
Author Topic: Drakkhen (PC)  (Read 2053 times)


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Drakkhen (PC)
« on: December 18, 2007, 09:32:12 PM »
Notes: Everyone is Level 12, slightly above endgame (they learn their final spells at this level).


HP: Don't run out and you are winner.
MP: For shiny spellcasting.
ATK: Physical attack power. Or something.
DEF: Physical defense.
INT: Magic attack/defense.
AGL: Hit rate/evasion, as far as I can tell.

Note about the term "Instant Spell": Instant Spell is something that can be cast anytime in the battle from the pause menu. It can be used at any time, and takes no time to cast. You can cast as many instant spells as your MP supply will let you.


142 HP
27 MP

137 (57) ATK
169 (44) DEF
35 INT
72 AGL

Dragon Sword (+80 ATK)
Dragon Cuirass (+40 DEF)
Dragon Greaves (+40 DEF)
Dragon Shield (+25 DEF)
Dragon Helmet (+20 DEF)

Physical: 63
Physical after Strength: 159

Strength(5MP): Raises physical damage. Lasts ~8 rounds.

Invisibility(4MP): OMG GODLIKE DL SPELL.

Comments: Physically tanky, 2HKOs after Strength. Feels like Middle, albeit not a very good one.


101 HP
17 MP

118 (38) ATK
158 (33) DEF
27 INT
106 AGL

Dragon Sword (+80 ATK)
Dragon Cuirass (+40 DEF)
Dragon Greaves (+40 DEF)
Dragon Shield (+25 DEF)
Dragon Helmet (+20 DEF)

Physical: 60
Physical after Strength: 159

Strength(5MP): Raises physical damage. Lasts ~8 rounds.

Invisibility(4MP): OMG GODLIKE DL SPELL.

Instant spells:

Cure(5MP): Heals status.
Light(1MP): LIGHT!!! LIGHT >>> DARK!!! >_>
Teleportation(30MP): Teleports to dungeon entrance. Not enough MP to cast, anyway. >_> IT IS THE NEW ERDE KAISER.
Unlock(1MP): Unlocks doors. WHOAMG.

Comments: Fighter trading durability for evasion and a list of spells that are mostly useless in combat! His physical durability is averagish, magical durability...eww. Light.


98 HP
123 MP

106 (26) ATK
98 (11) DEF
101 INT
84 AGL

Dragon Sword (+80 ATK)
Heavy Cuirass (+20 DEF)
Heavy Greaves (+20 DEF)
Dragon Shield (+25 DEF)
Heavy Coat (+22 DEF)

Physical: 33
Physical after Strength: 132

Strength(5MP): Raises physical damage. Lasts ~8 rounds.
Fireball(2MP): 45 damage, 20% crit chance(180). Average with crits:72
Antimatter(5MP): 100% ID.
Paralysis(10MP): Paralysis.
Confusion(4MP): Makes enemy wander in random directions.
Dispel(30MP): It's Dispel.
Dragon Power(100MP): Temporarily raises level by one. Not a huge effect.

Invisibility(4MP): GODLIKE IN A DUEL.
Shield(5MP): Physical immunity. Extremely long duration.
Anti-Magic(40MP): Magical immunity. ? duration, I think it's same as Shield.

Instant spells:

Cure(5MP): Heals status.
Heal Minor(4MP): Heals 30 HP.
Heal Major(20MP): Full healing. Inferior to Heal Minor.
Unlock: Unlocks doors. ZOMG.

Comments: OMG A SKILLSET. Erm...2HKOs after Strength, ID, paralysis, confuse, dispel, Cecilia-like barrier tricks. Horrid physical durability, above average magical. Is able to shut down physicals if he's not OHKOed by someone faster, anyway. Hard to status out magically. Also, INSTANT HEALING, so you can't heal-lock him, might as well not bother if you can't OHKO. High Heavy/Low Godlike.


113 HP
96 MP

104 (24) ATK
153 (33) DEF
79 INT
50 AGL

Dragon Sword (+80 ATK)
Power Cuirass (+30 DEF)
Hyper Greaves (+35 DEF)
Dragon Shield (+25 DEF)
Heavy Robe (+30 DEF)

Physical: 26
Physical after Strength: 130

Strength(5MP): Raises physical damage. Lasts ~8 rounds.
Fireball(2MP): 35 damage, 20% crit chance(170). Average with crits:62
Antimatter(5MP): 100% ID.
Dispel(30MP): It's Dispel.
Dragon Power(100MP): Temporarily raises level by one. Not a huge effect. Also, not enough MP. >_>

Invisibility(4MP): GODLIKE IN A DUEL.
Shield(5MP): Physical immunity. Extremely long duration.

Instant spells:

Cure(5MP): Heals status.
Heal Minor(4MP): Heals 30 HP.
Speed(18MP): Doubles speed.
Heal Major(20MP): Full healing. Inferior to Heal Minor.
Teleportation(30MP): Priest actually has enough MP to cast it! GODLIKE!
Resurrection(50MP): Yeah.

Comments: An interesting variation of the Magician. No Anti-Magic, less status, no evasion chances. Speed is a very nice buff, though. Also, instant healing is back! So, to beat him, you need status, OHKO to above average durability, or run him out of MP. High Heavy/Low Godlike.


First turn average damage:

Magician(72) > Fighter(63) > Priest(62) > Scout(60)

Average: 64

Physical fighters and Mage crits OHKO. Godlike.


This is why I use the three-round damage averages.

Three-round damage averages:

Fighter(318) = Scout(318) > Magician(264) > Priest(260)

Three-round average: 290


Fighter(142) > Priest(113) > Scout(101) > Magician(98)

Average: 114


Magician(123) > Priest(96) > Fighter(27) > Scout(17)

Average: 66


Fighter(137) > Scout(118) > Magician(106) > Priest(104)

Average: 116


Fighter(169) > Scout(158) > Priest(153) > Magician(98)

Average: 145


Magician(101) > Priest(79) > Fighter(35) > Scout(27)

Average: 61


Scout(106) > Magician(84) > Fighter(72) > Priest(50)

Average: 78
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!