Kid Icarus Uprising: Finished! Now onto all the aftergame stuff because MY GOD THAT'S A LOT OF ACHIEVEMENTS and what not.
Anyway, game is quite fun. Might as well point out my "issues" with this game:
-Control scheme. I know everyone has ranted about it, but the controls really could have used some fleshing out. The main problem is the camera, which is annoying to control, and sometimes you'll change it by accident. There had to have been an easier way to handle that. Dashing can be annoying at times, but nothing too game breaking.
-The Villain. Now, I don't mean his personality, writing, etc., but rather, the fact that he was the villain. Game does this thing of "He's the villain...well, no, he's not, he's just a troll now...wait, no, HE IS THE VILLAIN!" IN a serious plot, where "troll" would be a more serious role? Yeah, that could have been a nice twist, but in a game like KIU, he really should have maintained the "Questionable Ally" role because he was a lot more amusing as that and it turns him more cliche by making hm the villain again.
-"What the fuck is hitting me?" syndrome. This happens a lot. If Pit is positioned a certain way in some areas, and the attacks have some homing, you can be pelted with a lot of damage out of nowhere and not see what's hitting you, and even when you move, you're still taking damage. You can go from Full Health to less than half really quickly as a result.
None of these flaws, even the control one, are enough to really destroy the game's enjoyment. Its fun and the dual system (Air and Ground based combat) works rather well, Air Fights especially. The writing is absolutely hilarious for the most part, and keeps you smiling. Palutena is an amazing troll too. It offers a nice range of weapons too, and the weapon fusing strongly encourages experimenting and using what you feel comfortable with, and many options within each set...yeah.
If you liked the first Kid Icarus (or the gameboy sequel)'ll have no impact on the enjoyment of this game one way or another. Oh sure, first 9 chapters have a heavy emphasis on referencing the NES game, to the point of using Screenshots from the game and what not, but you don't need to play the original to get the jokes there! This game is about as different from the original as Mario Kart is from the Main Stream Mario games. This isn't a bad thing mind, and since its a sequel to a series that hasn't had an entry since the early 90s, you may as well go all out and change everything, because to most people getting this game, they probably haven't even played the original games, so they have no clue what to expect, so it might as well be a new IP.
Also, lets face it:
This game would not have been made without Brawl. Brawl actually made people remember Pit existed (and many were introduced to the character through Brawl), so being able to actually market a Kid Icarus game in the modern times became logical.
Unlike, say, FE Shadow Dragon, they did it properly too. Oh sure, it doesn't mention Pit by name, but...
Do you have to when this is your box art? That's a very obvious and distinguishable character on the front, even wielding the Bow and Arrow from Brawl (despite how he doesn't actually use it that much in this game).
Its like how FESD could have sold itself to people not-Fans of the series entirely on "Marth is in this game!" and didn't do a damned thing to promote that this is "The one with Marth." I seem to recall that his name doesn't come up at all on the back of the box, nor does he appear in any of the screen shots. I think we can call that a "big failure."
Anyway, if you have a 3DS, I recommend at least giving this game a chance. Its fun and neat, and...well...watching a DMC HD review, I think I'll quote them, but adjust the line a little bit to fit this game more:
"In an era of gaming where action games take themselves way too dark and seriously, its a nice to have a game like Kid Icarus Uprising that is light hearted and doesn't take itself seriously at all!"