Author Topic: .hack//G.U. (PCs)  (Read 1451 times)


  • Ara ara~
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.hack//G.U. (PCs)
« on: August 28, 2008, 12:00:57 AM »
From Unoriginal

All stats were taken at level 50, most stats should be self-explanitory. 

Damage was taken against shell-broken Gaze Knights, as they didn't look to have any obvious elemental resistances.

POIZN: Deals 1 damage per second, will eventualy expire on it's own, but I didn't make any real attempts to measure it's length.  I'd guess about 20 or so seconds.

Curse: See Poison, but deals SP damage instead.

Sleep: Victim can't move/act/ect.  Breaks on recieving HP damage, or if enough time passes.  Does not break on SP damage.

Whenever a character uses a skill or a spell, a cooldown bar will appear over their heads.  Until it runs out, no more skills or spells may be used.  The bar takes about a turn or so to fill, so characters with longer physical strings(namely Pi and Haseo(Twinblade) will likely have the bar fill before their next combo ends.

Melee skills can be executed at any time, provided the character doesn't have a cooldown.  Kuhn's skills and the mage's spells have a very slight wind-up time attacked to them.  Skill use can also be used to counter a move while it's charging up, inflicting additional damage as well as canceling the move.

While all characters can charge their physicals to break though defend actions, there's no reliable way of making an AI character use one, so only Haseo's is listed.  Triggers the cooldown bar, but it runs at twice the normal speed.  Landing a charged hit will also inflict a massive knockback against human sized targets, take that as you will.

Aerial/Pierce property moves don't mean much in the DL.  In-game, there are enemies that have either a flight or armor based damage shield and moves with those two properties are more effective at chipping them down.

A character's SP returns with time, slowly at first, but the longer they don't use moves the faster it starts to regenerate.  This won't matter much aside from Gaspard, who can use a Sleep+Curse combo to slowly leech out an opponent's SP while his regen keeps him form getting too low.

Note on Haseo's stats: I had a test file going specifically to test him and Atoli, only to accidentally save over it before I had managed to take down Haseo's stats, so I had to use my main file for his stuff.  The one where I crammed every stat booster I could find down his throat.  So take anything listed for him with a large grain of salt.

Haseo on a very large amount of steriods
HP: 1251
SP: 216
P Atk: 85(Broad)/62(Twinblade)
P Def: 53
M Atk: 26
M Def: 48
Fire: 21
Water: 16
Wind: 20
Earth: 16
Light: 20
Dark: 21

Combo: 140
Charge: 180
Tiger Blitz(12 SP): 172
Twin Moons(15 SP, Aerial): 168
Armor Pierce(18 SP, Pierce): 180
Bone Crusher(20SP, Pierce): 188

(Haseo's weapon in this case, the Ripper Blades, have a built-in chance of inflicting Sleep on every hit, as well as auto-critting for 1.5x damage when attacking from behind.  The odds seem to be somewhat low per hit, but with the number of hits in the combo it's quite likely it'll trigger at some point)
Combo: 140+40~105 (that last part is a trio of somewhat hard to land blade spins that hit several times for 5 damage each hit, so the damage varies a great deal)
Charge: 98
Gale Blade(10 SP): 102
Sword Dance(12 SP): 110
Sparrow Counter(15 SP, Aerial): 122
Tri-Strike(18 SP, Pierce): 128

HP: 974
SP: 342
P Atk: 32
P Def: 32
M Atk: 29
M Def: 61
Fire: 20
Water: 57
Wind: 36
Earth: 36
Light: 41
Dark: 29

Zan Rom(25 SP, Air, Aerial): 97
Rue Kruz(21 SP, Water): 82
Repth(14 SP): 100 Healing
Ul repth(40 SP): 200 Healing
La Repth(58 SP): 100 Healing MT
Rip Duk(13 SP): Cure Poison
Rip Maj(13 SP): Cure Curse
Rip Mumyn(18 SP): Sure Sleep
Rip Maen(49 SP): 25% Revival

HP: 1156
SP: 189
P Atk: 46
P Def: 46
M Atk: 15
M Def: 45
Fire: 21
Water: 32
Wind: 21
Earth: 21
Light: 15
Dark: 15

Combo: 105
Sword Flash(10 SP): 80
Ogre Sword(12 SP): 49
Lateral Moon(15 SP): 87

HP: 871
SP: 381
P Atk: 14
P Def: 26
M Atk: 45
M Def: 70
Fire: 57
Water: 35
Wind: 41
Earth: 41
Light: 29
Dark: 40

Duk Lei(15 SP): Inflict Poison
Maj Lei(15 SP): Inflict Curse
Mumyn Lei(20 SP): Inflict Sleep (I didn't do much testing on these, but they seem to be 100%)
Repth(16 SP): 100 Healing
Rue Kruz(20 SP, Water): 109
Zan Rom(24 SP, Aerial, Wind): 127
Gan Bolg(32 SP, Pierce, Earth): 128
Vak Don(36 SP, Pierce, Fire): 140

HP: 1130
SP: 212
P Atk: 29
P Def: 46
M Atk: 21
M Def: 25
Fire: 22
Water: 23
Air: 21
Earth: 21
Light: 15
Dark: 15

Combo: 114~123(there's a part where she strikes very rapidly for small damage per hit, it's hard to keep track of the number of hits)
Rapid Attack(12 SP): 52
King Hammer(15 SP, Pierce): 54

HP: 1058
SP: 212
P Atk: 52
P Def: 40
M Atk: 21
M Def: 35
Fire: 31
Water: 22
Wind: 36
Earth: 22
Light: 15
Dark: 20

Combo: 96
(All skills usable at range)
Thorn Shot(15 SP): 119
Thunder Spark(22 SP, Pierce): 144
Plectra Bullet(18 SP, Aerial): 132

Piros the 3rd
The Slow Doberman
He Whose Soul BURNS With Passion

HP: 1282
SP: 183
P Atk: 49
P Def: 57
M Atk: 10
M Def: 26
Fire: 27
Water: 18
Wind: 22
Earth: 20
Light: 15
Dark: 20

Combo: 66
Air Raid(15 SP, Aerial): 82
Thorn Dance(18 SP, Pierce): 93


  • Ara ara~
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Re: .hack//G.U. (PCs)
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2008, 12:01:34 AM »
From Unoriginal

Stats were taken at level 100.  Skills and damage figures to come once I stop being lazy and max out everyone's weapon levels.  I'll also have to double check that the non-Epitath Users have optimal equipment.

New statuses

Charm: Victims will attack their allies(including use of skills/spells if available), if no legal targets exist they will run around helplessly.  Does *not* go away when the victim is struck.

Confusion: Victim will attack non-self targets at random, does not go away when struck, victim will use skills/spells while afflicted.



Haseo on an even larger amount of steriods
HP: 2576
SP: 516
P Atk: 138(Broad/Scythe)/110(Twinblade)
P Def: 104
M Atk: 49
M Def: 92
Fire: 41
Water: 31
Wind: 40
Earth: 31
Light: 40
Dark: 41
(If you allow aftergame equipment, Haseo gains another 4 P Def, 6 M Def, +30 all elements, and reduces all damage by 25%)

Broadsword (Nomal hits have a chance of cutting off 50% of the target's cHP, restores 25% of damage dealt as SP, and can inflict Charm on normal hits)

Twinblade (+25% crit rate, 25% of basic combo damage restored as HP, can inflict Confusion)

Scythe(10% chance on normal hits to reduce the target's HP to 10% of it's normal maximum value, restores basic combo damage 50% HP/25% SP)

HP: 1924
SP: 642
P Atk: 40
P Def: 64
M Atk: 61
M Def: 122
Fire: 62
Water: 124
Wind: 73
Earth: 73
Light: 93
Dark: 45

(25% of damage done by phys combo restored as SP, spellcasting can't be interupted by non-tech/spell sources)

HP: 2281
SP: 364
P Atk: 92
P Def: 93
M Atk: 30
M Def: 91
Fire: 41
Water: 62
Wind: 41
Earth: 41
Light: 30
Dark: 30

HP: 1921
SP: 619
P Atk: 29
P Def: 53
M Atk: 89
M Def: 141
Fire: 111
Water: 72
Wind: 80
Earth: 80
Light: 58
Dark: 79

HP: 2230
SP: 412
P Atk: 54
P Def: 93
M Atk: 53
M Def: 51
Fire: 57
Water: 48
Air: 46
Earth: 46
Light: 45
Dark: 35
(+25% Crit Rate, Basic combo can inflict Paralysis)

HP: 2083
SP: 412
P Atk: 92
P Def: 82
M Atk: 53
M Def: 71
Fire: 66
Water: 57
Wind: 56
Earth: 47
Light: 45
Dark: 45
(+25% Crit rate, +25% Tech damage)

Piros the 3rd
HP: 2532
SP: 358
P Atk: 95
P Def: 110
M Atk: 20
M Def: 52
Fire: 52
Water: 33
Wind: 42
Earth: 40
Light: 30
Dark: 40

HP: 2178
SP: 312
P Atk: 74
P Def: 89
M Atk: 30
M Def: 82
Fire: 56
Water: 36
Wind: 45
Earth: 36
Light: 30
Dark: 50

(Yes, these stats are real.  No, I didn't give him any stat boosters)
HP: 2589
SP: 513
P Atk: 121
P Def: 103
M Atk: 51
M Def: 102
Fire: 45
Water: 56
Wind: 56
Earth: 46
Light: 35
Dark: 55
(Basic combo can inflict Charm)

HP: 2331
SP: 362
P Atk: 82
P Def: 92
M Atk: 41
M Def: 91
Fire: 50
Water: 41
Wind: 41
Earth: 41
Light: 30
Dark: 30
(-10% Arts cost, small chance of automaticaly countering any basic melee damage taken with a minor amount of Fire damage, this will stop any chained attacks in progress if it triggers.  Techs and spells do not trigger this effect.)

HP: 1922
SP: 619
P Atk: 28
P Def: 53
M Atk: 71
M Def: 122
Fire: 72
Water: 61
Wind: 61
Earth: 71
Light: 62
Dark: 92
(+25% chance to land an Elemental crit when hitting a weakness, +25% spell damage)


  • Ara ara~
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Re: .hack//G.U. (PCs)
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2008, 12:02:13 AM »
Part 3.