Author Topic: Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood  (Read 4903 times)


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Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood
« on: October 20, 2008, 12:06:30 AM »
First off, I would like to say I apologize for Ninja'ing this, Eph, but since you didn't really debate, I went along with it!  If you don't like this, post your stats in this topic or something.

Anyway, this is the Sonic RPG, and by Sonic, I do mean Sonic the Hedgehog, the blue hedgehog infamous for Mach Speed sessions, and what not...oh come on, don't pretend you don't know who he is!  I know most of you have played Brawl *eyes*

Anyway, the game is a traditional RPG...kind of.  Actually, it has a fuck ton of Timed Hits.  THANKFULLY, they're all the kind of Pass or Fail style, so we can assume they are all successful, and there's no subjectivity like "HOW MANY ROTATIONS ON THE STYLUS CAN YOU DO?"  As such, if its not obvious, I assume the player is skilled enough to consistently perfect Timed Hits when necessary.

The game is standard turn based...except does a few unique things.  Namely, it has this aspect of Turns.  Every Round, characters have a set number of turns based on what character they are; they act that many times during a round.  If you select Attack or Defend, they will use that action for the rest of the Round.  If you choose POW or Item, it only takes up one turn.  Basically, think of it as Ogre Battle Fights forcefully put back to back.  I have listed these turns with the respective characters, naturally.
PERSONALLY, I take the same view here as I do with Ogre Battle, eg treat extra turns as recharge rates.  2 is pretty much middle ground, so I view that as normal recharge rate, which means 3 turns gets a 50% speed boost, and 1 turns gets a 50% speed penalty.  This is being consistent with a similar battle system, in my case anyway, and generally easier to interpret than taking turns literally.

Also note that turns are NOT completely in one to one ratio.  If a character is fast/slow enough, its possible someone can get another turn on them.  For example, Sonic is fast enough that seeing him get his 2nd turn before Omega, whose a slug, gets his first, is a very possible (and somewhat probable) scenario.  Basically, Speed matters more in this than the usual Standard Turn Based games, IOWs.

The game doesn't have true Defense or attack scores either; those stats have other purposes which yes, I'll get too.  Instead, it has Damage and Armor Tiers.  The game doesn't list what they do besides that they clearly are some multiplier or something based on the character's level, and it shoves out damage that way.  Armor is some sort of damage reducing modifier, of which is hard to tell given enemy damage fluctuates quite a lot.  I THINK I determined that Damage Tiers are basically 5% difference.  Damage tiers look like this, according to the game's encyclopedia, if you're curious:
Best: Omega
High: Amy Rose , Knuckles
Medium: Big Eggman, Shadow, Shade
Low: Sonic, Tails, Rouge, Cream

These are already factored into damage, so really, they're just kind of there!  Armor I have listed with the character specifically, using the same indicators.  Note in game, they call High "Second Highest" (which is awkward for Knuckles and Amy Rose who share this tier...), and they call Best "Highest"; I just altered those names so they're a bit nicer.

There's also equips that boost Armor and Damage.  Like with the Tiers, they're invisible boosts, though the game does give indicators of how much in their description.  Its basically Very Greatly > Greatly > Moderately > Slightly, which again, seem to be 5% difference in tiers, but I'm not certain.  If an item has no mention of damage, then it has no effect on damage.  I have used terms with the item description that the game lists itself, so yeah, no confusion there!
These DO NOT Stack.  I have tested by stacking a bunch of damage buffing items on Omega, and witnessed his damage didn't change when the only damage buffer was Cursed Claws (Very Greatly damage increase.)  I can only assume Armor works the same way, and have equipped characters based on that in mind.

Here's a list of stuff that ISN'T default/assumed; stuff that is is listed with the characters, these are just equipment options.

Chao Dress: Moderately Increases damage, Cream/Amy only
Nocturne Blade: +4 Attack; don't think most allow it, but listing it anyway for those that do
Kron Hammer: Greatly increases damage; see above
Zoah Shield: Greatly increases armor; see above
Voxai Teleporter: +4 Defense; see above

There's a store bought universal status blocker, mind, called the Immunity Idol.  If you take the view of "allow these but only let it block status from this game", then the status effects in this game  are Poison, Distract (aka Blind), Vulnerable (Defense Down), Weaken (Damage Down), Sluggish (Evade Down), Curse (Luck Down), and Stun.  There's also Instant Death, but I'm not at all certain if it stops that or not.

Glove Options (all characters but Omega):
Golden Gloves: +2 Attack, +2 defense, slightly increases damage
Mirror Gloves: +1 Attack, +1 Defense, Moderately increases damage
Gritty Gloves: -2 Defense, Moderately increases damage, moderately increases Defense

Claws (Omega Only):
Titanium Claws: +2 Attack, +2 Defense, Greatly increases damage
Iron Claws: Moderately Increases Damage, Moderately increases armor

Sneakers (Sonic/Tails/Shadow):
Stiff Sneakers: +2 Defense, Moderately Increases Armor

Slippers (Amy Rose/Big/Cream):
Nimble Slippers: +2 Defense, Slightly increases armor

Boots (Rouge/Knuckles/Eggman/Shade):
Steel Toe Boots: Moderately Increases Damage, Greatly Increases Armor
Work Boots: +2 Defense, Moderately increases Armor

Hydraulics (Omega Only):
Oily Hydraulics: +3 Defense, Slightly increases Armor

And now...WHAT STATS DO!!!!

HP: Loses these, you die
PP: Game's equivalent of MP
Speed: Determines combat order; if you're fast enough (or slow enough), its possible to make it so turns aren't at a 1 to 1 ratio, and thus pseudo double turns can occur mid round (talked about this briefly before.)
Attack: Character's accuracy; despite the name of the stat, this has NO impact on damage offensively speaking.
Defense: Character's evasion; despite the name of the stat, this has NO impact on damage, defensively speaking.
Luck: Effects Crit Rate. It has a few other effects in game, but they're worthless here (like determine ambush rates.)  Criticals in this game aren't that uncommon, but the damage boost is rather small; it only matters for two characters.

When a character uses "Defend", they halve damage unless its Armor Piercing, *AND* they regen PP for that turn.  I have listed how much PP they Regen when they defend in this manner.  Yes, that's right; a useful Defend command in the DL <_<

For what relevant status effects do...
Empower: Increases all of afflicted Damage by 50%; how long it lasts is equal to the level of the status (so Empower 2 lasts 2 turns after its cast.)
Vulnerable: All damage received increases by 10% per level (so level 2 Vulnerable is 20% more damage)
Stun: Character can't act for a few rounds (seems to vary)
Hyper: Increases Speed and Defense; hard to say by how much; see Empower for how long it lasts.
Poison: Character receives 5% MHP damage at the end of the round per level (so level 2 Poison = 10%); can be stacked a few times (I've seen as high as 4), which increase it another level.
Weaken: Murders damage; like, lowers it to a 1/3rd or so.  Unsure what level does to it offhand; its not an easy status to test for a number of reasons.
Curse: Lowers Luck.  Given the nature of this status and the stat it hits, hard to really say how it works.
Phasing: All attacks miss, period; even moves that can't miss won't hit.  This is basically Invincibility, IOWs.
Sluggish: Lowers target's Defense (ie evasion); hard to really test given the nature of the status though
Distract: Drastically lowers target's Attack (ie accuracy); hard to say by how much the effect is definitely noticeable.

Status CAN be applied while its already active.  Some have increased effects (like Poison for example), others just prolong their duration; should be obvious which works how based on the level effect.

Note that when an POW attack (aka anything not a basic physical)is pulled off successfully, the move always hits *UNLESS* the enemy is in "Evading" or "Phasing" status, both being effectively perfect evade.  The indicator of "Cannot Miss" on a POW move means it ignores the former, but not the latter.  Personally, I treat it like this:

POW Moves ignore Evade, HOWEVER, they get snubbed by perfect evasion, be it natural or due to status like FF4 Blink (or special kinds of evade that ignore accuracy and are just a flat evasion rate like FF6 Shadow's Interceptor)
"Cannot Miss" is typical evade ignoring, regardless.  It specifically gets around even perfect evasion.  Unless the evasion gets past perfect accuracy or something in hits home game (like SRW Alert from what I am to understand), I see this getting past all forms of evasion.

Also, the game has a distinguishing feature on some attacks called "Armor Piercing"; really, this is the same as Defense Ignoring though, so I just labeled all these ITD, as usual.

This game does not distinguish between Physical and Magical; there's just one damage type and that's that.  Whether you base things being physical or magical based off their nature, assume everything is physical and defenses against magic are average, etc., its up to you.  Also note that most things on the enemies end barring very specific "Cannot Miss" attacks like Quake are evadable.

LASTLY, this game has some subjectivity in stat gains.  Like Super Mario RPG, everyone has natural stat growths, but upon leveling up, you get one point to distribute wherever you want among Attack, Defense, Speed and Luck.  I see two viable ways of doing this.  One is to assume a balanced build, in that you alternate every level to a different stat.  The other is to use Auto Level and let the RNG decide.  Being a lazy bastard, I did the latter; based on NG+, though, these stats seem close to a balanced build, but note they're not perfect; the differences aren't huge, admittedly, unless the game goes out of its way to put a lot of emphasis into a single stat.

Sonic the Hedgehog:
Power Gloves (-2 Attack, greatly increases damage)
Shielded Sneakers (+1 Defense, greatly increases armor)

385 HP
17 PP
49 Speed
51 (49) Attack
45 (46) Defense
32 Luck
3 Turns, 1 PP restoration on Defend, Low Armor

Attack: 45 damage
Axe Kick: 90 damage, hits twice, 180 total, 4 PP
Whirlwind: 56 Wind elemental damage, cannot miss, 6 PP

Comments: GAME BEST SPEED! Bet you didn't see THAT coming, RIGHT?  Otherwise, averagish durability (Good HP but low armor), and damage, the 3 turn thing means he gets a lot of turns combined with his speed though, so he can win some slug fests outright. High Middle

Amy Rose the Hedgehog:
Pretty Dress (+2 Attack, +2 Defense)
Power Gloves (-2 Attack, greatly increases damage)
Tough Slippers (-1 Defense, greatly increases armor)

315 HP
19 PP
33 Speed
47 Attack
42 (43) Defense
31 Luck
2 Turns, 2 PP restoration on Defend, Medium Armor

Attack: 55 damage
Low Blow: 96 damage, 80% chance of adding Vulnerable 1, 4 PP
Tantrum: 83 Damage, 40% chance of Sluggish 1, 5 PP
Blow Kiss: Adds Empower 3, 4 PP
Tarot Draw: Adds Curse 3, 4 PP

Comments: Not someone who translates well at all; Amy is sluggish, and her damage isn't too high.  Blow Kiss and the chance of Vulnerable on her best damage  help make up for this some, but...its not quite enough.  Light, sad to say; she misses her good combo attacks in game that generally make her worthwhile (...and option of Blow Kiss on someone with higher damage too for that matter<_<)

Miles "Tails" Prower:
Power Gloves (-2, greatly increases damage)
Shielded Sneakers (+1 Defense, greatly increases armor)

315 HP
20 PP
34 Speed
42 (40) Attack
52 (53) Defense
40 Luck
2 turns, 3 PP restoration on Defend, Low Armor, Halves Earth

Attack: 45 damage
Scan: Adds Vulnerable 3, 4 PP
Tinker: Adds Weakened 3 and Sluggish 3, works on Robots only, 4 PP
Medibot: Restores 60 HP and 6 PP, adds status where you regen that amount at the end of every round, can be stacked to increase effects linearlly, lasts 3 turns, 5 PP
Shield Bot: Adds Fortified 3, 5 PP
Flash Bang: Adds Sluggish 3 and Distract 3, fails against Robots, 5 PP
Adrenaline Rush: Adds Hyper 3 and gives target an extra action, which lasts about 3 rounds, starting on the round AFTER it was used, 5 PP

Comments: Damage is horribly no matter how you look at it...but the defensive game is cruel.  Open with Adrenaline Rush, then toss Medibot on self a few times to get some sick Regen (think its possible to get effectively 240 HP Regen a turn, and 100% PP for that matter), and slowly take enemies down that way.  Being evasive doesn't hurt either of course. A quirky Middle of some sort.

Rouge the Bat:
Power Gloves (-2 Attack, greatly increases damage)
Alloy Boots (+1 Defense, greatly increases armor)

315 HP
16 PP
38 Speed
48 (46) Attack
52 (53) Defense
48 Luck
2 Turns, 2 PP Restoration with defend, Low Armor, Halves Earth

Attack: 45 damage
Tornado Kick: 65 Wind elemental damage, 4 PP
Jewel Storm: 83 MT damage, Ignores defense, 5 PP
Distract: Adds Distract 3, 4 PP
Shriek: Adds Sluggish 3, 4 PP

Comments: She can BLIND THINGS! And Ignore defense! completely.  Alternatively, take Tails, remove the Regen game, Adrenaline, and double his damage...yeah, vastly losing trade considering the damage still fails. Light

Big the Cat:
Power Gloves (-2 Attack, greatly increases damage)
Tough Slippers (-1 Defense, greatly increases armor)

575 HP
17 PP
32 Speed
40 (38) Attack
43 (42) Defense
37 Luck
1 turn, 3 PP Restoration on Defend, High Armor

Attack: 50 damage
Lure Whip: 50 damage, 80% chance of stun, 4 PP
Battering Ram: 90 damage, hits three times, 80% chance of adding Distract 3, 270 total, 5 PP
Taunt: Adds Fortify 3 to self, forces Target to only attack Big, 6 PP
Froggy Poison: 47 damage, adds Poison 3, 5 PP
Feel No Pain: Restores 50% HP to self, adds status where you regen that amount at the end of every round, can be stacked to increase effects linearly, lasts 3 turns, 5 PP
Froggy Rain: 80 MT Damage, cannot miss

Comments: Slow and Acts Once...needless to say, he's got speed issues.  On the plus side, he's got an evil Regen, and a firm 2HKO damage attack.  Not to mention his HP is completely bat shit insane. Some form of Heavy I guess, when it comes down to it.

Knuckles the Echidna:
Power Gloves (-2 Attack, greatly increases damage)
Alloy Boots (+1 Defense, greatly increases armor)

385 HP
17 PP
42 Speed
41 (39) Attack
47 (48)Defense
26 Luck
2 turns, 1 PP restoration on defend, High Armor, Halves Earth (?)

Attack: 55 damage
Uppercut: 135 Damage, ignores Defense, 4 PP
Quake Punch: 55 MT Earth elemental damage, 80% chance of Stun

Comments: Decent durability and above average speed, but damage could use some work.  Quake Punch's Stun helps him out some, but yeah.  Like Amy, not someone who translates given his uses don't really work well here and he misses some of his nifty combo attacks from in game.  Light/Middle

Cream the Rabbit
Pretty Dress (+2 Attack, +2 Defense)
Power Gloves (-2 Attack, greatly increases damage)
Tough Slippers (-1 Defense, greatly increases armor)
Cheese (Increases Luck of entire party)

280 HP
19 PP
41 Speed
49 Attack
40 (41) Defense
50 Luck
1 Turn, 3 PP Restoration on defend, Low Armor

Attack: 45 damage, ignores counters
Refresh: Restores 15 PP to entire party, 8 PP (yes, this includes self, I'm only going out of my way to say it here given the nature of the move being self sustaining <_<; )
Demoralize: Adds Distract 3 to all enemies, 5 PP
Cure: Grants status in which at the end of each round, all negative status is healed from target for 3 rounds, 4 PP
Revive: Revives target at 100% Health, 5 PP
Heal: 150 HP healing to entire party, 6 PP
Tough: Adds Fortify 3, 5 PP

Comments: I think she speaks for herself; your typical frail, damageless healer.  Good base speed is offset by the fact that she acts once, and her healing, while good in game, isn't even that special here.  Pretty much a text book Light in all ways, really.

Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik:
Power Gloves (-2, Greatly Increases damage)
Alloy Boots (+1 Defense, greatly increases armor)

420 HP
19 PP
28 Speed
38 (36) Attack
42 (43) Defense
37 Luck
1 Turn, 2 PP Restoration with defend, Medium Armor

NOTE: He seems to have slower level up rates than other PCs, as he's only level 19 despite everyone else being level 20.  Note he is also a temp, so I don't include him in averages.

Attack: 50 damage, ignores counters (Assuming based on how its a projectile like Cream and Omega; this is impossible to test in game given Counter Enemies don't exist when he's around)
Bombardment: 125 MT damage, 50% chance of adding Sluggish 1, cannot miss, 5 PP

Comments: Yep, its THAT Robotnik! But he forgot to bring one of his giant Robots, so he's really not that great.  He's durable, but has speed issues and damage is subpar too.  He's also a temp. Light

Shadow the Emo Hedgehog:
Power Gloves (-2 Attack, greatly increases damage)
Shielded Sneakers (+1 Defense, raises armor greatly)

350 HP
16 PP
49 Speed
49 (47) Attack
39 (40) Defense
24 Luck
3 turns, 1 PP restoration with defend, Medium Armor

Attack: 50 damage
Chaos Spear: 111 damage, Ignores defense, hits twice, second hit of which targets a random enemy (can be the same as the first target, mind), 222 damage total, 4 PP
Chaos Rift: Instant Death, 60% accuracy, upon failure, 100% chance of adding Distract 1, 8 PP
Chaos Blast: 85 damage, does 50% damage to enemies adjacent to target, 40% chance of adding Weaken 1, 6 PP

Comments: Ok, FINALLY we see someone who actually fits the hype of fun dueler after a sea of mediocrity.  Shadow's got Sonic's speed and 3 turn thing, combined with almost 2HKO damage, that's ITD too.  He also has ID which while won't hit turn one, considering the secondary status, his speed, and its base rate, chances are he'll get a second shot and kill with it turn 2.  Heavy

E-123 Omega:
Cursed Claws (-2 Attack, -2 Defense, Very Greatly Increases damage)
Master Hydraulics (+1 Defense, Greatly Increases Armor)

420 HP
17 PP
29 Speed
40 (38) Attack
35 (34) Defense
30 Luck
1 turn, 1 PP restoration on defend, Best Armor

Attack: 62 damage, adjacent enemies to target take 50% damage, ignores Counters
Flamethrower: 93 MT Fire Elemental damage, 4 PP
Beam Cannon: 240 damage, ignores defense, 100% chance of adding Vulnerable 1, 5 PP
Temporal Field: Adds Hyper 3 and Phasing status, 5 PP
Machine Gunner: 38 damage, hits 12 times, hits are spread across random enemies, with emphasis on a specific enemy (think FF7 Omnislash if you could target it, kind of), 456 total damage, 6 PP.  Note this move is more effected by defense than other attacks given the way mults work, so lower defense enemies are hit EVEN HARDER, and high defense makes the attack fail

Comments: Damage! LOTS AND LOTS OF DAMAGE! And he just misses the OHKO by literally ONE FREAKING POINT.  He's slow as fuck though, with game worst speed and 1 turn.  Admittedly, Temporal Field can make him a nuisance, giving him invincibility and covering his speed flaws some.  Beam Cannon is nice back up and raises Machine Gunner to that OHKO.  He's also reasonably tanky. Heavy/Godlike

Shade the Nocturnus:
Power Gloves (-2 Attack, greatly increases damage)
Alloy Boots (+1 Defense, greatly increases armor)

346 HP
16 PP
36 Speed
53 (51) Attack
37 (38) Defense
40 Luck
2 Turns, 1 PP restoration with defend, Low Armor

Attack: 50 damage
Cloak: Adds Hyper 3 to self, 4 PP
Blade Rush: 100 damage, hits 3 times, heals Shade based on damage done (its not a perfect Drain, mind, but hard to test since the game shows a 0 if you have max HP), 300 total damage, 5 PP

Comments: Those who have been following the series closely are probably thinking "WHO THE FUCK IS SHADE?" or maybe "Why isn't Blaze in this game ;_;?"  Well, first off, Blaze got de-canoned by Sonic 2k6, so you can blame THAT game, and she clearly wasn't really that popular or something <_<.  Secondly, Shade is an original character made specifically for the game...note her last name is something I tacted on to fit with the rest of the cast <.<;  Anyway, Shade's got big nasty damage from Blade Rush, which is a damn solid 2HKO, and has parasitic healing to boot.  Cloak lets her take care of her speed issues some, and lets her hopefully get around healers before she runs out of PP.  Probably a Heavy as well since she's well suited for slug fests.

1. Big 575
2. Omega 420
(Eggman 420)
3t. Sonic 385
3t. Knuckles 385
5. Shadow 350
6. Shade 346
7t. Amy Rose 315
7t. Tails 315
7t. Rouge 315
10. Cream 280
Average: 369 (373 w/ Eggman)

1. Shade 51
2t. Sonic 49
2t. Cream 49
4t. Amy Rose 47
4t. Shadow 47
6. Rouge 46
7. Tails 40
8. Knuckles 39
9t. Big 38
9t. Omega 38
(Eggman 36)
Average: 44 (44 w/ Eggman)

1t. Tails 53
1t. Rouge 53
3. Knuckles 48
4. Sonic 46
5. Amy Rose 43
(Eggman 43)
6. Big 42
7. Cream 41
8. Shadow 40
9. Shade 38
10. Omega 34
Average: 44 (44 w/ Eggman)

1t. Sonic 49
1t. Shadow 49
3. Knuckles 42
4. Cream 41
5. Rouge 38
6. Shade 36
7. Tails 34
8. Amy Rose 33
9. Big 32
10. Omega 29
(Eggman 28)
Average: 38 (37 w/ Eggman)

Speed w/ Turns factored in:
1t. Sonic 73.5
1t. Shadow 73.5
3. Knuckles 42
4. Rouge 38
5. Shade 36
6. Tails 34
7. Amy Rose 33
8. Cream 20.5
9. Big 16
10. Omega 14.5
(Eggman 14)
Average: 38.1 (35.9 w/ Eggman)

NOTE: Take this with a grain of salt, this is merely to give you an IDEA of how Turns = Recharge Rates factors into this, thus, don't take it completely literally.  Also left decimals in here due to the very nature of this.

Damage (1 turn):
1. Omega 456
2. Shade 300
3. Big 270
4. Shadow 222
5. Sonic 180
6. Knuckles 135
(Eggman 125)
7. Amy Rose 96
8. Rouge 83
9t. Tails 45
9t. Cream 45
Average: 183 (178 w/ Eggman)
Kill Point: 457 (445 w/ Eggman)

Damage factoring in turns directly will be gotten sometime in the future; I need to figure out exact optimal turn usage and such, given the PP restrictions this game has and what not.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2010, 04:04:18 AM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

Lord Ephraim

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Re: Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2008, 07:52:04 AM »
Yeah, I was going to stat topic this. (I actually had everything done except Eggman and pics and I felt I couldn't put up the stat topic until I did, then I got bumrushed with SRWZ and work >.>)  For the most part, Meeple's topic almost matches my notes.  I didn't use any equipment (except for Omega since his equips are unique) at all so damages were overall lower.  Meeple's Omega exactly matches my notes so it's all good.  But there's some issues I have...

- There's no way Sonic is "Light" tier in damage even though the game saids so.  Axe Kick and Blade Rush have the exact same multipliers (Blade Rush just has one extra hit) and there were doing exactly the same damage per hit.  This could also mean Shade is also Light tier damage but I'm leaning towards the former.  Sonic's normal attacks are more on par with Shadow than Tails/Cream/Rouge, which leads to my next question.

- Tails, Cream, and Rouge's damage seems too high. Yes, even though I didn't factor any equipment at all. 45 seems too high for a normal attack.  Infact, I tested out Rouge's Jewel Storm with Power Gloves equipped and the highest I got was 60 damage.  My notes without equipment has Jewel Storm at 38. Yes, it sucks that badly.  Everything else looks about accurate.

- Shade's Blade Rush was healing 38 HP per hit without any equipment. I'd say ~45 with equipment

- Amy's Tarot Card does seem to affect accuracy somewhat, so either Luck has an effect with accuracy too or it's just a quirk with Cursed status.  Also, when enemies hit me with cursed status, my accuracy with normal attacks were awful, but there's also a side effect of losing 1 PP per turn so maybe it affects PCs differently.

- For those wondering about bosses, forget about it.  They're so fucking awful since they're all OHKOed in-game with a level 2-3 Hail Storm (except the final boss! who is 2HKOed by it!)

If it helps, the enemies I tested against were Nocturians on the Voxai Colony. (right before Nocturne, the final dungeon)
« Last Edit: October 20, 2008, 07:58:19 AM by Lord Ephraim »


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Re: Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2008, 12:35:35 AM »
Rouge has the ability to turn people into furries the same way Bridget from Guilty Gear turns people into homosexual pedophiles. She's clearly a Heavy based on that.


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Re: Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2008, 01:51:26 AM »
Ok, from some of the things I've observed casually with the game so far:

- I think, as has been pointed out, Sonic is mislabelled in damage, or there's something else going on.  I don't think he's in the Low Tier for damage - he's in the Middle Tier, along with Big, Shade, Shadow, and Robotnik (yeah, I think 5 people share the same tier).  Course, the game doesn't lie about anything else, so it's possible there's something missing here.  Also, this isn't too important - the actual damage is >_>

- Shade's Blade Rush is, I'm fairly certain, 50% of the damage dealt with each hit, not of the entire attack.  So one Blade Rush according to Meeple's notes should have her healing 150 HP or so.  Pretty nice.

- As Eph noted, Curse does seem to nuke accuracy.  I haven't really tested this myself heavily, but it looks like 50% nuking or thereabouts from what I've noticed, then modified by the Attack and Defense modifiers of the individual characters. 

- As for Accuracy and Evasion in general - the corresponding bust spells I THINK nuke the respective stat by 10% per level.  This is not heavily tested, but is an observation.  I think it hits the primary stat, so the biggest issue is...figuring out how they work!  I don't know this myself, and would need to look at it before venturing guesses  >_>

And a random damage average, mostly for myself - since I think I take this the way I take OB, i.e., all actions at once based on speed, here's what that looks like!  Characters will not be using special techs unless they have the PP to use them at least 3 times or more (so, once each action sequence) or unless the attack 2-shots to most:

Average: 227 (330 assuming full attacking sequences)

1) Sonic (Axe Kick+Attack*2) - 270 [Max one shot damage - 540 from Axe Kick*3]
2) Amy (Low Blow+Attack) - 155 [Max one shot damage - 192 from Low Blow*2]
3) Tails (Attack*2) - 90 [Max one shot damage - No change]
4) Rouge (Jewel Storm+Attack) - 128 [Max one shot damage - 166 from Jewel Storm*2]
5) Big (Battering Ram) - 270 [Max one shot damage - No change]
6) Knuckles (Uppercut+Attack) - 190 [Max one shot damage - 270 from Uppercut*2]
7) Cream (Attack) - 45 [Max one shot damage - No change]
8) Shadow (Chaos Spear+Attack*) - 312 [Max one shot damage - 666 from Chaos Spear*3]
9) Omega (Machine Gunner) - 456 [Max one shot damage - No change]
10) Shade (Blade Rush+Attack) - 350 [Max one shot damage - 600 from Blade Rush*2]

Meeple also forgot to add the optional secret character to all this:

Charles Barkley:
Power Gloves (-2, greatly increases damage)
Shielded Sneakers (+1 Defense, greatly increases armor)

420 HP
16 PP
38 Speed
49 (47) Attack
41 (42) Defense
46 Luck
2 Turns, 2 PP restoration on Defend, High Damage, Medium Armor

Attack: 55 damage
Doubleteam: 55 damage, hits six times, 330 total, 4 PP
Vampslam: 270 damage, heals Barkley for half of damage dealt, 6 PP
Showboat Jam: 96 damage, cannot miss, adds Hyper 3 and Empower 3, 5 PP
« Last Edit: November 02, 2008, 05:50:35 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory