Killer (SH3) vs. T260G (SaGa) - Think so offhand?
Rika (PSIV) vs. Fenrir (VP1) - Even assuming Rika gets around the evade, what does she do about freeze?
Belial (WA4) vs. Nailah (FE10) - See here's the nommed FE godlike that has no theorhetical way around Distortion.
Levin Brenton (WAXF) vs. Lilka (WA2) - Yeah WA2 evade only applies to basic physicals, which Cancel Strike isn't, and Levin is faster by a good margin so Lilka would likely never get her game started anyways.
Emelia (SaGa) vs. Asellus (SaGa)
Eirika (FE8) vs. Edgar (FF6)
Auron (FFX) vs. Ness (EB) - Yeah Paralysis is pretty much a complete lock here. I don't think it'd shut down ODs offhand but the Eject ban means I don't think it'll matter.
Red XIII (FF7) vs. Elena (G2) - Yeah sleep being out means I don't think Elena has any real chance here.
October (CSTW) vs. Tony (WA4) - Dear lord Tony tripleturns her.
Byleth (FE3H) vs. vs. Flay (MK) - Right, so both sides have issues here, timed cards aren't counterable but Flay's still all ST save for Screwdriver so Byleth will still get to counter the opening hit, Byleth 3RKOs with SotC at base, goes first, and won't be downed by timed cards before they see a second turn. However, and here's the real problem... Flay has both Blocker and Last Stand and SotC has something resembling A Crit Rate and those make a big ol' mess of things. But honestly, the thing with the timed cards is that is also gives Byleth's modest evasion a chance to shine... and two rounds of Buster Star won't 2HKO on average once that and Renewal are accounted for (this is assuming an average that includes phantom PCs for Trick Card purposes for the record, and since Byleth has a good luck stat Flay's own crits aren't likely to be a factor)... but Raiden Charge exists and does have fast recharge on it... so I think the turn order in that case looks like Byleth -> Flay (Raiden Charge) -> Flay (Buster Star), Byleth counters -> Byleth (heals the opening buster star mostly off) -> two Buster Star TC (~46.7% total damage) -> Flay (Buster Star), counter... yeah the problem with that is that then Byleth's turns start breaking up the timed cards in an annoying way so it can't do enough about the fact that Renewal is basically counteracting the time Blocker/Last Stand is buying him.
tl;dr, Flay likely loses in a scenario where Byleth gets more than 6 SotC swings against him, doesn't seem to have a way to avoid such a scenario that I can see, and very well might lose even if there is.
Florina (FE7) vs. Nephenee (FE10) - I actually think this is right barring a more detailed mathematical breakdown. Nephenee10's not actually that impressive thanks to Sentinel caps, even above average AS will keep her from doubling and her accuracy is below average so even if Florina tanks her AS by using a silver lance to avoid WTD and 3HKO she may well still be able to get a turn 2 dodge (and if you use a higher damage average than I do, well Nephenee just lost her 2HKO), meanwhile Nephenee can't really be said to be dodging in any relevent timeframe. Really don't think javelins matter much here since those are even worse on accuracy.
Queen (S3) vs. Virginia Maxwell (WA3) - If this is what people who have a more solid grasp of what Ginny's evade amount in DL practice than I do are thinking then I'm not about to disagree.
Poshul(CC) vs. Selphie(FF8)