Author Topic: Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana  (Read 9086 times)


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Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana
« on: August 27, 2008, 09:58:44 PM »
From Eph

Update: Pretty much everything is done now, except bosses because it's pretty much hopeless for the game to be ranked now.

All levels were taken around the 58-59 mark.  Yeah, that is pretty high, but leveling up is really easy.  That and levels don’t mean much in Atelier Iris.  (stats averages 2-3 points on level ups).

First, I’ll tackle raw stats for each PC not including equips.  There are quite a lot of equipment choosing in AI, so I add that in later.  Anyway, there are 10 values in character’s stats…

Life:  HP or whatever
Mana: character’s MP value.  Some skills use Mana, basic stuff
ATK:  How strong physical based attacks are.
MAGIC:  *see ATK but replace physical with magical*
SPD:  How fast the turn order is.  Just like normal turn-based RPGs
DEF:  Defense against attacks, duh
F RES:  Fire resistance
I RES: Ice resistance
L RES: Lightning resistance
D RES: Dark resistance

Status and other notes:
Poision: takes 20% of Max Life per round; last 3 turns
Sleep: lasts until you get hit with anything
Curse: Can't heal yourself; lasts 3 turns
Paralysis: Reduces attack by 50%
Charm: Stop (the manual says that enemies will healings spells will heal you if Charmed, but I rarely see enemies that heal); lasts three turns
Half-Turn attack (only applies to Claw ATK and Sorcer's Staff)

Typically, there is no wind, earth, light elemental based attacks in Atelier Iris. (the game classifies them as physical damage)  Although in DL you can give some of Klein’s mana items their respective element (Aeroangel = Wind, Meteor = Earth etc.)  Sounds confusing and stupid, I know.

Every character has 8 Skills.  The first skill is always their normal attack.  Some skills can be used in battle while some give innate effects (like Magic Resist or Fast Attack).  Skills also use the character’s Mana (MP stat).  Most Skills are learned through leveling up and can be leveled up (aka become better, stronger) by spending skill points.  You get 3 skill points per level which you can use to level up your skills.  You can also equip Mana to gain some skill points for certain skills as well.  That way you can max out every skill pretty easily.

Now about Alchemy info.  Klein is the only character that can make and use alchemy based items.  By using several elements and the aid of Mana spirits (more on them in a bit)  Klein can make various mana items that he can use in battle.  About elements, its easy in-game to stock up on as many elements as you can (you can carry up to 99 of each element).  Klein can extract elements from objects on the map or items in your inventory.  All elements, except for time, can be easily found on certain places and/or extracted from storebought items. The time element (only used in 2 of Klein’s mana items) are somewhat but you can get as many as you want in-game if you make some rare items.  I wouldn’t allow any time using mana items in the DL because of this.  Another thing to consider is “do you count Alchemy as magic?”  What I mean is do you consider move like Mute or Silent Lake block the use of Alchemy items, or can reflect bounce back Klein’s?  To my understanding, I think Alchemy/=/ Magic. Since Alchemy is the use of mixing several things together to making an item, not chanting a spell or anything.  Take this as you will, I’m just pointing it out.

Okay, now about Mana spirits. There are 14 in all: Fire, Water, Air, Lightning, Dark, Stone, Wood, Life, Time, Power, Light, Spirit, Holy and Evil.  Each Mana has a cost value to how many elements they use to make an item.  I won’t go into too much detail about this.  It’s much better if you play the game to understand this better.  Let’s just say this:  Klein has enough elements and mana items to last a LOOOOONNG time in DL fights.  It’s horribly broken in-game if you abuse Alchemy.  And if you don’t let Klein use Alchemy in the DL, well >_>, hello there light bait!

EDIT: I just let Klein bring 9 of each mana item (no Dragon Gem or any other Time items) into any of his matches.  Using mana synthesis in battle is a little iffy because of possible Mana he's currently using.  It's easy enough to restock on mana items outside of battle, so yeah 9 is the limit of all mana items.

Now to the PCs!  Damages were tested against the final boss, except for Dark based spells (only applies to two anyways) because the boss resisted those.  The rest were fine.

Klein Kiesling:  Level 59
Life: 260 ( I subtracted some cause I used some stat ups on his Life)
Mana: 236
ATK: 65
Magic: 121
DEF: 73
SPD: 76
F RES: 77
I RES: 57
L RES: 57
D RES: 77

Skills:  [Name of skill – how much mana does it cost – what it does]

ELE EXTRACT - mana cost: 0 - 120 damage, magic based
Mace ATK – mana cost: 0 - same as above, only physical
Delay – mana cost: 12 - delays the use of an mana item for 2 turns, pretty useless in-game and in the DL.
Wide Item – mana cost: 12 – allows mana items to be MT, or expand the range of some already MT items
Pass Item – mana cost: 12 – same thing as Wide Item as far as the DL matters.
Living Item – mana cost: 4 – I have no idea what this does really, I think it allows Klein to counter attack with the mana item used with the skill.  Again, worthless
Power Item – mana cost: 24 – Increases the power of Mana items.  Attack mana items 50% more damage, stat-ups last twice as long.
Magic Resist – raises F, I, L, D RES.  Already factored into stats

Mana Items: (Klein ONLY)  [Name of mana item – how many elements are used – what it does]
NOTE: All values were taken under the conderation of Power item being used.  (it's only 24 Mana to Klein's high mana pool and healing) 

Weapon used: Divine Cane
Heal Jar – 2 water – heals 240 Life
Heal Bulb – 2 light, 2 life – 230 MT Healing
Elixir – 10 water, 5 spirit, 1 holy – Full Life and Mana healing. W00t!
Mana Jar – 5 spirit – Restored 180 Mana
Aeroangel – 4 air – 800 phyiscal damage Knockback effect.
Ether Bulb – 6 light – 330 physical damage
Meteor – 12 stone, 3 air – one hit 220 physical and another for 120 fire based
Heaven Geode – 1 holy, 3 light, 3 lightning – deals 600-700 damage to demons/undead, misses on all other monsters (useless really)
Flame – 4 fire – 350 fire damage
Dragon Gem – 25 fire, 2 time, 5 evil –2200 Fire damage.  However, it uses the rare time element, which might make this illegal
Bomb Ice – 3 water- 150 ice damage
Lightning Rod – 4 Lightning – 900 lightning damage; 20% chance of paralysis
Dirk – 6 power, 4 stone, 3 lightning – 750 damage (I'm hinting that this is ITD, because it does that much against most monsters already
Obake Bag – 4 dark, 4 spirit – 320 dark based damage, game saids it never misses
Vamp Fangs – 2 evil, 2 life – 50% chance to hit, it drains Life roughly 40% Max Life (Klein's that is)
Unholy Water – 1 dark, 5 stone, 1 water – POISON!!1 OMG! (hey, with Klein’s almost huge amounts of healing, poison can be good >_>)
Basilisk Eye – 1 evil, 10 stone – Halves the enemy’s damage, 50% on bosses, 80% on regular enemies
Love Gem – 1 evil, 10 wood – Charms opponents, only lasts one turn so it's kind of pointless
Laruba Key – 5 time, 5 dark – Instant Death!!!!! Never failed when I used Power Item against most randoms.  Again, uses that dreaded time element.
Uroborus – 1 holy, 2 light, 16 wood – The good old “heal every status” item
Newlife – 10 life, 5 spirit, 5 fire – Restore
Refractor – 1 light, 3 stone – reveals the invisible, well that matters to only Quina and Celes >_>
Diselement – 3 fire, 3 water, 3 lightning – reduces resistance to elements.  Misses around half of the time on the final boss.
Divine Shield – 5 spirit, 5 power, 5 holy – blocks attacks 50% of the time.  Lasts around 3 turns, even longer with Power Item.  Can you say BROKEN?!
Mark of Courage – 4 power – raises ATK for 10 turns Mark of Weakness – 3 stone, 1 dark, 1 spirit – Lowers DEF for 10 turns (  50% accuracy against bosses. Hit about everything else


Divine Cane: +44 ATK, +64 Magic, +22 to all RES
Mute Staff: +63 Life, +103 ATK, +33 Magic
Astral Cane: +52 ATK, +52 Magic, + 43 F RES and D RES

Accessories (unique ones ONLY):

Ring of Love: +33 Mana, +53 Magic, +53 D RES
Locket of Wishes: +31 Mana, +20 SPD, +15 to all RES

Lita Blanchimont: Level 58
Life: 246
Mana: 173
ATK: 135
Magic: 80
DEF: 111
SPD: 140
F RES: 10
I RES:  48
L RES: 47
D RES: 25


Weapon used: Astral Gauntlets
Claw ATK – mana cost: 0 - 220 damage, 20% chance of critical (300 W/ Pale Wing (half turn attack) (20% of doing 440 damage with the Astral Gauntlets)
Jump Kick – mana cost: 3 – 700 physical damage (850 W/Pale Wing) (20% of doing double damage with the Astral Gauntlets)
MeteorStrike – mana cost: 22 – Lita jumps off screen for a turn (cannot be attacked) and hits for around 400 MT physical damage after a turn
Fast Attack – mana cost: N/A – allows Lita to a full turn in before anyone else.  Works about 40% of the time with further testings.
Dodge – mana cost: N/A – Allows Lita to dodge any attack.  I mean any attack. OH NOES, watch out for FATE STORM! *Lita jumps out of the way* *wiff* O_o.  Activates around 30% of the time for me.
Pale Wing – mana cost: 32 – decreases Lita’s max Life by 40% but increases all of her other stats by 40%. Lasts for 3 turns
Force Blast - mana cost: 22 - ~220 magical damage


Astral Gauntlet:  + 30 Mana, +45 ATK, +36 DEF, +35 SPD, has the double attack properity (sometimes normal attacks do two attacks instead of one)
Zagenhand: +26 Life, +113 ATK, + 16 DEF, +30 F RES
Ebony Claw: Life and Mana –35, ATK +66, Magic +66, DEF +22, F RES +48, I RES +28, D RES +300 (roughly halves dark with this)

Accessories (unique ones ONLY):

Locket of Love:  Life +31, DEF + 20, All RES +10
Alluring Bikini:  Life +24, ATK +24, DEF +14, SPD +12, F RES +24, I RES -20, L RES +28, chance of inflicting Charm on the opponent at the beginning of battle

-Lita gets a Sylvan Ring if you complete the White Flower sidequest in Duran. Not unique, but clearly intended for her. It's pretty useless though (+12 Mana, +24 Fire RES and +56 Dark RES).

Delsus: Level 58

Life: 327
Mana: 110
ATK: 143
Magic: 62
DEF: 145
SPD: 86
F RES: 34
I RES: 66
L RES: 22
D RES: 8

Weapon used: Devil Bow (slash of about a few points if Delsus wants the Galgazit Bow)
Cross Bow – mana cost: 0 – 250 physical damage (has a 20% chance of doing double damage
First Shot – mana cost: 1 – 95 physical damage, but turn comes up much quicker. (like Tidus' quick attack
Spirit Blast – mana cost: 99 (o_O) – one-turn charge attack (full leveled), deals 1450 ice or fire damage (it's random)
Dark Attack – mana cost: 4 – 180 Dark based damage + either Curse, Poison or Paraylsis.  It's random again
Flare Shot – mana cost: 12 – 480 physical damage
Power Shot – mana cost: 8 – 250 physical damage
Feint Shot – mana cost: N/A – Stop an attacking enemy, plus counters (only for 60 damage).  Works 30% of the time
Counter – mana cost: N/A – Counters with a normal physical around 60% of the time.


Devil Bow: +80 ATK, has the Double Attack properity
Galgazit Bow: + 55 ATK, +30 Magic, +24 DEF, +14 SPD
*He has some fire elemental bow, but I sold it so I don’t have its stats*

Norn: Level 58 (Yay for cat-girls!)

Life: 220
Mana: 340
ATK: 42
Magic: 152
DEF: 56
SPD: 150
F RES: 100
I RES: 60
L RES: 100
D RES: 100

Weapon used: Zeldalia's Cane
Sorcer Staff – mana cost: 0 – 235 magic damage, deal 22 damage to a character Mana and restore 12 to Norn (half-turn attack)
Telekinesis – mana cost: 16 – Physical attack, ranges from 200 to 800 depending on the enemy. Averages it out to be 600 at best
Turn 2 Candy – mana cost: 20 – takes one turn to charge. Turns someone into candy, thus killing them.  It’s like ID, only yummier!  The accuracy depends on Norn’s magic stat, with Zeldalia’s Cane, that shouldn’t be missing much.  Definably her best skill.  Can you imagine a yummy Ryu pie or an Orlandu flavored loli-pop!? ^_^
Sleep - mana cost: 16 – takes half-turn to cast, pretty much works on those not sleep immune.
Magic Shield - mana cost: 28 – Raised DEF and RES of all elements for 5 turns.  I think by 40% or so. 
Magic Resist: *same as Klein’s*


Prism Staff:  Mana +42, ATK +42, Magic +64, DEF +32, L RES +76, Lightning elemental
Zeldalia’s Cane: Mana +36, ATK +50, Magic +126, L RES +60, D RES +120
*She can also use the same weapons Klein can, but those two above are better for her*

Arlin: Level 59

Life: 284
Mana: 201
ATK: 136
Magic: 95
DEF: 161
SPD: 98
F RES: 55
I RES: 32
L RES: 8
D RES: 35

Weapon used: Eden Blade
Sword ATK – mana cost: 0 – 420 physical (720 critical, about 10% of the time)
PAR Strike – mana cost: 4 – 290 physical + Paraylsis (AI para halves your attack
Bull’s-Eye – mana cost: 33 – Arlin disappears for one turn, deals 950 MT (1300 if Berserker is used) magical damage when returning
Double – mana cost: 16 – 3 hits of 240 each (400 under Berserker); physical (same has his normal attack; each hit can critical)
Berserker – mana cost: 12 – increases attack by 40%, but lowers def by 40% also too.
Fast Attack - *read Lita*
Blocking – mana cost: N/A – Eliminate enemy attack by chance.  Worked 8/20 times I had Arlin be attacked


DevilSwordGram: Life +64, ATK +106, DEF +64, D RES +128, dark elemental
Dilvine: ATK + 98, Magic +64, F-I-L RES +36, D RES +128, has the “Evil Slayer” properity (I think its ID but I never used this sword)
Eden Blade: Life +82, Mana +24, ATK +74, D RES +100, has the “Single Power” properity (I have no idea what that does)
Dragon Buster: ATK 63, F RES +77 (only good smiting dragons, too bad Ryu isn’t in light/middle >_>)

Marietta Lixiss: Level 58 (a chick in armor with a whip sword, sexy >_>)

Life: 303
Mana: 87
ATK: 148
Magic: 87
DEF: 177
SPD: 69
F RES: 26
I RES: 44
L RES: 70
D RES: 20


Sword ATK: 340 (200 of it is physical, 140 is lightning)
Halberd – mana cost: 5 – 250 physical
DimenExtract – mana cost: 12 – I have no idea what this does as I never saw it hit. I’ll go test on some scrub enemies later.
Brave – mana cost: 8 – Nulls Dark based attacks for 5 turns. OMG, IT OWNS TIR!!1 >_>
Healing – mana cost: 6 – Heals 220 Life.  This saves her so badly as she has the worst damage and speed.
Thunder God – mana cost: 16 – deals about 650 lightning damage.  There's a second hit to it, but it always misses. dunno why.
Courage:  *Think BoFIV Ursula’s willpower* Has about 40% of activating. (she was reviving left and right when it was maxed leveled)


Para Sword: Life +30, Mana +15, ATK +60, Magic +15, DEF +30, SPD -50 (yucky), F RES +30, I RES +15, L RES +30, D RES +15
*she can also use the Dilvine and the Dragon Buster*  *sigh* Poor Marietta got shafted in the weapon department ;_;


Erotic Bikini (yes, a woman in armor has a skimpy bikini as her special accessory):  Magic +48, DEF +9, SPD +24, F RES +12, I RES -38, L RES +12, D RES +48, chance of inflicting Charm on the opponent at the beginning of battle

Averages:  The ones in the “( )” are character’s with their best weapon for that stat in account, since weapon choosing matters for the characters.  So if you want Arlin with more defence or Norn with more Life, here you go.  I’ve also factored in accessories for the normal average values (those without weapons factored in).  I realize that I might be missing some equipment.  As far as goes some accessories go, I’m only allowing unique ones until I see that some limited storeboughts are allowed.  If so, I will add those to a special list at a later time.

(Arlin w/ Eden Blade – 366)
(Marietta w/ Para Sword – 335)
(Lita w/ Zagenhand – 329)
(Klein w/ Mute Staff – 323)
Delsus – 327
Marietta – 305
Lita - 301
(Norn w/ Mute Staff – 283)
Arlin – 284
Klein – 260
Norn - 220
Average - 283 (327)

(Norn w/ Prism Staff – 392)
Norn - 340
Klein - 300
(Lita w/ Astral Gauntlets – 203)
Arlin - 201
Lita - 173
Delsus - 110
(Marietta w/ Para Sword – 106)
Marietta – 91
Average – 202.5 (218)

(Lita w/ Zagenhand – 272)
(Marietta w/ Dilvine – 246)
(Arlin w/DevilSwordGram 242)
(Delsus w/ Devil Bow - 223)
(Klein w/ Mute Staff – 173)
Lita - 159
(Norn w/ Mute Staff – 150)
Marietta - 148
Delsus - 143
Arlin - 136
Klein - 65
Norn – 42
Averages: 115 (218)

(Norn w/ Zeldalia’s Cane – 278)
(Klein w/ Divine Staff – 237)
(Marietta w/ Dilvine – 199)
Klein - 173
(Arlin w/ Dilvine – 159)
Norn – 152
(Lita w/ Ebony Claw – 146)
Marietta – 135
Arlin – 95
(Delsus w/ Galgazit Bow – 92)
Lita – 80
Delsus – 62
Averages: 116 (185)

(Arlin w/ DevilSwordGram – 225)
(Marietta w/ Para Sword – 216)
Marietta - 186
(Lita w/ Astral Gauntlets – 181)
(Delsus w/ Galgazit Bow – 169)
Arlin – 161
Lita/Delsus – 145
(Norn w/ Prism Staff – 88)
Klein – 73
Norn – 56
Averages: 127 (159)

(Lita w/ Astral Gauntlets – 187)
Lita – 152
Norn – 150
(Delsus w/ Galgazit Bow – 100)
Arlin – 98
Klein – 96
Marietta – 93
Delsus – 86
(Marietta w/ Para Sword – 43)
Averages: 113 (112 >_> that didn’t change much. Goddamn Lita >_<)

Delsus' Spirit Blast - 1450 damage
(Arlin W/Berserker Bulls Eye - 1300 damage)
Arlin's Bulls Eye - 950
Klein's Lightning Rod - 900
(Pale Wing'D Lita's Jump Kick - 850)
Lita's Jump Kick - 700
Marietta's Thunder God - 650
Norn's Telekinesis - 600
Averages: 875 (958.3)

Not averaging RES. I dunno, doing so will make Delsus die to a dark elemental sneenze. While, in-game dark attacks don’t rape him too badly. I don’t know to take elements that don’t exisit in AI that apply to the DL, like wind or earth.  I will throw up averages if I feel its nesseccary, but I don’t see a point at the moment.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2008, 02:53:27 AM by Talaysen »


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Re: Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2008, 09:59:49 PM »

From Photocide

I'm going to be posting some bosses, so I thought instead of making my own thread I'd post it here if thats alright with you.
I'll be updating this Post from time to time till I get all the note worthy bosses.

Starting with Beggur.


HP: 450
Speed: Above average (Went before Lita)
Defence: Above average (Took less then his support which is the strongest thing defence wise around)
Magic defence: Above average (Like above. He took a lot less then the knights)
Evade: Above average (Dodges some times and Big bombs don't seem to hit him)

Comes with Zwei and Ein as support.

Faces: 79 average HP.


For Justice: 29
Dragon Thunder Cut: 20 MT. A charge attack. (It may be Thunder element but I have no way to test it)

Damage done to him:

Claw: 23
Power Shot: 43
Force blast: 63 (Lita can only use it once so take that as you will)
Crossbow: 41
Bomb Ice: 113
Staff smack: 29

Commants: Beggur is alright. 3HKO is bad but the stats are pretty good. The speed kind of surprised me and he took less damage then any other enemy around at the time. The HP ain't bad either and if you give him credit for his support then it goes even higher Razz.

Fast 3HKOs add up to him being a Fine Light. Maybe a winning one depending on who he draws.


HP: 250 (Seems a bit too high. I got around 200 but all the guides said 300 for some reason. I averaged it out)
Speed: Above average (Went after Beggur but before Lita)
Defence: Average
Magic defence: Average
Evade: Average

Faces: 79 average HP.


Zwei Hunter: 21
Sky Dragon's Rage: 26. MT and takes a turn to charge.

Damage done to him:

Not enough time to do the damage done to him but he takes around 10 more physical damage and 40 more Magic damge then Beggur.

Commants: Worse then Beggur in everyway but MT damage. The speed is still nice but the worse stats make him a low light. Not Puny but he's not winning anything either.


HP: 250 (Seems a bit too high. I got around 200 but all the guides said 300 for some reason. I averaged it out)
Speed: Slightly above Average (Went after Lita)
Defence: Slightly above Average
Magic defence: Slightly above Average
Evade: Average

Faces: 79 average HP.


Zwei hunter: 24
Trash: 18 MT.
Blast: 2 hits of 14 (2x14=28). Has a charge time and seems to be Thunder. MT.

Around the same as Ein (Above) but took slightly less.

Commants: Kinda like Ein. He trades some speed for better damage, However the damage in question still has a charge time. Light
« Last Edit: August 27, 2008, 10:02:21 PM by Talaysen »


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Re: Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2008, 10:01:31 PM »
From Unoriginal

Just some observations.

From what I saw, Fast Attack gives the character an entire turn for free, rather than just one action. Mostly matters in Lita's case, as it'd let her get in two attacks before her opponent could even blink, and a third if she beats them to the draw in the first actual round.

Enemies knocked away by Hyper KB return the following round. I also think it doesn't work if there's only one enemy remaining, but I didn't really test that out.

As for Pale Wing, the HP loss comes from her Max HP being reduced, so on the off chance the match lasts long enough for Pale Wing to wear off, she can renew it with no additional HP loss. (On a side note, the HP loss isn't that big of a deal, as the defence boosts tend to make up for it.)

The time it takes for Norn to charge her spells seems to be reduced as their skill levels go up, from what I saw they only take half a turn or so to charge once maxed out, perhaps even a little less. Of course, with her durability, she'll have to time them well or she'll get knocked out of them fairly easily.

For Klein's Alchemy stuff, I'd throw out anything requiring Time. you don't get the Mana capable of using Time until the aftergame, and from the sounds of it the Time element is a real pain to get.

Meteor hits twice, once for Physical, and once for Fire.

Marietta has at least some claim to the Dilvine, as it's gotten after Arlin leaves, and you can't get him back until you've beaten the game at least once.

Oh, and from what I've heard, the Mark of Weakness works perfectly on normal monsters, but has a 50% failure rate against bosses. It's worth going for though, as the defense reduction is massive(last boss started taking 2~2.5x the normal damage after I landed one of these on it).

On one last note, from what I've seen Norn's basic physical only takes half a turn like Lita's.

Edit: Norn's basic physical(Sorcer Staff) is Fire elemental.

From Pyro

Re-played the game and noted a few things.

Norn's Magic Shield is a half-turn action. This is pretty useful, since it helps her offset the charge times of her status stuff.

Arlin's Berserker is a half-turn action. Useful, as you can imagine.

Lita's maxed out Fast Attack should be about 75% (went 39/52 for me). Arlin's is probably smaller, since his caps out at a lower level.

Klein has an item/spell called SleepAid, which is 100% sleep. Helps if he wants to stack on the debuffs (and with Diselement and Mark of weakness as debuffs, he might be able to pull an OHKO even on enemies who resist his best damage).

Edit: Veola makes the Priestess Tiara under her For Lita recipe (2nd one. First is... far less kind). Its supposedly status immunity. But all the females can wear it. Clearly intended for Lita, if you allow plot equips. Of course, you can also synthesize more than one, so you may decide to allow it for the two other girls. Its very easy to make more.

From Dhyer

Few random notes:
The FaQs I read all said Zeldalia's Cane could only be gotten in the after game. In that case, Norn's magic takes a big hit, and her status accuracy likely follows.

Marietta's Thunder God has a half turn charge time. Now she has the worst damage of the 3-turn average! Speaking of...

Three-Turn Damage Average
1. Klein 900
(2. Arlin 756 (With Double, assuming 10% Crit Rate))
3. Lita 700
4. Delsus 643
5. Norn 600
6. Marietta 443 (Thunder God has a charge time)
Average: 657 (674 with Arlin)

Kill Point is in the 1600s either way, meaning Klein's best 2HKOs.


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Re: Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2008, 12:59:20 PM »
Some extra info:

-Lita gets a Sylvan Ring if you complete the White Flower sidequest in Duran. Not unique, but clearly intended for her. It's pretty useless though (+12 Mana, +24 Fire RES and +56 Dark RES).

-If Lita and Marietta are equipped with Alluring Bikini and Erotic Bikini, they will attempt to Charm the enemy before the fight starts. If it connects, they basically get a free turn. Since Marietta is slow and has bad damage, that helps her a lot.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2008, 07:36:23 PM by PsySlaver »


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Re: Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2008, 08:40:44 PM »
-If Lita and Marietta are equipped with Alluring Bikini and Erotic Bikini, they will attempt to Charm the enemy before the fight starts. If it connects, they basically get a free turn. Since Marietta is slow and has bad damage, that helps her a lot.

Know about how often that happens (I remember it not being very high).

I'll edit the notes into the main topic.


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Re: Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2008, 01:08:30 AM »
The attempt happens 100% of the time, even against bosses, it seems. Odds of it actually working are around... 50% or so? Both skills have different names, so the odds might be different. Lots of monsters are immune to it though.

Marietta's DimenExtract is an instant death attack that only works on spirit enemies.

You're also missing Norn's Illusion skill.


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Re: Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2008, 08:08:00 AM »
You're also missing Norn's Illusion skill.

What's that?  (Also, the topic is technically Eph's, I just ported it.  >.> )


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Re: Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2008, 09:12:00 AM »
You're also missing Norn's Illusion skill.

What's that?  (Also, the topic is technically Eph's, I just ported it.  >.> )

I'm pretty sure its the move you get from the playground. Can't remember what the hell it does though.


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Re: Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2008, 07:55:35 PM »
Illusion causes non-elemental magical damage and makes some enemies run away. I don't have it maxed yet, so I can't say how good it is.


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Re: Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2010, 07:42:21 PM »
Since nobody else seems to have said it, the 'second hit that always misses' in Thunder God is a paralysis attempt.  It seems, however, that endgame enemies are fairly resistant to the status, so not very accurate.  Well, or it's just bad odds on base, hard to tell.
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.