RPGDL Internal > Writeup Graveyard

Cinnamon (vs Adell)


A medical reploid like Cinnamon knows when there's more to someone than meets the eye, but she's not worried about Adell.  Apart from his overwhelming sense of honor and so-forth, Cinnamon is actually the type of fighter he struggles against.  Her innate resistance to fire blunts his best offense, her status-applying Kitty Gloves will slow the pugilist down immensely, and her vast healing reserves will easily let her weather Adell's furious assault.  Actually finishing out the fight will be a little harder, but when you can keep yourself going as long as Cinnamon, every fight is a matter of when, not how.

Jo'ou Ranbu:
A medical reploid like Cinnamon knows when there's more to someone than meets the eye, but she's not too worried about Adell. Apart from his overwhelming sense of honor and so-forth, Cinnamon is actually the type of fighter he struggles against. Her innate resistance to fire blunts his best offense, her status-applying Kitty Gloves will slow the pugilist down immensely, and her vast healing reserves will easily let her weather Adell's furious assault. Actually finishing out the fight will be a little harder, but when you can keep yourself going as long as Cinnamon, every fight is a matter of when, not how.


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