
Author Topic: Tear Ring Saga 1  (Read 1996 times)


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Tear Ring Saga 1
« on: August 27, 2008, 02:31:30 PM »
(Moved from the old boards)


As always, the necessary statistic defining.

TRS (1, at least) runs off much the same stat system as FE.

Base Stats
CHP/MHP - Current/Maximum hitpoints, lose them and you die, as per usual.
Lv - Level, generally obvious >_> more on TRS' exact level system later though.
Mv - Movement, assumedly irrelevant except for first-turn tiebreakers.
Str - Strength, affects physical damage dealt.
Skl - Skill, affects chance of hitting amongst other things.
Agi - Agility, affects chance of evading amongst other things.
Def - Defence, affects physical damage received.
Mag - Magic, affects magical damage dealt and received.
Luk - Luck, affects various things.
WLv - Weapon Level, characters can only use weapons of levels below or equal to such.
Rng - Attack Range, depends on weapon, normally 1, 2, or 1-2, some weapons have different ranges.

Derived Stats
Atc - Attack Power, how much damage a character would do with their currently 'equipped' weapon. As in most recent FEs, the topmost weapon in the character's inventory is regarded as the equipped one; unlike most FEs, a staff at the top of the list will count as having the staff equipped as a weapon (can't attack, but evasion and such is boosted due to not being weighed down).
Hit - Hit Rate, total chance of hitting assuming no evasion.
Eva - Evasion, total chance of evading an attack.
Crt - Critical, total chance of managing critical assuming no critical evade.
Cev - Critical Evasion, total chance of keeping the opponent from criticalling.
Def (again) - Actual physical defence, depending on the base stat Defence and any shielding.
Res - Magical defence, depending on Magic and any shielding.
Spd - Speed, Agility adjusted to take into account weapon weight, affects evasion, repeated attacking, and so forth. Speed can be negative. Characters trigger repeated attacks on being 5 or more speed higher as opposed to FEGBA's 4.

W.P. - some crazy stat that measures the overall power of the unit or something. Has no effect on anything, really. Possibly the game's AI takes it into account or something.

Derived Stat Formulae

Atc (physical) - Strength + Weapon Power
Atc (magical) - Magic + Weapon Power

If hitting an effectiveness, Weapon Power is tripled.

Hit - Skill x 3 + Weapon Hit + Support Bonus + Charisma Bonus + Terrain Skill Bonus + 'Achievement' Bonuses
Eva - max(Speed, 0) x 2 + Luck + Support Bonus + Charisma Bonus + Terrain Bonus + Terrain Skill Bonus + Letina Bonus + 'Achievement' Bonuses

Hit and Eva are both capped at 200.
Because this is a dueling situation -
Supports are thrown out
Charisma is thrown out
Terrain Bonus is thrown out
Terrain Skill Bonus is thrown out
Letina Bonus is thrown out

Regarding 'Achievement' bonuses, TRS' take on 'improving' weapon triangle system:
Every time a character kills an enemy, they receive three points on their 'achievement' board. One under the type of environment they're fighting in, one under the type of enemy they just killed, and one under the weapon they were using. For every 10 points in a field, they receive +1 to hit and evade in the same situation later, with 250 the maximum points. So if a person got a character to kill 250 flying enemies with a bow in a city, if they attacked another flying enemy with a bow while in a city, they'd get +75 for hit and evade. Or if they just attacked a flying enemy with a sword in a different type of terrain, they'd get +25 for hit and evade, and so forth.
I'm throwing them out because there's no real way to say how they should work. Further I only had over 100 kills on one character at endgame, and they weren't all in the same fields, so the effect is assumedly only great in a reinforcement/arena abusing (ie: non-legal) play.

revised Hit/Eva formulae:
-> Hit = Skill x 3 + Weapon Hit
-> Eva = max(Speed, 0) x 2 + Luck

Crt - Weapon Critical + Skill + Support Bonus + Weapon Kill Bonus

Supports and Weapon kills are thrown out.
-> Crt - Weapon Critical + Skill

Cev - Luck + Support Bonus

Supports are thrown out.
-> Cev = Luck

Def - Defence + Shielding
Res - Magic / 2 + Shielding

Mm... shields will be discussed later. Thinking they will be thrown out, though.

Spd = Agility - Weapon Weight

There is no build/con in TRS.

Standard Damage is, of course, Attack minus the associated defence. Criticals double attack power. Damage is capped at 99.

Character Base Statistics

Levelling system in TRS works thusly:
Promotable Lower classes have a level limit of 20.
Unpromotable Lower classes have a level limit of 30.
Characters who start as Upper classes have a level limit of 30.
Characters promoted to an Upper class have a level limit of 40.

Levels do not reset on promotion.
For the purposes of Sasha's first promotion, both the Princess class and the Pegasus Knight class count as lower classes, so her level limit does not get extended on that promotion.

There is an item (Super Proof) which raises the level limit of a character by 10 (but not beyond 40), but this is obviously not legal for a duel situation (4 or so of them in the game).

From the team I used for the final level, not including a character I brought along solely for an exclusive staff and the three characters who join you in that level, the average level was 29.4 with the lowest level 20 and the highest 40. I have therefore taken character statistics from level 30 (since it's a nicer number than 29).

Character Averages
Table can be found at:

Stats are rounded to the closest integer. Point 5s round upwards.
If you want unrounded stats or don't agree with my taken levels, you can take your own from FEA-TS1:

The Pegasus Knights
Pegasus Knights (Frau, Martel, Sasha, Verne) need the incredibly rare Dragon Flute to promote to Dragon Knight.

As far as I'm aware there is one purchasable near the start of the game for an exorbitant amount of money, one hidden in a map event, and a technically infinite number in random treasure sets in Morse Tower, but Morse Tower only needs to be gone through once and going through it again is reminiscent of FE8 Tower abusing. SO!
People may not allow the pegs to promote to Dragon Knights due to extreme lack of easily acquired promotion items. In that case you could at least give them all Super Proofs so they're all level 30 with the rest.

Raphin gets to stay a Dragon Knight regardless because his promotion is through an event.


Weaponry listed is all storebought, character-exclusive, or special-case. Special-case weaponry will be discussed after.
Weaponry is listed in order of power where applicable.
%% indicates the weapon is only available through a secret shop, which some people may not allow. I am not allowing most secret shop equipment in the derived averages later.
Starred weaponry cannot be stolen.
'Best' weaponry is bolded.

Swords are used by:
Arrow Knight, Black Knight, Chief, Command Knight, Dragon Knight, General, Gold Knight, Hero, Hide Hunter, Iron Knight, King's Knight, Leda Princess, Lord, Mameluke, Paladin, Prince, Sergeant, Swordmaster, Thief, Troubadour

Main Gauche - Level 5, 2 Power, 45 Hit, 12 Critical, 1 Range, 1 Weight, 14 Uses
- Evade +20

Dagger - Level 1, 3 Power, 53 Hit, 0 Critical, 1 Range, 1 Weight, 46 Uses

%% Sword Breaker - Level 13, 3 Power, 50 Hit, 0 Critical, 1 Range, 1 Weight, 8 Uses
- On a successful hit destroys opponent's weapon if it's a sword. Doesn't work on starred (special) swords.

Estoc - Level 5, 4 Power, 90 Hit, 7 Critical, 1 Range, 2 Weight, 22 Uses
- Effective against heavy armour

Rapier - Level N/A, 5 Power, 100 Hit, 3 Critical, 1 Range, 3 Weight, 25 Uses
- Exclusive to Ryunan, Effective against horsepeople and heavy armour

Iron Sword - Level 3, 6 Power, 70 Hit, 0 Critical, 1 Range, 4 Weight, 50 Uses

Scimitar - Level 2, 7 Power, 60 Hit, 3 Critical, 1 Range, 5 Weight, 33 Uses

%% Shield Sword - Level 6, 7 Power, 70 Hit, 0 Critical, 1 Range, 6 Weight, 22 Uses
- Raises wielder's defence by a random number from 1 to 20 each time they are attacked

Kill Blade - Level 7, 7 Power, 90 Hit, 20 Critical, 1 Range, 3 Weight, 24 Uses

Armour Killer - Level 8, 7 Power, 55 Hit, 0 Critical, 1 Range, 7 Weight, 22 Uses
- Effective against heavy armour

%% Thunder Sword - Level 8, 8 Power, 65 Hit, 0 Critical, 1-2 Range, 7 Weight, 23 Uses
- Magical attack (runs off Magic instead of Strength and hits Resistance)

Steel Sword - Level 4, 9 Power, 60 Hit, 0 Critical, 1 Range, 6 Weight, 50 Uses

*Shulam - Level N/A, 10 Power, 80 Hit, 20 Critical, 1 Range, 2 Weight, 60 Uses
- Exclusive to Vega, Effective against monsters, Halves damage taken by wielder

%% Master Sword - Level 12, 10 Power, 70 Hit, 0 Critical, 1 Range, 5 Weight, 70 Uses
- Double-attacks

Shamshir - Level 7, 11 Power, 75 Hit, 7 Critical, 1 Range, 7 weight, 40 Uses

Iron Blade - Level 7, 12 Power, 60 Hit, 0 Critical, 1 Range, 8 Weight, 50 Uses

*Dullahan - Level N/A, 12 Power, 50 Hit, 0 Critical, 1 Range, 10 Weight, 40 Uses
- Exclusive to Shigen, Automatically fully revives wielder on death for the cost of one use

*Meinster - Level 5, 12 Power, 80 Hit, 0 Critical, 1 Range, 3 Weight, 55 Uses
- Effective against monsters, Wielder is healed the amount of damage dealt

Silver Sword - Level 10, 12 Power, 80 Hit, 0 Critical, 1 Range, 4 Weight, 30 Uses

Steel Blade - Level 8, 15 Power, 55 Hit, 0 Critical, 1 Range, 10 Weight, 50 Uses

*Lucude - Level 15, 15 Power, 65 Hit, 80 Critical, 1 Range, 7 Weight, 50 Uses
- Effective versus monsters, Reduces magical damage to the wielder by 7

*Leda Holy Sword - Level N/A, 17 Power, 100 Hit, 25 Critical, 1 Range, 3 Weight, Infinite Uses
- Exclusive to Tia, Halves damage from breath attacks, Ignores Dragon Scales

*Salia Holy Sword - Level N/A, 17 Power, 88 Hit, 20 Critical, 1 Range, 5 Weight, Infinite Uses
- Exclusive to Holmes, Halves damage from breath attacks, Ignores Dragon Scales

*Reeve Holy Sword - Level N/A, 20 Power, 78 Hit, 15 Critical, 1 Range, 7 Weight, Infinite Uses
- Exclusive to Ryunan, Halves damage from breath attacks, Ignores Dragon Scales

*Kanan Holy Sword - Level N/A, 22 Power, 73 Hit, 0 Critical, 1 Range, 8 Weight, Infinite Uses
- Exclusive to Senet, Halves damage from breath attacks, Ignores Dragon Scales

Assumedly the auto-revive would be thrown out in a duel setting.

There is only one of this weapon in the game and it's usable by anyone. However, it's given to Ryunan by Rofarl, so people may want to invoke the Joshua Clause. It's arguably a great deal more effective than the Reeve Holy Sword.

This weapon can only be obtained by killing the boss which has it with either Vega or Julia. Anyone can use it, rendering it illegal, but people might allow it for one of those two.

-Holy Swords
Holy Swords for > Ryu3 >_>

Lances are used by:
Black Knight, Command Knight, Dark Knight, Dragon Knight, Gold Knight, King's Knight, Paladin, Sergeant

Slim Lance - Level 2, 6 Power, 80 Hit, 0 Critical, 1 Range, 4 Weight, 50 Uses

Hand Lance - Level 5, 7 Power, 60 Hit, 0 Critical, 1-2 Range, 10 Weight, 32 Uses

Iron Lance - Level 4, 8 Power, 85 Hit, 0 Critical, 1 Range, 7 Weight, 60 Uses

Needle Spear - Level 8, 10 Power, 100 Hit, 20 Critical, 1 Range, 7 Weight, 32 Uses

Pilum - Level 9, 10 Power, 68 Hit, 0 Critical, 1-2 Range, 7 Weight, 30 Uses

Steel Lance - Level 7, 11 Power, 75 Hit, 0 Critical, 1 Range, 10 Weight, 60 Uses

%% Master Spear - Level 13, 12 Power, 80 Hit, 0 Critical, 1 Range, 8 Weight, 80 Uses
- Double-attacks

Devil Spear - Level 1, 13 Power, 62 Hit, 0 Critical, 1 Range, 12 Weight, 73 Uses
- Cursed

%% Javelin - Level 14, 13 Power, 75 Hit, 7 Critical, 1-2 Range, 9 Weight, 30 Uses

Silver Lance - Level 11, 14 Power, 100 Hit, 0 Critical, 1 Range, 7 Weight, 32 Uses

*Salia Lance - Level 11, 18 Power, 100 Hit, 15 Critical, 1-2 Range, 4 Weight, 74 Uses
- Double-attacks

-Devil Spear
This weapon is initial equipment on Zeke and not purchasable. Also, Zeke's class nulls the chance of hit-back from the curse.

Zeke's second boss form has this weapon, if anyone wanted to take him in that form instead of PC.

-Salia Lance
This weapon is initial equipment on Verne and not purchasable.

Axes are used by:
Dark Knight, King's Knight, Pirate, Sergeant, Warrior

Handaxe - Level 1, 6 Power, 38 Hit, 0 Critical, 1-2 Range, 6 Weight, 60 Uses

Iron Axe - Level 3, 9 Power, 60 Hit, 0 Critical, 1 Range, 9 Weight, 88 Uses

Poleaxe - Level 8, 10 Power, 55 Hit, 0 Critical, 1 Range, 15 Weight, 44 Uses
- Effective against horsepeople

Hatchet - Level 10, 10 Power, 54 Hit, 7 Critical, 1-2 Range, 7 Weight, 32 Uses

Hammer - Level 5, 12 Power, 37 Hit, 0 Critical, 1 Range, 14 Weight, 60 Uses
- Effective against heavy armour

Scissor Axe - Level 9, 12 Power, 87 Hit, 20 Critical, 1 Range, 10 Weight, 40 Uses

Steel Axe - Level 4, 13 Power, 60 Hit, 0 Critical, 1 Range, 12 Weight, 52 Uses

%% Master Axe - Level 12, 14 Power, 70 Hit, 0 Critical, 1 Range, 11 Weight, 90 Uses
- Double-attacks

Silver Axe - Level 11, 18 Power, 77 Hit, 0 Critical, 1 Range, 8 Weight, 40 Uses

Bows are used by:
Arrow Knight, Bowmaster, Hide Hunter, King's Knight, Mameluke, Woodshooter

All bows are effective against flyers.

Hand Bow - Level 2, 3 Power, 70 Hit, 0 Critical, 2 Range, 1 Weight, 50 Uses

%% Gatling Bow - Level 10, 5 Power, 65 Hit, 0 Critical, 2 Range, 20 Weight, 60 Uses
- Quad-attacks

Iron Bow - Level 6, 6 Power, 70 Hit, 0 Critical, 2 Range, 5 Weight, 40 Uses

Repeater Bow - Level 7, 6 Power, 80 Hit, 0 Critical, 2 Range, 15 Weight, 40 Uses
- Double-attacks

%% Longbow - Level 10, 6 Power, 65 Hit, 0 Critical, 2-3 Range, 10 Weight, 40 Uses

Spinning Bow - Level 9, 7 Power, 100 Hit, 20 Critical, 2 Range, 14 Weight, 23 Uses

%% Arbanlest - Level 15, 7 Power, 60 Hit, 0 Critical, 2-4 Range, 20 Weight, 22 Uses

Bowgun - Level 3, 8 Power, 90 Hit, 0 Critical, 2 Range, 10 Weight, 44 Uses

Steel Bow - Level 8, 10 Power, 65 Hit, 0 Critical, 2 Range, 8 Weight, 40 Uses

%% Master Bow - Level 12, 10 Power, 70 Hit, 0 Critical, 2 Range, 8 Weight, 60 Uses
- Double-attacks

Silver Bow - Level 11, 13 Power, 80 Hit, 0 Critical, 2 Range, 6 Weight, 28 Uses

Holmes has a Longbow as initial equipment.

-Master Bow
Raquel has a Master Bow as initial equipment.

Seige Weaponry is used by:

Seige Weaponry are counted as bows. I only made a seperate category because it seemed stupid to have them with the bows. All seige weaponry is effective against flyers.

Once a Woodshooter has equipped Seige Weaponry (must be done manually, being at the top of the weapon list doesn't cut it), it classchanges to the weapon in question and takes a bunch of statdowns. It cannot change back to Woodshooter until the map is finished. It also can't MOVE as a seige weapon. In all, seige weaponry is worthless for duelling purposes (heck, it's worthless INGAME), and I'm just including it because I can >_>

Queen Crane - Level 4, 15 Power, 70 Hit, 0 Critical, 3-7 Range, 20 Weight, 22 Uses

Stonehedge - Level 5, 20 Power, 55 Hit, 0 Critical, 3-7 Range, 20 Weight, 15 Uses

-Only get one Queen Crane, so there's not enough for the two Woodshooters anyway.

-Only get one Stonehedge as well, but it's initial equipment on Hagar.

-Woodshooter -> Seige stat 'gains': -10 MHP, -5 STR, -5 SKL, -5 AGI, -10 DEF, +2 WLV, -3 MV

-For those who are interested, this is a Woodshooter:

Fire Magic
Fire Magic is used by:
Bishop, Leda Princess, Sage, Witch

Fire - Level 3, 8 Power, 60 Hit, 0 Critical, 1-2 Range, 6 Weight, 30 Uses

Meteorl - Level 13, 9 Power, 48 Hit, 0 Critical, 2-5 Range, 15 Weight, 15 Uses

Hellfire - Level 6, 11 Power, 54 Hit, 0 Critical, 1-2 Range, 10 Weight, 25 Uses

*Sunflame - Level N/A, 15 Power, 100 Hit, 0 Critical, 1-3 Range, 10 Weight, 70 Uses
- Exclusive to Rishuel, Effective against monsters, Defence +10

Meteorl is initial equipment for Rishuel and not purchasable.

Thunder Magic
Thunder Magic is used by:
Bishop, Leda Princess, Sage, Witch

Thunder - Level 4, 6 Power, 84 Hit, 0 Critical, 1-2 Range, 5 Weight, 30 Uses

Lightning - Level 8, 9 Power, 90 Hit, 0 Critical, 1-2 Range, 7 Weight, 25 Uses

*Blenthunder - Level N/A, 12 Power, 95 Hit, 7 Critical, 1-2 Range, 4 Weight, 62 Uses
- Exclusive to Alicia, Double-attacks

%% God Ahand - Level 12, 16 Power, 88 Hit, 7 Critical, 1-2 Range, 12 Weight, 20 Uses

Wind Magic
Wind Magic is used by:
Bishop, Leda Princess, Sage, Witch

Wind - Level 5, 5 Power, 73 Hit, 0 Critical, 1-2 Range, 3 Weight, 44 Uses

Blizzard - Level 7, 7 Power, 64 Hit, 0 Critical, 1-2 Range, 8 Weight, 30 Uses
- Seals opponent from attacking if it hits

Tornado - Level 14, 10 Power, 70 Hit, 0 Critical, 2 Range, 15 Weight, 12 Uses
- Hits the tiles adjacent to where it is cast, Only castable on even-numbered turns

*Wundergust - Level N/A, 10 Power, 100 Hit, 20 Critical, 1-2 Range, 5 Weight, 58 Uses
- Exclusive to Marj

*Sylphid - Level 7, 18 Power, 92 Hit, 0 Critical, 1-2 Range, 6 Weight, 47 Uses
- Seals opponent from attacking if it hits

Tornado is initial equipment for Afriid and cannot be purchased.

Sylphid can be used by anyone. The two copies of it in the game are given to Marj and Alicia by Silphyse and Afriid, respectively. So Joshua clause may be used for them. Or not.

Light Magic
Light Magic is used by:
Leda Princess, Sage

All light magic is effective against monsters.

*Aura Rain - Level N/A, 7 Power, 74 Hit, 0 Critical, ALL Range, 15 Weight, 7 Uses
- Exclusive to Meriel, Can only be used on turns divisible by 5

*Prelude - Level 10, 10 Power, 100 Hit, 0 Critical, 1-2 Range, 8 Weight, 40 Uses
- Seals opponent from attacking if it hits, Disables use of Zahark (apparent boss' dark magic)

*Starlight - Level N/A, 20 Power, 97 Hit, 0 Critical, 1-2 Range, 12 Weight, 50 Uses
- Exclusive to Meriel, Evade +30

There is one Prelude obtainable in the game that anyone with the ability to use Light Magic and has the weapon level can use, rendering it illegal. However, Tia uses it as a level she is around as an NPC, so one could say she had a claim to it.

Dark Magic
Dark Magic is used by:

%% Death - Level 10, 7 Power, 70 Hit, 20 Critical, 1-2 Range, 13 Weight, 18 Uses

%% Evil Worm - Level 4, 8 Power, 60 Hit, 0 Critical, 1-3 Range, 12 Weight, 26 Uses

%% Janura - Level 7, 10 Power, 84 Hit, 0 Critical, 1-2 Range, 8 Weight, 30 Uses
- Wielder is healed the amount of damage dealt

%% Touman - Level 15, 18 Power, 100 Hit, 0 Critical, 1-3 Range, 10 Weight, 40 Uses
- Seals opponent from attacking if it hits

Sierra has this as initial equipment.

-All Of The Above
If you disallow the secret shop that sells Dark Magic, Sierra is restricted to Janura (and 'natural' magic).

Breath attacks are used by:
Fire Dragon, Mist Dragon

Breath Attacks are inherent to dragons and do not need to be given to them.

Small Breath - Level 1, 1 Power, 80 Hit, 0 Critical, 1-2 Range, 10 Weight, Infinite Uses
- Ignores defences (except Dragon Scales)

Large Breath - Level 1, 20 Power, 50 Hit, 0 Critical, 1-2 Range, 20 Weight, Infinite uses
- Also hits the 8 squares surrounding the target (will not hurt self), Ignores defences (except Dragon Scales)

-These will only be needed if Katrie is allowed the Ring of Salia.

Staves, here for completeness or team battles or something.
Staves are used by:
Bishop, Priest, Saint, Sister, Troubadour

Healing Staff - Level 1, 1 Range, 22 Uses
- Heals Target by Wielder's Mag + 10 HP

Memory Staff - Level 2, N/A Range, 18 Uses
- Saves the game mid-battle >_>

%% Zombie Staff - Level 3, N/A Range, 12 Uses
- Summons up to 4 Zombies and Grace Mummies, only usable by someone with the Summon skill

%% Ogre Staff - Level 4, N/A Range, 12 Uses
- Summons up to 4 Ogres and Archogres, only usable by someone with the Summon skill

Farhealing Staff - Level 6, Infinite Range, 15 Uses
- Heals Target by Wielder's Mag + 10 HP

Golem Staff - Level 8, N/A Range, 12 Uses
- Summons up to 4 Golems and Stone Golems, only usable by someone with the Summon skill

%% Harpy Staff - Level 12, N/A Range, 12 Uses
- Summons up to 4 Harpies, only usable by someone with the Summon skill

*Strength Staff - Level N/A, 1 Range, 14 Uses
- Exclusive to Lyria, Increase Target's strength by 10 until the end of the map

*Magic Staff - Level N/A, 1 Range, 10 Uses
- Exclusive to Mel, Increase Target's Magic by 7 until the end of the map

*Defence Staff - Level N/A, 1 Range, 18 Uses
- Exclusive to Plum, all damage to Target is halved until the end of the map

*Transmission Staff - Level N/A, 1 Range, 15 Uses
- Exclusive to Renée, teleports Target to anywhere on the map

*Haja Staff - Level N/A, ALL Range, 7 Uses
- Exclusive to Renée, instantly destroys most monsters on the map

*Silence Staff - Level N/A, ALL Range, 9 Uses
- Exclusive to Letina, seals all magic for 1 turn

-Memory Staff
Ente has this as initial equipment, it is not purchasable anywhere.

-Zombie Staff
Katrie has this as initial equipment.

-Golem Staff
Rebecca has this as initial equipment, it is not purchasable anywhere.

Shields are in all likelihood illegal, due to being consumable.
Shields can be used by anyone.

Leather Shield - Increases defence by 4, lasts for 4 hits.

Iron Shield - Increases defence by 7, lasts for 4 hits.

Steel Shield - Increases defence by 12, lasts for 3 hits.

Silver Shield - Increases defence by 20, lasts for 2 hits.

Magic Shield - Increases resistance by 7, lasts for 4 hits.

Fire Shield - Increases resistance to Fire Magic by 12, never expires.

Thunder Shield - Increases resistance to Thunder Magic by 12, never expires

Wind Shield - Increases resistance to Wind Magic by 12, never expires.

Goddess Shield - Nullifies chance of criticals and effectivenesses against you, never expires.

Dragon Mail - All damage against you is halved, never expires.

Dragon Scales - Increases defence by 40, increases resistance by 40, nullifies criticals and effectivenesses and defence-ignoring of defence-ignoring weapons. Never expires.

-Leather Shield, Iron Shield, Steel Shield, Magic Shield are all purchasable. Illegal under 'Items' rule.

-Fire Shield is a random treasure in Morse Tower. Illegal under 'Not enough' rule.

-Thunder Shield is in a chest, as well as being a random treasure in Morse Tower (and Aerial caves, too). Illegal under 'Not enough' rule.

-Wind Shield is a random treasure in Morse Tower (and Mermel Caves). Illegal under 'Not enough' rule.

-Goddess Shield is given to you when you reach the top of Morse Tower the first time. Illegal under 'Not enough' rule. It comes to mind that most of these, if there WERE enough, they'd be illegal for being a 'game advantage' >_>

-Dragon Mail is enemy-only. Illegal because you never get it.

-Dragon Scales are inherent to Dragons, and thus the most broken shielding becomes the only shield likely to be legal >_> This depends on how nice people are to Katrie.

In the interests on initial equipment, the following people start with shields... although their low durability is likely enough to get these thrown out as well.

Billford - Iron Shield
Hagar - Iron Shield
Kate - Leather Shield
Martel - Leather Shield
Melhen - Iron Shield
Mintz - Leather Shield
Sharon - Leather Shield
Shirou - Leather Shield
Verne - Leather Shield
Zeke - Magic Shield

Further, some of these characters start as enemies and may get their shields partially/completely destroyed by you before you recruit them, or as NPCs and get their shields partially/completely destroyed by enemies before you recruit them.

I'm personally throwing all shields out.

Character Derived Statistics

Taken Against...
The accuracy of most enemies in the final level is fail. Therefore for the moment I have taken the apparent final boss's accuracy as the enemy accuracy. Which is 128 while using his personal spell.
The enemies tend to agree on 11 defence, though, both the magic ones and the physical ones, the dragonzombies not counting for obvious reasons, so 11 will go for that.
Resistance is a toss-up between 0 for the physicals and 9 for the magicals, so I've just taken 5.

Silver/Lightning Averages

Taking everyone with the lightest Silver weapon they could use (physical) and Lightning (magical), except Melhen who fails so much he can't use a Silver sword and had to use a Steel one:

Physical damage average was 17.4
Magical damage average was 20.4

and average Speed was 13.7.

Speeds and damages will be compared to these with the characters using their 'best' weapons, which in most cases will be the same.

'Best' weapon Averages

Alicia swapped to Sylphid.
Holmes swapped to Salia Holy Sword.
Marj swapped to Sylphid
Raquel swapped to Master Bow
Ryunan swapped to Reeve Holy Sword.
Senet swapped to Kanan Holy Sword.
Sierra swapped to Janura.
Tia swapped to Leda Holy Sword.
Vega swapped to Shulam.
Verne swapped to Salia Lance.

Table is located:


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Re: Tear Ring Saga 1
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2008, 02:34:09 PM »
Class Information
Any mounted class can dismount. This decreases stats and can cut back on usable weapons, but removes the Mounted type.

Arrow Knight
Type: Mounted
Uses: Sword, Bow

Dismounted- -1 STR, -1 SKL, -1 DEF, -3 MV
Type: Infantry
Uses: Sword, Bow

Type: Priest
Uses: Fire, Thunder, Wind, Staff

Black Knight
Type: Mounted
Uses: Sword, Lance

Dismounted- -2 STR, -2 SKL, -2 AGI, -2 DEF, -3 MV
Type: Infantry
Uses: Sword

Type: Infantry
Uses: Bow

Type: Brigand
Uses: Sword

Command Knight
Type: Mounted
Uses: Sword, Lance

Dismounted- -2 MV
Type: Infantry
Uses: Sword, Lance

Dark Knight
Type: Mounted
Uses: Lance, Axe

Dismounted- -2 STR, -1 SKL, -1 AGI, -2 DEF, -3 MV
Type: Infantry
Uses: Lance

Dragon Knight
Type: Dragon, Flying
Uses: Sword, Lance

Dismounted- -3 STR, -2 SKL, -2 AGI, -3 DEF, -3 MV
Type: Infantry
Uses: Sword *Raphin can still use Lances dismounted

Type: Heavy Armour
Uses: Sword

Gold Knight
Type: Mounted
Uses: Sword, Lance

Dismounted- -3 STR, -3 SKL, -4 AGI, -2 DEF, -3 Mv
Type: Infantry
Uses: Sword

Type: Mercenary
Uses: Sword

Hide Hunter
Type: Mercenary
Uses: Sword, Bow

Iron Knight
Type: Mounted, Heavy Armour
Uses: Sword

Dismounted- -2 STR, -1 SKL, -1 AGI, -3 MV
Type: Heavy Armour
Uses: Sword

King's Knight
Type: Mounted
Uses: Sword, Lance, Axe, Bow

Dismounted- -4 STR, -4 SKL, -4 AGI, -2 DEF, -3 MV
Type: Infantry
Uses: Sword

Leda Princess
Type: Infantry
Uses: Sword, Fire, Thunder, Wind, Light

Type: Infantry
Uses: Sword

Type: Mounted
Uses: Sword, Bow

Dismounted- -2 STR, -2 SKL, -1 AGI, -2 DEF, -3 MV
Type: Infantry
Uses: Bow

Type: Mounted
Uses: Sword, Lance

Dismounted- -2 STR, -3 SKL, -3 AGI, -2 DEF, -3 MV
Type: Infantry
Uses: Sword

Type: Brigand
Uses: Axe

Type: Priest
Uses: Staff

Type: Infantry
Uses: Sword

Type: Mage
Uses: Fire, Thunder, Wind, Light

Type: Priest
Uses: Staff

Type: Infantry
Uses: Sword, Lance, Axe

Type: Priest
Uses: Staff

Type: Mercenary
Uses: Sword

Type: Mercenary
Uses: Sword

Type: Mounted
Uses: Sword, Staff

Dismounted- -1 STR, -1 DEF, -3 MV
Type: Infantry
Uses: Sword, Staff

Type: Mercenary
Uses: Axe

Type: Mage
Uses: Fire, Thunder, Wind, Dark

Type: Heavy Armour
Uses: Bow

Skill Information

Command Skills
These skills are manually triggered. Most are useless for duelling >_>

Provided one's speed is higher than the opponents, one can choose to duel the enemy instead of normally attacking it. This causes the battle to last for 2-5 rounds (random) instead of one.
Considering a duel is already a battle with indefinite rounds >_> this skill is somewhat brutal on ranged people in game, useless here.

Character can move to any other (free, standable-on) square on the map. Cannot take back the move like you can a normal move.
Useful only for first-turn purposes, or possibly in duels against other grid-based characters.

Recovers hitpoints of affected units by (number of times sung + 5) / 50. (minimum 2).
Chance of affected units being able to take another turn: (number of times sung / 50) * 2 + (total support bonus / 5) + 10.
Effective Range: (level / 5) + 1 squares (max 4).

Max number of times sung kept track of is 250.

Oh, this is so useful. Possibly in a team battle... even then the act-again chance is fairly low (20%) due to supports being thrown out.

Allows one adjacent unit to take another turn.
After having danced 160 times, it becomes possible to apply additional effects with Dance. Chance is (Dance Number - 150) / 10. (Max dances kept track of is 250). Maximum chance is therefore 10%.
Effect is random out of: Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Magic +7 till end of map, Magic +7 till end of map, Halve all damage taken till end of map, Strength +10 till end of map.
Team usefullness only again.

Unit can morph into an adjacent unit, friend or enemy. MHP becomes the average between the two units (CHP doesn't change, though, unless MHP decreases), rest of the stats gain/lose the difference between the original class's base and the new one's. The morph wears off in about 5 turns.
Possibly usefullish, for once. But if the opponent's better enough to make morphing worth it, the turn spent morphing is giving them too much time already.

Unit can open doors & chests and close bridges without needing keys. Usefulness incarnate.

Effect Skills
Skills not related to damage.

If attack hits, (Skill + Speed)% chance of stealing a random held weapon/item off the opponent at the end of the round. Cannot steal starred weapons/items.
Possibly useful.

Recieve every weapon/item the opponent has if skillholder kills them.
Minus 50 hit and evade to every friendly and NPC unit within 3 squares.

Repeated Movement
Can use remainder of move after attacking, trading etc. Very low use in a duel situation.

Doubles EXP received (capped at 100). The uses this has in a duel are endless.

Allows character to use Summoning staves. Probably illegal in a duel. Summons 1-7 monsters within a 4 square radius, although as I said in the staff section before I most often saw 4 monsters summoned unless the army had ran out of room (in whch case there was less).
Potentially illegal in a duel anyway.

Awareness/Abandon/Nihil/Whatever you want to call it
Nullifies the possibility of being Dueled as well as the skill Squall and all combat skills. If both combatants have it they cancel each other out.
Too bad it doesn't stop criticals or effectivenesses...

If Speed is higher than the opponents, attack first even if they initiated the battle.
Slightly useful.

All friendly units in 3 squares get +5 to hit and evade.
Only good for teams.

Demon Killer
When against a monster, skillholder gets +20 to hit, evade, critical, and critical evade.
Could be useful occasionally.

Ocean Warrior
Plain Warrior
Castle Warrior
Forest Warrior
Mountain Warrior
Frontier Warrior
Skillholder gets +10 hit and evade while fighting on terrain of the skill, and movement cost on said terrain is reduced to 1.
Worthless in a duel since they're in arenas.

While on an Arena square, skillholder gets +10 hit and evade, and movement cost for them is zero, as with the terrain skills.
However, while fighting IN an arena, skillholder gets +20 hit and evade.
Fairly useful.

Combat Skills
Skills related to dealing damage in combat.

Dead or Alive
Critical Rate increases as CHP decreases. Crit increases by (CHP/MHP) x 100. ie: having lost half hitpoints, a character's critical rate will go up by 50.

Randomly increase character's defence by 20 on enemy hit. The chance is Level%.

Earth Master
Causes next attack to be a critical hit that disregards terrain. Considering that no terrain increases defence, only evade, I'm not entirely sure what the disregarding of terrain is meant to imply. It's a guaranteed critical if it activates though, so it's useful anyway.
Chance : max(Skill - Enemy Skill, 0) + 3 %

Heavens Master
All damage done by the next attack will be restored to attacker's HP, up to MHP of course.
Chance : max(Skill - Enemy Skill, 0) + 3 %

Rising Dragon
When triggers on 1 range, attack power is tripled for the next attack.
When triggers on 2+ range, or the attacker is mounted, it has no effect.
Chance : max(Skill - Enemy Skill, 0) + 3 %

Wind and Water
Next attack will ignore opponent's defence.
Chance : max(Skill - Enemy Skill, 0) + 3 %

Triggers a continued attack (attacker will attack again straight after attacking, a la brave/hero/master weapons).
Chance : max(Skill - Enemy Skill, 0) + 3 %

Dragon Master
Triggers a string of 5 attacks in a row. Unable to trigger with magic weapons.
Chance : max(Skill - Enemy Skill, 0) + 3 %

Triggers the next attack to be a critical which does as much damage as the opponent has health left (ID, in other words).
Chance : max(Skill - Enemy Skill, 0) + 3 %

More than one offensive combat skill can activate at once.

Character Skills

"Leda Sage" Afriid


Warp - Initial

Afriid fails for having any sort of useful skills.

"Thunder God" Alicia

Mage - Sage

Duel - Level 16
**Continue - Level 32

It's a shame that Duel is worthless dueling, because it + Blenthunder make her incredibly destructive ingame. And her only other skill is gained overlevel. Still arguably better than Afriid's set >_>

"Gale Knight" Archis

Rook Knight - Command Knight

Gale - Level 16
Continue - Level 25
**Repeated Movement - Level 38

Archis is happy, at least. ID and double-attacking, and his overlevel skill is worthless here.

"Blood Hero" Atrom

Fighter - Hero

Heaven Master - Level 15 (but not if he's already promoted)
Gale - Level 26

ID & HP drain > ID & double-attacking, especially since Atrom is fast enough to trigger repeated attacks anyway.

"Taurus Hero" Barts

Axefighter - Warrior

Mountain Warrior - Initial
Duel - Level 15

Yet another character with no useful skills.

"Iron General" Billford

Armour Knight - General

Dead Or Alive - Initial
Greatshield - Initial
Nihil - Level 26
**Continue - Level 31
**Duel - Level 38

An ultimate in tank. Billford soaks up and blocks damage with his high defence and Greatshield, and Nihil blocks those tricksy special skills being used on him. And then he gets to low health and criticals. A lot.

"Salian Thief" Bud


Pick - Class
Steal - Initial
Forest Warrior - Initial
Paragon - Level 10
**Dragon Master - Level 40

Such a shame, her only good skill she gets overlevel. Steal could be okay though if one lets her steal weapons off her opponents and they can't reequip (stealing happens at the end of the round ingame, in a duel... the round doesn't end until death...)

"Rising Dragon Swordfighter" Chrishine

Fighter - Swordmaster

Steal - Initial
Rising Dragon - Level 17

She NEEDS to trigger Rising Dragon to do any sort of damage, so she's unhappy she doesn't have any more extra damage skills. Could also just steal everything, depending on how you see that.

"Water Maiden" Ente


Summon - Level 30

Whether this is a reasonable skillset or not depends on your opinion on summoning. She has no offence without it >_>

"Velge Paladin" Estelle

Rook Knight - Paladin

Castle Warrior - Initial
Dead or Alive - Level 14
Paragon - Level 20
Squall - Level 28

Nothing special. She gets first attack, and more dangerous as she gets lower on HP. This might be a problem if she had particularly good defence and HP. She doesn't.

"Weaponmaster" Ezekiel

Axe Knight - Sergeant

Castle Warrior - Initial
Gale - Initial
Mountain Warrior - Level 12
Plain Warrior - Level 18
Frontier Warrior - Level 24

Now, if battles weren't held in arenas, his skillset might mean something... at least he has ID.

"Salian Dragon Knight" Frau

Pegasus Knight - Dragon Knight

Repeated Movement - Initial
Continue - Level 12
Demon Killer - Level 25

Nothing overly great for Frau. 1 worthless, 1 situational. Having enough speed to trigger repeated attacks often enough as well as having Continue is somewhat nice.

"Legendary Axeuser" Garo


Ocean Warrior - Class
Continue - Initial
Dead or Alive - Level 28
Duel - Level 29
Nihil - Level 30
**Gale - Level 31

Legendary for WHAT?
Too bad he just misses out on ID. Continue and DoA are okay, though.

"Panzer Hagar" Hagar


Continue - Initial
Paragon - Initial
Greatshield - Level 18

Hagar has gamebest defence and Greatshield just makes that better. Unfortunate that he uses bows, then, and spends half his time being hit from close range, and also doesn't have any way to take advantage of his durability (DoA).

"Granada Hero" Holmes

Bow Hero - Hide Hunter

Pick - Initial
Ocean Warrior - Initial
Rising Dragon - Level 16
Charisma - Promotion
**Continue - Level 32

Only one worthwhile skill. At least he has good stats to go with it, unlike some of the others.

"Dragon Master Swordfighter" Julia

Fighter - Swordmaster

Continue - Level 7
Rising Dragon - Level 18
Demon Killer - Level 25
Dragon Master - Event

This is more like it. Legal Dragon Master along with Continue and Rising Dragon, and more than enough speed to repeated attack as well. High skill which lets them activate more often as well.

"Greiving Knight" Kate

Lady Knight - Arrow Knight

Continue - Initial
Castle Warrior - Initial
Earth Master - Level 18
Repeated Movement - Level 27

A meh skillset for a meh dueller. She should be happy for the extra critical chance from Earth Master, because she needs it.

"Fire Maiden" Katrie


Summon - Initial

Again a sister whose only offence is Summon. But it isn't. Katrie has other means of attack, which will be discussed later.

"Squall Knight" Klyce

Rook Knight - Command Knight

Squall - Level 19
Wind and Water - Level 25
**Nihil - Level 37

Inferior to Archis' set. First attack and ITD < ID and double-attacking. ITD isn't that bad, though.

"Velge Priest" Lee


No skills

...finally a skillset worse than Afriid's? >_>

"Hero of the Plains" Leonhart


Plain Warrior - Class
Repeated Movement - Initial
Continue - Initial
Heavens Master - Initial
Demon Kiler - Level 22

Relatively meh skillset. Doubleattacking and draining, and 3 useless skills.

"Saint of Light" Letina


Paragon - Initial
Summon - Level 8

Another summoner.

"Wind Paladin" Lina

Rook Knight - Paladin

Paragon - Initial
Repeated Movement - Level 9
Squall - Level 18
Continue - Level 23

Yet another meh skillset with half the skills being useless. First Attack and Double-Attacking just isn't that good in comparison to others.

"Grand Knight" Lionel

Spear Knight - Sergeant

Castle Warrior - Initial
Dead Or Alive - Initial
Nihil - Level 17
Gladiator - Level 21

And Lionel gets the only terrain skill that's useful in a duel >_> Dead Or Alive is always good as well.

"Gram Hero" Luka

Bowfighter - Bowmaster

Duel - Level 15
Castle Warrior - Promotion
Continue - Level 30

Continue plus some other minor skill is pretty bad as skillsets go, but Continue and nothing else is worse. Poor Luka.

"Big Star" Lyria


Sing - Initial

No offence whatsoever. Unless the opponent has extremely sensitive ears or something >_>

"Legendary Mage" Marj

Mage - Sage

Continue - Level 19 (only if current class Mage)
Heavens Master - Level 20 (only if current class Sage)
**Duel - Level 39

Double-Attacking and HP-Drain isn't that bad a combination.

"Salian Dragon Knight" Martel

Pegasus Knight - Dragon Knight

Squall - Initial
Repeated Movement - Initial
Earth Master - Level 15
Continue - Level 25

Extra critical chances paired up with double-attack chance is pretty deadly. Squall lets her go first, but she'd probably get that anyway for being flying/high range. Repeated Movement is still useless.

"Mounted Priest" Mel


Repeated Movement - Level 14

No useful skills whatsoever... at least she can use a sword unlike the other healers.

"Senee Sea Serpent" Melhen


Robbery - Initial
Steal - Initial
Pick - Initial

Not content with failing everywhere else, Melhen decided to fail in his skillset as well! As well as being worthless in a duel, Robbery makes him worthless in teams because it cuts 50 off any friendly unit near him's hit and evade!
He could possibly lever Steal to his advantage, depending on how people see it. Of course, steal runs off skill and agility... both of which he has single-digit scores in...

"Archmage of Light" Meriel

Mage - Sage

Dead or Alive - Level 15 (if Mage)
Wind and Water - Level 15 (if Sage)
Heavens Master - Level 30

Meriel has to choose between Dead Or Alive or Wind and Water. I'd personally think Dead or Alive was the better of the two in a duel situation.
HP Draining on top of either is nice, although somewhat at odds with Dead or Alive >_>

"Black Knight" Mintz

Black Knight

Duel - Class (mounted only)
Dead or Alive - Initial
Duel - Level 20

All he has is Dead or Alive. Thankfully has fair defence and good HP to go along with it.

"Shady Fellow" Narcis


Pick - Class
Henshin - Initial
Nihil - Level 17
Squall - Level 25
**Continue - Level 31

A thief without Steal, what will they think of next.
All up, the set's not that good, even with Henshin (as said earlier, if you need it to have a chance, you've already lost).

"Gold Knight" Narron

Rook Knight - Gold Knight

Paragon - Initial
Gale - Level 12 (if Gold Knight)
Repeated Movement - Level  16
Greatshield - Promotion
Continue - Promotion

Hooray for forcing people to promote early >_>
ID is good if you allow it. Otherwise he has a fair bit of lasting power with Greatshield, and Continue lets him lever his game-second-best strength a bit better than his agility does.

"Iron Knight" Norton

Armour Knight - Iron Knight

Castle Warrior - Initial
Dead or Alive - Initial
Greatshield - Level 12 (if Iron Knight)
Greatshield - Level 25

He has the same gameplan as Billford, just doesn't carry it off as well due to inferior stats. His main draw is more move, which is irrelevant here.

"Rainbow Priest" Plum


Dance - Event

Another character with no offence.

"Sky Knight" Raphin

Command Knight - Dragon Knight

Repeated Movement - Initial
Squall - Level 17
Continue - Level 24

Squall & Continue isn't any better than it was the last time someone had it.

"Bow Goddess" Raquel


Castle Warrior - Class
Paragon - Initial
Continue - Initial
Forest Warrior - Initial
Demon Killer - Level 16
**Nihil - Level 31

So many skills... so many of them worthless. In fact, all of them worthless (except occassionally Demon Killer) since she has a legal Master Bow which renders Continue redundant.

Mm... Raquel needs some more said about her, later.

"Arcanan Lady" Rebecca


Summon - Initial
Paragon - Level 16
**Charisma - Level 38

Summoning priest, blah blah blah, moving right along.

"Demon Killer Priest" Renée


Summon - Initial
Frontier Warrior - Initial

...they're ganging up on me, now.

"Bow Hero" Rennie

Bowfighter - Bowmaster

Duel - Initial
Paragon - Level 9
Wind and Water - Level 19
Castle Warrior - Promotion
**Continue - Level 34

Duel makes her deadly ingame, but once again it's useless here. ITD is okay, but more skills would be better.

"Fire Mage" Rishuel

Mage - Sage

Squall - Initial
Earth Master - Initial
Demon Killer - Level 15
**Continue - Level 32

Nothing overly special for Rishuel. Squall's not too useful since Sunflame weighs him down to below average speed, and Demon Killer is situational. Extra critical chance is okay though.

"King of Huerto" Rofarl

King's Knight

Greatshield - Class
Castle Warrior - Class
Dead or Alive - Initial
**Duel - Level 32
**Demon Killer - Level 27

Another Greatshield/Dead Or Alive combo. Coupled with his range of weaponry makes him pretty fearsome.

"Huerto Paladin" Roger


Greatshield - Initial
Squall - Initial
Castle Warrior - Initial
Dead or Alive - Level 18

And yet another GS/DoA combo...

"Razelian Hero" Ryunan

Knight Lord - Lord

Castle Warrior - Initial
Continue - Level 7/Promotion
Rising Dragon - Level 15
Charisma - Promotion
**Nihil - Level 35

Ryunan's fairly okay for skills. Continue can help his compensate for his low attack speed, and Rising Dragon can make his already-overpowered attack deadly.

"Aerial Hero" Samson

Axefighter - Warrior

Frontier Warrior - Initial
Squall - Level 14
Nihil - Level 20 (if Axefighter)
Continue - Level 29

Another Squall/Continuer... this one has Nihil as well, but this version of it is fairly limited-use anyway.

"Dragon Princess" Sasha

Princess - Pegasus Knight - Dragon Knight

Charisma - Initial
Squall - Level 8 (if Princess)
Paragon - Level 10 (if Princess)
Continue - Level 15
Repeated Movement - Promotion (to Pegasus Knight)

Yet another Squall/Continuer... I really don't have anything else to say on the combo.

"Prince of Kanan" Senet


Charisma - Class
Earth Master - Initial
Dead or Alive - Initial

Dead or Alive is almost always useful, and being attached to Senet's game-second-best defence is a useful place for it. Having an attack that's 195% the damage average already can only be helped by having extra chance to critical.

"Red Bow Knight" Sharon

Lady Knight - Arrow Knight

Castle Warrior - Initial
Duel - Level 15
**Repeated Movement - Level 32

No useful skills. Huzzah.

"Zoan Magic Swordfighter" Shigen

Fighter - Swordmaster

Continue - Initial
Ocean Warrior - Initial
Gladiator - Level 21
Rising Dragon - Level 28
**Squall - Level 38

Another character gets +20 hit/evade for being in an arena... like he really needs it, being above average in both already. Continue supplements his high speed and Rising Dragon is useful on almost anyone.

"Plains Knight" Shirou

Horseman - Mameluke

Plain Warrior - Class
Repeated Movement - Level 14
Continue - Level 28

It's... another person with just Continue. YAY!

"Zoan Witch" Sierra


Warp - Class

Sierra actually finds Warp incredibly useful ingame, since she has the godly total of 3 move. Here it doesn't really matter. At least she has Janura's HP-draining.

"Legendary Black Knight" Sun

Rook Knight - Black Knight

Repeated Movement - Initial
Paragon - Level 5
Duel - Promotion
Wind and Water - Level 25
**Nihil - Level 40

If only so many of these skills weren't irrelevant to dueling.
ITD is okay anyway, but it's not much by itself.

"Princess of Leda" Tia

Leda Princess

Heavens Master - Initial
Rising Dragon - Initial

Tia is possibly... the most damaging character in the game (assuming no skills), with 155% damage and constant repeated attacks due to game-best speed. Heavens Master gives her already above-average durability a boost, and Rising Dragon just makes her far too powerful.

"Hunter of Lott" Toms


Continue - Level 30

...yeah, that's a real wonderful skillset.

"Black Mercenary" Vega

Fighter - Swordmaster

Heavens Master - Initial
Rising Dragon - Level 15
**Squall - Level 35

Heavens Master goes nicely with his damage-halving sword. Rising Dragon is still good on anyone.

"Salian Dragon Knight" Verne

Pegasus Knight - Dragon Knight

Repeated Movement - Initial
Demon Killer -Initial

Verne's making up for her overpowered weapon with her lacklustre skillset, I see.

"Ytna Hero" Xeno

Fighter - Hero

Ocean Warrior - Initial
Gale - Level 13 (if Fighter)
Demon Killer - Level 20
Rising Dragon - Level 30

ID and triple attack power, coupled with a fair chance of repeated attacking. Scary.

"Legendary Swordfighter" Yoda


Dragon Master - Initial
Gale - Initial
Rising Dragon - Initial
Frontier Warrior - Initial
Demon Killer - Initial

5x attack, ID, 3x attack power. Better than Julia? Possibly.

"Isla Thief" Yunny


Pick - Class
Steal - Initial
Frontier Warrior - Level 12
Continue - Level 28
**Charisma - Level 35

It's Yunny, winner of game-worst damage! Only Gale could help her now! And she doesn't have it!

"Salian General" Zachariah


Greatshield - Initial
Castle Warrior - Initial

Zachariah shows his uniqueness by being an armoured character that doesn't have GS and DoA. It was a losing trade.

"Dark Knight" Zeke

Dark Knight

Dead or Alive - Initial
Frontier Warrior - Initial
Nihil - Initial
Continue - Initial
Paragon - Initial
Repeated Movement - Level 14

Another DoAr. The rest of his skills aren't really worth contemplating, except possibly Nihil.


Raquel can't kill humans.
That is, she made some sort of vow or something to never kill another human, and any attack she makes which would kill one will take it down to 1 HP instead (if the opponent is already at 1 HP it will miss (even on a 100% hit)).

Supposedly it's possible to get her to break her vow ingame, but it involves sacrificing Luka.

How people take this is up to them.

Katrie and Neuron

This will be filled in later, once I actually get some stats for Neuron.
At the time of relocation, it's been over two years and I still haven't gotten around to this yet ._.