEI!

Unfortunately, he has been directed to Nisan, where Fei actually isn't at the moment. Elly is there, watching over the city while Fei and the others search for another Anima Relic. Ramsus is far too deep into the crazy sauce to believe Elly when she says Fei isn't there, however, and with his Omnigear he's able to overpower Nisan's defences easily, screaming at Fei to have him show up. Elly appeals to him, trying to get him to stop. His response is to grab her (with his gear) and threaten to crush her unless Fei appears to rescue her. When Fei doesn't (for obvious reasons), he attempts to carry out his threat, but Elly's ether power overwhelms him and she breaks free. Ramsus is crushed. Not only could he not beat Fei, he is powerless before mere Lieutenant Van Houten as well?

Elly asks him why he is so concerned with Fei, and Ramsus finally volunteers the information. It is not simply that Fei/Id defeated him at Elru, as we had long been told to assume. He reveals that he is a clone of Emperor Cain, created to be the ideal human, but that once Fei was born, who could serve the nebulous purposes of the Solarian elite better, he was rejected, cast aside as useless trash. While it's not yet clear what purpose Solaris had in mind for Ramsus which they felt Fei could fulfill, it's clear that Ramsus has been driven mad by his superiors for this. He proudly trumpets that by his own ability he was nevertheless able to take command of Gebler, but that when Fei reappeared he took away everything from Ramsus. Elly dresses him down, saying that he doesn't understand that love and acceptance aren't things that you take from others, and that Fei's existence does not take them from Ramsus. Ramsus, however, is in no state to hear this. With images of him being grown as a fetus in a vat as Krelian and a mysterious dark-haired woman look on flashing before the player's eyes, he takes off, full of fury.

The Gazel Ministry berates Ramsus for failing yet again. As they dismiss him, Miang appears, telling him comfortingly that she believes in him. And she has a suggestion. She believes that the existence of Cain is limiting Ramsus' potential, that he can not truly ascend to the status of a perfect human, loved and accepted by all, as long as the original exists. But for every problem, there is a solution, isn't there, Kahr...? (Miang is the worst.)

Meanwhile, the party has located another Anima Relic, so it's time for another dungeon! Once again, not much happens here until the end... but that can wait until next time.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #906 on: April 05, 2014, 07:58:59 AM »
DS2: Got the platinum!!
*spams "Well, what is it?" in front of Fudo*
I still had to fight every major boss. People really need to figure out this Shrine of Winter thing.

Preparing mentally for No Death mode.
BTW I'm now pretty sure ADP is total BS.

That mean you don't need to get all the covenant rank-up items for the Platinum or did you actually win thousands of PVP fights?


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #907 on: April 05, 2014, 11:49:46 AM »
Wrath of the Gods is sold by Wellagar in like NG+++ or something stupid like that. I don't know of any similar alternative for getting the Bell covenant or Brotherhood of Blood spells, though. (Sunlight Spear at least is easy to get because co-op > PVP for chances of success, at least with me.)


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #908 on: April 05, 2014, 01:15:53 PM »
Yeah, you can go to the castle in NG++ to get most spells.
You still need to sunbro 25 times, bellbro 30 times.

Four failed no-death runs. I am running out of names for my characters. And I still haven't beaten the Sentry or Pursuer. This is not going well.
I'm not sure I actually want shields or huge weapons. I struggled against the Dragonrider last time with both. Dragonrider. Most deaths comes from getting ganked (or surprised) so shields might not be a huge help.
Meanwhile, huge weapons mean huge recovery times.

I'll try archery out. Low stat requirements (so I can invest in defensive stats), and range.
Or pyromancy?
« Last Edit: April 05, 2014, 01:17:46 PM by Fenrir »


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #909 on: April 05, 2014, 03:31:54 PM »
Rusalka's easily the best crystal defender I thought! Thaaat said if you were doing crazy amounts of Norende stuff that's probably when the advantages would be most pronounced, which I suspect is the difference.

On refights, Rusalka gets both more and less dangerous. More dangerous because the clones get a considerable HP boost, but less because Dark Flow becomes far easier to deal with (Rampart, elemental defence, whatever). On balance I think she gets easier, but not dramatically or anything... still a fun fight! By contrast, I thought Gigas Lich was quite easy the first time - beat him first try without dispel! - but he scales up well and I've found him one of the tougher ones in Chapters 5 and 6, while Chaugmar goes from "legimiate threat" to "complete joke" in refights... he's worthless outside his called shot Energy Burst, and Rampart says "lol" among other tactics.

BD - Chapter 7. Welp, spoilers. Broke a crystal, Airy is now a supervillain. I adore this face-heel turn. Also since I don't think I've hyped this outside of chat, the changed title screen is great.
There's a question here I'm hoping someone can answer, dunno if anyone tried: What happens if you *don't* stop praying to a crystal in chapters 1-4?[size]

Entirely BD lategame discussion:
Bravely Second Elixir > Gigas Lich. Otherwise, yeah, he's a legit fight if you aren't abusing that ability.

I believe in ch. 1-4, you automatically transition out of the crystal scene. I don't... recall that with absolute certainty, however.

Also, yeah, Airy is a hilarious/awesome supervillian. Enjoy the normal end, and you do have access to the optional dungeon now to pick up Genome Abilities you didn't get earlier (go talk to DeRosso to unlock it).

Faster than Light: Advanced Edition: holy fuck, did the final really need a buff to forms 1 and 3?
« Last Edit: April 05, 2014, 03:33:37 PM by interrobangbang »


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #910 on: April 05, 2014, 04:12:50 PM »
The answer is always more fire.

Majora's Mask - So I started playing this.  It is still a weird game, but I am pretty determined to actually finish it this time instead of playing it for like 2 dungeons and giving up on it because it makes me uncomfortable with its pacing mechanics. 

It definitely fits in that patter of every other Zelda game or so being really fucking weird.  It has a lot of handy things for managing the time restriction that make me feel so uncomfortable, but true to Zelda form, they are tucked away somewhere unintuitive that you should just work out your damned self by throwing a bomb at this specific piece of ground and it is totally fine because you don't strictly NEED it to beat the game (just maybe to have any fun at all).

Also the bank is terrible.  Absolutely terrible.  To deposit money you have 2 dialogue bits, then select Deposit from a menu, 4 unskippable dialogue options, two of which are



Which leads you into another dialogue prompt which has to scroll slightly, so I hope you aren't mashing Skip skip skip or you are going to go through those four again.

Then you need to pick the exact amount of Rupees you want to deposit (so all of them probably) manually up to 999.  If you accidentally say a larger value than you have you get yelled at and kicked back to menu selection.

I got a special reward for depositing 200 Rupees, then wanted to buy a bomb bag so took some rupees back out.  I got another reward for depositing up to 200 rupees later when I deposited all my money.  It was another 5 rupees that I got to deposit.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #911 on: April 05, 2014, 06:06:18 PM »
I got a special reward for depositing 200 Rupees, then wanted to buy a bomb bag so took some rupees back out.  I got another reward for depositing up to 200 rupees later when I deposited all my money.  It was another 5 rupees that I got to deposit.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #912 on: April 05, 2014, 07:32:06 PM »
BD spoilers There are times the game let's you break crystals and times it doesn't.  I wasn't able to break the second crystal of third world (you keep pressing X forever and nothing happens), but I was able to break the third one.  So plot triggers I guess.

Beat all the asterisk teamup fights.  Hardest by far was Ominas/Barras/Heinkel due to Ominas's 1HKO Thunders and Barras's ASPLODE.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #913 on: April 05, 2014, 07:48:48 PM »
BD spoilers There are times the game let's you break crystals and times it doesn't.  I wasn't able to break the second crystal of third world (you keep pressing X forever and nothing happens), but I was able to break the third one.  So plot triggers I guess.

Beat all the asterisk teamup fights.  Hardest by far was Ominas/Barras/Heinkel due to Ominas's 1HKO Thunders and Barras's ASPLODE.

Apparently, and this is sort of dumb, (BD spoilers) it's got to do with how fast you press the button, not how long/how hard. So the total opposite of sex ed. You probably just were hitting it fast enough on the third crystal to get into the "Airy sez stop" mode.

Ominas' OHKO is really nasty in that, esp. since I didn't come preparing to block Lightning.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #914 on: April 05, 2014, 09:00:10 PM »
Elly asks him why he is so concerned with Fei, and Ramsus finally volunteers the information. It is not simply that Fei/Id defeated him at Elru, as we had long been told to assume. He reveals that he is a clone of Emperor Cain, created to be the ideal human, but that once Fei was born, who could serve the nebulous purposes of the Solarian elite better, he was rejected, cast aside as useless trash. While it's not yet clear what purpose Solaris had in mind for Ramsus which they felt Fei could fulfill, it's clear that Ramsus has been driven mad by his superiors for this. He proudly trumpets that by his own ability he was nevertheless able to take command of Gebler, but that when Fei reappeared he took away everything from Ramsus. Elly dresses him down, saying that he doesn't understand that love and acceptance aren't things that you take from others, and that Fei's existence does not take them from Ramsus. Ramsus, however, is in no state to hear this. With images of him being grown as a fetus in a vat as Krelian and a mysterious dark-haired woman look on flashing before the player's eyes, he takes off, full of fury.

The Gazel Ministry berates Ramsus for failing yet again. As they dismiss him, Miang appears, telling him comfortingly that she believes in him. And she has a suggestion. She believes that the existence of Cain is limiting Ramsus' potential, that he can not truly ascend to the status of a perfect human, loved and accepted by all, as long as the original exists. But for every problem, there is a solution, isn't there, Kahr...? (Miang is the worst.)

Ramsus' original purpose always kind of confused me.  They say he's supposed to be an artificial Contact, but he's a clone of Cain and not Fei so that doesn't make sense.  If the Emperor could connect with the Zohar like Fei can, he'd have done it back when he was an asshole, which he was for the first 9,500 years of his life.  Krelian, especially, would know the difference between Cain and the Contact because he and Lahan were buddies and whatnot.

The easiest explanation is that Krelian knew that Ramsus was aware as he was growing in that tank and he was just saying shit to condition him to hate Fei.  Their plan is that Ramsus needs to have his life fall completely apart and lose his shit before Miang can start telling him that Cain is the problem.  The problem with that is that Ramsus is, well, Cain and so finding someone who even poses a real threat to him, let alone someone who will beat him definitively enough times that it damages him mentally is incredibly difficult.  Fei, as the Contact, is probably the only person who can, so giving him a lifelong grudge is the best way to make sure he keeps going after the one person who can beat him.

The problem with that is that Ramsus is older than Fei, and so unless they came up with an equation off-screen to predict the appearance of a Contact ala Pacific Rim, this plan makes no sense from a timeline standpoint.  I wonder if they had some other plan beforehand to take Cain out of the picture, like getting Ramsus to rise up as a populist hero and getting him to try and depose Cain, at which point they'd destroy each other, maybe.  I don't fucking know.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #915 on: April 05, 2014, 09:38:56 PM »
I'd assume they could have found various ways to manipulate Ramsus into killing Cain. When you're able to condition someone their entire life, not to mention control all aspects of the society he lives in, it really shouldn't be too hard to find a way. Fei was just the most convenient, once he appeared.

I think Ramsus being an artificial contact was a lie told so that Cain wouldn't suspect the truth of Ramsus' purpose?

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #916 on: April 05, 2014, 11:30:55 PM »
Yes, Krelian explicitly mentions that Cain is told that Ramsus is an artificial Contact project when he is in reality a clone of him (while talking to Miang when she's in the body of Fei's mother).
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #917 on: April 05, 2014, 11:53:30 PM »
The most Xenogears line ever, that.

MK2: Picked this up again. I still can't read a lot of the text, but  it's playable enough in a technical sense if I sit close and squint. The actual game so far is somewhere between really fucking awful and DQ7.  Hopefully it'll pick up some! (Late C1 so still early, but whoof.)
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<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #918 on: April 05, 2014, 11:58:54 PM »
Yes, Krelian explicitly mentions that Cain is told that Ramsus is an artificial Contact project when he is in reality a clone of him (while talking to Miang when she's in the body of Fei's mother).

You'd think Cain would have noticed at some point that the leader of his military looks absolutely nothing like the Contact, who he has met four times at this point and always looks exactly the same.  And if he's a clone, he probably looks a lot like Cain himself.  That should probably have raised some warning bells, so I guess I don't really feel that bad for Cain if he was this easy to trick.  I mean, holy shit if nothing else "military leader who rose from unknown origins and advocates social change for the disenfranchised" is like instant rebellion, so I'd be taking a real close look at the guy even if it was only to make sure he wasn't up to any bullshit.  There's SO MANY FUCKING WARNING SIGNS on this dude, Cain.  Maybe you didn't know he was going to chop your head off with a sword but he was CLEARLY going to replace you and become New Emperor.

Between that and Ramsus' and Fei's ages not lining up, I have to admit that as much as I like the Ramsus sub-plot it has some problems with its details.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2014, 12:03:05 AM by Anthony Edward Stark »


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #919 on: April 06, 2014, 01:22:22 AM »
BD: robots punching everyone in the face nooooooooooo

XG: I always thought that Ramsus was *both* a clone of Cain and an artificial Contact project....  but I haven't played the game in awhile.  So it was something like:

* Ramsus is created, but if he was supposed to be the !Contact from birth, it didn't work.  However since there's clearly some point they give up hope and call him -trash-, perhaps they planned on giving him some techno-mystic ceremony to make him the Contact later?
* Except Fei is born, so now Ramsus can't be the Contact, because there can only be one or something.  He's *genuinely* thrown away as worthless (except by Miang) because Gazel r dum.
* If Fei is killed, then Ramsus can achieve his true potential and *become* the Contact.  Or at least try to become the Contact.  Let's fight!  (As far as warped religious references, this isn't entirely crazy either, , maybe they can stick the Contact soul in him.  I dunno.).
* Of course, even if he became the artificial Contact, Elly wouldn't exist for him, because there's that line about how no Antitype would exist for a fake that merely tapped into the Contact powers.  You will never find true happiness, what you going to do, cry about it?

Possible this is all wrong, but that was my take, at least! 

Anyway, knowing XG, the surprising thing is more that they didn't try and make a giant robot the artificial Contact, so hey, "male human" is a step closer to Fei comparatively.

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #920 on: April 06, 2014, 01:35:30 AM »
Some of that stuff is actually explained by the game (the artificial Contact stuff is just a lie they feed Cain, for instance) but don't beat yourself up over it.  Trying to remember the minutia of a game's plot that you played years ago is normally hard, and when it's XG, it's basically impossible. 

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #921 on: April 06, 2014, 02:21:32 AM »
If Ramsus looking like Cain would arouse suspicions, it would presumably be an easy thing on the bad guys' part to change his appearance. Changing a few genes connected to that is small fry compared to the molecular engineering we see Krelian engage in otherwise.

BD: robots punching everyone in the face nooooooooooo

The automatons are the most badass boss nobody ever talks about. Maybe it's an HM thing.

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Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #922 on: April 06, 2014, 04:39:19 AM »
I thought they emphasized he was an identical copy, and hence, was the "perfect human" like Cain was.  But again, xenogears.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #923 on: April 06, 2014, 07:20:31 AM »
Ramsus originally don't even have a definitely physical form. He is a blob of goo. He for a clear cut human like physical body from the man he hi-jacked the body from.
Naturally, he won't look the same as either Cain or Fei.
Miang came up with the idea to use Fei to piss off Ramsus when she was pregnant with Fei. During that time, Ramsus is still a goo in the tube.

Speaking of being dense, Gazel is pretty bad too. Not realizing something is wrong when Krelian is turning human into Wels with his nanomachines. When that should not have happened at all until they activate the Lesser Key of Gaetia. It is more than obvious that Krelian is trying to overpower them and make them obsolete so he can kill them, which he had always wanted to do for the past 500 years.
(Krelian managed to cover most of the function the Key and Gazel would serve by using his own nanomachine, the only thing he can't do it himself is to have Deus' program shift into the final phase of the resurrection process, which is a function assigned specifically to Cain and Gazel.)


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #924 on: April 06, 2014, 07:55:14 AM »
Yeah, i remember there being some implication that Ramsus was in his weird fetal phase for, like, YEARS and then rapid aged to adulthood once he was trashed.  Actually eating the original Kharan clears that up nicely.

Also that function of the Gaetia Key explains a whole lot.  Krel can mimic basically any function of Deus, but his being unable to actually interface with Deus and turn it 'on' so to speak definitely makes bunches of sense.
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