From experience, basic physicals -really- need skill crossclassing in order to not look unimpressive, especially if they don't get damage-boosting options. In-game, for instance, you toss Two-Handed right and left at worst, but only Knight, who has poor damage skills and bad speed, gets it in the DL. Attack-boosting passives also run off people with their own issues (Monk's bad weaponry, Pirate's egregious accuracy and Dark Knight's mHP sacrifice to attain good offense, which also eats into the damage averages).
The split from DL weaponry and in-game only stuff mostly isn't that wide until you factor in Dimension's Hasp stuff, but some weapons get it real bad (daggers, axes, knuckles, mainly. GRANTED, axes is more because they really suck regardless) and we'll have some classes who get UTTERLY screwed (holy crap Spiritmaster will fail beyond all reason). Classes with good in-game damage will get the shaft on the three-turn splits (hi, Valkyrie), some others will be stuck with basic physicals (hi Ninja, HI SWORDMASTER). It'll be an interesting beast, and then there's Salve-Maker, who may either suck, stuck with 1.5k Poison X-Potions, or stand tall atop the heavens with 7.5k Shadow Flares depending on how harsh you are with mixing items.