Author Topic: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 2- Dhyerviews  (Read 1397 times)


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The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 2- Dhyerviews
« on: August 08, 2018, 12:48:23 AM »
1. Purpose
This is really more for my own reference than for anyone else’s use, since I have a different view of Allowed Quartz and Status Accuracy (although some of the formulations on strategy would likely be useful for anymore). There a few extra pieces of information, but the most important one is the strategy section. This section is found underneath stats for each character and will describe a handful of strategies they might feasibly employ in a duel. For more notes on this, see note 15 in this post For more standard DL views on status accuracy, Tide’s excellent topic has those numbers:

Tide's topic also has all Crafts; I cut down on some to save some space.

2. Starting CP
I actually start CP at 115. 100 seemed too low because it basically renders irrelevant most normal Crafts (can’t use the CP or lose the S-Craft) despite the fact that these crafts are often as (or more) important as the S-Craft in game. At the same time, something around 100 seemed reasonable. Any number that is close to 200 puts way too much focus on 200 CP S-Crafts. 115 effectively creates a good metric for spammability. The cheapest crafts allow for immediate use of an S-Craft after use. More expensive crafts need more CP build-up to use an S-Craft afterwards.

3. CP Gains
CP is gained by taking or receiving damage. Each enemy hit with a basic physical or arte = 10 CP gained. Each enemy hit with a craft = 5 CP gained. CP from taking a hit does vary, but standardizing it to 10 is sensible enough (without me really doing any testing).

4. Allowed Extra Quartz
I allow three types of non MQ Quartz: supporting starting spell quartz (noted by **), Damage quartz in locked element slot, and critical in game skill quartz. The critical in-game skill quartz are Impede (for those applicable) and EP Cut. Both of these are lynchpins to major strategies in game, and I wouldn’t have run a PC without either one of these (and both for some).

As is my usual for extra attack magic, I only allow the damage and not the status. I do allow the status for spells off the MQ.

I’m not allowing stat boosts or non-starting support spells because looking at the all the in-game equips for each element, there’s always going to be something useful to plug any needed gaps (Lost Arts Gems especially help here).

5. Default Equipment
Shoewear- Everyone has the same Shoes (Red Boots- 400 Def, 7 Speed, 3 Move). There are others that give mild bonuses, but 7 Speed>>>>>>Anything else the others have to offer.

6. Turn 1 Speed
I’m considering this half a turn. There is decent variance in starting CT accumulated, but half a turn works as a decent enough estimate considering that turn order in menu seems to impact starting CT.

7. Spell CT/RT
CT is the clockticks needed to cast the spell. RT is the number of clockticks needed to recover after the spell was chosen or attack/craft was used. A turn is 33.58 ticks on average (based on beginning of 1st turn to when damage on 3rd turn lands). I created a simple formula to give me when each move lands in a chain of moves (this data is included in strategy sections for each character)

8. Speed Changes
If any unit’s speed is altered, the altered speed only goes into effect after their next turn is taken (because the game only uses speed to calculate RT when an action is taken). This means that Fie’s Speed up bonus doesn’t activate until she’s acted, and Alfin inflicting both Speed Down and Delay is a bit wasted since an enemy may never actually get a turn for Speed Down to kick in!

9. Linked Attacks
I’m not factoring in Linked Attacks. Playing around with them at endgame has left me with a few questions (I’ve noticed an inconsistency in type if a PC has multiple existing attributes, and it seems like it might be possible that moves get random typing when used?). As such, no unbalance rates will be listed anywhere.

10. Evade and Accuracy-
Based on testing, I would guess
1 Dex or Agi= 1% more Accuracy or 1% more Evade
Acc%+ and Eva%+- Chance of Hitting or Evading when you otherwise would not have
(The one flaw in this is why on earth would they start Claire with Hit 2 when her weapon already has 100%+ Accuracy, but the game doesn’t list enemy Dex/Agi to test more and this is far down the list of questionable design decisions in the game)

11. Status Accuracy Calculation and Blockers
With the exception of Death, Vanish, Delay and Petrify, all statuses in CS 2 have several potential durations. Durations are generally determined by two things: enemy class and method of application. Against more difficult random enemies, status will often only last for 1 turn. For the other enemies, a status inflicted by magic lasts 1 turn longer than those inflicted by a craft (or often 2 turns longer for a stat down). For status accuracy, I have prorated the accuracy against the 1-turn status enemies and then added it together (that way I will just consider the full duration of the status in the DL). If the duration is not listed for a move, it means it follows the standard pattern listed below.

For status accuracy, I list several numbers. For crafts, I will list 3 numbers (one on the first line, two on the line below). The first number is the chance of the status hitting if the attack hits adjusting my prorations described in this topic:

The first number on the second line is the hit rate factoring in all resistances/weaknesses. The second number on the second line is (the prorated status hit rate) * (the average accuracy). This is effective the truest hit rate chance, so this is normally what I’ll be going off of. Enemies included in these averages are from the Villa to the Epilogue Dungeon. Although the non-class 7 PCs don’t face enemies before the Epilogue Dungeon, they are taken against the full run (a few reasons: 1. Technically I don’t normally count Epilogues at this point, but the Epilogue is at least only a semi Epilogue. 2. The enemies in the Epilogue are really, really bad. If the point of status prorations is to make status hit rate more closely reflect in game value, Epilogue enemies alone won’t cut it).

As I’m the only person who uses this, the numbers in the topic are really just for me (or anyone who is interested). If you want the more kosher DL view, please visit Tide’s excellent topic:

Here are the Statuses w/ Durations. There are storebought blockers for all statuses, IIRC
Poison - Lose ~10% MHP every round.
Burn - Lose ~20% MHP every round. Lasts 2 turns from a Craft and 3 from Magic
Freeze – Can’t Act + Lose ~15% MHP every round. Lasts 3 turns from a Craft and 4 from Magic
Blind - ACC and EVA - 50%. Lasts 3 turns from a Craft and 4 from Magic
Seal - Cannot use physical abilities (Attack or Crafts). Lasts 3 turns from a Craft and 4 from Magic
Mute - Cannot use magical abilities (Arts). Lasts 3 turns from a Craft
Confuse – Attack nearest ally (or move to attack). If no allies in range, then go after enemies. Could arguably limit enemies to either basic physicals or physical attacks with the non-damage effects nulled (draining, status, MP damage). In game, it seems to have the second effect (partially because enemies that Confuse hits only have to have one physical that sometimes has special effects). It can shut off boss attacks, but those are very low hit rates lasting 1 turn (if that). Lasts 3 turns from a Craft and 4 from Magic
Instant Death - ID
Sleep - Target cannot act. Next hit is a guaranteed crit (+50% Damage) but wakes up enemies. Lasts 3 turns from a Craft
Nightmare - Target cannot act. Next hit is a guaranteed crit (+50% Damage) and adds a random status (not ID, Vanish or Delay) but wakes up enemies. Lasts 3 turns from a Craft and 4 from Magic
Faint – Target cannot act. All hits are critical. Lasts 2 turns from a Craft and 3 from Magic
Petrify – Effectively Death. Permanent
Instant Death - ID
Vanish - Eject

Status’ wear off at the end of action of the afflicted (this is also true of Buffs). If you choose to cast a spell, the turn lasts until the spell goes off.

12. Stat Up, Buff and Stat Down Durations
Stat Up, Buffs and Stat Downs generally last 3 turns if applied by a Craft and 5 turns if applied by an art. The exceptions are Impassion (4 Turns) and Fie’s Concealing Wind (2 Turns)

13. Stat Down Effects
Numbers listed in the PC area are based on Enemy Stats of 3500 ATK w/ a 1x Mult and 2500 ATS w/ a 2x Mult. I didn’t really test much to see if the 1x Mult on the Attack Multiplier was appropriate, but enemy magic is generally the scary stuff (so it having higher damage should make sense, although 2x might be too low a multiplier)

Speed Down 50% doesn’t actually halve speed as it would imply, but increases RT by 1.5x.
I’m not including notes on some Mov Down/Adf/Def Down moves. (Adf/Def Down are bad jokes. Lowering an enemy’s defensive stats by half translates to about 1600 extra damage)

Stat Downs inflicted by Crafts last 3 turns

14. Elements
Fire, Earth, Wind/Thunder and Water/Ice are straightforward. Wind and Water are the actual classifications, but certain spells are clearly Thunder/Ice. Time is strongly themed towards Dark. You can make an argument that either Space or Mirage is Holy, although I personally think Space is more appropriate (Cross Crusade and Altair Cannon’s visuals are a giant cross and beams from Heaven, whereas Mirage is more themed towards the visual aspect of light itself. This isn’t a perfect delineation since Mirage does have Saintly Force (although Space’s Insight and Fortuna both look somewhat Holy + Seraphic Ring, Angel MQ and Deus Gem)). Space/Time/Mirage switch between being effectively non-elemental and elemental in game (certain areas have enemies with weaknesses/resistances, as well as extra battle features), although Alfin/Angelica/Claire/Elise/Sharon/Toval are only around at endgame when they are elemental.

15. Strategies
Each character has a Strategies section where I try to outline some of their more important strategies since the variance in CT/RT can make it very difficult to know how exactly something plays out. First I list the basic strategy description, then the moves in the strategy, the total damage done, the damage from each move, and then most importantly, the turn count when each move Activates on (based on average speed).

If the strategy inflicts a status, I will either note the turn count when the status would be applied against 0% resistance/weakness (under my views) and how many CT/RT this buys them. Note that CT/RT will subtract out the RT from the move that applied the status or list out combos for more clarification.

Averages Up Top
HP: 17640
Damage: 21529 (22069 w/ Buffs)
>>>2.5 Kill Point: 53823 (55173 w/ Buffs)
...into the nightfall.


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Re: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 2- Dhyerviews
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2018, 12:50:28 AM »
HP: 19255…………………(109.2%)
EP: 780
Atk: 2228
Def: 1685………………….Cuts Physicals by 146 (-2.1%)
ATS: 1750
ADF: 1725…………………Takes extra 90 from Magic (+1.3%)
Dex: 47
Agi: 37
Speed: 102………………(Start: -12.2 CT from Turn/103.8% Turn 1)
Evade: 2.1% Scaled (29.8% Raw)
Craft Crit Rate: 5%
Craft Accuracy: 92%

Turn 1 Rush- Valimar's Heavenly Slash = 44000 Damage; Damage Activates at 0.96
Turn 2 Rush- Valimar's Lustrous Slash + Heavenly Slash = 60000 Damage: 16000, 44000; Damage Activates at 0.96, 1.31
Valimar's Best 3 Turn- Valimar's Lustrous Slash, Physical, Heavenly Slash = 69300 Damage: 16000, 9300, 44000; Damage Activates at 0.96, 1.31, 1.63
Delay- Between 13 castings of Impassion and True Arc Slash only costing 10 net CP to me (15 if the attack misses), this generate enough CP for...115 True Arc Slashes (enough to kill even super durable bosses should they be fully susceptible to Delay)

Weapon: Senbonzakura - +1145 Atk, 5% Crit (Katana)
Armor: Red Jumper

Physical – 1492 Phys Damage + 6 Delay, 19 CT

Force Master Quartz Abilities
- Provides +15 CP when an enemy is killed
- +3 CP gained from every turn taken (includes enemy as well as his own) (I take this as 15 CP a turn base on in-game effect)
- +200 CP once per battle if HP is reduced to 20% or lower.

Fire Bolt (30 EP)- 3350 Fire Magic + 10.5% Burn (9.9% Base). 4 CT, 22 RT.
Impassion (60 EP)- Gain 20 CP at the end of every turn for 4 turns. 4 CT, 22 RT.
Heat Up (60 EP)- 10 CP + Removes Debuffs. 4 CT, 22 RT.

Quartz (Set) - 2 Time, 1 Fire
Shadow Blade (450 EP)- 14288 Time/Dark? Magic, 714 HP Drain. 11 CT, 35 RT.
Grim Butterfly (200 EP)- 9913 Time/Dark? Magic. 9 CT, 27 RT.
Purgatorial Flame (450 EP)- 16475 Fire Magic. 11 CT, 35 RT.
Impede 2 - +4 AT Delay on Attack/Crafts + 60% chance to Cancel

True Autumn Leaf Cutter (20 CP)- 3442 Phys Damage + 112.4% 19 Delay + Cancel. 24 RT.
>>>Delay’s hit rate is 78.9% at base and 103.4% Factoring Accuracy
Motivate (30 CP)- Str+25% and +10 CP. 29 RT.
True Arc Slash (30 CP)- 3999 Phys Damage + 112.2% 29 Delay. 19 RT.
>>> Delay’s hit rate is 78.9% at base and 103.2% Factoring Accuracy
Gale EX (45 CP)- 4278 Phys Damage + 64% Seal  + 4 Delay. 24 RT
>>>Seal’s hit rate is 37.6% at base and 58.9% considering Accuracy
True Flame Dragon (45 CP)- 5113 Phys Damage +22% Faint OR 22.6% Burn + 4 Delay. 29 RT.
>>>Faint’s hit rate is 12.4% at base and 20.2% considering Accuracy
>>>Burn’s hit rate is 12.8% at bae and 20.8% considering Accuracy
Spirit Unification (100 CP)- Str/Def/Speed +50% (Undispellable), allows Rean to access all his ogre form crafts. Lasts 3 turns. 0 RT.
Awakener's Call (375 EP)- Summons Valimar into battle. Gain an immediate turn after summoning.

Termination Slash-Dawn (100 CP+)- 18203 Phys Damage + 120.75% Burn + 4 Delay. 39 RT.

Crafts (Ogre form)
Fatal Arc Slash (30 CP)- 8037 Phys Damage + 33.6% ID + 29 Delay. 13 RT.
>>>ID’s hit rate is 24% at base and 30.9% considering Accuracy
Arcane Gale (50 CP)- 16910 (8455 x 2) Phys Damage + 78.5% Seal + 4 Delay. 13 RT.
>>>Seal’s hit rate is 51% at base and 72.2% considering Accuracy

Demon Termination Slash - Dawn (100 CP+)- 39786 Phys Damage + ~150% Burn + 4 Delay. 26 RT.

Valimar -
- While in Valimar, Rean carries over his stat buffs/debuffs, but not status. Valimar is immune to status.
- Lasts for 3 turns. During this time, Valimar replaces all the party members. After 3 turns, all party members return and are grouped together.
- Shares Rean's CP Pool. While in Valimar, Force's passive CP Regeneration does not occur.
- After Valimar leaves, Rean is hit with a RT of about 40.

HP: 177550 (~10 PC HP. Quite good defense as well)
Speed: 120

Physical - 9300 Phys Damage. 11 RT.
Lustrous Slash (20 CP)- 16000 Phys Damage. 11 RT.
Flame Dragon (40 CP)- 25000 Phys Damage + ~75% Burn. 17 RT.
Heavenly Slash - 100 CP. 44000 Phys Damage + ~65% Seal. 17 RT.

HP: 16216…………………(91.9%)
EP: 950
Atk: 2061
Def: 1636………………….Cuts Physicals by 85 (-1.2%)
ATS: 2064
ADF: 1952…………………Cuts Magic by 193 (-2.7%)
Dex: 52
Agi: 32
Speed: 97………………….(Start: -12.9 CT from Turn/101.2% Turn 1)
Evade: -15.8% Scaled (17% Raw)…….(43.2% (58.5%) w/ Insight)
Craft Crit Rate: 10%
Craft Accuracy: 97% (98% w/ Insight)

Note: If Alisa doesn't have CP for SCraft before dying (aka: already used her SCraft), the initiative on the post-Death SCraft will put her at 1 CT before the enemy, so even if the enemy 2HKOs her, they'll likely get those 2 hits while she waits for the S-Craft Recovery.

Damage Chains (OHKOed by Faster) - Dies, Purgatorial Flame, SCraft, Dies SCraft = 76162 Damage: 20008, 28077 x2; Damage Activates on 1.33, then Initiative
Damage Chains (OHKOed by Super Slow) - Purgatorial Flame, SCraft x3 = 94913 Damage: 20008, 18751, 28077 x 2; Damage Activates on 1.33 and then effectively initiative after first death
>>>Enemy must be slower than 75% Speed for Purgatorial Flame to go off.
Damage Chains (2HKOed by Faster) - Purgatorial Flame->SCraft, Repeated Twice = 134929 Damage: 20008, 18751, 20008, 28077, 20008, 28077; Damage activates on 1.33, 2.9, 4.49
>>>Against many speeds, will have time to fit in another spell. Best option is to make the final rush Altair Cannon->Purgatorial Flame->Scraft, adding in 17428 Damage. Damage activates on 4.49, 5.21
>>>Enemy has to be very fast (~145%+!) to avoid this combo
3 Turn Average- Cross Crusade, Altair Cannon, Purgatorial Flame, SCraft = 68422
Damage: 12268, 17428, 20008, 18718; Damage Activates at 23, 45, 69

Weapon: Principality - +1125 Atk, 10% Crit (Bow and Arrow)
Armor: Crystal Dress

Physical - 1075 Damage, 20 CT

Angel Master Quartz Abilities
- 2PB Auto-Revival on Death with 100% HP/EP and 200 CP. Note that on death, all previous status conditions are wiped out (positive and negative). Also, if she does not have the CP to use an SCraft before dying, using it after auto-reviving will cause the SCraft to go off at a CT count right before the enemy’s next turn (I think).
- Gain 20% HP Regen for 5 turns when HP hits below 20% once per battle
- Halves Recovery Delay when casting Space type Magic

Altair Cannon (337 EP)- 17428 Space/Holy? Magic + 93% ATS/ADF -25% (56% Base). 12 CT, 24 RT.
>>>Cuts average magic damage by 31.1%
Cross Crusade (158 EP)- 12268 Space/Holy? Magic. 10 CT, 20 RT.
Golden Sphere (37 EP)- 5392 Space/Holy? Magic + 22.9% Blind (15% Base). Casts in 6 CT, 15 RT.
Seraphic Ring (300 EP)- Full healing. Also revives and adds 20% Regen for 3 turns. Casts in 8 CT, 17 RT.
Thelas (37 EP)- Revives/Heals 6153 HP. 5 CT, 23 RT.
Fortuna (30 EP)- Boosts ATS/ADF by 25% for 5 turns. Stacks Once. 5 CT, 14 RT.
>>>With One Fortuna, 20008->25812, 17428->22588, SCraft->24201
Shining (45 EP)- Adds Insight Status for 5 turns. Casts in 5 CT, 14 RT.
>>>Hit Rate rises 1% to 97% (and becomes somewhat resistant to Evasion) and Evade rises to xxxx
>>>Evade rises to 43.2% Scaled (58.5% Raw)

Quartz (Set) - 2 Fire, 1 Space
Purgatorial Flame (337 EP)- 20008 Fire Magic. Casts in 12 CT, 37 RT.
Flare Bomb (150 EP)- 12268
Dark Matter (82 EP)- 6850 Space/Holy? Magic Magic. Casts in 8 CT, 17 RT.
EP Cut 2 - Reduces EP Cost of Arts by 25%. (Could also be set in the locked Space slot)
Earth Pulse (45 EP)**- Adds 20% HP Regen for 5 turns. 5 CT, 23 RT.

Mirage Arrow (30 CP)- 3754 Magic Damage + 38.3% Blind. 30 RT.
>>>Blind’s hit rate is 26.5% at base and 37.2% considering Accuracy
Molten Storm (35 CP)- 2878 Phys Damage + 40.5% Mute + 41.9% Seal. 30 RT
>>>Mute’s hit rate is 24.3% at base and 39.3% considering Accuracy
>>>Seal’s hit rate is 25.5% at base and 40.6% considering Accuracy
Heavenly Gift (50 CP)- Adds CP Regen and Insight for 3 turns. Can’t Self Target. 30 RT

Radiance Arc (100 CP+)- 18718 Magic Damage + 99.5% Mute. 41 RT.
 >>>Mute’s hit rate is 61.9% at Base

HP: 15585………………….(88.4%)
EP: 1200
Atk: 1931
Def: 1599………………….Cuts Physicals by 39 (-0.6%)
ATS: 2091
ADF: 1909…………………Cuts Magic by 140 (-2%)
Dex: 39
Agi: 31
Speed: 86…………………..(Start: -14.5 CT from Turn, 95.4% Speed Turn 1)
Evade: -17.2% Scaled (16% Raw)
Craft Crit Rate: 5%
Craft Accuracy: 84%

3 Turn Average (w/ EP Cut)- Spark Arrow, Purgatorial Flame x 2 = 70230 Damage; 9296 + 30467 x 2; Damage Activates on    1.22, 2.17, 3.39
Delay Zeitgeist- Detector Gamma x 3 + Impassion + Detector Gamma x 5 + Impassion + Detector Gamma x 5....->This combo buys 208 CT on this and more could be chained together. Delay starts activating at 1.05
-->Enough EP remains for 12 Spark Arrows (111552 Damage), 15 Luminous Rays (121785 Damage)

Weapon: Arcana Force - +1125 Atk, +20 ATS, 5% Crit (Orbal Staff)
Armor: Crystal Dress .

Physical – 2048 Magic Damage. 23 CT

Pandora Master Quartz Abilities
- Offensive Arts up 50% for 50% more EP cost
- Offensive arts have a 30% chance to inflict random status abnormalities
- Increases range of AoE and Line fire type arts by 2 (Moderate increase)

Claiomh Solaris (750 EP)- 30467 Mirage Magic. 13 CT, 41 RT.
Phantom Phobia (315 EP)- 18705 Mirage Magic + 100% Random Stat Down. 11 CT, 34 RT
Grand Press (180 EP)- 11648 Earth Magic. 9 CT, 30 RT.
Hydro Cannon (164 EP)- 11648 Water Magic. 9 CT, 30 RT.
Silver Thorn (150 EP)- 10472 Mirage Magic + 44.5% Confuse (22.2% Base). 9 CT, 30 RT.
Heatwave (75 EP)- 9296 Fire Magic + 22.9% Burn (14.4% Base). 6 CT, 27 RT.
Spark Arrow (90 EP)- 9296 Thunder/Wind Magic + 18% Seal (10% Base). 6 CT, 25 RT.

Quartz (Set) - 2 Fire, 1 Mirage
Purgatorial Flame (675 EP)- 30467 Fire Magic. 13 CT, 41 RT.
Impassion (60 EP)**- Gain 20 CP at the end of every turn for 4 turns. 5 CT, 26 RT.
Luminous Ray (75 EP)- 8119 Mirage Magic. 6 CT, 27 RT.
Impede 2- +4 to Delay and 60% Cancel
**Note: For damage averages, Alfin will have EP Cut 2 since it’s better. However, she’d prefer to option for Impede in a duel.
Seraphic Ring (400 EP)**- Full healing. Also revives and adds 20% Regen for 3 turns. Casts in 9 CT, 30 RT.
Fortuna (40 EP)**- Boosts ATS/ADF by 25% for 5 turns. Stacks Once. 5 CT, 26 RT.
>>After 1 Casting: 30467-> 39275; 18705->24578; 11648->15758; 10472->14288; 9296->12819; 8119->11349
>>After 2 Castings: 30647->48101; 18705->30461; 11648->19877; 10472->18113; 9296->16349; 8119->14585

Other Quartz Options:
EP Cut 2**- Cuts EP costs 25%
Flare Bomb (225 EP)- 14784 Fire Magic. 13 CT, 39 RT.
Volcanic Rain (168 EP)- 11648 Fire Magic. 11 CT, 34 RT.
Fire Bolt (33 EP)- 6943 Fire Magic. 5 CT, 26 RT.
Shining (45 EP)**-

Detector Gamma (20 CP)- 81.6% Speed Down 50% + 104.1% 54 Delay. 100% Hit Rate/ITE. 34 RT.
>>>Speed Down’s hit rate is 59.2% at base
>>>Delay’s hit rate is 78.9% at base
>>>Without Impede 2, Delay’s hit rate is 64.9% and 54.1% at Base

HP: 20062…………………(113.7%)
EP: 900
Atk: 2220
Def: 1780………………….Cuts Physicals by 265 (-3.8%)
ATS: 1750
ADF: 1671…………………Takes extra 158 from Magic (+2.2%)
Dex: 42
Agi: 37
Speed: 98…………………..(Start: -12.7 CT from Turn/101.7% Turn 1)
Evade: 2.1% Scaled (29.8% Raw)………..(56.5% (68.8%) under Insight)
Craft Crit Rate: 5%
Craft Accuracy: 87% (93% under Insight)

Turn 2 Rush- Altair Cannon/Shadow Blade x2, SCraft = 46698: 14288 x2, 18122; Damage Activates on 1.33, 2.41
3 Turn Average- Altair Cannon/Shadow Blade x2, Dragon Boost, SCraft = 57798: 14288 x 2, 29222; Damage Activates on 1.33, 2.41, 3.12
Faint Turn 1***- Zero Impact, Altair Cannon/Shadow Blade, SCraft = 53313: 4248, 21432, 27633; Damage Activates on 0.98, 2.2, Stun Activates on 0.98
***If enemy is in speed range ~90.9-101.6% (or the very fast), this combo will only do 36658
Faint Turn 2***- Altair Cannon/SB, Zero Impact, Altair Cannon/SB, SCraft =67601: 14288, 4248, 21432, 27633; Damage Activates 1.33, 2.05, 3.27, Stun activates 1.99
***If enemy is in speed range 91.7-97.5% (or the very fast), combo will only do 50946 (She can trade some damage for speed)
Insight- Shining, Altair Cannon/Shadow Blade x2, Dragon Boost, SCraft = 57798: 14288 x 2, 29222; Damage Activates 2.02, 3.1, 3.8; Insight Activates 1.13
Insight+Faint***- Shining, Altair Cannon/SB, Zero Impact, Altair Cannon/SB, SCraft = 67601: 14288, 4248, 21432, 27633; Damage Activates 2.02, 2.73, 3.95; Insight Activates 1.13, Faint Activates 2.73
***If enemy is in speed range 101.3%-109.9%, combo will only do 50946
Faint + Str Boost***- Altair Cannon/SB, Dragon Boost, Zero Impact, Altair Cannon/SB, SCraft = 85925: 14288, 6372, 21432, 43833; Damage Activates 1.33, 2.91, 4.13, Stun Activates 2.91
***Requires Angelica to be attacked twice prior to Zero Impact
***Strategy doesn't work against those between 96.8%-103.1% Speed or the very fast

Weapon: Purity Fist - +1155 Atk, 5% Crit, +5% chance to Faint. (Fists)
Armor: Red Jumper .
Accessory (Not Included)**: Lightning Belt - +50 Strength, +5 Speed, Hit +50%, +5% Crit
**Angelica has a claim to this, but I’m not including it (technically, she either gives it away or you don’t get it at all, I believe? You’ll never see her enter the final dungeon with this actually equipped)

Physical - 1524 Damage. 26 CT

Emblem Master Quartz Abilities
- Damage taken is reduced as HP is reduced by the following: (1-HP%)^2 * 0.99.
Reduction at HP levels
25%-> 6.2% Cut; 50%-> 24.75% Cut; 65%->41.8% Cut; 75%-> 55.7% Cut; 90%->80% Cut
Minimum Damage Needed to Kill Angelica in certain number of turns (assuming consistent damage)
2HKO->62%, 3HKO->51%, 4HKO->43%

Altair Cannon (337 EP)- 14288 Space/Holy? Magic + 88% ATS/ADF -25% (55% Base). 12 CT, 36 RT.
>>>Cuts average Magic Damage by 30%
Dark Matter (82 EP)- 5319 Space/Holy? Magic. 8 CT, 26 RT.
Golden Sphere (37 EP), 4007 Space/Holy? Magic + 23.4% Blind (15.3% Base). 6 CT, 24 RT.
Fortuna (30 EP)- Boosts ATS/ADF by 25% for 5 turns. Stacks Once. Casts in 5 CT, 23 RT.
>>After 1 casting: Altair Cannon/Shadow Blade-> 18657; Cross Crusade->13190;
>>After 2 castings: Altair Cannon/Shadow Blade-> 23038; Cross Crusade->16475
Shining (45 EP)- Adds Insight Status for 5 turns. Casts in 5 CT, 23 RT.
>>>Hit Rate rises 6% to 93% (and becomes somewhat resistant to Evasion) and Evade rises to 56.5% (68.8% raw) under Insight
>>>W/ Patterned Shirt, Evasion rises to 67.3% (76.6% Raw)

Quartz (Set) - 2 Space, 1 Time
Cross Crusade (158 EP)- 9913 Space/Holy? Magic. 10 CT, 30 RT.
EP Cut 2 - Reduces EP Cost of casting spells by 25%
Shadow Blade (337 EP)- 14288 Time/Dark? Magic, Drains 5% of damage. 12 CT, 36 RT.

Zero Impact 2  (30 CP)- 4248 Phys Damage + 58.4% Faint. 29 RT.
>>>Faint’s hit rate is 47.2% at base and 50.8% considering Accuracy
Dragon Boost (25 CP)- Boosts Str/Def+50% for 3 turns. 29 CT

Dragon Kick 2 (100 CP+)- 18122 Damage. 38 RT.
 >>>29222 under Dragon Boost

HP: 18353…………………(104%)
EP: 950
Atk: 2177
Def: 1723………………….Cuts Physicals by 194 (-2.8%)
ATS: 1920
ADF: 1875…………………Cuts Magic by 96 (-1.4%)
Dex: 56
Agi: 32
Speed: 94………………………(Start: 13.3 CT from Turn, 99.6% Speed Turn 1)
Evade: -4.2% Scaled (25.3% Raw)
Craft Crit Rate: 20%
Craft Accuracy: 101% (Effectively ITE)

Turn 2 Rush- Altair Cannon x2, SCraft = 49669: 15988 x 2, 17693, Damage Activates on 1.36, 2.5
3 Turn Average- Cross Crusade, Altair Cannon x2, SCraft = 60867: 11188, 15988 x 2, 17693, Damage Activates on 1.3, 2.29, 3.42
Water Damage- Maelstorm x 3, SCraft = 58457 Damage: 13588 x 3, 17693, Damage Activates on 1.36, 2.44, 3.5
Instant Death- Mortal Mirage x 2, ID Activates on 1.93
Freeze- Frigid Rain = 3508 Damage. Damage and Freeze Activates on 1.01
>>>Freeze buys between 69-102 CT, enough for the Turn 2 Rush or an ID combo (3 Turn takes 81 CT)
>>>Freeze does 45% MHP Damage over 3 Turns

Weapon: White Nova - +1155 Atk, 20% Crit, +100% Hit Bonus (Orbal Gun)
Armor: Red Jumper .

Physical - 1365 Damage, 21 CT

Moebius Master Quartz Abilities
- Doubles Item Effectiveness
- Increases the range that items can be used from (Halfway across the map).
- All items now have Medium AoE on use

Cross Crusade (158 EP)- 11188 Space/Holy? Magic. 10 CT, 31 RT.
Dark Matter (82 EP)- 5427 Space/Holy? Magic. Casts in 8 CT, 27 RT.
Golden Sphere (37 EP)- 3988 Space/Holy? Magic + 28.5% Blind (18.8% Base). Casts in 6 CT, 25 RT.
Athelas (112 EP)- Revives/Heals 11616 HP. 6 CT, 29 RT.
Breath (30 EP)- Heals 3388 HP. 5 CT, 24 RT.
Holy Breath (90 EP)- Heals 6776 HP. 6 CT, 27 RT.

Quartz (Set) - 2 Water, 1 Space
Maelstrom (262 EP)- 13588 Water Magic. 12 CT, 36 CT.
Crystal Flood (135 EP)- 8788 Ice/Water Magic. 10 CT, 31 RT.
Altair Cannon (337 EP)- 15988 Space/Holy? Magic. 12 CT, 38 RT.
EP Cut 2 - Reduces EP Cost of all spells by 25% (already factored)

Mortal Mirage (40 CP)- 2997 Phys + 34.6% ID + 25 Delay. 31 RT.
>>>ID’s hit rate is 24% at base
Frigid Rain (40 CP)- 3508 Magic Damage + 83.5% Freeze. 31 RT.
>>>Freeze’s hit rate is 46.7% at base
Flawless Leadership (60 CP)- Grants immediate turn for allies and MT Atk/Def+25% for 3 turns. 36 RT.

Kaleido Force (100 CP+)- 17693 Phys Damage. 42 RT.

For those that allow it since Claire becomes an item specialist in this case, this is a list of items that are available at end game, ranked in order of rarity. All items recover in 21 CT:

Unique items (Cooking - Only Claire and maybe one other person can make these):
Harmonic Juice - Restores 2000 HP, 100 EP, 5 CP and adds ATS+25%
Designer Cappuccino - Restores 8000 HP, adds Atk+25% for 7 Turns

Common Store bought
Teara Balm - Heals 6000 HP
Tearal Balm - Heals 12000 HP
EP Charge III - Restores 1200 EP
HP: 16129…………………(91.4%)
EP: 970
Atk: 2027
Def: 1612………………….Cuts Physicals by 55 (-0.8%)
ATS: 2006
ADF: 1895…………………Cuts Magic by 122 (-1.7%)
Dex: 39
Agi: 35
Speed: 99……………………(Start: 12.6 CT from Turn, 102.3% Speed Turn 1)
Evade: -11.6% Scaled (20% Raw)
Craft Crit Rate: 5%
Craft Accuracy: 84%

Turn 2 Rush- Maelstorm, Shadow Blade, SCraft = 46114 Damage: 14340, 16848, 14926; Damage Activates on 1.33, 2.02
3 Turn Average- Maelstorm x 2, Shadow Blade, SCraft = 60454 Damage: 14340 x 3, 16848, 14926; Damage Activates on 1.33, 2.02, 2.7
Dark Magic- Shadow Blade x3, SCraft = 65470 Damage: 16848 x 3, 14926; Damage Activates on 1.33, 2.41, 3.48
Water Magic- Maelstorm x 3, SCraft = 57946 Damage: 14340 x 3, 14926; Damage Activates on 1.33, 2.02, 2.7
Freeze- Crystal Flood x3 = 27975 Damage: 9325 x 3; Damage Activates on 1.28, 1.88, 2.47; Freeze Activates on 63
-->Freeze buys between 122-155 CT, more than enough for any listed combo and then some (at least 89134 Damage)
-->Freeze does 60% MHP Damage over 4 turns

Weapon: Water Lily - +1125 Atk, 5% Crit (Rapier)
Armor: Crystal Dress

Physical - 990 Phys Damage, 20 RT

Aries Master Quartz Abilities
- Recovers 20% of Damage dealt as HP when using Arts
- Recovers 2% of Damage dealt as EP when using Arts
- Halves Recovery Delay when casting Water type Magic

Maelstrom (262 EP)- 14340 Water Magic. 12 CT, 23 RT.
Crystal Flood (135 EP)- 9325 Ice/Water Magic + 23.4% Freeze (13.5% Base). 10 CT, 20 RT.
Hydro Cannon (82 EP)- 7319 Water Magic. 8 CT, 17 RT.
Frost Edge (45 EP)- 5815 Ice/Water Magic + 13% Freeze (8.9% Base). 6 CT, 15 RT.
Aqua Bleed (15 EP)- 4310 Water Magic. 5 CT, 14 RT.

Quartz (Set) - 2 Water, 1 Time
Athelas** (112 EP)- Revives/Heals 12151 HP. 6 CT, 16 RT.
Shadow Blade (337 EP)- 16848 Time/Dark? Magic, Drains 5% of Damage. 12 CT, 36 RT.
EP Cut 2- Cuts EP Costs 25%
Holy Breath** (90 EP)- 7029 AoE Healing. 6 CT, 26 RT.

Holy Squall (50 CP)- 60% of MHP Healing+Status/Stat Down Healing. 30 RT.

True Fragrant Garden (100 CP+)- 14926 Phys Damage. 40 RT.
HP: 16155…………………(91.6%)
EP: 1120
Atk: 1934
Def: 1252………………….Takes extra 395 from Physicals (+5.6%)
ATS: 2079
ADF: 2152…………………Cuts Magic by 443 (-6.3%)
Dex: 39
Agi: 27
Speed: 88………………………….(Start: -14.2 CT from Turn, 96.5% Turn 1 Speed)
Evade: -22.7% Scaled (12% Raw)
Craft Crit Rate: 5%
Craft Accuracy: 84%

Turn 2 Rush- Altair Cannon x 2, SCraft = 46214 Damage: 17577 x 2, 11080; Damage Activates 1.42, 2.62
3 Turn Average- Altair Cannon x 3, SCraft = 63811 Damage: 17577 x 3, 11080; Damage Activates 1.42, 2.62, 3.8
Water Magic- Maelstorm x 3, Scraft = 56017 Damage: 14979 x 3, 11080; Damage Activates 1.42, 2.56 3.69
ATK/ATS Down- Detector Alpha, Teara, Altair Cannon x2, SCraft = 46214 Damage: 17577 x2, 11080; Damage Activates on 3.18, 4.37, Stat Downs Activates on 1.04, Healing Activates on 2.17
>>>Instead of SCraft on turn 5, could just spam healing until 200 CP and gain 5540 more damage
ATK/ATS Down v2- Detector Alpha, Teara, Altair Cannon, Detector Alpha, Altair Cannon, Teara, Altair Cannon, SCraft = 63811 Damage: 17577 x3, 11080
Damage Activates on 3.18, 5.39, 7.32 Stat Downs Activates on 1.04, 3.98, Healing Activates on 2.17, 6.31
>>>If enemy is between 82-109.3% speed, all attacks but last before Elliot's final move will be under ATK/ATS Down
>>>If enemy slower than 82% speed, then all attacks will be under ATK/ATS Down
>>>Could speed things up a little by replacing one Altair Cannon with a less damaging, but faster move
Sleep***- Altair Cannon, Blue Lullaby, Altair Cannon, SCraft = 57787 Damage: 17577, 2764, 26366, 11080; Damage Activates 1.42, 2.23, 3.24, Sleep Activates on 2.23
***If Sleep hits on the first try
Confuse Initiative- SCraft, Altair Cannon, Altair Cannon = 46214: 11080, 17577 x 2; Damage Activates on 0.86***, 2.58, 3.78, Confuse Activates on 0.86***
***Initiative Scrafts actually activate on the CT of the fastest person on the field. I’m calling this 9 CT (0.86 turns) to create the timing
Confuse Turn 1- Altair Cannon, SCraft, Altair Cannon, Altair Cannon = 63811 Damage: 17577, 11080, 17577 x 2; Damage Activates 1.42, 3.15, 4.34, Confuse Activates 1.42

Weapon: Nirvana - +1125 Atk, +30 ATS, 5% Crit (Orbal Staff)
Armor: Gorgeous Gown .

Physical - 2018 Magic Damage. 22 RT.

Canon Master Quartz Abilities
- Triples amount Healed.
- Begins battle with 20% HP Regen for 5 turns
- Improves area of effect on arts that are line fire or AoE by 2 (moderate increase).

Aqua Bleed (15 EP)- 4584 Water Magic. 5 CT, 26 RT.
Teara (45 EP)- Heals 27960 HP. 4 CT, 25 RT.
Tear (15 EP)- Heals 13980 HP. 3 CT, 23 RT.
Holy Breath (90 EP)- Heals 21744 HP. 6 CT, 29 RT.
Breath (45 EP)- Heals 10872 HP. 5 CT, 26 RT.
Athelas (112 EP)- Revives/Heals 37821 HP. 6 CT, 29 RT.
Recuria (45 EP)- Status Healing 5 CT, 26 RT.

Quartz (Set) - 2 Space, 1 Water
Altair Cannon (337 EP)- 17577 Space/Holy? Magic. 13 CT, 40 RT.
Cross Crusade (158 EP)- 12380 Space/Holy? Magic. 11 CT, 34 RT.
Maelstrom (262 EP)- 14979 Water Magic. 13 CT, 38 RT.
EP Cut 2- EP Costs down 25%

Detector Alpha (20 CP)- 81.7% Atk/ATS-50%. 100% Hit Rate/ITE. 34 CT
>>>Both Atk and ATS down’s hit rate is 58.7% at base
>>>Lower Average Physicals by 60.9%
>>>Lowers Average Magic by 63.7%
>>>Enemy needs to do more than 75% damage to Elliot 1 one shot to 2HKO through Detector Alpha + Base Regen
Resonant Beat (30 CP)- 30% Regen and Def+25% for 3 turns. 34 CT
Blue Lullaby 2 (20 CP)- 2764 Magic Damage + 53.9% Sleep. 34 CT
>>>Sleep’s hit rate is 31.2% at base and 45.3% considering Accuracy
Holy Song (30 CP)- Heals 50% MHP and Status Healing. 34 RT.
Nocturne Bell (40 CP)- 4064 Magic Damage + 39.8% Nightmare. 34 RT.
>>>Nightmare’s hit rate is 25% at base and 33.4% considering Accuracy

Seventh Rhapsody (100 CP+)- 11080 Magic Damage + 86.8% Confuse. 45 RT.
>>>Confuse’s hit rate is 58.5% at Base
Remedy Oratorio (100 CP+)- Full heals, revives, restores status conditions. At 200 CP adds 50% HP Regen for 2 turns. 45 RT.

HP: 15865…………………(89.9%)
EP: 1200
Atk: 1912
Def: 1624………………….Takes extra 393 from Physicals (+5.6%)
ATS: 2171
ADF: 1920…………………Cuts Magic by 403 (-5.7%)
Dex: 41+
Agi: 25
Speed: 81……………………(Start: -15.4 CT from Turn, 92.8% Speed Turn 1)
Evade: -25.5% Scaled (10% Raw)
Craft Crit Rate: 5%
Craft Accuracy: 86%

Turn 1 Rush- Claimoh Solaris x 2, SCraft = 42422 Damage: 21211 x 2; Damage Activates on 1.48
Turn 2 Rush- Claimoh Solaris x 2, SCraft = 63633 Damage: 21211 x 3; Damage Actiavates on 1.48, 2.35
Turn 2 Rush v2- Crescent Mirror, Cloaimoh Solaris, Scraft = 54634 Damage: 27317 x 2; Damage Activates on 2.24
3 Turn Average- Claimoh Solaris x 3, Scraft = 84844 Damage: 21211 x 4.; Damage Activates on 1.48, 2.35, 3.21
ATS Down- Ethereal Edge, 4317, Damage and ATS occurs on 1.08
-->Emma effectively has 63-96 CT before enemy attacks without ATS Down. This is enough for the Turn 2 Rushes, and 3 Turn needs 80 CT.
Confuse Loop?- Silver Thorn x 80- 7371 x 80, Damage Activates on 1.33, 1.93, 2.52, 3.12, 3.72, 4.31, Confuse Activates on 1.93, 3.12, 4.31

Weapon: Nirvana - +1115 Atk, +30 ATS, 5% Crit (Orbal Staff)
Armor: Crystal Dress .

Physical- 2249 Magic Damage. 24 CT

Mirage Master Quartz Abilities
- Restores 12 EP from every turn taken (I take this as 60 EP per the common in game effect)
- +75% Magic evasion
- Halves Recovery Delay when casting Mirage type Magic

Claimoh Solaris (375 EP)- 21211 Mirage Magic. 14 CT, 29 RT.
Phantom Phobia (158 EP)- 13070 Mirage Magic + 100% Random Stat Down. 12 CT, 24 RT.
Silver Thorn (75 EP)- 7371 Mirage Magic + 37% Confuse (23.4% Base). 9 CT, 20 RT.
Luminous Ray (37 EP)- 5743 Mirage Magic. 7 CT, 18 RT.
Heatwave (37 EP)- 6557 Fire Magic + 33.1% Burn. 7 CT, 29 RT.
Crescent Mirror (187 EP)- Grants Magic Reflect, ATS+25% and ADF+25% to all allies. 12 CT, 24 RT.
>>>Magic Damage Rises: 21211->27317, 13070->17140, 7371->12663, 6557->11442, 5743->10220

Quartz (Set) - 2 Silver, 1 Fire
Purgatorial Flame (337 EP)- 21211 Fire Magic. 14 CT, 44 RT.
EP Cut 2**- EP Cost down 25%
Holy Breath (90 EP)**- 7524 AoE Healing

Serene Blessing (30 CP)- Revives/Heals 80% MHP, 50 CP and heals status. Cannot self target. 37 RT.
Ethereal Edge (30 CP)- 4115 Magic Damage + 97.9% ATS-50%. 37 RT.
>>>ATS Down’s hit rate is 59.2% at base and 84.2% considering Accuracy
Crescent Shell (45 CP)- Adds Def+50% for 3 turns and Magic Reflect. 37 RT.
Aster Flare 2 (45 CP)- 4658 Magic Damage + 41.4% Confuse + 34.8% Burn. 37 RT.
>>>Confuse’s hit rate is 29.3% at base and 35.6% considering Accuracy
>>>Burn’s hit rate is 25.7% at base and 29.9% considering Accuracy

Zodiac Rain (100 CP+)- 21211 Magic Damage. 49 RT.
HP: 15720…………………(89.1%)
EP: 690
Atk: 2156
Def: 1106………………….Takes extra 578 from Physicals (+8.2%)
ATS: 1583
ADF: 1274…………………Takes extra 654 from Magic (+9.3%)
Dex: 49
Agi: 48
Speed: 119……………………….(Start: 10.5 CT from Turn, 112.8% Speed Turn 1)
Evade: 53.3% Scaled (66.5% Raw)
Craft Crit Rate: 15%
Craft Accuracy: 94%

3 Turn Average- Grim Butterfly, Ragna Vortex x 2, SCraft = 47421 Damage
Sufficient Damage to Kill- Demonic Scythe, Grim Butterfly x 4, SCraft = 56228 Damage, Final Damage activates on 2.8
Faint/ID (EP Cut) - Chrono Burst->Scud Wing x 2, Chrono Burst->Scud Wing x 2;  Faint Activates on 0.93, ID Activates on 1.3, .15 Turn Delay Activates Twice on 0.93
Faint/ID (Impeded) - Chrono Burst->Scud Wing x2, Scud Wing x 2; Faint Activates on 0.93, ID Activates on 1.6, .27 Turn Delay Activates Twice at 0.93, Once at 1.3
ID (Magic) - Chrono Burst->Demonic Scythe, Demonic Scythe x 2; ID activates on  1.8

Weapon: Rusalii Edges - +1125 Atk, 5% Crit (Gun-knives)
Armor: Patterned Shirt .

Physical - 1312 Phys Damage + 5 Delay. 11 RT (16 RT).

Raven Master Quartz Abilities
- Begins battle with Speed+50% for 6 turns. Already factored into recharge rates.
- Adds +5 AT Delay to Attacks/Crafts
- +10% Crit chance on Attacks/Crafts

Demonic Scythe (75 EP)- 4505 Time/Dark? Magic + 22.3% ID (14.4% Base). 4 CT, 13 RT (6 CT, 20 RT).
Chrono Drive (45 EP)- Speed up 25% for 5 Turns, Stacks Once, Doesn’t stack with Raven’s Speed bonus, 2 CT, 12 RT (4 CT, 19 RT).
Chrono Break (45 EP)- Speed down 25% + 15 Delay, Stacks Once
Reduces target speed by 25% on first cast. 50% on the next. 2 CT, 12 RT (4 CT, 19 CT).
Chrono Burst (300 EP)- Take two immediate turns. 0 RT.

Quartz (Set) - 2 Wind, 1 Time
Ragna Vortex (270 EP)- 10639 Thunder/Wind Magic. 6 CT, 17 RT (10 CT, 26 RT).
Judgment Bolt (112 EP)- 6682 Thunder/Wind Magic. 5 CT, 15 RT (8 CT, 23 RT).
Grim Butterfly (150 EP)- 8660 Time/Dark? Magic. 5 CT, 15 RT (8 CT, 23 RT)
EP Cut 2- Cuts EP Costs by 25%
**EP Cut is for averages. Impede 2 also has a basis to be used though. The big difference is that EP Cut 2 allows for 2 Demonic Scythe’s, but Impede has clear applications as well.

Other Quartz Options:
Impede 2 - +4 AT Delay on Attack/Crafts. Adds 60% chance to Cancel spell charging.

Scud Wing (30 CP)- 3468 Phys Damage + 19.3% Faint OR 18.5% ID + 5 Delay. 11 RT (16 RT).
>>>Faint’s hit rate is 12.4% at base and 18.1% considering Accuracy
>>>ID’s hit rate is 12% at base and 17.4% considering Accuracy
>>>Delay’s hit rate is 54.1% at base and 73% considering Accuracy
>>>W/ Impede 2, Delay’s hit rate is 98.5% listed, 68.1% at base and 91% considering Accuracy
Bullet Cyclone (40 CP)- 3468 Phys Damage +  44.8% Seal + 82.3% 35 Delay. 14 RT (21 RT).
>>>Seal’s hit rate is 30.6% at base and 42.1% considering Accuracy
>>>Delay’s hit rate is 68.1% at base and 77.3% considering Accuracy
>>>W/ Impede 2, Delay’s hit rate is 96.8% listed, 76.8% at base and 93% considering Accuracy

Shadow Brigade (100 CP+)- 17483 Phys Damage + 74.2% 5 Delay. 22 RT (33 RT).
>>>Delay’s hit rate is 54.1% at base
>>>W/ Impede 2, Delay’s hit rate is 90.4% listed and 68.1% at base

HP: 20655…………………(117.1%)
EP: 640
Atk: 2210
Def: 1331………………….Takes extra 296 from Physicals (+4.2%)
ATS: 1571
ADF: 1188…………………Takes extra 762 from Magic (+10.8%)
Dex: 42
Agi: 34
Speed: 93……………………(Start: 13.4 CT from Turn, 99.1% Speed Turn 1)
Evade: 26.6% Scaled (47.3% Raw)….(83.1% Scaled w/ Insight; 87.9% Raw)
Craft Crit Rate: 20%
Craft Accuracy: 93% (87% w/o Insight)

Turn 2 Rush- Ragna Vortex x2, S Craft = 39090 Damage: 10534 x 2, 18022; Damage Activates on 1.25, 2.11
3 Turn Average- Aerial, Ragna Vortex x2, S Craft = 44125 Damage: 5035, 10534 x 2, 18022; Damage Activates on 1.25, 2.11, 3.12
Sufficient Damage to Kill- Air Strike x 3 + Aerial x 5 + Scraft = 56269 Damage; Final Damage Activates on 6.19
Sufficient Damage to Kill w/ Enemy Action***- Aerial x 6 + SCraft = 57243 Damage; Final Damage Activates on 5.15
***Requires Gaius either taking 2 hits or evading 2 hits

Weapon: Gae Bolg - +1125 Atk, 10% Crit (Spear)
Armor: Patterned Shirt .

Physical - 1448 Phys Damage, 21 CT

Falco Master Quartz Abilities
- Begin battle with Insight status for 6 turns
- Evade+15% (already factored)
- +10% Crit on Physicals/crafts

Air Strike (15 EP)- 2679 Wind Magic. 5 CT, 22 RT.
Shining (45 EP)- Adds Insight Status for 5 turns. 5 CT, 24 RT.
Recuria (45 EP)- Restores status condition to a group. 5 CT, 24 RT.

Quartz (Set) - 2 Wind, 1 Earth
Ragna Vortex (270 EP)- 10534 Thunder/Wind Magic. 12 CT, 34 RT.
Aerial (90 EP)- 5035 Wind Magic. 8 CT, 25 RT.
Yggdrasil (135 EP)- 6606 Earth Magic. 10 CT, 32 CT
EP Cut 2- Cuts EP Costs 25%

Gale Storm (25 CP)- 2552 Phys Damage + 35.5% Seal + 50% Cancel. 30 RT.
>>>Seal’s hit rate is 25.6% at base and 33% considering Accuracy
Turbulence (30 CP)- 3658 Phys Damage + 39.8% Blind. 30 RT.
>>>Blind’s hit rate is 26.5% at base and 37% considering Accuracy
Wild Rage - 0 CP. Exchanges 50% Max HP for 90 CP. 30 RT.

Twin Cyclone (100 CP+)- 18022 Phys Damage. 41 RT.
HP: 17740…………………(100.6%)
EP: 970
Atk: 2186
Def: 1632………………….Cuts Physicals by 80 (-1.1%)
ATS: 1952
ADF: 1818…………………Cuts Magic by 88 (-1.3%)
Dex: 40
Agi: 32
Speed: 95……………………(Start: 14 CT from Turn, 100.1% Speed Turn 1)
Evade: -4.2% Scaled (25.3% Raw)
Craft Crit Rate: 5%
Craft Accuracy: 85%
Artes Crit Rate: 30%

Note: If he uses 3 Spells, I'm assuming that the weakest one will crit
Turn 1 Rush- Altair Cannon, SCraft = 44051 Damage: 26068 + 17983; Damage Activates on 1.36
Turn 2 Rush- Power- Ragna Vortex, Altair Cannon, SCraft = 66457 Damage: 22406 + 26068 + 17983; Damage Activates on 1.36, 2.05
 Turn 2 Rush- Speed- Aerial, Altair Cannon, SCraft =55711 Damage: 12160, 26068, 17483; Damage Activates on 1.25, 1.84
3 Turn Average- Ragna Vortex x 2, Altair Cannon, SCraft = 100068 Damage: 22407, 33610, 26068, 17983; Damage Activates on 1.36, 2.05, 2.73
Seal (Magic) - Judgement Bolt x 2= 30176 Damage: 15088 x 2; Damage Activates on at 1.3 and 1.9; Seal Activates on at 1.9
>>>Seal buys 123-157 CT, which is enough to do any of the above combos + more
Seal (Tech) - Treasure Sword, Ragna Vortex, Altair Cannon, SCraft = 70663 Damage: 4195, 22406, 26068, 17983; Damage Activates on 1, 2.28, 2.97, Seal Activates on 1
Seal (SCraft)- Initiative- SCraft, Ragna Vortex, Altair Cannon = 66457 Damage; Damage Activates on 0.84***, 2.47, 3.18, Seal Activates on 0.84***
***If enemy is faster than Jusis, Jusis can open with SCraft that is 1 CT faster than the enemy’s speed (or in game, 1 CT faster than whoever goes first). I’m basing this off 9 CT (116.5% Turn 1)
 Seal (SCraft)-Turn 1- Altair Cannon, SCraft, Ragna Vortex, Altair Cannon- 100068 Damage; Damage Activates on 1.36, 2.97, 3.66, Seal Activates on 1.36

Weapon: Caledfwich - +1145 Atk, 5% Crit (Sword)
Armor: Red Jumper .

Physical - 1438 Phys Damage. 21 CT

Mistral Master Quartz Abilities
- Begin battle with ATS+50% for 5 turns
- +30% Critical Rate on Arts
- Halves Recovery Delay when casting Wind type Magic

Ragna Vortex (270 EP)- 22407 (13688) Thunder/Wind Magic + 22.6% Seal (15% Base). 12 CT, 23 RT.
Judgment Bolt (112 EP)- 15088 (8988) Thunder/Wind Magic + 39.3% Seal (25% Base). 10 CT, 20 RT.
Aerial (90 EP)- 12160 (7035) Wind Magic. 8 CT, 16 RT.
Spark Arrow (45 EP)- 9964 (5572) Thunder/Wind Magic + 14.2% Seal (10% Base). 6 CT, 14 RT.
Air Strike (15 EP)- 7768 (4108) Wind Magic. Single target. 5 CT, 13 RT.
Holy Breath (90 EP)- Heals 6893 HP. 6 CT, 16 RT.
Breath (30 EP)- Heals 3446 HP. 5 CT, 14 RT.

Quartz (Set) - 2 Space, 1 Wind
Altair Cannon (337 EP)- 26068 (16308) Space/Holy? Magic. 12 CT, 37 RT.
EP Cut 2 - Reduces EP Cost of Arts by 25%

Arc Blade (30 CP)- 5938 Magic Damage + 99.5% ADF-50%. 31 RT.
>>>ADF Down’s hit rate is 59.2% at base and 84.6% considering Accuracy
Treasure Sword 2 (40 CP)- 4195 Phys Damage + 35.1% Seal + 34.5% Freeze. 31 RT.
>>>Seal’s hit rate is 25.5% at base and 29.8% considering Accuracy
>>>Freeze’s hit rate is 23.4% at base and 29.3% considering Accuracy

Aestion Knight (100 CP+)- 17983 Damage + 70.8% Seal. 42 RT.
HP: 18421…………………(104.4%)
EP: 690
Atk: 2337
Def: 1683………………….Cuts Physicals by 141 (-2%)
ATS: 1681
ADF: 1619…………………Takes extra 223 from Magic (+3.2%)
Dex: 42
Agi: 32
Speed: 82……………………(Start: 15.2 CT from Turn, 93.3% Speed Turn 1)
Evade: -4.2% Scaled (25.3% Raw)……….(53.7% (66.8%) under Insight)
Craft Crit Rate: 15%
Craft Accuracy: 87% (93% under Insight)

Turn 1 Rush- Purgatorial Flame, SCraft = 51058 Damage: 15699, 35359; Damage Activates on at 1.48
Turn 2 Rush- Power- Purgatorial Flame x 2, SCraft = 66757 Damage: 15699 x 2, 35959; Damage Activates on at 1.48, 2.76
Turn 2 Rush- Speed- Purgatorial Flame, Armor Breaker, SCraft= 58811 Damage: 15699, 7753, 35959; Damage Activates on at 1.48, 2.34
3 Turn Average- Purgatorial Flame x2, Armor Breaker, SCraft= 74510 Damage: 15699 x2, 7753, 35959; Damage Activates on at 1.48, 2.76, 3.63
Evade- Radiant Wings, Purgatorial Flame x 2, SCraft=66757 Damage; Damage Activates on at 59, 102; Evade increases at 1.07
Mute- Radiant Blade=2495 Damage; Mute Activates on at 1.07
>>>Mute buys 64-97 CT (Sufficient for the first version of the Two Turn Rush, which takes 57 CT)

Weapon: Laevateinn - +1175 Atk, 5% Crit, 5% chance to Faint. (Heavy Sword)
Armor: Red Jumper .

Physical - 4686 Phys Damage, 24 CT

Brave Master Quartz Abilities
- Begins battle with Atk+50% for 5 turns (already factored)
- When HP is 20% or below, Atk+50% for 5 turns once per battle
- +10% Critical Hit

Fire Bolt (22 EP)- 3092 Fire Magic + 10.5% Burn (9.9% Base). 6 CT, 28 RT.

Quartz (Set) - 2 Water, 1 Fire
Maelstorm (262 EP)- 11496 Water Magic. 14 CT, 41 RT.
Crystal Flood (135 EP)- 7294 Ice/Water Magic. 12 CT, 36 RT.
Purgatorial Flame (337 EP)- 15699 Fire Magic. 14 CT, 43 RT.
EP Cut 2- Cuts EP Costs by 25%
Impassion (45 EP)**- Gain 20 CP at the end of every turn for 4 turns. 6 CT, 28 RT.

True Armor Breaker (25 CP)- 7753 Phys Damage + 102.1% DEF -25%  +  60% Cancel. 36 RT.
>>>Def Down’s hit rate is 59.2% at base and 88.8% considering Accuracy
Radiant Flash (50 CP)- 9506 Phys Damage + 44.4% Faint. 36 RT.
>>>Faint’s hit rate is 27.3% at base and 38.7% considering Accuracy
Radiant Wings (20 CP)- Adds Str+50%, Insight and ADF-50% for 3 turns. Self. 30 RT.
>>>Hit Rate rises 6% to 93% (and becomes somewhat resistant to Evasion) and Evade rises to xxxx
>>>Evasion rises to 53.7% (66.8% raw)
>>>W/ Patterned Shirt, Evasion rises to 65.3% (75.1% Raw)
Radiant Blade (40 CP)- 2461 Magic Damage + 67.3% Mute. 36 RT.
>>>Mute’s hit rate is 43.7% at base and 58.6% considering Accuracy

Radiant Lion (100 CP+)- 35359 Damage. 48 RT.

HP: 19095…………………(108.3%)
EP: 770
Atk: 2119
Def: 1764………………….Cuts Physicals by 245 (-3.5%)
ATS: 1719
ADF: 1752…………………Takes extra 57 from Magic (+0.8%)
Dex: 45
Agi: 26
Speed: 84……………………(Start: 14.8 CT from Turn, 94.3% Speed Turn 1)
Evade: -11.7% Scaled (19.9% Raw)
Craft Crit Rate: 5%
Craft Accuacy: 90%

Turn 2 Rush- Claimoh Solaris x 2, SCraft = 47819 Damage: 16048 x 2, 17523; Damage Activates on 1.45, 2.7
3 Turn Average- Grand Press, Ancient Glyph, Claimoh Solaris, SCraft = 49316 Damage: 5778, 11767, 16048, 15723; Damage Activates on 1.3, 2.26, 3.54
3 Turn Alternate- Power- Mail Breaker, Claimoh Solaris x 2, SCraft = 51133 Damage: 3314, 16048, 16048, 15723; Damage Activates on 1.06, 2.5, 3.74
Sufficient Damage to Kill***- Grand Press, Yggdrasil x 4, SCraft = 59314 Total Damage, Final Damage Activates on 5.38
***Requires Machias to gain 40 CP from being attacked (4 attacks)
Stone (Tech) - Petrification Shell x 3; Petrify Activates on 3.12
Stone (Mag) - Yggdrasil x 5; Petrify Activates on 5.53

Weapon: Meggido Fire - +1125 Atk, 5% Crit (Shotgun)
Armor: Red Jumper .

Physical – 1203 Phys Damage, 23 RT.

Iron Master Quartz Abilities
- Decreases Damage by 50% when HP is full. Damage reduction effect weakens linearly as HP is lost.
>>>Damage taken after 5 turns (Assuming no Double Turns)
>>>43% PC HP damage ->No Damage, 50%-> 45%, 60%-> 87%; 70%->5HKO; 80%->4HKO; 90%-110% ->3HKO; 120%->2HKOed
- Begins battle with 20% HP Regen for 5 turns
- When HP is reduced below 20%, gain Physical Immunity for one attack

Yggdrasil (135 EP)- 7488 Earth Magic + 16.2% Petrify (10.8% Base). 11 CT, 35 RT
Grand Press (90 EP)- 5778 Earth Magic. 9 CT, 30 RT.
Earth Lance (45 EP)- 4492 Earth Magic + 10.6% Petrify (7.2% Base). 7 CT, 28 RT.
Needle Shoot (22 EP)- 3208 Earth Magic + 7.7% Petrify (7.2% Base). 5 CT, 27 RT.
Earth Pulse (45 EP)- Adds 20% HP Regen for 5 turns. 5 CT, 27 RT.

Quartz (Set) - 2 Earth, 1 Mirage
Ancient Glyph (270 EP)- 11767 Earth Magic. 11 CT, 40 RT.
Claimoh Solaris (375 EP)- 16048 Mirage Magic. 14 CT, 42 RT.
EP Cut 2- Cuts EP costs 25%

Mail Breaker (20 CP)- 3314 Phys Damage + 99.7% Def Down 25% + Cancel. 35 RT.
>>>Def Down’s hit rate is 59.2% at base and 89.7% considering Accuracy
Petrification Shell 2 (40 CP)- 2522 Phys Damage + 30.6% Petrify. 35 RT
>>>Petrify’s hit rate is 21.6% at base and 27.6% considering Accuracy
Burst Drive (50 CP)- Gives allies immediate turn, AoE. 35 RT.

Trinity Cannon (100 CP+)- 15723 Phys Damage + 200% Random Stat Down. 47 RT.

HP: 15005…………………(85.1%)
EP: 790
Atk: 2242
Def: 2004………………….Cuts Physicals by 545 (-7.7%)
ATS: 1750
ADF: 2028…………………Cuts Magic by 288 (-4.1%)
Dex: 37
Agi: 25
Speed: 82……………………(Start: 15.2 CT from Turn, 93.3% Speed Turn 1)
Evade: -13% Scaled (19% Raw)
Link Rate:
Craft Crit Rate: 5%
Craft Accuracy: 82%

Turn 2 Rush- Speed- Ancient Glyph, Claimoh Solaris, S Craft = 47533 Damage: 12100, 14288, 21145; Damage Activates on 1.48, 2.32
Turn 2 Rush- Power- Claimoh Solaris x 2, SCraft = 49721 Damage: 14288 x 2, 21145; Damage Activates on 1.48, 2.76
3 Turn Average- Yggdrasil, Ancient Glyph, Claimoh Solaris, SCraft = 55258 Damage: 7725, 12100, 14288, 21145; Damage Activates on 1.42, 2.2, 3.03
Faint Turn 1***- Megaton Press, Ancient Glyph, Claimoh Solaris, SCraft = 58183 Damage: 4600, 18150, 14288, 21145; Damage Activates on 1.07, 2.56, 3.39; Stun Activates on 1.07
***This full combo works against those between 93.4-117.2% Speed and those slower than 78.1% Speed
***Could substitute a faster spell for Ancient Glyph and potentially best faster PCs who are frailer.
Faint Turn 2 v1***- Ancient Glyph, Megaton Press, Claimoh Solaris, SCraft=69860 Damage: 12100, 4600, 21432, 31718; Damage Activates on 1.48, 1.9, 3.39; Stun Activates on 1.9
***In order to take advantage of 1.5 damage boost from stun, Millium wants Stun to activate right after the enemy moves. If Stun is right before enemy moves, Claimoh Solaris + SCraft won't get 1.5 x bonus (hence the combo below, which is less damaging and slower)
Faint Turn 2 v2- Phantom Phobia, Megaton Press, Claimoh Solaris, SCraft=67673 Damage: 9913, 4600, 21432, 31718; Damage Activates on 1.42, 2.14, 3.63; Stun Activates on 2.14
Stone- Yggdrasil x 5; Petrify Activates on 4.28

Weapon: Briareus - +1185 Atk, 5% Crit, 5% chance to Faint (Summoned Golem)
Armor: Red Jumper .

Physical - 1528 Phys Damage, 24 CT

Aegis Master Quartz Abilities
- Begins battle with Physical/Magical Reflect
- When HP hits 20% of below, twice per battle, will re-deploy a barrier that can reflect Physicals/Magic.
- Halves Recovery Delay when casting Earth type Magic

Ancient Glyph (270 EP)- 12100 Earth Magic + 10.6% Petrify (7.2% Base). 14 CT, 28 CT
Yggdrasil (135 EP)- 7725 Earth Magic + 16.2% Petrify (10.8% Base). 12 CT, 24 CT
Grand Press (90 EP)- 5975 Earth Magic. 9 CT, 20 RT.
Earth Lance (45 EP)- 4663 Earth Magic + 10.6% Petrify (7.2% Base). 7 CT, 18 RT.
Needle Shoot (22 EP)- 3350 Earth Magic + 7.9% Petrify (7.2% Base). 6 CT, 17 RT.
Earth Pulse (45 EP)- Adds 20% HP Regen for 5 turns. 6 CT, 17 RT.
Adamantine Shield (225 EP)- Nulls 1 Physical Attack. 12 CT, 24 RT

Quartz (Set) - 2 Mirage, 1 Earth
Claimoh Solaris (375 EP)- 14288 Mirage Magic. 14 CT, 43 RT.
Phantom Phobia (158 EP)- 9913 Mirage Magic. 12 CT, 36 RT.
EP Cut 2- EP Costs down 25%

Ultimate Barrier (20 CP)- Nulls 1 Physical Attack. Separate from Physical Reflect. 36 RT.
Variant Beam (30 CP)- 3489 Phys Damage + 91.8% Atk/Def-25%. 36 RT.
>>>Atk/Def’s hit rate is 59.2% at base and 75.3% considering Accuracy
>>>Cuts Physical Damage by 35%
Megaton Press (40 CP)- 4610 Phys Damage +  62.8% Faint. 36 RT.
>>>Faint’s hit rate is 42.2% at base and 51.5% considering Accuracy

Galactic Cannon (100 CP+)- 21145 Phys Damage. 48 RT.

HP: 19602…………………(111.1%)
EP: 940
Atk: 2254
Def: 1730………………….Cuts Physicals by 203 (-2.9%)
ATS: 1879
ADF: 1736…………………Takes extra 77 from Magic (+1.1%)
Dex: 47
Agi: 38
Speed: 107……………………(Start: 11.7 CT from Turn, 106.5% Speed Turn 1)
Evade: 14.1% Scaled (38.4% Raw)….(24.8% (46.1% Raw) w/ Patterned Shirt)  (67.8% (76.9%) w/ Insight)
Craft Crit Rate: 5%
Craft Accuracy: 92% (96% under Insight)

 Turn 1 Stun Rush***- Purgatorial Flame, SCraft, Purgatorial Flame = 66187 Damage; 17927, 21280, 26980. Damage Activates on 1.27, 2.74, Stun Activates on 1.27
***If enemy is faster than 109.5% or between 73-78.7% speed, combo will only do 57134
>>>Sara can use Judgment Bolt after this, which will go off on 3.63. If enemy is slower than 110.2%, this will go off before they get a chance to act post stun.
Turn 2 Rush- Power- Purgatorial Flame x 2, SCraft = 57134 Damage: 17927 x 2, 21280; Damage Activates on 1.27, 2.25
Turn 2 Rush- Speed- Ragna Vortex, Purgatorial Flame, SCraft = 52436 Damage; Damage Activate 1.25, 2.14
3 Turn Average- Judgement Bolt, Purgatorial Flame x2, SCraft = 65665 Damage: 8531, 17927 x 2, 21280; Damage Activates on 1.22, 2.05, 82
Wind Magic- Ragna Vortex x3, SCraft = 60967 Damage: 13229 x 3, 21280; Damage Activates on
Atk/Speed Up- Lightning Charge, Purgatorial Flame x 2, SCraft = 69813 Damage: 17927 x 2, 33959. Damage Activates on 1.99, 2.65, Insight Activates on 0.95
Stun Turn 2 v1***- Air Strike, Lightning Charge, Scraft, Purgatorial Flame = 64683 Damage: 3834, 33959, 26890; Damage Activates on 1.16, 1.6, 2.52; Stun Activates on 34
***Requires Sara to be attacked once prior to turn 2 activation
Stun Turn 2 v2***- Lightning Charge, Purgatorial Flame, SCraft, Purgatorial Flame = 78766: 17927, 33959, 26890; Damage Activates on 1.99, 2.9, Stun Activates on 1.99, Insight Activates on 0.95
***Requires Sara to be attacked once prior to turn 2 activation
Stun Turn 3- Lightning Charge, Air Strike, Purgatorial Flame, SCraft, Purgatorial Flame = 82610 Damage: 3834, 17927, 33959, 26980. Damage Activates on 1.87, 2.35, 83, Stun Activates on 2.35, Insight Activates on 0.94
Attack Down- Thunder Vortex = 3248 Damage. Damage and Attack Down Activates on 0.94
-->Attack down buys 72-105 CT (Sufficient for the 3 Turn Average).
Seal (Magic)- Judgement Bolt x 2 = 17062 Damage: 8531 x 2. Damage Activates on 1.21, 2.08. Seal Activates on 2.08
-->Seal Buys 116-150 CT (Sufficient for Basically any combo + More)
Seal (Tech)- Thunder Roar = 2966 Damage. Damage, Seal and Speed Down activate 0.94
-->Seal buys 72-105 CT (Sufficient for the 3 Turn Average)

Weapon: Nero & Rosso - +1155 Atk, 5% Crit (Pistol and Long Knife)
Armor: Red Jumper .

Physical - 1558 Phys Damage. 15 CT

Thor Master Quartz Abilities
- Recovers 20% of Damage dealt as HP when using Physicals/Crafts
- Recovers 2% of Damage dealt as EP when using Physicals/Crafts
- +10% Evade

Ragna Vortex (270 EP)- 13229 Thunder/Wind Magic + 22.1% Seal (15% Base). 11 CT, 29 RT.
Judgment Bolt (112 EP)- 8531 Thunder/Wind Magic + 38.3% Seal (25% Base). 9 CT, 26 RT.
Spark Arrow (45 EP)- 5243 Thunder/Wind Magic + 14.3% Seal (10% Base). 5 CT, 20 RT.

Quartz (Set) - 2 Wind, 1 Fire
Aerial (90 EP)- 6653 Wind Magic. 7 CT, 22 RT.
Air Strike (15 EP)- 3834 Wind Magic. 4 CT , 19 RT.
Purgatorial Flame (337 EP)- 17927 Fire Magic. 11 CT, 33 RT.
EP Cut 2- EP Costs down 25%

Thunder Roar EX (30 CP)- 2966 Phys Damage + 70.3% Seal + 97.7% Speed-50%. 28 RT.
>>>Seal’s hit rate is 45.9% at base and 76.4% considering Accuracy
>>>Speed Down’s hit rate is 59.2% at base and 89.9% considering Accuracy
Lightning Charge (30 CP)- Atk/Speed+50% and adds Insight for 3 turns. 28 RT.
>>>Hit Rate rises 4% to 96% (and becomes somewhat resistant to Evasion) and Evade rises to xxxx
>>>Evasion rises to 67.8% (76.9% Raw)
>>>W/ Patterned Shirt, Evasion rises to 78.5% (84.6% Raw)
Flash EX (40 CP)- 4375 Phys Damage + 32.3% Seal + 30 Delay. 28 RT.
>>>Seal’s hit rate is 25.5% at base and 29.2/9.1% considering Accuracy
Thunder Vortex (40 CP)- 3248 Magic Damage + 96.9% Atk-50%. 28 RT.
>>>Atk Down’s hit rate is 59.2% at base and 89% considering Accuracy
>>>Atk Down lowers average physicals by 66.5%

Northern Limits (100 CP+)- 21280 Damage + 83% Faint. 37 RT.
>>>Faint’s hit rate is 49.6% at base
>>>33959 Damage under Lightning Charge’s Attack Up

HP: 17606…………………(99.8%)
EP: 880
Atk: 2186
Def: 1224………………….Takes extra 430 from Magic (+6.1%)
ATS: 1977
ADF: 1414…………………Takes extra 479 from Magic (+6.8%)
Dex: 49
Agi: 46
Speed: 108……………………(Start: 11.6 CT from Turn, 107% Speed Turn 1)
Evade: 51.9% Scaled (65.5% Raw)
Craft Crit Rate: 5%
Craft Accuracy: 98% (94% + 75% Accuracy Boost)

Turn 2 Rush- Claimoh Solaris x 2, SCraft = 58573 Damage: 19029 x 2, 20515; Damage activate on 1.27, 2.25
3 Turn Average- Luminous Ray, Claimoh Solaris x 2, SCraft = 63516 Damage: 4943, 19029 x 2, 20515; Damage Activates on 1.07, 1.81, 2.79
Fortuna- Fortuna, Claimoh Solaris x 2, S Craft- Grim Butterfly x 2, Claimoh Solaris, SCraft = 69687 Damage: 24586 x 2, 20515; Damage Activates on 1.9, 2.88
Magic + Nightmare- Grim Butterfly x 2 = 32230 Damage: 11615 x 2; Damage Activates on 1.22, 1.96, Nightmare Activates 1.96
>>>Nightmare buys time for Fortuna x 2, Claimoh Solaris, SCraft (65731 Damage)
Seal + Others- Binding Chains- 3868 Damage; Damage and Seal Activates on 0.95
Confuse- Silver Thorn x 11, Scraft = 91190 Damage; Confuse Activates on 1.87
Nightmare SCraft Initiative- SCraft, Fortuna, Fortuna, Claimoh Solaris = 65731 Damage: 20515, 45216; Damage Activates 0.86***, 3.53; Nightmare Activates 0.86***
***Initiative Scrafts actually activate on the CT of the fastest person on the field. I’m calling this 9 CT (0.86 turns) to create the timing
>>>Useful against those who halve ID (or even halve status period since I'll still likely see Nightmare hitting turn 1 thanks to the random status procs)

Weapon: Arc-En-Ciel - +1155 Atk, 5% Crit (Chains)
Armor: Patterned Shirt .

Physical - 1388 Phys Damage. 18 RT

Juggler Master Quartz Abilities
- 50% chance to inflict a random abnormality from physicals/crafts (with magic length duration?)
- 50% chance to inflict Nightmare from physicals/crafts (lasting 5 turns)
- +75% Hit bonus

Phantom Phobia (158 EP)- 11615 Mirage Magic + 100% Random stat down. 9 CT, 27 RT.
Silver Thorn (75 EP)- 6425 Mirage Magic + 35.1% Confuse (22.2% Base). 7 CT, 24 RT.
Luminous Ray (37 EP)-4943 Mirage Magic. 3 CT, 18 RT.
Grim Butterfly (150 EP)- 11615 Time/Dark? Magic + 35.1% Nightmare (20% Base). 9 CT, 25 RT.
Fortuna (30 EP)- Boosts ATS/ADF by 25% for 5 turns. Stacks once. 3 CT, 21 RT.
>>>After 1 Casting: 19029-> 24586; 16558-> 21497; 11615->15320
>>>After 2 Castings: 19029-> 30144; 16558-> 26438; 11615->19035

Quartz (Set) - 2 Time, 1 Mirage
Shadow Blade (337 EP)- 16558 Time/Dark? Magic. Drains 833 HP. 11 CT, 33 RT.
Claimoh Solaris (375 EP)- 19029 Mirage Magic. 11 CT, 33 RT.
EP Cut 2- EP Costs down 25%
Tearal (67 EP)**- Heals ~13,300 HP. 4 CT, 27 RT.

Binding Chains (30 CP)- 3868 (1934 x 2) Phys Damage + 42.5% Seal + 34.7% Nightmare + ~40% Random Status + 78.9% 25 Delay. 27 RT.
>>>Seal’s hit rate is 25.6% at base and 41.6% considering Accuracy
>>>Nightmare’s hit rate is 19.2% at base and 34% considering Accuracy
>>>Delay’s hit rate is 54.1% at base and 77.3% considering Accuracy
Shadow Stitch (45 CP)- 4962 (2481 x 2) Phys Damage. ~35% Random Status + 99% Speed-50% + 30.3% Nightmare. 27 RT.
>>>Nightmare’s hit rate is 21.1% at base and 29.8% considering Accuracy
>>>Speed Down’s hit rate is 59.2% at base and 97% considering Accuracy
Tea Time (50 CP)- Restores 50% Max HP and 50 CP for all allies. Does not self target. 27 RT.

True Death's Embrace (100 CP+)- 20515 Phys Damage + 71.5% Instant Death + 30.4% Nightmare + ~35% Random Status. 37 RT.
HP: 19976…………………(113.2%)
EP: 1060
Atk: 2077
Def: 1548………………….Takes extra 25 from Phys (+0.4%)
ATS: 2036
ADF: 2215…………………Cuts Magic by 522  (-7.4%)
Dex: 44
Agi: 29
Speed: 100……………………(Start: 12.5 CT from Turn, 102.8% Speed Turn 1)
Evade: -2% Scaled (26.9% Raw)...(22.1% (44.1%) w/ Patterned Shirt)
Craft Crit Rate: 5%
Craft Accuracy: 89%

Turn 2 Rush- Altair Cannon x 2, SCraft; 51441 Damage: 17147 x3; Damage Activates on 1.16, 2.05
Turn 2 Rush v2- Ragna Vortex, Altair Cannon, SCraft; 48897 Damage: 14603, 17147 x2; Damage Actives 1.16, 1.93
3 Turn Average- Ragna Vortex x 2, Altair Cannon, SCraft; 63500 Damage: 14603x2, 17147 x2; Damage Activates on 1.16, 1.93, 2.70
Holy Magic- Altair Cannon x 3, SCraft; 68588 Damage: 17147 x 4; Damage Activates on 1.16, 2.05, 2.94
Wind Magic- Ragna Vortex x 3, SCraft; 60956 Damage: 14603 x 3, 17147; Damage Activates on 1.16, 1.93, 2.70
Seal- 2413 Damage; Damage and Seal Activates on 0.97. 30 RT
Mute- 4422 Damage; Damage and Mute Activates on 0.97. 30 RT
-->Either Seal or Mute buys enough time to unleash the 3 Turn Average

Weapon: Exclude - +1125 Atk, 5% Crit (Stun Rod)
Armor: Gorgeous Gown .
Accessory (fixed): Quick Caliber - Halves all Arts casting time. Already factored.

Physical - 1115 Phys Damage, 20 RT

Wing Master Quartz Abilities
- Immune to all Status and Stat Downs
- +15% Evasion (already factored)
- +50% Magic Evasion

Ragna Vortex (270 EP)- 14603 Thunder/Wind Magic + 22.6% Seal (15% Base). 6 CT, 26 RT.
Air Strike (15 EP)- 4423 Wind Magic. 2 CT, 18 RT.
Holy Breath (90 EP)- Heals 7100 HP. 3 CT, 23 RT.
Breath (30 EP)- Heals 3550 HP. 2 CT, 20 RT.
Recuria (45 EP)- Status Healing. 2 CT, 20 RT
Curia (15 EP)- Status Healing. 2 CT, 20 RT.

Quartz (Set) - 2 Wind, 1 Space
Judgment Bolt (112 EP)- 9513 Thunder/Wind Magic. 5 CT, 23 RT.
Aerial (90 EP)- 7477 Wind Magic. 4 CT, 20 RT.
Altair Cannon (337 EP)- 17147 Space/Holy? Magic. 6 CT, 30 RT.
EP Cut 2- EP Cost down 25%
Chrono Drive**- Speed up 25% for 5 Turns, Stacks Once. 2 CT, 20 RT.

Double Strike (20 CP)- 2413 Phys Damage + 64.2% Seal + Cancel. SR. 30 RT.
>>>Seal’s hit rate is 51% at base and 57.1% considering Accuracy
Sphere Break (50 CP)- 4422 Magic Damage + 72.3% Mute + 93.2% ADF down 50%. 30 RT.
>>>Mute’s hit rate is 48.6% at base and 64.3% considering Accuracy
>>>ADF down’s hit rate is 59.2%% at base and 82.9% considering Accuracy

Rebellion Storm 2 (100 CP+)- 17147 Magic Damage. 40 RT.

HP: 16075…………………(91.1%)
EP: 1030
Atk: 2097
Def: 1659………………….Cuts Physicals by 114 (-1.6%)
ATS: 2053
ADF: 1960…………………Cuts Magic by 203 (-2.9%)
Dex: 46
Agi: 30
Speed: 90……………………(Start: 13.9 CT from Turn, 97.5% Speed Turn 1)
Evade: -18.5% Scaled (15% Raw)
Craft Crit Rate: 5%
Craft Accuracy: 91%

Turn 2 Rush- Ancient Glyph/Maelstorm x 3, S Craft; 47848 Damage: 14752x2 18344; Damage Activates on: 1.39, 2.5
3 Turn Average- Ancient Glyph/Maelstorm x 2, S Craft; 62600 Damage: 14752x3, 18344; Damage Activates on 1.39, 2.5, 3.57
Freeze- Crystal Flood x 3; 28857 Damage: 96169 x 3; Damage Activates on 1.33, 2.33, 3.3, Freeze Activates on 3.3 for 3 Turns
-->Freeze buys between 111-144 CT, more than enough for her Turn 2 Rush
-->Freeze does 60% MHP Damage over 4 Turns

Weapon: Polaris - +1135 Atk, 5% Crit, +5% (Magic Gun)
Armor: Crystal Dress .

Physical - 1920 Magic Damage. 22 CT

Sceptre Master Quartz Abilities
Crystal Flood (135 EP)- 9619 Ice/Water Magic + 22% Freeze (13.5% Base). 11 CT, 33 RT.
Hydro Cannon (82 EP)- 7566 Water Magic. 8 CT, 28 RT.
Frost Edge (45 EP)- 6026 Ice/Water Magic + 13.3% Freeze (8.9% Base). 6 CT, 26 RT.
Aqua Bleed (15 EP)- 4487 Water Magic. 5 CT, 25 RT.
Tearal (90 EP)- Heals 13786 HP. 5 CT, 27 RT.
Curia (15 EP)- Restores status conditions back to Normal. 3 CT, 23 RT.

Quartz (Set) - 2 Earth, 1 Water
Ancient Glyph (270 EP)- 14752 Earth Magic. 13 CT, 37 RT.
Yggdrasil (135 EP)- 9619 Earth Magic. 11 CT, 33 CT
Maelstrom (270 EP)- 14572 Water Magic. 13 CT, 37 RT.
EP Cut 2- Cuts Costs 25%
Earth Pulse (45 EP)**- Adds 20% HP Regen for 5 turns. 5 CT, 25 RT.
Adamantine Shield (225 EP)**- Nulls 1 Physical Attack. 11 CT, 33 RT.
Holy Breath**- Heals ~7000 HP, AoE. 6 CT, 28 RT.

Weakener (20 CP)- 100% Weaken status (Weak 50% to all elements) for 3 turns. 100% Hit Rate/ITE. 33 RT.
Energy Rain (40 CP)- Heals 25% Max HP and 25% Max EP. 33 CT

Rainbow Shot 2 (100 CP+)- 18344 Magic Damage. 44 RT.
...into the nightfall.


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Re: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 2- Dhyerviews
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2018, 12:51:03 AM »
Averages Could go here!
...into the nightfall.


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Re: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 2- Dhyerviews
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2018, 12:53:03 AM »
Unlisted Quartz Options
Other Quartz Options
Demonic Scythe (75 EP)- 5318 Time/Dark? Magic. 7 CT, 23 RT.
Soul Blur (37 EP)- 4007 Time/Dark? Magic. 5 CT, 21 RT.
Flare Bomb (150 EP)- 9913 Fire Magic + 20% Burn. 11 CT, 33 RT.
Volcanic Rain (112 EP)- 7725 Fire Magic + 30% Burn. 9 CT, 29 RT.
Flame Tongue (75 EP)- 5975 Fire Magic + 20% Burn. 7 CT, 25 RT.
Heatwave (37 EP)- 4663 Fire Magic + 30% Burn. 5 CT, 23 RT.

Other Quartz Options:
Grim Butterfly (150 EP)- 9913 Time/Dark? Magic + 50% Nightmare. 9 CT, 27 RT.
Demonic Scythe (75 EP)- 5319 Time/Dark? Magic + 30% ID. 7 CT, 23 RT.
Soul Blur (37 EP)- 4007 Time/Dark? Magic + 30% Faint. 5 CT, 21 RT.

Other Quartz Options:
Hydro Cannon (110 EP)- 6868 Water Magic. 8 CT, 31 RT.
Frost Edge (60 EP)- 5428 Ice/Water Magic + 20% Freeze. 6 CT, 25 RT.
Aqua Bleed (20 EP)- 3988 Water Magic. 5 CT, 24 RT.

Other Quartz Options:
Soul Blur (37 EP)- 5063 Time/Dark? Magic + 30% Faint. 6 CT, 22 RT.
Demonic Scythe (75 EP)- 6567 Time/Dark? Magic + 30% ID. 8 CT, 24 RT.
Grim Butterfly (150 EP)- 11833 Time/Dark? Magic + 50% Nightmare. 10 CT, 28 RT.

Other Quartz Options:
Dark Matter (82 EP)- 6923 Space/Holy? Magic. 9 CT, 29 RT.
Golden Sphere (37 EP)- 5364 Space/Holy? Magic + 30% Blind. 6 CT, 27 RT.
Crystal Flood (135 EP)- 9781 Ice/Water Magic + 30% Freeze. 11 CT, 34 RT.
Hydro Cannon (82 EP)- 7703 Water Magic. 9 CT, 29 RT.
Frost Edge (45 EP)- 6143 Ice/Water Magic + 20% Freeze. 6 CT, 27 RT.

Other Quartz Options:
Flare Bomb (150 EP)- 13070 Fire Magic + 20% Burn. 14 CT, 37 CT.
Volcanic Rain (112 EP)- 10356 Fire Magic + 30% Burn. 12 CT, 32 CT.
Flame Tongue (75 EP)- 8185 Fire Magic + 20% Burn. 9 CT, 29 CT.

Aerial (90 EP)- 5099 Wind Magic. 4 CT, 13 RT (6 CT, 20 RT).
Spark Arrow (45 EP)- 3811 Thunder/Wind Magic + 20% Seal. 3 CT, 12 RT (5 CT, 18 RT).
Air Strike (15 EP)- 2724 Wind Magic. 2 CT, 11 RT (4 CT, 17 RT).
Shadow Blade (337 EP)- 12618 Time/Dark? Magic. 6 CT, 20 RT (10 CT, 30 RT).
Soul Blur (37 EP)- 3318 Time/Dark? Magic + 30% Faint. 3 CT, 12 RT (5 CT, 18 RT)
Breath- Not worth it!

Other Quartz Options:
Judgment Bolt (112 EP)- 6606 Thunder/Wind Magic + 50% Seal. 10 CT, 30 RT.
Spark Arrow (45 EP)- 3857 Thunder/Wind Magic + 20% Seal. 6 CT, 23 RT.
Ancient Glyph (270 EP)- 10534 Earth Magic + 20% Petrify. 12 CT, 36 CT.
Grand Press (90 EP)- 5035 Earth Magic + 100% Mov Down 50%. 8 CT, 27 RT.
Earth Lance (45 EP)- 3857 Earth Magic + 20% Petrify- 6 CT, 25 RT.
Needle Shoot (22 EP)- 2679 Damage + 20% Petrify. 5 CT, 24 RT.

Other Quartz Options:
Cross Crusade (158 EP)- 18748 (11428) Space/Holy? Magic. 10 CT, 31 RT.
Dark Matter (82 EP)- 11062 (6304) Space/Holy? Magic + 100% Mov Down 50%. 8 CT, 27 RT.
Golden Sphere (37 EP)- 8866 (4840) Space/Holy? Magic + 30% Blind. 6 CT, 25 RT.

Other Quartz Options:
Hydro Cannon (82 EP)- 5613 Water Magic. 9 CT, 31 RT.
Frost Edge (45 EP)- 4352 Ice/Water Magic + 20% Freeze. 7 CT, 29 RT.
Aqua Bleed (15 EP)- 3092 Water Magic. 6 CT, 28 RT.
Flare Bomb (150 EP). 9395 Fire Magic + 20% Burn. 14 CT, 41 RT.
Volcanic Rain (112 EP)- 7294 Fire Magic + 30% Burn. 12 CT, 36 RT.
Flame Tongue (75 EP)- 5613 Fire Magic + 20% Burn. 9 CT, 31 RT.
Heatwave (37 EP)- 4352 Fire Magic + 30% Burn. 7 CT, 29 RT.

Other Quartz Options:
Phantom Phobia (158 EP)- 9628 Mirage Magic. 11 CT, 35 RT.
Silver Thorn (75 EP)- 5134 Mirage Magic + 40% Confuse. 9 CT, 30 RT.
Luminous Ray (37 EP)- 3850 Mirage Magic. 7 CT, 28 RT.

Other Quartz Options:
Silver Thorn (75 EP)- 5319 Mirage Magic + 40% Confuse. 9 CT, 31 RT.
Luminous Ray (37 EP)- 4006 Mirage Magic. 7 CT, 29 CT

Other Quartz Options:
Flare Bomb (150 EP)- 10880 Fire Magic + 20% Burn. 11 CT, 31 RT.
Volcanic Rain (112 EP)- 8531 Fire Magic + 30% Burn. 9 CT, 28 RT.
Flame Tongue (75 EP)- 6653 Fire Magic + 20% Burn. 7 CT, 24 RT.
Heatwave (37 EP)- 5243 Fire Magic + 30% Burn. 5 CT, 22 RT.
Fire Bolt (22 EP)- 3834 Fire Magic + 20% Burn. 4 CT, 21 RT.

Other Quartz Options:
Demonic Scythe (75 EP)- 6425 Time/Dark? Magic + 30% ID. 7 CT, 22 RT.
Soul Blur (37 EP)-4943 Time/Dark? Magic + 30% Faint. 5 CT, 20 RT.

Other Quartz Options
Spark Arrow (45 EP)- 5950 Thunder/Wind Magic + 20% Seal. 3 CT, 19 RT.
Cross Crusade (158 EP)- 12058 Space/Holy? Magic. 5 CT, 25 RT.
Dark Matter (82 EP)- 6713 Space/Holy? Magic + 100% Mov Down 50%. 4 CT, 22 RT.
Golden Sphere (37 EP)- 5186 Space/Holy? Magic + 30% Blind. 3 CT, 21 RT.

Other Quartz Options:
Grand Press (90 EP)- 7566 Earth Magic + 100% Mov Down 50%. 8 CT, 28 RT.
Earth Lance (45 EP)- 6026 Earth Magic + 20% Petrify. 6 CT, 26 RT.
Needle Shoot (15 EP) - 30 EP, 4487 Earth Magic + 20% Petrify. 5 CT, 25 RT.

LIST OF IN GAME VIABLE GEM OPTIONS PER EACH SLOT (Why I didn’t find any particular element to be super advantageous enough to really reward)
Impassion- 500 HP
Searing Sun Gem- Sol Eruption
Ingenuity- EP recovers while walking
Mars Gem- 80 Str, Purgatorial Flame
Fire Bell- Halves RT

Seal 2
Clear Moon Gem- Artemis Tears- Sets HP at 2x Max
Glittering Star Gem- Grail Burst- Gives self Double Act+Turn Shift for All Others
Wrath- Counter attacks always critical (meaning linked attacks?)

Adamantine Shield- 1000 HP
Acala Gem- 1000 HP, Ancient Glyph
Harvest Gem- 500 HP, Earth Pulse, Grand Press
Bell- Halves RT
Roaring Dragon Gem- Tempestuous Roar- Massive CP Gain
Glittering Star Gem- Grail Burst- Gives self Double Act+Turn Shift for All Others

Tearal- 1200 HP
Athelas- 80 EP
Bell- Halves RT
Freeze 2
Roaring Dragon Gem- Tempestuous Roar- Massive CP Gain
Clear Moon Gem- Artemis Tears- Sets HP at 2x Max
Flood- 800 HP, 80 EP, Tearal. Athelas, Crystal Flood
Waterfall- +10% Damage for every level foe is lower

Holy Breah- 600 HP, 6 Speed
Recuria- 600 HP
Searing Sun Gem- Sol Eruption
Zeus Gem- 6 Delay + Cancel
Bell- Halves RT
Sleep 2
Roaring Dragon Gem- Tempestuous Roar- Massive CP Gain

Shadow Blade- 9 Spd
Grim Butterfly- 7 Speed
Demonic Scythe- 5 Speed
Soul Blur- 3 Spd
Chrono Burst- 8 Spd
Chrono Drive/Break- 4 Spd
Reaper- 5 Speed, Frost Edge, Spark ARrow, Demonic Scythe
Impede 2
Impede 1
Bell- Halves RT
Nightmare 2
Divine Salvation Gem- Lost Eden (Breaks STR/ATS 50%)
Glittering Star Gem- Grail Burst- Gives self Double Act+Turn Shift for All Others

Claimoh Solarion- 100 EP
Hades- 2x first Mag
Chakravarti Gem- (300 EP + Crescent Mirror + Saintly Force)
Brahma Ge- Claimoh Solarion + 80 ATS
Bell- Halves RT
Divine Salvation Gem- Lost Eden (Breaks STR/ATS 50%)
Clear Moon Gem- Artemis Tears- Sets HP at 2x Max

Altair Cannon- 1000 HP
Shining- Acc 50%
Seraphic Ring- 1500 HP, 150 EP
Seraph- 150 EP, Shining/Seraphic Ring
Searing Sun Gem- Sol Eruption
Divine Salvation Gem- Lost Eden (Breaks STR/ATS 50%)
Domination-2x first Phys
EP Cut 1
EP Cut 2
Deus Gem- Ep Costs down 33%
Bell- Halves RT
Vanish 2

Glittering Star Gem- Grail Burst- Gives self Double Act+Turn Shift for All Others
...into the nightfall.


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Re: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 2- Dhyerviews
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2018, 01:00:16 AM »
Everything in this topic except for averages is now up. If you are reading this and want to know the most relevant part of this topic, it is the strategies sections, which outlines 1-4 combinations of moves characters can use in order to make it easier to figure out what characters can do. Because these are so crucial, I am including them all here in one post!

Turn 1 Rush- Valimar's Heavenly Slash = 44000 Damage; Damage Activates at 0.96
Turn 2 Rush- Valimar's Lustrous Slash + Heavenly Slash = 60000 Damage: 16000, 44000; Damage Activates at 0.96, 1.31
Valimar's Best 3 Turn- Valimar's Lustrous Slash, Physical, Heavenly Slash = 69300 Damage: 16000, 9300, 44000; Damage Activates at 0.96, 1.31, 1.63
Delay- Between 13 castings of Impassion and True Arc Slash only costing 10 net CP to me (15 if the attack misses), this generate enough CP for...115 True Arc Slashes (enough to kill even super durable bosses should they be fully susceptible to Delay)

Note: If Alisa doesn't have CP for SCraft before dying (aka: already used her SCraft), the initiative on the post-Death SCraft will put her at 1 CT before the enemy, so even if the enemy 2HKOs her, they'll likely get those 2 hits while she waits for the S-Craft Recovery.

Damage Chains (OHKOed by Faster) - Dies, Purgatorial Flame, SCraft, Dies SCraft = 76162 Damage: 20008, 28077 x2; Damage Activates on 1.33, then Initiative
Damage Chains (OHKOed by Super Slow) - Purgatorial Flame, SCraft x3 = 94913 Damage: 20008, 18751, 28077 x 2; Damage Activates on 1.33 and then effectively initiative after first death
>>>Enemy must be slower than 75% Speed for Purgatorial Flame to go off.
Damage Chains (2HKOed by Faster) - Purgatorial Flame->SCraft, Repeated Twice = 134929 Damage: 20008, 18751, 20008, 28077, 20008, 28077; Damage activates on 1.33, 2.9, 4.49
>>>Against many speeds, will have time to fit in another spell. Best option is to make the final rush Altair Cannon->Purgatorial Flame->Scraft, adding in 17428 Damage. Damage activates on 4.49, 5.21
>>>Enemy has to be very fast (~145%+!) to avoid this combo
3 Turn Average- Cross Crusade, Altair Cannon, Purgatorial Flame, SCraft = 68422
Damage: 12268, 17428, 20008, 18718; Damage Activates at 1.27, 1.93, 2.64

3 Turn Average (w/ EP Cut)- Spark Arrow, Purgatorial Flame x 2 = 70230 Damage; 9296 + 30467 x 2; Damage Activates on    1.22, 2.17, 3.39
Delay Zeitgeist- Detector Gamma x 3 + Impassion + Detector Gamma x 5 + Impassion + Detector Gamma x 5....->This combo buys 208 CT on this and more could be chained together. Delay starts activating at 1.05
-->Enough EP remains for 12 Spark Arrows (111552 Damage), 15 Luminous Rays (121785 Damage)

Turn 2 Rush- Altair Cannon/Shadow Blade x2, SCraft = 46698: 14288 x2, 18122; Damage Activates on 1.33, 2.41
3 Turn Average- Altair Cannon/Shadow Blade x2, Dragon Boost, SCraft = 57798: 14288 x 2, 29222; Damage Activates on 1.33, 2.41, 3.12
Faint Turn 1***- Zero Impact, Altair Cannon/Shadow Blade, SCraft = 53313: 4248, 21432, 27633; Damage Activates on 0.98, 2.2, Stun Activates on 0.98
***If enemy is in speed range ~90.9-101.6% (or the very fast), this combo will only do 36658
Faint Turn 2***- Altair Cannon/SB, Zero Impact, Altair Cannon/SB, SCraft =67601: 14288, 4248, 21432, 27633; Damage Activates 1.33, 2.05, 3.27, Stun activates 1.99
***If enemy is in speed range 91.7-97.5% (or the very fast), combo will only do 50946 (She can trade some damage for speed)
Insight- Shining, Altair Cannon/Shadow Blade x2, Dragon Boost, SCraft = 57798: 14288 x 2, 29222; Damage Activates 2.02, 3.1, 3.8; Insight Activates 1.13
Insight+Faint***- Shining, Altair Cannon/SB, Zero Impact, Altair Cannon/SB, SCraft = 67601: 14288, 4248, 21432, 27633; Damage Activates 2.02, 2.73, 3.95; Insight Activates 1.13, Faint Activates 2.73
***If enemy is in speed range 101.3%-109.9%, combo will only do 50946
Faint + Str Boost***- Altair Cannon/SB, Dragon Boost, Zero Impact, Altair Cannon/SB, SCraft = 85925: 14288, 6372, 21432, 43833; Damage Activates 1.33, 2.91, 4.13, Stun Activates 2.91
***Requires Angelica to be attacked twice prior to Zero Impact
***Strategy doesn't work against those between 96.8%-103.1% Speed or the very fast

Turn 2 Rush- Altair Cannon x2, SCraft = 49669: 15988 x 2, 17693, Damage Activates on 1.36, 2.5
3 Turn Average- Cross Crusade, Altair Cannon x2, SCraft = 60867: 11188, 15988 x 2, 17693, Damage Activates on 1.3, 2.29, 3.42
Water Damage- Maelstorm x 3, SCraft = 58457 Damage: 13588 x 3, 17693, Damage Activates on 1.36, 2.44, 3.5
Instant Death- Mortal Mirage x 2, ID Activates on 1.93
Freeze- Frigid Rain = 3508 Damage. Damage and Freeze Activates on 1.01
>>>Freeze buys between 69-102 CT, enough for the Turn 2 Rush or an ID combo (3 Turn takes 81 CT)
>>>Freeze does 45% MHP Damage over 3 Turns

Turn 2 Rush- Maelstorm, Shadow Blade, SCraft = 46114 Damage: 14340, 16848, 14926; Damage Activates on 1.33, 2.02
3 Turn Average- Maelstorm x 2, Shadow Blade, SCraft = 60454 Damage: 14340 x 3, 16848, 14926; Damage Activates on 1.33, 2.02, 2.7
Dark Magic- Shadow Blade x3, SCraft = 65470 Damage: 16848 x 3, 14926; Damage Activates on 1.33, 2.41, 3.48
Water Magic- Maelstorm x 3, SCraft = 57946 Damage: 14340 x 3, 14926; Damage Activates on 1.33, 2.02, 2.7
Freeze- Crystal Flood x3 = 27975 Damage: 9325 x 3; Damage Activates on 1.28, 1.88, 2.47; Freeze Activates on 63
-->Freeze buys between 122-155 CT, more than enough for any listed combo and then some (at least 89134 Damage)
-->Freeze does 60% MHP Damage over 4 turns

Turn 2 Rush- Altair Cannon x 2, SCraft = 46214 Damage: 17577 x 2, 11080; Damage Activates 1.42, 2.62
3 Turn Average- Altair Cannon x 3, SCraft = 63811 Damage: 17577 x 3, 11080; Damage Activates 1.42, 2.62, 3.8
Water Magic- Maelstorm x 3, Scraft = 56017 Damage: 14979 x 3, 11080; Damage Activates 1.42, 2.56 3.69
ATK/ATS Down- Detector Alpha, Teara, Altair Cannon x2, SCraft = 46214 Damage: 17577 x2, 11080; Damage Activates on 3.18, 4.37, Stat Downs Activates on 1.04, Healing Activates on 2.17
>>>Instead of SCraft on turn 5, could just spam healing until 200 CP and gain 5540 more damage
ATK/ATS Down v2- Detector Alpha, Teara, Altair Cannon, Detector Alpha, Altair Cannon, Teara, Altair Cannon, SCraft = 63811 Damage: 17577 x3, 11080
Damage Activates on 3.18, 5.39, 7.32 Stat Downs Activates on 1.04, 3.98, Healing Activates on 2.17, 6.31
>>>If enemy is between 82-109.3% speed, all attacks but last before Elliot's final move will be under ATK/ATS Down
>>>If enemy slower than 82% speed, then all attacks will be under ATK/ATS Down
>>>Could speed things up a little by replacing one Altair Cannon with a less damaging, but faster move
Sleep***- Altair Cannon, Blue Lullaby, Altair Cannon, SCraft = 57787 Damage: 17577, 2764, 26366, 11080; Damage Activates 1.42, 2.23, 3.24, Sleep Activates on 2.23
***If Sleep hits on the first try
Confuse Initiative- SCraft, Altair Cannon, Altair Cannon = 46214: 11080, 17577 x 2; Damage Activates on 0.86***, 2.58, 3.78, Confuse Activates on 0.86***
***Initiative Scrafts actually activate on the CT of the fastest person on the field. I’m calling this 9 CT (0.86 turns) to create the timing
Confuse Turn 1- Altair Cannon, SCraft, Altair Cannon, Altair Cannon = 63811 Damage: 17577, 11080, 17577 x 2; Damage Activates 1.42, 3.15, 4.34, Confuse Activates 1.42

Turn 1 Rush- Claimoh Solaris x 2, SCraft = 42422 Damage: 21211 x 2; Damage Activates on 1.48
Turn 2 Rush- Claimoh Solaris x 2, SCraft = 63633 Damage: 21211 x 3; Damage Actiavates on 1.48, 2.35
Turn 2 Rush v2- Crescent Mirror, Cloaimoh Solaris, Scraft = 54634 Damage: 27317 x 2; Damage Activates on 2.24
3 Turn Average- Claimoh Solaris x 3, Scraft = 84844 Damage: 21211 x 4.; Damage Activates on 1.48, 2.35, 3.21
ATS Down- Ethereal Edge, 4317, Damage and ATS occurs on 1.08
-->Emma effectively has 63-96 CT before enemy attacks without ATS Down. This is enough for the Turn 2 Rushes, and 3 Turn needs 80 CT.
Confuse Loop?- Silver Thorn x 80- 7371 x 80, Damage Activates on 1.33, 1.93, 2.52, 3.12, 3.72, 4.31, Confuse Activates on 1.93, 3.12, 4.31

3 Turn Average- Grim Butterfly, Ragna Vortex x 2, SCraft = 47421 Damage, Final Damage activates on 2.05
Sufficient Damage to Kill- Demonic Scythe, Grim Butterfly x 4, SCraft = 56228 Damage, Final Damage activates on 2.8
Faint/ID (EP Cut) - Chrono Burst->Scud Wing x 2, Chrono Burst->Scud Wing x 2;  Faint Activates on 0.93, ID Activates on 1.3, .15 Turn Delay Activates Twice on 0.93
Faint/ID (Impeded) - Chrono Burst->Scud Wing x2, Scud Wing x 2; Faint Activates on 0.93, ID Activates on 1.6, .27 Turn Delay Activates Twice at 0.93, Once at 1.3
ID (Magic) - Chrono Burst->Demonic Scythe, Demonic Scythe x 2; ID activates on  1.8

Turn 2 Rush- Ragna Vortex x2, S Craft = 39090 Damage: 10534 x 2, 18022; Damage Activates on 1.25, 2.11
3 Turn Average- Aerial, Ragna Vortex x2, S Craft = 44125 Damage: 5035, 10534 x 2, 18022; Damage Activates on 1.25, 2.11, 3.12
Sufficient Damage to Kill- Air Strike x 3 + Aerial x 5 + Scraft = 56269 Damage; Final Damage Activates on 6.19
Sufficient Damage to Kill w/ Enemy Action***- Aerial x 6 + SCraft = 57243 Damage; Final Damage Activates on 5.15
***Requires Gaius either taking 2 hits or evading 2 hits

Note: If he uses 3 Spells, I'm assuming that the weakest one will crit
Turn 1 Rush- Altair Cannon, SCraft = 44051 Damage: 26068 + 17983; Damage Activates on 1.36
Turn 2 Rush- Power- Ragna Vortex, Altair Cannon, SCraft = 66457 Damage: 22406 + 26068 + 17983; Damage Activates on 1.36, 2.05
 Turn 2 Rush- Speed- Aerial, Altair Cannon, SCraft =55711 Damage: 12160, 26068, 17483; Damage Activates on 1.25, 1.84
3 Turn Average- Ragna Vortex x 2, Altair Cannon, SCraft = 100068 Damage: 22407, 33610, 26068, 17983; Damage Activates on 1.36, 2.05, 2.73
Seal (Magic) - Judgement Bolt x 2= 30176 Damage: 15088 x 2; Damage Activates on at 1.3 and 1.9; Seal Activates on at 1.9
>>>Seal buys 123-157 CT, which is enough to do any of the above combos + more
Seal (Tech) - Treasure Sword, Ragna Vortex, Altair Cannon, SCraft = 70663 Damage: 4195, 22406, 26068, 17983; Damage Activates on 1, 2.28, 2.97, Seal Activates on 1
Seal (SCraft)- Initiative- SCraft, Ragna Vortex, Altair Cannon = 66457 Damage; Damage Activates on 0.84***, 2.47, 3.18, Seal Activates on 0.84***
***If enemy is faster than Jusis, Jusis can open with SCraft that is 1 CT faster than the enemy’s speed (or in game, 1 CT faster than whoever goes first). I’m basing this off 9 CT (116.5% Turn 1)
 Seal (SCraft)-Turn 1- Altair Cannon, SCraft, Ragna Vortex, Altair Cannon- 100068 Damage; Damage Activates on 1.36, 2.97, 3.66, Seal Activates on 1.36

Turn 1 Rush- Purgatorial Flame, SCraft = 51058 Damage: 15699, 35359; Damage Activates on at 1.48
Turn 2 Rush- Power- Purgatorial Flame x 2, SCraft = 66757 Damage: 15699 x 2, 35959; Damage Activates on at 1.48, 2.76
Turn 2 Rush- Speed- Purgatorial Flame, Armor Breaker, SCraft= 58811 Damage: 15699, 7753, 35959; Damage Activates on at 1.48, 2.34
3 Turn Average- Purgatorial Flame x2, Armor Breaker, SCraft= 74510 Damage: 15699 x2, 7753, 35959; Damage Activates on at 1.48, 2.76, 3.63
Evade- Radiant Wings, Purgatorial Flame x 2, SCraft=66757 Damage; Damage Activates on at 59, 102; Evade increases at 1.07
Mute- Radiant Blade=2495 Damage; Mute Activates on at 1.07
>>>Mute buys 64-97 CT (Sufficient for the first version of the Two Turn Rush, which takes 57 CT)

Turn 2 Rush- Claimoh Solaris x 2, SCraft = 47819 Damage: 16048 x 2, 17523; Damage Activates on 1.45, 2.7
3 Turn Average- Grand Press, Ancient Glyph, Claimoh Solaris, SCraft = 49316 Damage: 5778, 11767, 16048, 15723; Damage Activates on 1.3, 2.26, 3.54
3 Turn Alternate- Power- Mail Breaker, Claimoh Solaris x 2, SCraft = 51133 Damage: 3314, 16048, 16048, 15723; Damage Activates on 1.06, 2.5, 3.74
Sufficient Damage to Kill***- Grand Press, Yggdrasil x 4, SCraft = 59314 Total Damage, Final Damage Activates on 5.38
***Requires Machias to gain 40 CP from being attacked (4 attacks)
Stone (Tech) - Petrification Shell x 3; Petrify Activates on 3.12
Stone (Mag) - Yggdrasil x 5; Petrify Activates on 5.53

Turn 2 Rush- Speed- Ancient Glyph, Claimoh Solaris, S Craft = 47533 Damage: 12100, 14288, 21145; Damage Activates on 1.48, 2.32
Turn 2 Rush- Power- Claimoh Solaris x 2, SCraft = 49721 Damage: 14288 x 2, 21145; Damage Activates on 1.48, 2.76
3 Turn Average- Yggdrasil, Ancient Glyph, Claimoh Solaris, SCraft = 55258 Damage: 7725, 12100, 14288, 21145; Damage Activates on 1.42, 2.2, 3.03
Faint Turn 1***- Megaton Press, Ancient Glyph, Claimoh Solaris, SCraft = 58183 Damage: 4600, 18150, 14288, 21145; Damage Activates on 1.07, 2.56, 3.39; Stun Activates on 1.07
***This full combo works against those between 93.4-117.2% Speed and those slower than 78.1% Speed
***Could substitute a faster spell for Ancient Glyph and potentially best faster PCs who are frailer.
Faint Turn 2 v1***- Ancient Glyph, Megaton Press, Claimoh Solaris, SCraft=69860 Damage: 12100, 4600, 21432, 31718; Damage Activates on 1.48, 1.9, 3.39; Stun Activates on 1.9
***In order to take advantage of 1.5 damage boost from stun, Millium wants Stun to activate right after the enemy moves. If Stun is right before enemy moves, Claimoh Solaris + SCraft won't get 1.5 x bonus (hence the combo below, which is less damaging and slower)
Faint Turn 2 v2- Phantom Phobia, Megaton Press, Claimoh Solaris, SCraft=67673 Damage: 9913, 4600, 21432, 31718; Damage Activates on 1.42, 2.14, 3.63; Stun Activates on 2.14
Stone- Yggdrasil x 5; Petrify Activates on 4.28

 Turn 1 Stun Rush***- Purgatorial Flame, SCraft, Purgatorial Flame = 66187 Damage; 17927, 21280, 26980. Damage Activates on 1.27, 2.74, Stun Activates on 1.27
***If enemy is faster than 109.5% or between 73-78.7% speed, combo will only do 57134
>>>Sara can use Judgment Bolt after this, which will go off on 3.63. If enemy is slower than 110.2%, this will go off before they get a chance to act post stun.
Turn 2 Rush- Power- Purgatorial Flame x 2, SCraft = 57134 Damage: 17927 x 2, 21280; Damage Activates on 1.27, 2.25
Turn 2 Rush- Speed- Ragna Vortex, Purgatorial Flame, SCraft = 52436 Damage; Damage Activate 1.25, 2.14
3 Turn Average- Judgement Bolt, Purgatorial Flame x2, SCraft = 65665 Damage: 8531, 17927 x 2, 21280; Damage Activates on 1.22, 2.05, 3.03
Wind Magic- Ragna Vortex x3, SCraft = 60967 Damage: 13229 x 3, 21280; Damage Activates on
Atk/Speed Up- Lightning Charge, Purgatorial Flame x 2, SCraft = 69813 Damage: 17927 x 2, 33959. Damage Activates on 1.99, 2.65, Insight Activates on 0.95
Stun Turn 2 v1***- Air Strike, Lightning Charge, Scraft, Purgatorial Flame = 64683 Damage: 3834, 33959, 26890; Damage Activates on 1.16, 1.6, 2.52; Stun Activates on 34
***Requires Sara to be attacked once prior to turn 2 activation
Stun Turn 2 v2***- Lightning Charge, Purgatorial Flame, SCraft, Purgatorial Flame = 78766: 17927, 33959, 26890; Damage Activates on 1.99, 2.9, Stun Activates on 1.99, Insight Activates on 0.95
***Requires Sara to be attacked once prior to turn 2 activation
Stun Turn 3- Lightning Charge, Air Strike, Purgatorial Flame, SCraft, Purgatorial Flame = 82610 Damage: 3834, 17927, 33959, 26980. Damage Activates on 1.87, 2.35, 83, Stun Activates on 2.35, Insight Activates on 0.94
Attack Down- Thunder Vortex = 3248 Damage. Damage and Attack Down Activates on 0.94
-->Attack down buys 72-105 CT (Sufficient for the 3 Turn Average).
Seal (Magic)- Judgement Bolt x 2 = 17062 Damage: 8531 x 2. Damage Activates on 1.21, 2.08. Seal Activates on 2.08
-->Seal Buys 116-150 CT (Sufficient for Basically any combo + More)
Seal (Tech)- Thunder Roar = 2966 Damage. Damage, Seal and Speed Down activate 0.94
-->Seal buys 72-105 CT (Sufficient for the 3 Turn Average)

Turn 2 Rush- Claimoh Solaris x 2, SCraft = 58573 Damage: 19029 x 2, 20515; Damage activate on 1.27, 2.25
3 Turn Average- Luminous Ray, Claimoh Solaris x 2, SCraft = 63516 Damage: 4943, 19029 x 2, 20515; Damage Activates on 1.07, 1.81, 2.79
Fortuna- Fortuna, Claimoh Solaris x 2, S Craft- Grim Butterfly x 2, Claimoh Solaris, SCraft = 69687 Damage: 24586 x 2, 20515; Damage Activates on 1.9, 2.88
Magic + Nightmare- Grim Butterfly x 2 = 32230 Damage: 11615 x 2; Damage Activates on 1.22, 1.96, Nightmare Activates 1.96
>>>Nightmare buys time for Fortuna x 2, Claimoh Solaris, SCraft (65731 Damage)
Seal + Others- Binding Chains- 3868 Damage; Damage and Seal Activates on 0.95
Confuse- Silver Thorn x 11, Scraft = 91190 Damage; Confuse Activates on 1.87
Nightmare SCraft Initiative- SCraft, Fortuna, Fortuna, Claimoh Solaris = 65731 Damage: 20515, 45216; Damage Activates 0.86***, 3.53; Nightmare Activates 0.86***
***Initiative Scrafts actually activate on the CT of the fastest person on the field. I’m calling this 9 CT (0.86 turns) to create the timing
>>>Useful against those who halve ID (or even halve status period since I'll still likely see Nightmare hitting turn 1 thanks to the random status procs)

Turn 2 Rush- Altair Cannon x 2, SCraft; 51441 Damage: 17147 x3; Damage Activates on 1.16, 2.05
Turn 2 Rush v2- Ragna Vortex, Altair Cannon, SCraft; 48897 Damage: 14603, 17147 x2; Damage Actives 1.16, 1.93
3 Turn Average- Ragna Vortex x 2, Altair Cannon, SCraft; 63500 Damage: 14603x2, 17147 x2; Damage Activates on 1.16, 1.93, 2.70
Holy Magic- Altair Cannon x 3, SCraft; 68588 Damage: 17147 x 4; Damage Activates on 1.16, 2.05, 2.94
Wind Magic- Ragna Vortex x 3, SCraft; 60956 Damage: 14603 x 3, 17147; Damage Activates on 1.16, 1.93, 2.70
Seal- 2413 Damage; Damage and Seal Activates on 0.97. 30 RT
Mute- 4422 Damage; Damage and Mute Activates on 0.97. 30 RT
-->Either Seal or Mute buys enough time to unleash the 3 Turn Average

Turn 2 Rush- Ancient Glyph/Maelstorm x 3, S Craft; 47848 Damage: 14752x2 18344; Damage Activates on: 1.39, 2.5
3 Turn Average- Ancient Glyph/Maelstorm x 2, S Craft; 62600 Damage: 14752x3, 18344; Damage Activates on 1.39, 2.5, 3.57
Freeze- Crystal Flood x 3; 28857 Damage: 96169 x 3; Damage Activates on 1.33, 2.33, 3.3, Freeze Activates on 3.3 for 3 Turns
-->Freeze buys between 111-144 CT, more than enough for her Turn 2 Rush
-->Freeze does 60% MHP Damage over 4 Turns
« Last Edit: January 14, 2020, 10:09:07 AM by Dhyerwolf »
...into the nightfall.