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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #250 on: December 04, 2009, 02:15:01 AM »
Slash - 1/10.  Impotent.
Flea - 2/10.  Impotent, but points for sexiness.
Ozzie - 3/10.  Gets points for being impotent, but evilifying Magus?
Magus - DNR.  Do not see him as a villain, personally.
Azala - 7.375/10.  Pretty neat as a villain - a war of evolution. 
Dalton - 5/10.  Impotent, but entertaining.
Queen Zeal - 3/10.  Taken over by Lavos...boring otherwise.
Lavos - 8.25/10.  Giant hungry space porcupine is pretty eat.  LOLPUNZ

Alfador - Come on, how did you forget him?  10/10.  More evil than Evil the Cat.  Excellent villain who manipulated everything, and was not only evil, but CHARMING at it.  Amazing.

Don't...remember CC well enough to rate the villains.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

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[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #251 on: December 04, 2009, 03:36:33 AM »
Chrono Trigger:

Slash - 5/10 Fun.
Flea - 5.5/10 Fun+Crossdressing. Memorable for being one of the first to make it to the US.
Ozzie - 5/10 Fun.
Magus - 6/10 Eh. Something about Magus always irked me. Objectively, he's above average, I'd say.
Azala - 6/10 Good motivation. Fights with a GIGANTIC dinosaur. Really memorable, somewhat pitiable. It's one thing to know the dinosaurs went extinct... it's another thing when you're singlehandedly responsible for genocide.
Dalton - 3/10 Not bad enough to deserve a 1, but not good.
Queen Zeal - 5/10 Related to Magus backstory! >.>;;
Lavos - 8/10 Great Space Flea... or Greatest Space Flea?

Chrono Cross:

Lynx - 7/10 Pretty stylish. His plot is convoluted, but after spending a few weeks deciphering it for the sake of figuring out which CC scrubs actually had any plot worth, I found he wasn't so bad as a villain, he just has a really convoluted origin, if you will. For the cliff notes version: Poor guy who stumbled across FATE, who needed someone to correct the parallel world from his side. He needs Serge's body and the Frozen Flame as the macguffins that would allow FATE to do this. Everthing that happens leading up to these events is basically Lynx/FATE's plans. Notable for -not- being mind-controlled. He says he agrees with FATE's rather extreme methods of controlling people if it's for the sake of keeping Humanity in existence. Horrible father, though. Arguably, he was doing everything for his best friend Miguel and -his- daughter, Leena, since he really had to fuck over Serge's life to accomplish his goals.
Harle - 7/10 Double-double-double agent! She's the Hidden Moon Dragon, who came into existence when FATE split the Dragons' powers up and sealed them separately. Since she was hidden or whatever, she's able to move around freely, so she allies herself with Lynx to spy on FATE's plans. She betrays him by helping Serge (as Lynx), who was tricked into working for the Dragons (who want to destroy all humans). Then she betrays the Dragons by trying to help Serge (and Kidd) when Serge realizes what the Dragons are up to. But then she's absorbed into the Fused Dragon again once the Frozen Flame is released. Kind of tragic and kind of cool.
Viper - 4/10 Hey, someone easy to understand! He works as an old soldier with ambitions. And if he reforms, all the better!
Karsh - 5/10 I remember liking him, for all that I don't remember much about the whole Dragoons plotline.
Zoah - 4/10
Marcy - 4/10 Other Dragoons were just kind of there.
Garai - 4/10
Dario - 5/10 Better plot than most of this set, but still just there. Optional doesn't help his case.
Miguel - 6/10 Really tragic figure. He was just kind of in the wrong place at the wrong time and ended up becoming the guardian of the Sea of Eden, where all the big plot macguffins are. He at least believed in what FATE was trying to do.
Dragons - 6/10 They are nature. They don't like Lavos, but they are willing to use its power to get rid of Humans. Think of them as a magical extension of Azala from CT. They were originally one being (created by nature as a response to Lavos) that was sealed away by FATE by splitting it up into multiple Dragons. They do a pretty decent job tricking Serge and co. into destroying Miguel and breaking their seal, though, so they get a point beyond The Planet's WEAPON plot.
FATE - 8/10 - I actually find FATE to be pretty cool. PSII Mother Brain-esque, but with more time travel. FATE was the supercomputer intelligence created by city of Chronopolis. When Lavos messed up time and flung Chronopolis into the distant past in one universe, FATE used all of its resources to try and keep the timeline stable (such that humans would remain in existence). This recquired quite a bit of forcing people to do as they were told, so FATE becomes an oppressive figure out of necessity. Considering that as soon as FATE's plans are defeated, the Planet itself revolts and tries to kill everyone, its motives were actually pretty noble for an AI.
Time Devourer - 2/10 Is some weird combination of Lavos, Schala, and the Dragons... and it makes no sense no matter how hard I think about it or how many explanations I read. CC was -almost- understandable before this thing appeared.
Solt & Peppor - 6/10 Most amusing tutorials ever. They are just over-the-top enough to make me like them more than Magus' flunkies.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2009, 04:52:35 AM by DjinnAndTonic »

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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #252 on: December 04, 2009, 04:01:04 AM »
Lunar: The Silver Star / Silver Star Story Complete:

Royce: 3/10. Vaguely worthless. Cool design though.
Phacia: 3/10. Eh, inoffensive.
Xenobia: 2/10. Does the "I loooove the main villain" thing which I hate. Goddamnit Japan.
Ghaleon: 1/10. His motivation is just terrible. I guess I hate creepy stalker villains, but him spouting about ALTHENA SHOULDN'T LEAVE US while going into "destroy the world" mode was one of the most headdesk-inducing things an RPG villain has ever done. The writers seemed to want him to be both sympathetic and a baby-eater at the same time. Does not work.

One of my favourite villain casts ever~

Lunar 2: Eternal Blue / Complete:

White Knight Leo: Pass. Love him, but not... especially villainous. He does the conflicted thing decently though.
Lunn: 1/10. Fails. See Crystalgate.
Borgan: 5/10. Ugly, but decent enough. Made less of an impact on me than I feel he should.
Mauri: 3/10. For some reason I just don't like Mauri much. She had potential to be stylish but they chickified her too badly while failing to make me feel for her. I cared about her because Ronfar did and Ronfar was cool, though.
False Althena: 5/10. I like her in the DL and I like that she has no name. Otherwise... works okay.
Ghaleon: 8/10. I like Cmdr's rant here. Basically I think this was an excellent redemption for Ghaleon, something that I think the dude badly needed. They avoided carpetting over his evil, but still showed convincingly how he'd adjusted his views. And the adjustment seemed reasonable. Plus style points. He always had these, but I can appreciate them more when it's not being held back by fail.
Zophar: 7/10. Very solid, threatening antagonist. No real depth, but he doesn't need it.

Chrono Trigger:

Slash: 4/10. Sir Slush! Bonus point for 80's rock reference.
Flea: 5/10. Trannies are funnier. Above bonus point.
Ozzie: 7/10. Gets owned by a cat. If you don't like that, you have no soul.
Magus: 9/10. Magus is simply the best villain on the SNES. I really, really like how he joins the PCs to get what he wants; he doesn't suddenly reform or anything. He's neither as bad as you first expect or as good as you expect for a PC; he's deliciously grey. He makes plenty of mistakes (he repeatedly underestimates Lavos) but he works with a convincing motivation and effective pragmatism.
Azala: 6/10. I liked his (her?) final speech. Just knows how to make an exit, for a secondary villain.
Dalton: 7/10. He was funny. Also one of the earliest examples I can think of for fourth-wall breaking. Reasonably effective, too; he does own the party on two occasions. Too bad he's even better at owning himself!
Queen Zeal: 5/10. Blaaah, needed closure. Liked her otherwise.
Lavos: 6/10. Had presence. Not as big a fan of him as, say, Sin though.

Chrono Cross:

Lynx: 4/10. Meh, found him a mess. What I liked about him is found below.
Harle: ... pass.
Viper: DNR.
Karsh: I like Karsh, but DNR, he's barely a villain.
Zoah: DNR.
Marcy: DNR.
Garai: Definitely DNR.
Dario: DNR.
Miguel: 6/10. Everyone remembers his scene. He has nothing else, but it's something.
Dragons: 1/10. What a mess that shit was. Too bad, making the Dragons work would have done a lot to salvage CC plot.
FATE: 6/10. I didn't think her (his?) name was capitalised? Oh well. Fate's pretty convincing as a manipulator, and a neat extension of Mother Brain in CT. Also she killed Robo! :( :( :(
Time Devourer: 1/10. Fuck you.
Solt: 4/10. Not the best comic villains ever, but don't embarrass themselves (er, as characters).
Peppor: 4/10. See above.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2009, 06:18:49 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #253 on: December 04, 2009, 04:35:05 AM »
Chrono Trigger:

Slash - 4/10. Amusing but unimportant minion.
Flea - 5/10. Amusing but unimportant tranny minion.
Ozzie - 4/10. Not quite as amusing but slightly less unimportant part time minion.
Magus - 7/10. Works well enough. Stylish. Gets a point for his music.
Azala - 5/10. Felt like more of a threat the Ozzie and gang. Average works.
Dalton - 2/10. Didn't like this guy at all. And not even in the good "love to hate them" way for villians. He was just a pest.
Queen Zeal - 6/10. Horrible bitch, but a fairly effective one.
Lavos - 7/10. Yeah, Giant Space Flea, but definately felt like an omnipresent threat the whole game. So quite good for a GSF.

Chrono Cross:

Lynx - 8/10. Yeah, see super. Lynx was a pretty competent villian for me.
Harle - Ehhhh, DNR. Not really a villain, I think.
Miguel - Same. A memorable boss fight, but not really a villian.
Dragons - 2/10. These guys were pretty much all dicks. But at least had cool designs.
Fate - No/10. Just No.
Solt & Peppor - 6/10. Honestly funny. They're the standard I hold reoccuring joke bosses to.
Chrono Cross Plot: Q/10. Truely sanity destroying. And Djinn understands it far too well for his own good.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2009, 04:53:35 AM by Gatewalker »
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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #254 on: December 04, 2009, 04:50:49 AM »
Oh no! I forgot the most important failures in Chrono Cross! I'm of course talking about Solt and Peppor.

Chrono Trigger:

Queen Zeal

Chrono Cross:

Time Devourer
Solt & Peppor

If you don't vote on them, you have no soul.


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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #255 on: December 04, 2009, 04:53:00 AM »
You forgot Alfador, yet managed to add Peppor and Solt?

God, I really don't know you any more.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

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[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
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[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory

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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #256 on: December 05, 2009, 03:14:03 AM »
Dude, I can't even... WA5 villains and CC villains in the same thread could cause a singularity.


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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #257 on: December 05, 2009, 03:22:43 AM »
Lynx at least had a passing acquaintance with competence.
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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #258 on: December 05, 2009, 03:37:58 AM »
It was like watching an average guy take off running at an average speed for an average distance and then about 3/4th of the way through, he had his legs blown to a fine red mist by a GAU-8 minigun.


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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #259 on: December 05, 2009, 03:44:47 AM »
Eh, it was around the point Lynx checked out anyway. His not being a complete joke made him a diamond in the rough next to the Time Devourer and the REAL enemies in CC, the plot writers.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #260 on: December 05, 2009, 03:50:25 AM »
Chrono Trigger:

Slash - 3/10. Least amusing of the group.
Flea - 4.5/10. Half point for being over the top, point for being a silly ass fight, otherwise is Slash.
Ozzie - 6/10. Incompetent, plot owned by cats.
Magus - 8/10. Works well.
Azala - 7/10. Works well mk. 2, needed more screentime.
Dalton - 5/10. Counts for humor, isn't as funny as Ozzie.
Queen Zeal - 3/10. Eh. Brainwashed by Lavos.
Lavos - 7/10. Good Space Flea.

Chrono Cross:

Lynx - 7/10. Pretty competent, yeh.
Harle - 7/10. See Djinn, actually. Stuck out to me as a result.
Viper - 4/10? Eh.
Karsh - 4/10.
Zoah - 3/10.
Marcy - 2/10.
Garai - uhhh fuck. DNR.
Dario - 5/10. I guess.
Miguel - 7/10. Liked his angle, and I don't mind voting on "reluctant people that fight you" at this point.
Dragons - 4/10. Kinda just there.
FATE - 8/10. Yeah, I liked FATE. Odd.
Time Devourer - 3/10. CTDS EXPLAINS HOW SCHALA/LAVOS TEAMED UP yeah doesn't help. Half-DNR, but eh.
Solt & Peppor - 4/10. Decent recurring idiots.

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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #261 on: December 05, 2009, 03:50:45 AM »
Did the writers all kill themselves after? I doubt they did it out of shame, but they clearly had a lot of self-loathing.


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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #262 on: December 05, 2009, 04:59:50 AM »
Chrono Trigger:

Slash- 1/10 is there
Flea- 1/10 is there
Ozzie- 1/10 is there
Magus- 7/10 worked
Azala- 3/10 yeah
Dalton- 2/10 no
Queen Zeal- 5/10 blend but worked
Lavos- 5/10 worked

Chrono Cross:

*Niu's brain epxloded into meat sauce
*The brain explodes even more as Niu sees how Djinn has completly misunderstand CC's plot
« Last Edit: December 05, 2009, 05:04:46 AM by Niu »

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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #263 on: December 05, 2009, 05:20:50 AM »
*The brain explodes even more as Niu sees how Djinn has completly misunderstand CC's plot

Djinn is basically just repeating the terrible exposition dumps the game takes on you at the end.


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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #264 on: December 05, 2009, 09:42:11 AM »
And here I thought Djinn had somehow made CC plot coherent or something.
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #265 on: December 06, 2009, 10:12:09 AM »
I -could- try to summarize all of CC's plot for you, if you'd like. But I figured the Cliff's Notes version would be more manageable. Seriously, CC plot exists, and with the exception of unstable rules for how Time and Space fractures, it's actually coherent, just terribly convoluted. At least, the American version. There might be things in the Japanese version or in 'extended universe-timanias' that don't fit, but it's surprisingly consistent, despite being a crap idea and not solidifying the rules of Time and Space.


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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #266 on: December 06, 2009, 03:26:04 PM »
Chrono Cross plot makes perfect sense until you try to account for Balthasar's "Everything is as I have foreseen".  Accounting for that then leads to needing to figure how things like the entire kingdom of Guardia needing to be killed worked into the plan and gets silly.

That said I think you got some of the details wrong.  For example, the game explicitly states that FATE completely usurped... gosh I don't remember Serge's father's name.  But that his personality was gone by the time of the game, and basically only lasted long enough to get Serge home again before being little more than a meat puppet avatar.  Similarly, the Dragon God was a bio computer that had been absorbed entirely by the Time Devourer by the time of the game... come to think of it, it had probably been erased from the time stream after it lost to FATE and subsequently was banished to the negative zone and absorbed there, although this contradicts them still being around for FATE to divide up... eh.  Chrono Cross is rife with paradox anyway.

Chrono Trigger:

Slash- 3/10.  SIR SLUSH.
Flea- 5/10.  Memorable at least.
Ozzie- 6/10.  More memorable.
Magus- 8/10.  Been hashed over, Lifetime Achievement Award for best villain in a video game to that date, etc.
Azala- 4/10.  zzzz
Dalton- 6/10.
Queen Zeal- 4/10.
Lavos- 7/10.  Effective at being an unholy threat to all that lives, and... I don't want to go off on a huge tangent, but the short version is that Lavos is the only reason Chrono Trigger's plot is remotely coherent and sensible; they introduce this unstoppable big bad very early, and that gives them an anchor to run off hunting dark wizards and dinosaurs in the same game.

Chrono Cross:

Lynx- 6/10.  Eh, he's good at being a credible threat, and I've always had an appreciation for the whole "the villain just STOLE YOUR FUCKING BODY" twist the game pulled off.
Harle- 5/10.  Could have been so, so much more.  Damned Chrono Cross not doing fucking character writing.
Viper- 4/10.  Eh, boring.
Karsh- DNR (5/10)
Zoah- DNR (4/10)
Marcy- DNR.  (3/10) I dunno, even when they were out hunting you, the Devas never felt like villains while Viper kinda works as that "token honorable guy that happens to be workign with the villains".
Garai- DNR.  (3/10) Eh, angry ghost.  Not really a villain.
Dario- DNR.  (5/10) Eh, possessed.
Miguel- 3/10.  Not much of a villain, but certainly isn't anything ELSE.
Dragons- 5/10.  Serge does blunder ever so neatly into their trap.
FATE- 5/10.  Weird, weird combo between 0th Law rebellion and actual crazy and I dunno.
Time Devourer- 2/10.  See what made Lavos work was being there and threatening the entire game.  Ramping it up a notch then text dumping it on you at the last save point does not work.
Solt & Peppor- 5/10.  Needs more KETCHOP.
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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #267 on: December 06, 2009, 06:10:26 PM »
Was on vacation.  Votes may not matter but I like Lunar so will babble about that rather than CT at the moment.

Lunar: The Silver Star / Silver Star Story Complete:

Royce - 8/10.  I approve.  I hate it when heroes babble about fate, and having the villain be the one yabbering about destiny - followed by you beating her up - yeah, I approve.  Also she generally worked otherwise.
Phacia - 5/10.  Meh Mind Control + not all evil?!  Whatever.
Xenobia - 6/10.  Pathetic, but that was the intent, so I can't complain.  Ghaleon doesn't love you, sis.
Ghaleon - 9/10.  All-around excellent villain, no complaints.  More generally his motive is a pretty classic one, and an understandable one - walking away from the benevolent dictator is certainly a risk.  A few kinks to keep it from a 10, though (why do they keep kidnapping singers after Quark basically confirms the truth about Luna...?)

Lunar 2: Eternal Blue / Complete:

White Knight Leo - 6/10 / DNR?  Good character - probably a 7 - but his time as a villain was not overly distinguished.
Lunn - 1/10.  YUCK.  Least favorite plot arc in the game.  I'm fine with redemption but Lunn is "redeemed" because Jean Beats Him Up and proves that Blue Dragon Kungfu is more powerful.  THAT IS NOT REDEMPTION.  He switched to Shadow Dragon because "it" was more powerful, and nothing changed when he switched back...  which would be fine if the game recognized this, but it treats his conversion as an actual one.  Not to mention that his crimes are the worst in the game - kidnapping children to make his own private army?  The game totally lets him off the hook.  He needed to die, or have a "redemption" more than "Wow, Jean is powerful!"
Borgan - 5/10 - Pathetic, but worked.  Though not super-memorable.
Mauri - 2/10 - TEH EVIL POSSESSION / MIND-CONTROL.  Also the canon ages here are *yucky* - Ronfar always struck me as an experienced cynic in his early 20s but actually they're 18 or so and were totally in love when they were 12 or something.
False Althena - DNR / 5/10.  She exists and is an excuse for a big boss fight.
Ghaleon - 9/10. Didn't like the idea of bringing him back, but it worked.  Very nice plot which actually works in retrospect, though obviously having him under "villains" is a bit off when he's working against Zophar the entire time, who needed to do more research on the motives of "ancient Lunarian badguys."
Zophar - 8/10.  Now this is how you do your generic evil god out to do evil.  9/10 on style points but his actual plot has some holes and is tied in with (yuck) Lucia plot, docking him a point.


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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #268 on: December 06, 2009, 08:33:00 PM »
Chrono Trigger:

Slash - 3/10. Someone to hit.
Flea - 3/10. See Slash. His gimmick didn't do anything for me.
Ozzie - 4/10. Has slightly more purpose than being cannon fodder, but not much. I didn't find him particular funny.
Magus - 8/10. Does really well for what he is and has great style.
Azala - 5/10. Works as a temporary villain.
Dalton - 2/10. Did he have a purpose other than extending the game? A bit annoying as well.
Queen Zeal - 4/10. As Azala she works as a temporary villain, only she left the impression there could have been more to her.
Lavos - 7/10. Not particular interesting, but does a great job at keeping the plot coherent.

Chrono Cross:

Lynx - 8/10. Is a competent villain with great style. I also liked how the game showed the extent of his manipulation. Finding out that the Porre army also regards him highly was just great. I looked forward to piecing together what exactly he was doing and why. Unfortunately, this turned out to lead into the messy part of CC's plot. He could have been a 10/10 villain had CC not decided to be ultra complicated.
Harle - 5/10. Like Lynx she did quite a bit of manipulating, but she didn't seem to do that much really. She was just mysterious and did some things and in the end I didn't really know what she tried to do.
Viper - 4/10. Worked, but should have had more spotlight.
Karsh - DNR. Has more significance as a party member than as an antagonist.
Zoah - DNR.
Marcy - DNR. How did she become a Dragoon Deva or whatever?
Garai - Who? Something with the elite Dragoons group, but I don't remember what.
Dario - He was cursed by the sword, but I'm sure he some other problem as well and I can't remember what it was.
Miguel - 4/10. He appeared, said his lined, fought you and that was it. Still worked for what he was.
Dragons - 2/10. Once upon a time there were humans who committed a most vile sin; they survived when the world wanted them to die. Then things kept going the way the world didn't want it so the world cried foul. To remedy the situation, it summoned evolved dinosaurs who lived like hippies from an alternative time-line. Somehow a bunch of hippies managed to lose against a high tech civilization (who could have guessed) and the dragon, who some how is related to the hippie civilization, was broken into multiple dragons and sealed off. Seriously though, they do have a nice design and they fit into the theme of everyone being manipulative. The backstory behind their existence and their goals really drags them down though.
FATE - 3/10. Not so bad by itself. FATE could have anchored the plot. Problem is, when FATE got into the spotlight, the plot was already rapidly falling apart. Also, let's kill Robo out of nowhere.
Plot Devourer - 0/10. Shouldn't have existed. Serves no other purpose than to complicate things.
Solt & Peppor - 5/10. They were funny alright, but not that funny.

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #269 on: December 06, 2009, 09:14:22 PM »
Garai is Glenn and Dario's father. He's not really a villain. You just have to fight his ghost as a boss to get the Einlanzer.


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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #270 on: December 06, 2009, 11:06:54 PM »
Looking up on the other comments: Interesting, glad to see Lunn hate is widespread as his plot was throw-things-at-the-wall level when I played Lunar 2.  Re Dark Holy Elf's comments on Ghaleon...  eh, all I can say is that I interpreted Ghaleon far more politically.  He wanted a strong magical ruler, basically, and his first choice was actually *himself*....  he was just broad-minded enough to prefer a revived Althena as second choice after you beat him up, which also would fulfill his aims.   Admittedly some of the baby-eating was over-the-top (the Grindery and the mass destruction from doing the magic vacuum quickly), but not really the first half of the game - if you're trying to conquer the world, you need to take care of the superheroes first.

Chrono Trigger:

Slash, Flea - 6/10.  Passable comic relief villains.
Ozzie - 7/10.  OWNED BY CAT.  Funny.
Magus - 9/10.  Good stuff, see what others have written.  A nicely grey dark horse.  Admittedly I'm a little unclear as to the advantages from pressing the war on Guardia in 600 AD with regard to the Lavos stuff, but overall nicely done.
Azala - 7/10.  Decent.
Dalton - 7/10.  Also funny.
Queen Zeal - 7/10.  A bit pathetic but effective for what she was.  I approve.
Lavos - 8/10.  Now this is how you do a no-dialogue "entity" villain.  But...  the future refused to change.  EYARRRRRRRRRRIEGHGHGHGHG.

Chrono Cross:

Lynx - 4/10.  How exactly did Lynx achieve his goals?!  My recollection is that he did the body-switching thing because Serge's DNA was imprinted on the chamber that had the Frozen Flame in the Chronopolis (..right).  Fine.  So...  uh...  why does Lynx hang around doing nothing waiting to be a boss at the end of Disc 1 rather than immediately going to Chronopolis and finishing whatever the plan was (insert Frozen Flame into FATE and power it up with more Lavos juice?!)?  Uh fail.  Not that Serge doesn't run off and open it up himself anyway.  Also Djinn, no mind control?  You sure?  If FATE reprogrammed his appearance to look all scary to Serge, I kind of assumed he'd pretty well become FATE's slave in general.  Since FATE isn't shy about doing that and they have blather about how the savepoints are mind-controlling the inhabitants of El Nido to never leave (how did Porre even find out about the place if no one ever returns?  And will they ever find out what happened to their army that never comes back?).

For all that criticism the body-switch then beat you up and steal your friends trick was pretty cool (and only Being the Main Character saved Serge).

Harle - 4/10?  Uh another villain who kinda likes the hero but will still transform and fight him anyway.  Not sure I agree the intention was to make it an involuntary transformation but the plot badly connects the Dragon God to Harle anyway such that I was confused what the heck happened to Harle when I played through the game originally.  Ugh.

Viper & Dragoons - 6/10.  Sure they were okay.
Garai - DNR
Dario - I forget his plot aside from "possessed by Mastermune which is now EVIL."
Miguel - DNR.  Confused as to why he fights you at all, really, aside from usual video-game logic of needing a boss fight.
Dragons - 3/10.  Meh.
FATE - 6/10. Cooler than the Dragons at least - I like the idea that "Sure, Lavos wants to eat humanity, but that means preserve it for most of the timeline at least!  Lavos is humanity's ally!"
Time Devourer - DNR / 5/10.  The fact that you're not supposed to kill the final boss gets huge credit, but ultimately TD is a minor sidestory - he's not even devouring Time, right?  Just your random shard o' Lavos and Schala chillin' together which you can go save Schala from.  Right.
Solt & Peppor - DNR, nice try Djinn.  Not even particularly memorable comic relief shmucks.


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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #271 on: December 08, 2009, 04:47:31 AM »
The CC plot....

It really starts with Gash trying to kill Time Devour.
So he purposely created the Time Crash and drag the Dragons in from a parallel world.
This is the most fundamental step he needs to take in order to collect all the materials he need to destroy Time Devourer...... just this makes no sense. As he has the resource to do the same WITHOUT causing the Time Crush and achieve the same effect. This is why I refuse to think of CC, the thing is incoherent since the point one. Then rest of his xanatos rollercoster that is the CC main game makes even less sense as.... most of it really has no effect on getting what he wants.

While FATE is just a stupid bitch who is jealous of human so she wants to free herself from her limiters and take over.

Dragon Gods after getting defeated by FATE, got divided, and Dinopolis sealed away, their central consciousness contacted with Time Devourer. Time Devourer has the ability to assimilate anything that contains great amount of negative emotion and thus absorbed the Dragon God. Then from that point on, the Dragons are acting simply for their revenge.

As why FATE consider Serge dangerous.... Serge being an arbiter, thus a Chrono Trigger, has the ability to resolve conflicting lives . But the resolution itself is not certain. If the arbiter, which is meant to become one with the Time Devourer cannot neutralize Time Devourer's conflict with other lives when they unites, the resolution well be in Time Devoruer's favor, then the alien darkness shall devour the the dreams of all times. In the other words, as long as arbiter does not exist, the full awakening of the Time Devourer can be delayed indefinitely.

And finally... I have completly NO FUCKING IDEA on what the fuck Dead Sea is about and what purpose does it serve.

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #272 on: December 08, 2009, 05:10:17 AM »
If the arbiter, which is meant to become one with the Time Devourer cannot neutralize Time Devourer's conflict with other lives when they unites, the resolution well be in Time Devoruer's favor, then the alien darkness shall devour the the dreams of all times. In the other words, as long as arbiter does not exist, the full awakening of the Time Devourer can be delayed indefinitely.

What is this I don't even


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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #273 on: December 08, 2009, 05:10:46 AM »
As why FATE consider Serge dangerous.... Serge being an arbiter, thus a Chrono Trigger, has the ability to resolve conflicting lives . But the resolution itself is not certain. If the arbiter, which is meant to become one with the Time Devourer cannot neutralize Time Devourer's conflict with other lives when they unites, the resolution well be in Time Devoruer's favor, then the alien darkness shall devour the the dreams of all times. In the other words, as long as arbiter does not exist, the full awakening of the Time Devourer can be delayed indefinitely.

.... oooooooohh.  God, why the fuck wasn't this made explicit in the game.  Makes infinity times more sense now.  Was Serge always possessed of this ability, or was it granted him by his contact with the Frozen Flame?  I mean, I can't... imagine a piece of Lavos granting that power, but on the other hand I can't imagine the Chrono Cross writers making the simple, makes-things-make-more-sense decision.
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« Reply #274 on: December 08, 2009, 05:51:46 AM »
Chrono Trigger:

Slash 2/10 - Gimmick.
Flea 2/10 - Gimmick.
Ozzie 3/10 - Gimmick.
Magus 8/10. Magus really works for what he is.
Azala 4/10. Rawr.
Dalton - 1/10. Putz.
Queen Zeal - 5/10 Eh.
Lavos - 8/10. He has menace, which is rare for his type.

Chrono Cross:

No votes, but how the FUCK do you screw up CT's plot to this degree? HOW!?
* Infinite_Ko_Loop is now known as Ko-CidisnotaPrincess
<Nephrite> That is depressing.
<CmdrKing> I know.  Cid would makea  great princess.