
Author Topic: Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle  (Read 1721 times)

Dark Holy Elf

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Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
« on: March 03, 2019, 05:08:41 AM »

The basics

Did you know you needed a crossover between Nintendo's flagship franchise and the physical embodiment of the Chaotic Neutral allignment, wrapped up in a package of tight strategy RPG gameplay? Neither did I, but here we are.

Gameplay is phase-based, similar to Fire Emblem or XCOM. Player phase first, then enemy phase. There are always three PCs in a fight, no exceptions that I'm aware of (you can't reduce your party size). No in-battle revival if a PC dies, though. Mario is forced and you must use at least one Rabbid.

Each PC can do three things in a turn: one move, one attack, and one technique. These actions may be taken in any order. In fact, the nine total actions available to the PCs can be taken in any order; you can interweave parts of your PCs' turns.

-Movement is more complicated than normal! For one, every character can move through one (or more) enemies within range before finishing their move; this in no way affects where they can move after (so a character with 8 move can in theory move 8 squares to move through an enemy then 16 squares in the exact opposite direction to end their move within 8 squares of where they started). They can also jump off allies to extend their move (more on this later) or move through pipes which end their current movement but give them a fixed amount of move upon leaving the pipe. For DL purposes, the "moving through enemies" (called dashing) is the relevant part. Dashing an enemy does damage to them and may add other effects, dependent on the character.

-Every PC has two options for their attack action; a main weapon and a secondary weapon; they can use one each turn. The main weapon can always be chosen, while the secondary weapon has a cooldown and can only be used once every 2 turns at most.

-Techniques are special moves which target either the PC using it and/or their teammates, and include things such as healing, buffs, and "hero sight", which allows the PC to take a reaction shot against a moving enemy during the enemy phase.

Accuracy in this game is normally 100%. If a target (PC or enemy, they use the same mechanic) is behind low cover (various waist-high blocks), accuracy is instead 50%. If behind high cover (full-size blocks), accuracy is instead 0%, though various types of cover can be destroyed with repeated attacks. Some enemies have portable cover; they can not be hit by attacks originating in the 180 degrees they are facing (portable cover is not active while the enemy is moving, which matters for reaction shots). Secondary weapons (except hammers) typically ignore cover in some form, and dashes, since movement-based damage, since it takes you briefly into the enemy's square, always does.


All characters are taken right before the final battle, using weaponry which is available at that point.

There is finite exp (orbs) available in the game, which is used to buy skills and stat upgrades... but there is enough to max out the DL-relevant abilities (e.g. skipping things like high ground bonus, pipe exit movement, increased radius on AoE support moves, etc.), so I'll just be taking everything at max. In-game you can respec your skills between fights, so it's extra reasonable to be generous here.

I generally assume that cover is not a thing in the DL and that characters can get in range to use their dash abilities.

I am allowing abilities which require the use of Team Jump, which in-game requires an ally. These moves are easy to use in-game and rather iconic to the characters that get them (without it, you'd deny Mario the ability to jump on enemies, obviously non-canon). I'll flag them in case you want to ban them. If you do, Peach loses her regen and Mario/Yoshi lose damage (in Yoshi's case, a lot of it).

Secondary weapons and reaction shots which ignore cover should probably be considered ITE. You could make that argument for dash as well but I dunno that I'm inclined to, since there should probably be SOME limitation on dash, which suffers from range limits compared to other options in-game. Use your own judgement here.


For weapons, the primary weapon is listed first. This is the weapon used for reaction shots (non-Rabbid characters) and the one without a cooldown.

A cooldown indicates the number of consecutive turns a weapon or technique can not be accessed after it is used once. So an ability with a 2-turn cooldown can be used on turn 1, then not again until 4 (disabled for turns 2 and 3). Every technique and secondary weapon operates on a separate cooldown.

All techniques have a one turn duration; they last until the start of the next player phase. So do all inflicted status effects.

Status effects work on mini-bosses, but not the major bosses. Major bosses are also untargetable by dashes and jumps (although I suspect Yoshi's Ground Pound might work... haven't tested). Note that all the major bosses are also giants (occupying a 3x3 square of panels instead of the normal 1), so your milage may vary on how often you hand out this immunity to other game's bosses.

All PCs have access to Cleansing Jump, which fully heals a single ally within move range of status as part of their move action. Could be useful in a team fight.

Movement-based actions do not trigger counters. Reaction shots do! (Using a reaction shot against a Smasher as it approaches you is a good way to die... if you don't kill it.)

Area of Effect damage (boomshots, all secondary weapons, Boom Dash, Ground Pound) typically deal less damage to targets not in the centre of the blast. For rockets, if they hit cover, the enemy hiding behind it takes said reduced damage. General rule of thumb is 20% reduction for targets who aren't the central target (or nearest thing to it in Ground Pound's case), increasing to 30% if the target is 3 or more squares away, but I haven't investigated all the possibilities. Boomshot damage instead falls off with distance from the attacker; -30% damage at range 4+, -50% (I think?) at 6+. Area of Effect damage NEVER distinguishes between friend and foe, though only the explosive weapons (rocket, grenaduck, and sentry) can damage their user.

Sentries are more complicated than other secondary weapons: they create a sentry which moves toward the target. The sentry will move as soon as it is created, and again at the start of subsequent player phases, until it reaches its target, upon which it self-destructs, dealing damage. The sentry can also be targeted by enemies (and killed if its HP reaches zero), and will draw enemy reaction shots, but is immune to status. They're kinda awesome.

List of status effects

All status effects last for the phase on which they are inflicted and the next one, except for forced movement which has an instantaneous effect only.

Forced movement (Push, Bounce, Burn): All of these cause the target to move when struck; burned targets run around randomly and can also light anyone they run into on fire (on either side), Push and Bounce just move the target away by land and air respectively. Push and Bounce can in some cases push the target out of the battlefield or into a pit, in which case they take 30 damage and reappear. All remove Honey when inflicted.

Honey: The target can not move (and therefore, can not dash or team jump). They are also unaffected by non-status techniques which would cause them to move such as Magnet Dance.
Ink: The target can not use weapon attacks. I would interpret this as sealing off any non-movement damage-dealing skills from other games.
Freeze: The target can not use techniques. I would interpret this as covering all non-damage-dealing skills from other games (including pure status attacks).
Stone: Honey/Ink/Freeze combined, essentially. The target can do nothing except be a punching bag. Overwrites any of Honey/Ink/Freeze when applied, and can be overwritten by any of them.

Vamp: The attack which inflicts this status heals the attacker for a % of damage dealt. Furthermore, any additional attacks against this target will heal the user of that attack by the same %. Overkill damage still counts for healing. By default, this draining is 50% of damage dealt, but Rabbid Luigi's dash uses its own percentage (when maxed, 100%). If Vamp is applied from two different sources, they stack additively, though I haven't tested if it can go beyond 100%.

Note that if any status which restricts or forces movement is inflicted in the middle of a character's movement (by a reaction shot), their movement ends immeidately and they can not move again that turn.


HP 385+130 (106%)
Move 7

Dash: 130 damage
Stomp Jump: Requires Team Jump. Jumps off an enemy's head, dealing 150 damage. Afterward, land anywhere within 6 panels of the enemy. Can not target the same enemy targeted by Dash.

Carpe Die-em (Blaster): 194 damage (165-175 base, range 12, 60% chance of 210 damage + Bounce (triggers Hero Sight))
Peeper Reaper (Hammer): 317 damage (275-285 base, range 1, AoE 3, 60% chance of 342 damage + Bounce (triggers Hero Sight)). 1-turn cooldown.
*Mario also has a blaster and hammer which inflict Honey instead

Hero Sight:  2-turn cooldown. The first enemy to move into/through Mario's sight range takes 2 hits of 130% damage from Mario's primary weapon.
M-Power: 1-turn cooldown. Mario and all nearby allies deal +70% damage with weapons this turn.

Comments: Mario is not content to be Mr. Average this time, he hits very hard, 2RKOing average even if he doesn't get off Hero Sight thanks to M-Power. Hero Sight can push his damage even further against melee opponents (I wouldn't hype the bounce too seriously since it's below 67%, but your milage may vary... it'll come up in a long fight), but he's well-set even without it.

Rabbid Peach

HP 385+70 (93%)
Move 8

Stylish Dash: 100 damage. Can target up to 4 enemies within range.

Run for the Hills (Blaster): 194 damage (165-175 base, range 12, 60% chance of 210 damage + Honey)
Avalanche (Sentry): 261 damage (225-235 base, range 15, move 7, AoE 2, 300 HP, 50% chance of 282 damage + Honey). 1-turn cooldown.

Shield: 1-turn cooldown. Reduces weapon damage received by 80% and dash damage received by 50% for one turn.
Heal: 2-turn cooldown. Heals Rabbid Peach and all nearby allies for 70% max HP.

Comments: When she's not spreading chaos and taking selfies of it, Rabbid Peach specializes in staying alive. The cooldowns limit it somewhat, but anyone who can't deal over ~32% of her health is screwed (and since she doesn't lose any offence to do this, you'll have to do considerably more to overpower her in a short fight; she's very hard to kill before turn 5, and that's if you outspeed her). No status protection whatsoever and only low 3HKO damage, though.

Rabbid Luigi

HP 350+80 (88%)
Move 8

Vamp Dash: 160 damage. Can target up to 2 enemies within range. Inflicts Vamp status immediately before dealing this damage; all damage dealt to the target also heals the attacker for 100% of damage dealt for 1 turn.

Cactus Fracas (Bworb): 177 damage (140-150 base, range 12, 90% chance of 180 damage + Push)
Might of the Kite (Rocket): 135 damage (115-125 base, range 15, AoE 3, 50% chance of 150 damage + Push). 1-turn cooldown.
*Rabbid Luigi also has a bworb which inflicts 70% stone, but it does only 80-90 damage (crit for 113)

Super Barrier: 1-turn cooldown. Reduces weapon damage received by 60% and dash damage received by 50% for one turn, and also blocks status effects.
Weaken: 1-turn cooldown. Reduces weapon damage of nearby enemies (range 9) by 70% for one turn.

Comments: Rabbid Peach may be annoying to kill in a duel, but Rabbid Luigi is almost impossible short of some seriously impressive offence. He can heal over three quarters of his health with Vamp Dash + attack every turn, and alternate Super Barrier and Weaken to cut off ~65% of his opponent's offence. That combo is pretty yikes. OHKO him, status him (but not on turns he uses Super Barrier...), immune draining, or prepare to have his hideous laughter engraved upon your soul.


HP 220+70 (59%)
Move 9

Dash: 90 damage

Bagsniper (Precision): 212 damage (185-195 base, range 16, 50% chance of 234 damage + Ink)
Road Reaper (Sentry): 272 damage (235-245 base, range 15, move 8, AoE 3, 300 HP, 60% chance of 294 damage + Ink). 1-turn cooldown.
*Luigi also has a precision and sentry which inflict Bounce (triggers Steely Stare) instead

Steely Stare: 1-turn cooldown. The first enemy to move into/through Luigi's sight range takes 3 hits of 70% damage from Luigi's primary weapon.
Itchy Feet: 1-turn cooldown. +3 move for Luigi and nearby allies for one turn.

Comments: He's pretty bad against ranged opponents, since neither of his techniques are useful then and he's frail. Steely Stare hurts when it's relevant though (pushing him to 2RKO), and turn 2 ink should not be overlooked. A worse version of Mario, which I suppose is the usual fate of the green brother. In-game his big advantages are the huge range and sentries drawing enemy fire.

Rabbid Mario

HP 385+130 (106%)
Move 9

Boom Dash: 100 damage. Can target up to 3 enemies with range. AoE damage (radius 4).

Sunflower Power (Boomshot): 272 damage (235-245 base, range 9, 60% chance of 294 damage + Stone)
Feel the Heat (Hammer): 300 damage (265-275 base, range 1, AoE 3, 50% chance of 330 damage + Stone). 1-turn cooldown.
*Rabbid Mario also has a boomshot and hammer which inflict Vamp instead

Bodyguard: 1-turn cooldown. Reduces weapon damage received by 30% and dash damage received by 100% for one turn.
Magnet Dance: 1-turn cooldown. Nearby enemies (range 9) immediately move a few panels towards Rabbid Mario.

Comments: He has the most damaging weaponry (sharing the primary with Peach and the secondary with Mario), but his overall offence is compromised by not having any techniques or powerful move damage to help it, so he's another 3RKOer. Bodyguard helps a bit but not much; by far the worst shield-type technique of the rabbid PCs. Random stone helps a bit more. He's a short-range AoE king in-game, and Magnet Dance is pretty neat.


HP 445+220 (136%)
Move 7

Dash: 90 damage
Healing Jump: Requires Team Jump. Peach and all nearby allies recover 20% of max HP.

Smackerel (Boomshot): 272 damage (235-245 base, range 9, 60% chance of 294 damage + Freeze)
Gobblegoose (Grenaduck): 149 damage (125-135 base, range 10, AoE 4, 60% chance of 162 damage + Burn (triggers Royal Gaze)). 1-turn cooldown.
*Peach also has a boomshot which inflicts Burn (triggers Royal Gaze)

Royal Gaze: 1-turn cooldown. The first enemy to move into/through Peach's sight range takes 1 hit of 100% damage from Peach's primary weapon.
Protection: 1-turn cooldown. Applies the protection status to allies in range. A proportion of any damage those allies take until start of next turn is redirected to Peach instead. That proportion can be 30%, 40%, 60%, or 100% depending on how much this skill is upgraded.

Comments: Like Luigi, she has good offence if her enemy needs to move to hit her, but only so-so damage otherwise (less extreme in both cases due to more base damage but a weaker reaction shot). Unlike Luigi she is very tanky, and has good regeneration on top of that. Her defensive game doesn't compare with the Rabbids (except Rabbid Mario), but it can still get the job done, and her offence tends to be better.

Rabbid Yoshi

HP 350+130 (98%)
Move 9

Ultra Dash: 90 damage. Can target up to 5 enemies within range.

Renegade (Rumblebang): 235 damage (135-265 base, range 12, 30% chance of 318 damage + Push)
Sir Crackers (Grenaduck): 149 damage (125-135 base, range 10, AoE 4, 60% chance of 162 damage + Stone). 1-turn cooldown.
*Rabbid Yoshi also has a rumblebang which inflicts 25% stone, but it does 10 less damage (12 less on a crit)

Outer Shell: 1-turn cooldown. Fully nullifies damage from the first two successful attacks (dash and/or weapon) this turn. Multi-hit attacks only count as one attack, but a dash and weapon attack count separately.
Scaredy Rabbid: 1-turn cooldown. Nearby enemies (range 9) immediately move a few panels away form Rabbid Yoshi.

Comments: A lot will depend on respect for Scaredy Rabbid. If you see it letting him kite the next melee attack sent his way, well, the combination of that and Outer Shell makes him immune to those entirely. I doubt I give it much credit though. Without that, or against ranged opponents, he still nulls damage every other turn, which is cool. Status remains a problem as far the other rabbid stallstrats, and his offence is cast-worst albeit not by much.


HP 420+130 (113%)
Move 8

Dash: 90 damage
Ground Pound: Requires Team Jump. When Yoshi lands, deals 130 AoE damage to all targets within 5 range. This CAN damage the enemy hit by Dash.

Crossfire Castle (Rumblebang): 257 damage (155-285 damage, range 11, 30% chance of 342 damage + Ink)
Blooper Shooter (Rocket): 155 damage (130-140 damage, range 15, AoE 4, 60% chance of 168 damage + Ink). 1-turn cooldown.
*Yoshi also has a rumblebang and rocket which inflict Freeze instead

Egg Beater: 2-turn cooldown. The first enemy to move into/through Yoshi's sight range takes 1 attack of 150% damage from Yoshi's primary weapon.
Super Chance: 2-turn cooldown. Affects Yoshi and all allies in range. The first attack each PC takes this turn will have a 100% critical/status rate.

Comments: Good offence as he can target the same enemy with both his movement damage sources, and both his techniques help his damage (as usual, the reaction shot is probably only good against melee foes). He also gets reliable status out of Super Chance too; Ink or Freeze will typically buy him a turn to get the job done.



Peach 665
Yoshi 550
Mario 515
Rabbid Mario 515
Rabbid Yoshi 480
Rabbid Peach 455
Rabbid Luigi 430
Luigi 290
Average: 487.5



The format of the damage numbers is "movementx2 + turn 1 weapon damage + turn 2 weapon damage = total.

I've opted just to use everyone's average damage for this. Note that Yoshi and especially Rabbid Yoshi are using damage with unusually high variance which is a bad thing in-game, so if you wanted to disrespect their damage slightly, that'd be fair.

1. Yoshi: Super Chance Rumblebang + Rumblebang = 220x2 + 342 + 257 = 1039
2. Mario: M-Power Hammer + Blaster = 150x2 + 539 + 194 = 1033
(Mario without Team Jump = 993)
(Yoshi without Team Jump = 779)
3. Rabbid Mario: Hammer + Boomshot = 100x2 + 300 + 272 = 772
4. Peach: Boomshot + Boomshot = 90x2 + 272 + 272 = 724
5. Rabbid Luigi: Bworb + Bworb = 160x2 + 177 + 177 = 674
6. Luigi: Sentry + Precision = 90x2 + 272 + 212 = 664
7. Rabbid Peach: Sentry + Blaster = 100x2 + 261 + 194 = 655
8. Rabbid Yoshi: Rumblebang + Rumblebang = 90x2 + 235 + 235 = 650

Average: 776 / 2 = 388
Kill point: 970 (923 without Team Jump)


Take all the above strategies and recycle turn 1 on turn 3, except Yoshi who recycles turn 2 instead (to his detriment)

1. Mario: 1722
(Mario without Team Jump: 1662)
2. Yoshi: 1516
3. Rabbid Mario: 1172
(Yoshi without Team Jump: 1126)
4. Peach: 1086
5. Luigi: 1026
6. Rabbid Peach: 1016
7. Rabbid Luigi: 1011
8. Rabbid Yoshi: 975

Average: 1190.5 / 3 = 397
Kill point: 992 (945 without Team Jump)


A 4-turn average would be equal to 2-turn, as turns 3-4 are the same as turns 1-2 for damage (just reversed in Yoshi's case).

Averaging these three averages gives a kill point of ~977.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2019, 03:21:01 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2019, 05:09:05 AM »
This post reserved for bosses. Maybe.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.