Some more first impressions on this season...
Kamen no Maid Guy- Hilarious. Premise is a little worn, if twisted in a new way. Gangster's daughter is about to come of age, decides she needs extra protection. Assigns her and her brother maids to do housework and guard them (since the maids moonlight as ninjas). The little brother gets a hot woman, of course. The girl? She gets a psychotic, musclebound oaf. Long on fanservice (that doesn't tease!), tops on comedy. Actually pretty funny, and hot woman maid's weapon of choice is a nailbat. Extra points.
Soul Eater- Stylish as all hell. I'll give Bones that. Animation style just oozes cool and the fights are awesome. The show itself seems a bit on the generic side, but we'll see as time goes on.
Allison to Lillia- It's like someone brought a Miyazaki movie to the small screen. Normally I'd be bored, but fortunately this is not a Miyazaki production. A very, very good retro feel from this show, from the character designs to the plotting. Good stuff, REALLY looking forward to the rest of this. Probably my pick for the season thusfar.
Nabari no Ou- Another sort of generic looking show, based on the first ep. Seems mostly to be fodder for yaoislash, but there was enough quality there to keep watching for at least a little longer.